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My Father's Visit After Death


It all started on June 20 2004 on my daughter's fourth birthday. The day before my husband had mentioned to me that my father was stupid and selfish for not thinking of his kids, since my father had committed suicide 3 years prior. Before my father committed suicide he was trying to repent for all the bad things he had done in his life. He had murdered people and harmed many others including my mother. My sister always told us that my father would walk down the street at night saying, "They are after me, please help; don't let them take me." see my father had been a devil worshiper, that is what his family had taught him as a child. Well back to what happened that night.

I had gone to my mother's house to celebrate my daughter's birthday. 30 minutes after my husband called saying, "what time are you coming home?" Since he had stayed home that night. 20 minutes after he called again asking the same question, I just told him to be patient and hung up. My surprise when I got home 3 hours after, just to find him on the couch in the fetal position, all the windows and blinds were open, the TV was on full blast, all the lights were on. I was surprised to find him in that state since he wasn't the type to scare easily. He claimed that he heard a light bulb explode in the bathroom and when he checked it was fine, so he thought it was just in his mind. When he sat back down to continue watching TV, he heard the noise again but only this time it was worse and in all the rooms in the apartment. He quickly went to check and to his surprise everything was normal nothing had busted, when he was going back to the living room he felt a very cold breeze pass through him, (see this was impossible in California specially being summer time). He turned around trying to run and an 8 pound frame that I had with a picture of my father in the middle of a table fell to the floor with the bible that was in front of it, nothing else moved just the frame and bible.

To me that was unbelievable, reason being the frame was surrounded by other objects. That same night when we went to bed we started hearing dragging noises on the roof of the apartment, our neighbors heard it too, so my husband got the nerves to go outside and check who was up there, and there was nobody on the roof. The noises continued for 2 months and everyday that passed by I became more depressed and suicidal, until one day my husband told my mother what was going on and she suggested that my husband apologise for what he had said, finally when he did, that same night as I was sleeping I felt someone standing in front of me I was so terrified to open my eyes that I tried to feel for my husband but couldn't (since I have the ability to see people that are no longer in this world, and still don't get used to it). When I finally got the nerve to open my eyes, I was so surprised to find out it was my father. He said nothing, he just stood there looking at me and smiled and that was it he was gone, since that day the noises stopped. I have seen and felt him around me at moments specially when I'm down but that's it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chocolata, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

JazzRaym (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
wow cool...,I think he came to see you one last time, before he goes forever.
caracooldevil (9 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-01)
wow, 😨 I'm not going to sleep at night, a similar thing happened to my friend! ❤ I loved it! ❤
chocolata (2 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-11)
my father had been dead for 3 years
And he did not only made his presence known to me but to the whole family, until today he still comes around. The noises only stopped after my husband apologized.
pinkyred77 (5 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-26)
Because her husband said something bad about her dad. Obviously, her Dad didn't like it. I think that is scary. Your Dad is still very active on the physical world that time. How long has he been dead that time? I hope you don't mind me asking. Nice story by the way...
musicgrrl104 (28 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-22)
great story. But why should your husbnd apologize? At least the noises have stopped.
yellowbelle (3 stories) (20 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-22)
wow... At least now he knows all is well and left. Good story.:)
XxL4L0xX (2 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-22)
woww. Well now he's at peace with everything. 😊 and I'm sure that you are too

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