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The Random Red Ribbon And Babies


This story will be short, and I'm just asking if this means anything or was it done by something. I can barely remember the incident as well, so I can't give out too much detail. I was around four years old when it happened.

Carrington House

Our house was a two story and the second part overlooked most of the first floor of the house, so you could see people walking up the stairs, or walking through a hallway to one of four rooms.

My mom and I were in the living room of our house when our neighbor knocked on the door. We answered it and let her come in. She just wanted to talk to pass time until her husband came home. I just remember listening to them talk while sitting on the floor. I don't really remember doing much at all. I remember though all of a sudden I heard my mom give out a loud gasp and then the other lady did one as well and their eyes were huge.

I looked up. I saw a red ribbon coming down from the second story of the house. But it wasn't just floating down however which way it wanted, it was coming down in a perfect spiral. I had tons of ribbons because my mom always put my hair in bows. But all of the ribbons were located upstairs in her bathroom. And we were the only three in the house. My dad was at work and my siblings weren't even around yet.

Could that have just been a fluke, just randomly happen? It has always puzzled me. Nothing else ever happened weird in the house that I can remember. I know I was always scared to sleep in my room because of glass figurines of babies in my room. I always swore they turned their heads to stare at me at night, but they were probably just my imagination even though I swear they no longer did that after we moved.

What do you guys think?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, devster5000, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

angelchic10189 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-25)
It was evil demons tormenting your mother and your neighbor. Also, I experienced dolls turning their heads staring at me too. My aunt and uncle gave me a doll when I was a child. The doll had life-like eyes and no matter how many times I turned her head somehow it stood upright staring at me. I thought mom was placing the doll in the position that scared me because she is a neat freak. Later on I told her my doll stared at me especially at night. She thought I was playing around but honestly it did. The doll was kept in my moms' car after we moved in with my grandmother. One night during a tornado watch a tree fell breaking the front window. Over time the rain eventually ruined the doll and it was thrown away. Thus, never to be seen again. It is also good to throw away things you think may be drawing evil demons to you/your family/friends/neighbors/even enemies because they (evil demons) attach themselves to material things as well as music.

If it ever happens again say "God protect me in Jesus name." Also, say "The blood of Jesus is against you satan." Eventually, it'll stop. This is not the only incident that happened to me. I had problems with evil demons having sex with me in the past. It started when I was a child and progressed into my late teens. ((People on here written experiences of demons having sex or tried to have sex with them.)) One night when the evil demon tried to have sex with me I called on the name of Jesus and it went away. I started anointing my bed, bedroom door and door knob praying to God to keep evil demons away from me as I sleep during the night. Also, I pray a prayer of protection at night and in the morning to God believing God will protect me from evil demons trying to torment me. Keep asking God to protect you and say "The Blood Of Jesus Is Against You Satan." It is very, very, very important that you believe Jesus will protect you. If you don't believe they will not leave. You have to believe in your heart that Jesus have power over the enemy. Do you know Psalms 23? If not, here it is... It will help greatly. Read it whenever you feel afraid.

PSALMS 23:1-6 -- "THE Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. Amen."

If you need to talk more my email is, aaron.teresa [at] yahoo.com

Take care and God bless.

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