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The Incubus Is Back


It's back. The incubus (thing) is back. I didn't believe it myself at first, but now I'm a 100% positive.

Or rather, it comes and goes as it pleases.

A few months back I was asleep on our couch (that's where I sleep now) and woke up already paralyzed. My eyes were closed but I could see through them. It's like an Out of Body Experience without actually leaving the body, or better, it's like you can see with your third eye (people who experienced such a thing will surely understand what I mean).

This "waking up" happens like 2 or 3 times a month to me so I didn't panic. Usually when it happens I take a "look" around our room and then go back to sleep. I NEVER have any kind of hallucinations during such events (I mentioned this because I already know some people will say it was a hallucination, I can assure you - it wasn't).

Anyway, when I "woke up" I could see that I was lying on my back (I always fall asleep on my stomach).Also, the lights and the TV were on (I developed the habit of leaving them on after the first events with this entity stopped).

After a few moments I could feel that something was there in the room with me, I could actually feel it's presence on my left side. So I decided to focus on my left side and saw what looked like a see through mass standing (well, more like floating) right next to me. Nothing scary (sorry to disappoint you).

Even though it was see through I could tell that it was moving. I couldn't make out any shapes, I didn't smell anything, didn't hear anything so I didn't think much of it.

Until it touched my left breast in an "oh so familiar" way. That's when I freaked out and fought back. Eventually it left and I was able to move again. I opened my eyes and looked around but it was gone.

For a second I thought "Did this actually happen, or was it a nightmare?",but,when I looked at the TV I saw the same show that I saw while paralyzed (it wouldn't mean anything if I knew the show, but I didn't, it starts somewhere after 1 am and I'm usually asleep until then) and when I woke up I really was lying on my back and in the exact position I saw myself while paralyzed (my arms were exactly where I saw them, my head was at the exact same angle and so on).

After that incident nothing happened for more than a month.

Then one night it happened again, when I "woke up" I saw the same mass standing right in front of me. It's like it wanted me to see it. I remember thinking "Don't even think about it! Go away!", and amazingly enough it went away. Seconds later I actually woke up, but yet again saw nothing in the room.

Las time it came was a few days ago. This time I wasn't even asleep yet, meaning I was lying on my stomach and after a while I felt its presence. Just like I always do right before it makes "its move" on me. Only this time I got up and went to sleep half an hour later, nothing happened that time.

There's a new thing I noticed. When I got up (the third encounter) it was really hard to stay awake. After 1-2 minutes I was fine, but when I just got up I felt like I was slightly tranquilized by "it" and the effect needed a few minutes to wear off.

No I wasn't sleepy yet, I was just lying in bed waiting to get tired enough to fall asleep. So I know that he made me sleepy and a little weak.

I really felt like a guy slipped a rape drug into my drink so I can't fight back as hard (or at all) while he does his thing. I think this is proof that this particular entity isn't all that good... Or at all good. Although I'm pretty lucky that it isn't aggressive or violent. At least for now.

I really really really want to get rid of it for good, please help me!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Easy20, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

gods_child (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-24)
great storie I hope it all works out 4 you ❤:) :):):):):):):):)):):):):)):)
Walter_R (1 stories) (81 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-04)
Well if your still around, I have read both of your stories and I understand what your going through. How ever I've near had a sex demon bother me.

1. Get a cross and hang it on the wall.
2. Get a Bible and set it near your bed.
3. Pray to God every time before you go to bed.
4. Pray in your mind if the sex demon shows up.

Take care,

Walter 😁
vukk (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
we all can find really realistic explenation for all strange things that are happening to us. And we almost allways do, sleep paralysis ect,...but there must be more than that, it could be... In sterile medical language it sounds like something normal... Your mind is tricking you... But... What I think... We know really litlle about our mind. About reallity.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
If a humble Bokor and exorcist may offer his professional oppinion, I have a solution to your entity problem Sage the house lay down, salt barriers at your door bed couch or anywere you are likely to sleep, if that does not work I recomend keeping wild roses in your house if this is not possible I sugest a bath with an infusion of holy water rose petals ginger and salt mixed in.

