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Terrifying Green Visitor


This isn't a story I have ever been comfortable sharing with anyone. In fact, I believe the only person I've recounted it to is a long distance friend, because I simply can't bring myself to speak about it out loud. No one who knows me in person knows of this story; even though my family is fairly accepting of this sort of thing, recalling the event even in my mind terrifies me too much to think about discussing it in person with anyone. Maybe I'll discuss it with a close friend or someone in my family one day, maybe not.

I was probably around seven, though I truly couldn't tell you the time of year. I had been living a few miles outside of a small town in South Carolina, located on the Georgia border on Lake Russel for a few years at this point, with my mom, my dad, and my brother. The night this happened, my dad wasn't at home, he was out of town for work; this means including me, there were two other people in the house.

It was some time after midnight, I would say, that I woke up for no particular reason and couldn't get back to sleep. My door was open a crack and the hall light was on, as it was every night. I wasn't afraid of the monster under my bed or the boogeyman in my closet, but my bedroom door couldn't be completely closed or completely open. Closed, and it was too dark for me to sleep. Open all the way, and I always felt like there was something standing in my door, watching me, making it absolutely impossible for me to sleep. My mom was fine with the hall light being on at night for me, and my door was cracked about four, maybe five inches at night to let the light in.

I'm unsure of how much time passed with no event, but I know that at some point--it could have been ten minutes or a whole hour after my waking--the door swung open. Not hard enough to bang off of my bedroom wall and wake anyone else up. I could hear my brother snoring in the room across the hall. Immediately after it opened, in ran something that still haunts my nightmares to this day.

This thing stopped, turned, and jumped at me, over top of me, and froze in midair above me. I got a very good look at it. It was a little shorter than average adult height, clothes were ragged and moldy, and its flesh was pealing and decomposing. It's face was, in fact, mostly a skull. I remember there were eyes in the sockets, but they were just set into the sockets themselves, no skin around that part of the face. There were flaps of skin remaining around the lips and chin, and hair was covering where the ears would have been. Not exceptionally long hair, just down to where the earlobe would be, and it looked very brittle and old. I saw the hands still had most of their flesh, but there were still chunks missing from them, and the arms were bad enough that bone was showing straight through where some of the flesh was gone.

The figure was slightly translucent, enough that I could see my ceiling straight through it as it hovered over me, but not so much that its details weren't all very vivid. It was also completely green. Perhaps not glowing green, but definitely a sickly sort of green all over. And it hovered over me, silently, and did nothing else.

Me, I couldn't do anything but look at it. I was frozen, paralyzed in my terror. Then I thought, this had to be a nightmare, it positively had to be. Things like this, maybe they happened to some people in old haunted houses, but certainly not to me. When in a bad dream and I realized I was dreaming, I would blink three times, hard, and the last time I opened my eyes I would be awake. It's still a trick that works for me today a lot of times, but only if I realize it's only a nightmare before I awaken by some other means. Needless to say, I tried my trick. Blinked three times, as hard as I could, and when I opened my eyes, positively nothing had changed. It was still there.

I don't know how long I was still for, before I finally clenched my eyes shut and sat straight up in a sudden fit of bravery. When I opened my eyes after that, I was sitting in bed, and the apparition was gone, whatever it had been. I never saw it again.

I still might have thought it a dream even after that--believe me, I would have loved that explanation. However, my door was still open, all the way, and remained open all night. If not for that, I might pass it off today as a dream or sleep paralysis. I remained awake the rest of the night, watching the door to see if it would move again, even the least little bit. My mom stopped at my door the next morning and asked about it. I lied and told her I thought she had opened it. Just to be positive, I also asked my brother if he had opened my door the previous night for some reason. Of course, I had heard him snoring at around the time it opened, so I knew before he answered that he hadn't.

I lived in that same house for seven years after the fact, before moving into another house on the same large piece of property that had belonged to my grandparents. I'm nineteen now, and my current residence is still my grandparents' old house. I've never seen anything like that apparition, in either house, since that night.

