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Real Ghost Stories

The Calling Of My Name


This strange occurence has happened to me a numerous amount of times, but these two encounters are the most vivid and memorable of them all.

I was home alone one night in my house, the one that was sold atleast a year ago, just sitting downstairs on the living room loveseat not listening to any music, radios, or television. From out of nowhere at all, my name was called out quite loudly. I heard it echo throughout the house, and then I located from what was the top of the stairwell overlooking the banister. The fuuny thing was, it sounded exactly like my grandmother's voice. She was still alive at the time, but had a stroke and was in the hospital. Being completely shocked I turned on the television to drown out this negative energy I began feeling.

The next occurence happened to me this past Sunday, while I was at my favorite book store. I was standing in the aisle of the "New Age" and "Magic" section, thumbing over a book of solitary witchcraft. I was stunned for my name had been whispered out of the blue, with the voice of my mother this time. It had a questioning to her voice, like it was asking if this person was really me. A few moments later, my mother came walking over to me from the far side of the store, holding her ready-to-buy items in her hand. I even asked her if she said my name or if she was looking for me, and she was sure of it that she never said anything.

If anyone out there reading this that knows why I keep hearing my name, please help me! I know that I have mental illnesses of any kind.

Please, I get easily scared with these things happening to me.

Thank you for reading!

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VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-06)
FART-EXTERMINATOR (having a fit of maniacal giggles just typing that), that must have been an eerie experience. Do you remember if you asked your brother if he'd happened to be thinking of you right at that time?
4 years ago (2020-07-06)
Hello FreddysGirl. I once had the exact same experience as you. I live alone in a one bed apartment, even though I live alone I am never lonely. Nor do I ever take illegal drugs, I occasionally drink, but on the day of my experience I hadn't drank any alcohol. On one Sunday evening back in 2005, I was seated in my living room in complete silence, when I heard a clear and vivid voice come from my entrance hallway, this 'voice' was unmistakably perfectly identical to that of my younger brother who at the time was 24 years old, the voice called out my name; upon hearing the voice induced terror in me and sent a chill up my spine. To which I reacted by fetching a large knife from the kitchen, before going to the hallway to investigate, but saw nothing.
Tempe_Toxic (10 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-18)
These things have been happening to me all my life. Unfortunatly it is impossible to tell why it is happening. Since you said you felt a negative energy as it happened but they also used voices of your loved ones it could be something darker trying to make itself appear nicer, so it can gain your trust. Such as the little girls, or the disney songs in my story The Devil In the Closet. Again this is just a guess, I don't have a great handle over my gift. I'd say be careful and don't let your gaurd down. Be safe Dar.

freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
hetha- That also happens to me as well. I never surely know what's going on in the other side that causes spirits to be so disruptive of a human's spare time. Thanks for commenting!

Blessed Be,
hetha (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
i have had this same experince happen only it happens when I am in my room alone listening to music 😕 it creaps me out because I go out all the time and ask if anyone called me and they all say they haven't
lilyangel13 (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-13)
Hi. Am 16 years old and am new to this site. I have something similar happen to me several times when I was younger. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. I would be in my room with my brothers when I would hear my name being called 3 times. (in the voice of my moms). I would get up fast and run to mom and ask if she called but she would always say no.
freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-20)
I know how it feels to have your name spoken to you, outloud and all that. The funny thing is, I'm always alone. I haven't got any friends hardly nor do I find the time to, so I have no one to talk to about this issue. Well, excluding my spirit guide, but he mellows out where I can't feel his presence anymore. Anyways, thank you very much for sharing your experiences with this similar issue.

Blessed Be,
kaz64 (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-06)
hi, I also have experienced this, the first time was about 3 years ago, I was at home with one of my friends, we were talking and laughing, we both heard my daughters voice shout down from her bedroom, mum be quite I'm trying to go to sleep, we both said oh sorry jade, and started to talk a bit quieter, after a few minutes, we both heard it again shout mum, I'm trying to go to sleep, again we both said sorry, a few minutes lata my mobile phone rang, it was my daughter ringing me to say that she was spending the night at her boyfriends house, me and my friend went upstairs to her room only to find it empty, a year or so later I moved house to a bungalow, me an my boyfriend wer lying in bed one morning with the bedroom door pushed too, we both heard my daughter talking, I didn't think she was home so I shouted her and got no reply, I went through to the living room and her bedroom but she was not there, then a few days later, we heard her and my sons voice chatting away, my son was at his home about 18 miles away and my daughter was in town shopping, we have since heard my daughter shout mum on several occasions when she has not ever been in the same house... I have messeged numerous mediums etc to try to find out why this is happening but have never received a reply, they propably think I'm some kind of weirdo, but I assure you that 2 different people have been present when this has happened... I am not frightened by it I am just confused as to what it all means...
spollymot (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-05)
Hi, I'm new to this site and just have to say, I'm 42 and have been hearing my name being whisperd for many many years. Wether I'm outside any where or inside. Havnt got a clue as to who or why but am not frightened by it.
Mandy12151985 (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-03)
Hello freddysgirl1984
It could be your guardian angel. Since it sounds like a family member and you are not freaked out that's what I would think.
MidnightHalestorm15 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-03)
Well I can't say I know why. But I have an idea maybe the ghost that you keep hearing is a relative or maybe just want's you too know that it is there. But I have had experiences before like that. I never thought anything of it but when I read this I finally realized that the ghost that say's my name is my friend. Maybe you should try to talk to the ghost tell them that your not afraid. Tell them that you want to know their there. But I will say good luck! 😊
freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-02)
geetha50- Exactly! Now that I think about it, I hear that demons and evil beings try to take shape of relatives and trick us! Thanks for bringing that thought back into my head. Bless you! ❤
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-02)
This is for taz890 and other posters also,
But I thought we shouldn't be answering to a voice calling you. I thought they were a negative spirit or a demon calling you, especially if the voice sounds like a loved one.
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-01)
As much as it is frightening, don't let it scare you. Stay strong, they are trying to get your attention, and I don't think you want to know what 'they' might be. I feel you need be firm, and try not to let it scare you. If they knew this, they would try to get more of your attention. Maybe back off of the 'New Age' stuff for right now, and focus on other things. It might go away. Not trying to scare you, but I feel you need to just be strong, and focus on on other interests for now.
Swa (21 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-01)
Haha thanks! My grandma is interested in it as well. She says these are just roaming souls and they won't cause any harm. So no worries.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-01)
you don't give your age but I'm guessing teenager?
Just use the universal teenager voice~ annoyed at being bothered by parent/adult with attitude~ ohh (sigh) what do you want NOW? Will work wonders 😆
freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-01)
taz890- Thanks for that, I'll definitely answer what ever spirit that wishes to talk to me. 😁
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-01)
next time it happens answer them!
Might shock them into leaving you alone or might even have a message for you!
freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-01)
Thank you for that Swa! I'm just so furious because of these spirits that speak to me at random. God bless you as well. 😉
Swa (21 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-01)
Similar incident happened to me too, several years back. That must be a roaming spirit. God bless!

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