Sage: Eliminates negitive energy thus making it harder for the spirit to reach you
Salt: provides a protective barrier
Wild roses: The struggle for life these flowers go through embues them with a powerfull life energy wich drives away molevolent spirits
The infusion: will combine these powerfull purifying agents in order to make you untouchable by said incubus

Please inform me if I can be of any further assistance, Good luck and may the gods bless and protect you

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
Findaway (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-20)
Easy,it looks like you left but I'm going to say this anyway.
I read all your other stories and I can see why you got upset.
As far as I can tell from the comments everyone pretty much ignored other things that happened to you and repeated information you claim to have already known. That would anger anyone.
I'm not an expert so I'm not going to be of much help, but I definitely think something is happening in your home.
The only advice I can give you is get your house blessed.
Good luck with everything. ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Easy, I have not come back to start an argument or agree or disagree its mostly for others that may be reading this thread... Just have a read on wet dreams and women who are highly sexually charged... It was one of the earlier reasons I'd mentioned... That can contribute to these experiences... Http://
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Javelina - cheers to you, girl. You hit the nail on the head. The types of people/entities who mean others harm are essentially cowards. They prey on the weaker ones in the house rather than those who are more of a challenge because it's easy and they don't want to get a run for their money in the process.
ghostgirl122 (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
have you had any good friends that have died?
If yes maybe they are trying to comunicate with you
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Even though you've gone I feel I might have somewhat of an answer to a question you had.
You were wondering why your father wasn't targeted, him being the most negative in the family/house? That's very simple, if you think about it as a predator hunting it's prey. Said predator will go for the weakest among the herd first, and with each success it will eventually work it's way up. Not the other way around, you see? The predator defines the hunt, not the victim.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Hello Easy20,
Just passin' through here and read something that made me stop short.
"when this experiences first happened I was living a normal life, I don't and didn't drink,smoke,take drugs,i'm not a light sleeper, just everything that would indicate that I'm a candidate for having a SP doesn't apply to me."
I'm going to stay away from your personal experience here because it seems you've got enough on your hands just keeping up with the comments about it already.
No, I think your assessment on who qualifies as a possible victim is completely off the mark. Sure, those are habits you'd want to stop if you had them and want to try to ease your suffering from SP, but they are not prerequisites by a long shot.
Take my husbands case of SP for example. This man is one healthy human specimen. He's never done drugs, never smoked, and beer now and then when we barbeque is about as buzzed as you'd ever catch him. He's been an athelete in one sport or another his entire life. He also doesn't lie, cheat on his taxes, call in sick to work, or try to sneak out of his responsibilities. Yes I realize I'm married to Clark Kent, he even looks like him. But my husband has a bout of SP now and then. And unlike a lot of people, he knows what it is and doesn't complain about it. From what he's been able to learn from his research, much of the time all the worry and paranoia does nothing but agrivate the condition.
That's all I wanted to say. But if you come back at me like I said something more than that you'll be doing nothing but proving everyone else's point.
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Since when is not agreeing with someone having an attitude?
And since when did I become this aweful person you claim I am while just trying to point out thing that people ignore but are crusial to the whole picture? Can you tell me that?
I am seeking help, but all I get are answers and things I already know and have done, and nothing helped. So what do you want me to do? Say that you're all right?
And if I may add, if anyone is being rude it's you.
I though this site was a good place for people like me who have no one else to turn t,and that at least HERE will people actually hear and understand what I'm saying. But it's pretty much like anywhere else isn't it?

Fine,you win. Thatk you all for your big help.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Easy, if we tell you what you want to hear, will you drop it?
You are clearly being assaulted by some sort of demon on viagra who thinks you're like, Megan Fox.
None of us know anything about the paranormal, we all just hang out here to shove our skepticism at people, cause, like, it totally makes us feel better about ourselves.
You totally don't have sleep paralysis, cause, like, everyone knows it totally doesn't exist. It's a myth made up by superstitious old wives to like, explain waking up unable to move and having gnarly hallucinations. Only a totally superstitious dimwit would believe in SP.
Like totally.
If you don't want help, don't ask for it. Don't go off on nice people like WBC and Aussie who just wanted to help. They weren't being rude. Don't snark at Granny for just doing her job. You have displayed a huge attitude here to people who just tried to help.
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
zzsgrany - Your comment is so full of... I don't know how you even say it in english.It's just totally wrong and untrue.
So let me go over this one more time - 1.when this experiences first happened I was living a normal life, I don't and didn't drink,smoke,take drugs,i'm not a light sleeper, just everything that would indicate that I'm a candidate for having a SP doesn't apply to me.