All I'm really looking for here is a little information, you see. I've researched a little and haven't found much, and nothing remotely like this experience ever happened to me again. I would very much appreciate knowing what the thing was, since I have no earthly idea about it. I've never heard of anything like it before, and I only ever saw it one time. It still haunts my memories vividly. I still have nightmares about it on occasion. Even in a different house, I still hesitate at my bedroom door when I need to leave my room at night to head to the bathroom or get a drink. I don't know if knowing what the thing was will give me any sort of peace of mind, but it doesn't hurt to try.

If anyone has any information for me, it would be most appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Comma, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
Oooh, I missed quite a few replies in my absence. Sorry everyone! I'll try to cover this all in one post, I hope there's no character limit.

Darkfantum: Thinking about it, I guess it did look a little zombie-ish, if not for the fact that it was still translucent. Zombies are generally reanimated corpses, which are solid and opaque, in both modern fiction and earlier lore. But honestly, the closest thing I could think to liken it to in appearance would be one of the further decomposed deadites from Evil Dead, so I see where you're coming from. 😆

DeviousAngel: I really appreciate the compliments 😊 I'm also glad that it seems believable; with how hard a time I had believing it after it actually happened (and I still honestly do sometimes), I was a bit worried when I posted the story looking for information that I'd just get shooed off and called fake, which wouldn't exactly have been a help. I frequented this website for almost a year before I got the courage to sign up and post anything at all, and I really can't believe how helpful everyone has been. I also have to agree that it likely wasn't demonic; I don't personally believe I've ever encountered a demon; I'm not the type to immediately categorize all negative spirits as demonic, and I have certainly encountered a few negative entities before. I'm still not sure what this was personally, but I'm torn between a ghoulish wayward spirit or a particularly nasty case of sleep paralysis at this point; I still don't want to rule out sleep paralysis entirely, as it would be nice to think of the whole ordeal as just a waking dream of sorts.

Winx717: Thanks! As soon as I actually manage to log on on a day when submissions are open, the shadow man story should be up. Just be forewarned that it going to be quite a lengthy read, since I covered all my notable experiences with him in one go.

Cosmogal926: It definitely was an ugly little creep 😆 I do certainly hope it was a one-time thing, and I also believe it was at this point; I haven't seen it since then, so it's been twelve years at this point. I'll be happy if I never do see it again, and even if I do, I have at least a couple powerful guardian spirits that I know of pretty well, passed away family members that have protected me from another negative entity more recently; if it ever does come back, I'm pretty confident that it won't have the chance to get near me.

JamesRobiscoe: You know, I didn't think at all about orange and green being opposite on the color wheel. The picture with the orange orb was quite some time later; that was actually just a few months ago, and we've theorized that it was likely my nephews' and niece's grandmother, my mom, just stopping by to check on the kids. But as the shade of green of this apparition was indicative of some forms of hostility; and the orange orb was of healing energy, it would make perfect sense for them to be on opposite ends of the spectrum--in both color and in mood.

ICthem: I was really intrigued to hear that others actually HAVE seen this after my absence, but I'm also very sorry that you had to go through with that twice, and I do dearly hope you never have to again. I don't think you're a nutjob at all; I've seen enough myself to not immediately discount anyone. I have to force a little skepticism into myself sometimes so I don't come of as completely gullible, but I hate closing myself to the spirit world at all; even though my first face-to-face experience with a spirit (that I can remember) wasn't exactly positive, I haven't really lost my curiosity or my interest in the spirit world. The few close friends and family that I've discussed some of my experiences with have suggested that I might be sensitive to it, I really prefer to view that skeptically. If I have "abilities," I most certainly AM shy about them; not because it really frightens me, but because I live in an area where that sort of thing is generally chalked up to satanism, along with anything else remotely out of the ordinary. I do agree on the guardian spirit; at that time in my life, I'm also honestly not sure of who it could have been. I had a lot of relatives pass on when I was too young to remember them, and it could have been any one of them, or another sort of guardian entirely. Now I know of at least two more (one whom I've actually seen) who would protect me from this thing if it ever showed its face again; it's the memory of it that frightens me more than anything, I suppose, but my curiosity is already overriding that just since I shared the experience; I've found that sharing these things really helps me get past them. Again, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your experiences with a spirit of the same nature; I very much wish it had existed purely in my own imagination, as I hate than anyone else has had to deal with something so heinous. I hope you never do have to face it again!
ICthem (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-17)
Comma, I have never become a member to any board to reply to a post. However I was for some reason inclined to do so in regard to your story.

