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Real Ghost Stories

First Ghostly Experience


I've been reading people's own personal experiences of ghostly encounters for a little while now and I've decided it's time to share my own.

This happened eleven years ago when I was only six years old. My parents had just bought me bunk beds and I was excited to sleep on the top one. I took a bath, got changed into my PJ's and brushed my teeth. Luckily for me it was a Friday night so I had gotten to stay up that extra fifteen minutes before going to sleep. My mum took me upstairs and I climbed up on the top bunk and she tucked me in and gave me a goodnight kiss.

I'm a really bad sleeper. I always have been, when I was a baby I wouldn't sleep. I would cry all night. So here I am on the top bunk wide awake. I decide to look out of my window and look at the other houses as I usually did to help me sleep.

I lay down and tried to get some sleep. I tossed to face the wall, then at the door, then at the wall again, but when I turned to the door I see this... Well I don't really know what it was. It was like a white mass at my door. I knew it wasn't any street lights because they are orange and it wasn't any cars cause I would see the distinct lights of the car hitting the ceiling and on to the right side of the wall. My door is on the left.

Well I hid under the covers for a minute or so then I peek out of them. No one was there. I told my mum the next day. She would say "Oh it might have been me coming in to check on you." But I would have heard her coming up the stairs as they creak and my old bedroom door would creak too. When my dad came back from work I told him but he just kept on making up excuses like "Oh it would have been a car light." and "It's just your imagination."

I knew what I saw and no one believed me. A few years ago I found out that my Grandmother died from cancer in my parent's bedroom about twenty years before my parents met. Also there are old abandoned mining tunnels under the village that I live in. My dad said a lot of people died in them.

I never saw anything for about nine years but in the summer of 2009 I began and still do hear weird noises like faint footsteps. I don't think it's anything bad. If it was something bad it would have happened years ago. My mum now believes me. She hears the noises too. My oldest brother, who is 28, had heard strange noises when he lived in the house.

It could have been my imagination or it could have been something paranormal. The house it about 30 years old so some of the noises I hear could be the house settling or something along those lines.

Thank you for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Stephyk94, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Stephyk94 (2 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-23)
taz890, What I an remember of it was it looked human I could make out a head shape but the legs where blurry. Part of it looked like a kind of blob is that makes any sense? I'm really sorry about the late reply I do hope you reply back. It's really good to talk about things like the paranormal with people who believe me thanks for reading my story:)
Stephyk94 (2 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-23)
geetha50 so sorry about the late reply. We talk about it a lot about when is started when I was six. I will sometimes bring it up randomly then ask her if she has heard anything lately. She'll say just creaks in the house. Our house is about 30 years old or so. Recently I have been hearing footsteps on the first few steps on my stairs then it's all silence. Also a few nights ago I went down stairs to get a drink while listening to my ipod but when I was going up them I felt like being watched and I thought I heard someone follow me up the stairs. I don't think that if I do have a spirit in my house is bad. I like to think that it is my Gran making sure things are ok.

Alos in my kitchen I have three dogs who all share the same bed and my springer spaniel likes to sleep on the floor when it's too hot. You can hear when one of the dogs is up because of their nails clicking on the tiles. I hear that, go into check and they are in their bed. My dog Duke died in our house from a heart attack and my other dog Ben had to be put to sleep when I was six but that was after I saw... Well whatever it was.

My dad says he wants to put a recorder on the stairs since most of the activity happens there but I'm not too sure. I saw an episode of Paranormal State, not sure if you have seen it but it's really good, and a lady constantly recorded evp's which opened a door way. My dad is kind of in the middle. Part of him wants to believe but the other part isn't so sure.

Sorry for the long reply but I do hope you reply back:)
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
You said that your mother now believes what you are saying. Did you ever talk to her about what happened when you were six? What did she say? What other noises did you hear? Also, what about your dad? Does he now believe you or is he being stubborn and not wanting to believe it?
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
interesting story stephk94.
Did the mist have anykind of shape to it or was it cloud like?

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