2.When it started I didn't think it's paranormal. I thought I was ill for some reason and asked for help. The answer I got was SP.OK,so I wasn't afraid of these events anymore, I didn't need to change my lifestyle that much (pretty much not at all) because according to the rules of what caused the SP I wasn't doing anything wrong.

3.Even with that in mind the events didn't stop, and even became sexual. As a logical person I still didn't think anything was paranormal and thought I was having really really really good wet dreams (and this I don't understand, if it's all my imagination how can I possibly know how a sexual touch feels like and other more graphic things...there's just no way it would feel this real. Unless you think I'm lying and did have some kind of sexual experience before, yet I didn't)

4.After this, other things (totally unrelated to what I believe is or isn't SP) happened in our home, the most significant is me and my sister seeing a shadow "thing",and this was before she believed me and before she experienced anything herself,yet,we both saw it. Wide awake at 2 pm in the afternoon. Although I already mentioned this most people just ignore this information. And I'm constantly refering to it because I already posted about it on this site so someone like you couldn't say "oh how convenient, just when we explained everything to you in a scientific way,you've got shadow people in your home all of a sudden!".I'm not being rude, but something similar is happening right now with you saying that I'm the one who doesn't see what's happening and not wanting to let go of my belief.

5.Things even started happening to my sister who believs in science more than anyone I know. At first she didn't even believe anything what slowly started happening, she thought it wasn't real. She even tried to forget about the shadow being, as she couldn't find an explanation for what she saw.Also,when I told her story many said it was nothing that SP yet there was one time where she was woken up by something pulling on her leg.So,just to make it clear - NO PARALYSIS INVOLVED. Something pulled on her leg until it woke her up and even continued to pull her leg as she was wide awake for a short time. So when she get's scared, things are serious.

6.This events don't happen when they should happen, according to the theories. But rather happen when they fel like appearing.

So now that this is all said again, which I wouldn't have to do if people would read and aknowledge facts in stories as they are... You can still believe whatever you want. Just don't turn things up side down saying I'm the rude one, and I'm the "blind" one.

Also,I don't know why you said that last line in your post but I'm not a bad and rude person,i'm really not. You and pretty much everyone else who refuses to believe in my story translate things that way. If you could hear and see me you could see that I'm a really nice person. So it's all about your interpretation. If you think I'm not a good person, so be it. But if it's so, please leave me alone,don't comment on my story and keep believing what you believe and I'll do the same.OK?Thank you 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Easy20: I've been watching this thread from the begining, and all I can say is...Well, let me quote YOU: "When we believe in something we take the information that confirms our belief and ignore what contradicts it or gives us a hard explaining it."...You are going to believe whatever you want, whether given good, solid, sound advice or not...

You asked for help, and then get all persnickety with those that don't adhere to your "belief" and you're "ignoring what contradicts it"!...

That said, I have to say that I believe some occurances of SP are paranormal...I'm saying this from experience, so please don't think I'm trying to "project" that onto you...But, what worked for ME was as Aussie suggested, I treated every episode as one would SP...It's not a "do it once and poof all better" kind of thing... You have to be persistant...

One more piece of advice: you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar...

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aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
I'm glad your not offended... The only reason I commented in the first place is because you finished your story with please help me... My impression now and from reading some of your other comments on your previous stories is that you understand what's happening to yourself and your truth is your view... So there is no need to continue expressing my view and dragging this out with tic for tac pointless arguments I have seen this happen here too many times... Goodluck 😁
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm offended 😊.And if I correct you, point out facts that are being misssed are incorrect or don't apply to me,i'm just protecting the truth. Fact is, we see the world through our experiences, our teachings,religion...which is totally undersandeble but it sometimes leads to so called tunnel vision. What applies to you many times can't be applied to others, and the other way around. When we believe in something we take the information that confirms our belief and ignore what contradicts it or gives us a hard explaining it.So,i understand that you're trying to help, but wer're not having the same problem. So the solution to your experiences isn't going to work for me, and it didn't as I already tried it.