I have had similar encounters and as a child I had an ability to see. I think most children do, but we are programed by adults to not see by them telling us over and over again there is nothing there. After enough times we actually don't see and are closed. Some people as adults are still able to see and feel things that others do not.

I am not shy about my abilities. If you would call it that. It is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

OK so now to the point;-) When I was a teenager I had the same entity appear over me. And had several encounters throughout my life. I have met two others that have also encountered this thing.

I can tell you this. You seem to have had someone protecting you when it appeared. As myself and those I know, that have had this encounter all have had it physically on top of us. The paralysis that comes along with it is usual.

When I had the encounter is was literally on me, along with my paralysis, I felt as if is was sucking the air out of me or my soul so to speak, while crushing me. My first time with this one in particular was when I was 16. The last time was when I was about 22. Each time I was truly terrified, yet tried to rationalize it.

The blinking you mentioned is similar as I tried to "wake up" but it was still there. I prayed in sheer fear and only then did it disappear.

This is why I believe you had a guardian watching over you as it was unable to attack you as it usually does. Whoever that guardian is, I believe was and is strong enough for that entity to know not to bother you.

From my research and talking to others with same ability to see things, it seems this thing is attracted to fear. Or appears when someone is vulnerable, depressed, or very stressed out. Although I doesn't mean those are the only ways. I do believe that it feeds off of the fear that it creates in the one it visits.

I am very grateful to have never seen it again after the last time. But I still have my fear it will appear again one day.

I have other experiences with other things and I just chalk it up to that fact that, somehow adults telling me it's my imagination did not work on me, and kept it.

I also believe the spirit realm knows I can see and sense them therefor, many experiences are drawn to me because they feel I "can see them" when they are not normally seen. Some kind of recognition I suppose. As I mentioned above. Some are good and some are not.

I have learned how to interpret them as they happen to me over the years. My spirituality has usually helped to understand that there are other realms and some just slip through the "veil" and are seen sometimes.

On a last note. I am not a nut case and am all there:-) But as I said, I felt inclined to tell you my experience, and that this thing does exist and you were protected.
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-11)
Comma--I join the line in saying how much I enjoy your approach to a very chilling encounter. Your explanation is lucid, and your research and analyses over time add substance and logic to your quest. One little observation: The green corpse and the orange orb? On the color wheel orange is opposite green. Only saying. Looking forward to your next accounts.
~ James
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-11)
Comma, Wow that is a very creepy experience. I was thinking that is was some sort of goblin also. The way you described it gave me the chills. Small and icky looking. Ugly enough to scare the baby animals right off your pajamas! 😨 I agree with the others and think it was just a one time thing and that you probably weren't supposed to see it. That could be why it froze in mid-air when it jumped over you. I enjoyed your story very much and look forward to any others you may have. Thanks for posting. 😊
winx717 (2 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-11)
I am very intrigued by all of the comments - looking forward to your "Shadow Man" story. You are a great writer and I thank you for sharing your experience. I hope that all of the amazing people here can help you find peace:)
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-11)
Comma, I first have to compliment you on your simple, no-nonse writing style, your excellent descriptions and the fact that you have approached this whole thing maturely. You have done your research and you show interest in the subject which you are discussing. All of those things put you in a rare category, and makes this account all the more believable.

I think this might have been a simple wayward spirit, seeking to get a rise out of you. The way others on this site have described such things is spirits who are capable of shape-shifting or presenting themselves in a terrifying way as a means of surviving off of the energy that fear creates. That does not necessarily make it a demon; there are a lot of other "energy-parasites" that exist off of the emotions of others. An example would be incubi/succubi. Those spirits exist off of the sexual energy of others.

I am glad that you were able to find a forum to discuss your experiences, and I look forward to reading more of your stories!

Big Silent Hill fan here too, by the way...
darkfantum (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-11)
it sound s like a zombie but ho could a zombie freeze in midair and leave you completely paralyzed, it makes you wonder if there realy is anything out there than ghosts and demons...
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
When it jumped, its arms were over its head--more like it was attempting to reach forward and grab me, by the alignment probably by my shoulders. I've thought that maybe it was an energy or emotion manifestation of some sort before myself. As far as the green color, that mystified me for some time as well. Green generally denotes positive vibes... But I looked a little further into it, and the particular shade of green can have quite an effect on the energy surrounding the spirit. I started looking up what colors connect with what sort of energies because of a rather odd photo my sister-in-law caught of my youngest nephew, in which a single orange orb with a starburst was floating around him. By the exact shade of his orb, we've theorized that it was probably something as simple as a passed away relative checking up on the kids. I think that orb color and full apparition color would probably be similar in properties; the shade of green that this spirit was apparently denotes "jealous, low self-esteem, overly sensitive." Not the most positive emotions, but also not exactly evil. I wish I hadn't met the thing at such a young age; a little older and I might have been as interested as I was frightened.

Someone I talked to on Livejournal suggested that it might have hovered over me because I was being protected by something else. Some sort of guardian spirit. Maybe a passed away relative or maybe just a positive spirit that thought the green spirit meant harm. It would also offer explanation as to why it never returned; if I was protected then, I could have been protected the next time it returned.

Not a problem:) I don't intend to skimp on the details at all on the shadow; some of it's going to be a bit painful to recall, but I believe getting every detail off my chest in one go is going to be pretty liberating.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Comma - I'll wait for your story to ask more questions and compare your story with my daughters. Thank you 😊

Please, include in your story everything you just told me, okay? All of it is relevant.
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Haha, no big deal, we all have our off days. I personally think I have way too many of them 😆

For the second question, yes, it very much was. It was an odd sort of depression; I wasn't sad, per se. I had completely shut out my feelings. My maternal grandmother had just died and my dying grandfather moved back to New York to be with his biological children (my mom was actually his step-daughter, long story short). My dad was never around wasn't particularly helpful when he was, so there was also the failing marriage bit that a lot of teenagers end up going through; a bit different for me since he was practically a stranger, little as he was around. I wanted to be there for my mom since he wasn't, and I knew that my depression would make it all the harder on her, so rather than deal with my grief I just totally shut it out. Ignored it. My shadow person started appearing to me shortly thereafter.

For the third question, no, he actually isn't. He's exceptionally tall and by his silhouette appears to be wearing something hooded, though I have come across both the hooded shadow and the shadow with the large hat more than anything when I've researched shadow people.

That is rather interesting 😲 I guess I'd fall right into that. The nature of shadow people on the whole is widely debated, but I've actually seen stories similar to mine as well. I've already started typing up my rather lengthy history with him to submit to this site, but unfortunately won't be able to submit it until Monday when the submissions are back up; I hope there's something else within it that might be relevant.
Twila (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
What a terrifying experience. It obviously has made a true impact on you, since you seem to remember it with such clarity after how ever many years have past. As you said, there were the prominent events of a train wreck and civil war battles in/near the area. Maybe this creature is the creation of the emotions - pain, sadness, fear, anger - of the people involved in such events. Why its green sort of baffles me, though; green is considered a very calming colour for a majority of the time, while on the other hand, can represent illness. I haven't the slightest idea why it simply hovered over you, though. Makes me think it wanted you to really know that it is present, and to give it some sort of attention. While it hovered over you, what was the position of its body? Was it just floating with all of its limbs sticking out? Did it look like it was trying to reach out and grab you or something of the sort?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Comma - the first question I answered myself 😆. I looked at your profile, which is normally the first thing I do LOL, but like I said, I've been painting and I'm at bit off my game today. So I found out you are a girl, which is relevant.

Second question: you said you were 14 when you first noticed the shadow person and things were going down hill. Was depression associated with "down hill?"

Sorry, I have a third question. Does this shadow person wear a hat?

The reason I'm asking all these questions is because my daughter was 14 when she saw a shadow man. He was with her for several months. I honestly don't know how many, neither does she. She had just lost her dad. I, and a couple of others, have noticed a pattern between young girls aged 14 who attract a shadow man. I'm just trying to find out why.
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Feel free to 😊 I still don't claim to know everything about the situation myself, but I'll answer the best that I can.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Comma - I don't want to take the surprise out of your shadow person story by any means, but can I ask you two questions?
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
This was actually one of the first experiences that I remember, aside from minor poltergeist activity and hearing strange things. I very vaguely remember a few things from my first home in New York, but absolutely no specifics. It's more of a feeling. I feel like something happened there, but I have no memory of it, if that makes any sense 😕 That's the only way I can think to describe it. Maybe something that happened when I was a baby. It bugs the heck out of me.