Again thank you for your help, but everything you told I already thought about it, read about it and considered it. I didn't just think "paranormal!" the first time things started to happen. It was obvious over time that something was in our home that didn't have a scientific explanation, and apparently still is.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Sorry if your taken offense to what I put forward... You did come here asking for help and I'd tried my best to explain what I think could be happening... I have had similar experiences over the years and a recent bout of sleep paralysis, I know both of those experiences weren't real and I made them go away by the advise I was trying to offer you... So its not from speculation or statistics do I offer my advice... But anyway, best wishes and I hope you find the right answer you are looking for...

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aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Easy20, Thank you for answering my questions and I know up front by telling you that this is all in your mind or its S/P, its not going to solve your problem and help you over come this experience... You need to work on some strategies to avoid putting yourself into this transitional state (psychic)...cause some of what you are experiencing may well be paranormal and I can gather that in your tone... However in order to overcome your experiences you may have to shut down your receptive ability by accepting in part the science and also understanding the nature of these experiences...

In your other story you asked the question why doesn't my dad experience anything? And that's a good question, cause if these entities incubus, demons and ghost really had the power to paralyze us and pin us down to bed, move us around and on occasions have intercourse and control us... Why can't they do that to all the family members in the house at any given time? Think about it WHY?

Answer; because they cant... What they do is use our minds, our imagination against us to make us believe they are real... There may well be a sex spirit trying to attach itself to you... But if you believe in it... It will believe in you and will continue to manifest itself over a period of time... There are two things in your case of which I believe are contributing to these experiences...1. You are understandably frighten and are on edge and 2. You are at an age where your body is becoming curious on a sexual level without your conscious approval... Absolutely nothing to feel ashamed about... I am guessing that there are probably some other experiences more explicit or confusing not yet mentioned and there's no need to... All I can say is your not alone... Many many women have these experiences and don't come forward... And thank you for coming forward... The reason these experiences didn't start right at he point of puberty is because puberty itself is the starting point of a womens sexuality and these experiences often occur months or years later especially if the women is not having sexual orgasms...

So heres the combination of factors I believe are contributing to your experience... Sub conscious sexual curiosity and a fearful mind and who could blame you... Disruptive sleep patterns putting you into a transitional realm real or not where these experiences can play out either by a sex spirit or you own inner self without your conscious will... The fact that your so frighten will contribute towards the paralysis that part is the part referred to as sleep paralysis in my opinion... Is there something there trying to control you?...maybe...but a starting point for you to overcome these experiences is to not believe in them...don't hand over your power of mind...

Don't read or watch anything that may scare you...

Block out your experience and except the science...

Go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time and if your still waking up through the night shorten the span with in reason...

Eat well and don't eat before going to sleep... Diet is very important in order to sleep well...

No shame in exploring your own body...

Be more psychically active through the day and in the afternoon... So your feeling more tired at night...

If you do wake up through the night and keep your eyes shut and think of something nice or funny.

Regards Daz
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Succubussed - Not really, but kind of. The first time (in this story) when it touched me I knew it was him again, but I fought back and woke up so nothing else happened. The third time it came like it used to in his first visits but again, I jumped of the couch and it went away.
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
aussiedaz - It's a common thing that most people dissregard any paranormal occurrences,that's just how it goes. So I'm really not suprised than many don't think my experience is something paranormal, especially when it's just my word that they have for "proof".If you already read my previous story as you said you did, you should know that after a few first experiences I asked my friends for advice and I was told it was SP, I read about it and that night fell asleep without any fear and thinking it was really nothing more than a SP.Yet,if you read it you know what happened next. And as it continued I felt no fear what so ever. Because I thought I was dreaming.Also,i do have a good imagination, but THAT good. I doubt it. And like I said, even if I did have such an amazing imagination even though I'm an untouched virgin, why was the scenario of those sexual events ALWAYS the same? And if the events were caused by my subbconciouss desire for sex, why didn't they start at the beginning of puberty? Which would be more logical with the hormones going crazy. A lot more things just don't fit.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
not to worry, I was honestly just trying to offer some advice, that was all 😁 but I can see a lot of people have said the same thing, and I can imagine it would be pretty annoying to be given the same advice more than once if you didn't find it helpful. I'll leave this one alone but of course wish you the best of luck in solving your dilemma ❤
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
It wasn't snarky at all. I know you can't see my face or hear my voice when I tipe but I'm a kind and rational person, I appreciate every advice. Maybe you don't notice it but in the way you said it... It was like you were projecting, but if you say you weren't I believe you and apologize. As for what I believe, I don't think it's a demon, I don't know what to think. I call it incubus because it's easier than to constantly say "the perverted thing from another world (or even our world, I don't know) that comes at night and is giving me a hard time".
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
One more thing, I know that most people try to find scientific explanation for everything.That's ok,it's in our human nature to seek a rational answer, and yes, most experiences can be explained in a scientific manner. But some can't.I'm not saying that all of you have to believe me when I say that something paranormal is happening to me, and I'm not trying to convince anyone who doesn't believe that this is the case.But,please,don't try to convince me into thinking my experiences are a regular thing. I already tried that and it just doesn't fit.Also,more happened to me and my sister than just a sleep disorder, which is not taken into consideration (i'm referring to our experience with a shadow being in broad daylight - other things have happened but I didn't mention them on this site). So please, feel free to think whatever you want, but don't recite parts of articles I already read and don't tell me things I already know like I didn't even think about them (multiple times!), because I have. Thank you.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Think your reply was a bit snarky, I didn't know you had other stories on here as you've got them under a different name. I wasn't "projecting" onto you, I was offering advice because I know how terrifying sleep paralysis is first hand and would like to think that if I had a problem that someone else had experienced, they would try and help me.