Ah, sorry xD The shadow person I mentioned seems to be an energy manifestation, or just a being I drew in at around fourteen when a lot of things were going downhill. I'll definitely be writing quite a bit about him, it seems he's sort of attached to me and I see him--or at the very least feel him--quite often. I'll also post whatever I can on the old railroad tracks, though for the most part I've only seen vague silhouettes and heard voices and footsteps out there, nothing quite as concrete as this entry.

Thanks very much for your help so far, you've no idea how much I appreciate it! =D
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Comma - have you gone back to the beginning, when you were 7 or even before that if you had any experiences, and recorded those also? Even though I didn't start mine until 2002, I took it back to my first memory of an experience, which was when I was 13. I now have 61 typed pages (I know some of y'all are sick of hearing this. I'm sorry, I'm sorry 😆). It's amazing the things you remember once you start writing it down. I'm really glad you're keeping a journal.

I haven't read the other comments yet. I've been painting LOL. I'll catch up in a little bit. There's something about the railroad tracks that is nagging at me.
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
I actually started keeping a journal online fairly recently, maybe a few months ago, and I agree that it's extremely helpful; it helped me come to terms with the shadow person I mentioned in another reply and learn to live with it without fearing it quite so much as I used to. I know that getting things like this out of my system is a huge help now, and I very much wish I had started keeping a journal for it years ago.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Comma - you mentioned it's easier to write than speak. I'd like to suggest something to you, if you don't mind. I keep a journal of all my and my kids' "ghostly" experiences. I started keeping it because I thought I was losing my mind. I've been keeping it for almost 10 years now.

If you aren't, I'd really recommend writing these experiences down. If nothing else, it's great therapy.
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
I've never consciously thought that it would happen again, so I understand that; it's a little trickier convincing my subconscious that it's not going to be waiting for me behind every other door at night, though I've been trying to. I actually looked into ghoul mythology a little, though not much on goblins, and I don't know why I didn't think to do so. I will definitely be looking into that. I do need to force myself to ask my brother about it soon. I regret not talking to my mom about it before she passed away, but I didn't start thinking of it much again until my recent experience with sleep paralysis.

No need to worry! I understood what you meant and I take no offense; I didn't think you were discounting my story. Subjects like this can be a bit touchy, but I'm not one to offend easily and I appreciate any help that anyone has to offer 😁 There's really no need to apologize and I'm grateful for your help!

Honestly, I agree that I need to talk to someone. The only person I really have left to talk to from around that time is my brother, and we discuss paranormal things all the time anyway. He was one of the first people I told about a shadow person I'd been struggling with since I was fourteen; I just have to get up the courage to talk about this to someone in person, out loud. It's always been easier for me to write than to speak, and I tend to be more of a listener than a talker. But I recognize that I need to talk about this, and I'm going to try forcing myself to bring it up the next time my brother and I end up in one of our inevitable strange-and-unusual discussions.
jesuis88 (1 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
[at] Miracles51031

I agree with you completely that because of the age, things can be perceived differently and what may seem horrific at a young age could actually become humorous. Although you are not at all trying to discredit the story, your logic makes sense.

Comma, of all the stories I have heard, yours is definitely one, if not the most, intriguing and unique. If I saw what you saw at that age, I would be just as horrified. The only thing I want to say is that you should talk to your immediate family. Part of the research is gathering information from those around you. It may benefit to see if anything paranormal has occurred to another family member. Thank you very much for sharing.
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)

Oh, I don't deny for a second that it probably scared me a lot worse then than it would have had I seen it for the first time now. I was... Well, the sort of kid that would rather watch documentaries on hauntings or my brother play Silent Hill games, and I'm still horror-driven, but I was still more easily frightened as a child; what child isn't? I've seen other apparitions since, things that probably would have given me nightmares had I seen them as a child, that don't bother me nearly as badly. The sole reason this one still bothers me, I think, is because I was young enough that it left a real impression on my psyche.