Like I said in my last post, take my advice or don't, it's up to you. If you choose to believe you have a sex demon interrupting your sleep, that's completely up to you, and I wish you all the best.
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Worried_Brit_Chick - I'm sorry, but you can't take your personal experience and project it onto other people. I respect your opinion,BUT,if you read my first story you would know that I did research about sleep paralysis after my friend told me about it. After reading a few articles on this subject I was convinced that what I was experiencing was nothing more than sleep paralysis. Yet after that things didn't stop, they even went in a whole other direction. If you didn't,you should read my other story. Maybe that will change your mind about certain things, mostly about people not having the same things happen to them.
Easy20 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
aussiedaz - I'm a college student, my college isn't particulary hard so I have a lot of free time (compared to some other students) /i'm not a light sleeper/no,if I sleep during the day I know I caught a cold or something and know that I'm going to be sick the next day (that's just how my body works) /no I don't sleep in each morning/that depends, everyone is sometimes tired (or extremely tired) at the end of the day, if you mean does this happen very often the answer is no/i was newer in a romatic relationship, if you read my firs story on this subject you would know that I'm a virgin and to this day I was never even kissed. I know this could have changed during the time that has passed since I posted the first story, but it hasn't.No,i wasn't abused as a child and I wasn't raised in a strict catholic family. I just don't want that kind of relationship in my life for now/i don't drink, I don't smoke and I didn't even see any kind of drugs in real life/no
Succubussed (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Easy20, are you experiencing the same things you experienced in your story, "Night Time Terror & Pleasure"?
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
I used to have the same sort of experience about 5 years ago. I would wake up but be unable to move, sometimes I couldn't even open my eyes. I would know there was something evil in my room and that it was approaching me, and I would lay completely paralysed by the crushing lead weight pushing down on my body with tears silent running down my face, convinced I was about to be killed. I am not a religious person but I would always recite the Lord's Prayer and eventually my limbs would begin to relax and the feeling of blood chilling terror would slowly ebb away.

It started to happen 2-3 times a week, and I got so terrified that I wouldn't want to go to sleep, and would sit up watching telly until I passed out from exhaustion. I told my boyfriend at the time about what was happening, and he did some research online into sleep conditions. He printed off some information about sleep paralysis, and two of the main causes listed were stress and poor sleeping patterns. I had poor sleeping patterns as I was working shifts managing a pub, and the more the sleep paralysis happened, the more stressed I had become thinking about it.

Honestly, as soon as I read the explanation for what was happening to me, my night time terrors stopped completely, and I haven't experienced a single episode since. There are people all over the world who suffer with sleep paralysis, and the easiest and most healthy way to make it stop is to simply accept what it is. Obsessing about it only makes it more frequent. I am a firm believer in the paranormal, but I can also recognise when science presents itself, and the things you are experiencing at night cannot be beneficial to your health and daily life. It's up to you whether you take my advice, but I do truly hope you can resolve this problem and find happiness.

Kindest Wishes
WBC xxxxx

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