Oh, and I have done quite a bit of research on the area I live in. There's not much that I can do online since there aren't a whole lot of records, but I've heard around town about some local history that it might be connected to. See, running across the top of my driveway is a wide trail that goes through a forest; most of our property actually is part of that forest, only about an acre and a half of our five and a half acres are cleared out and liveable. The rest is the forest, and the trail is what remains of a railroad that ran through our town and surrounding areas for quite some time; there are still a couple of old markers on it about a half a mile down. The tracks shut down in the twenties when a passenger train crashed and burned down half our a neighboring town; the crash was on the same tracks, though in the next town. I still have trouble walking on the trail through the woods they've left behind by myself, if I'm totally honest, and I don't scare easily. There's also quite a bit of Civil War history around this county in general, battles fought and whatnot; SC decided to secede from the union right in this county, in another neighboring town from mine. The research that I've come to a dead end on is finding anything similar in description to this apparition, more or less. It could very well be a tormented soul, or it could have been a manifestation of some of the tragedies that have occurred here over the years; I doubt Civil War battles and the passenger train crash is all there is.

I guess what I'm interested in is folklores and legends. If anyone's read anything I haven't found that sounds similar to the green ghoulie in question. I like having references on things of this nature. I can't say why, but I am intrigued by real life horrors like this, even if some of the negative effects do still linger around me.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Comma - I wish I could delete my comment. After thinking about what I wrote, it seems like I'm discounting your story and I'm not. I have a 9 1/2 year old little boy and I believe him every time he tells me he sees our ghosts. He saw a red one when he was really little and it scared him to death.

So I sincerely apologize to you for the way my comment came across.
Comma (3 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
[at] bacchaegrl:

I'm honestly disinclined myself to believe straight away that it was a demon. For one thing, demonic entities have a habit of targeting people to stick around with and follow; and, yes, it was only a one time thing. The lingering fears are more a subconscious thing on my part, because I don't feel like I'll ever see it again. But it intrigued me enough that, despite the leftover apprehension, it would be an interesting thing to learn about, and I figured a site like this would be the perfect place to ask around. My fear as a human and my intrigue as a writer sort of come to odds on subjects like these.

As for whether I felt like I was being attacked, I certainly did feel that way. It was a long time ago, but it's hard to forget a feeling like that, as it's the only time I've ever felt that threatened in my life. Honestly, it could have been purely because of its actions, and the fact that I was only seven and already a bit paranoid; my issues with my bedroom door are proof enough of that. For all I know, it could have purely been looking to frighten, it might have stumbled into my room on a total accident, or it may have even reaching out for help. For all I know, it could have even just been a particularly convincing case of sleep paralysis (and I sort of wouldn't mind believing that, but I hard as I try I can't bring myself to).

Thanks for your help! I posted the same story in a livejournal community recently and didn't get this much out of the ten replies I got there, so it's very much appreciated 😁
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
this is a once in a life time event, please know that. It appears that you saw a goblin or a troll of some kind. They are purely energetic creatures and they rarely ever make an appearance to humans. Being a child at the time he seems to have not been that afraid of you. And that could be why he acted that way. Know that these beings don't like people at all, they don't really ever want to be around them. I don't think you will ever see anything like that again.

What I do think is you should let this one go and not fear it. No harm came to you. To make it right in your mind convince yourself that you encountered something so rare and ellusive. It is almost like you saw a bigfoot. And still usually these creatures only show themselves to children not adults. I don't know why he did that and I really don't think it will happen again. This is a good experience to talk about with people who will understand you. Talking about it will help you deal with it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Comma - a couple of ideas come to mind. You said you've done a little research. What kind of research? Did you research to see if there were any deaths in the vicinity of your property? If not, I suggest doing that. And I understand not wanting to talk to your family about it. I didn't talk to my family about my experiences until I was 35.

Also, please do not take what I'm about to say the wrong way, okay? I certainly do not mean to offend you. You said you were about 7 when this happened. I think when we are children, we might see things differently than we would if we saw the same thing when we were older. Things are scarier when we're kids. Let me try to explain what I mean. When you are say, 10 years old, you watch a scary movie and you sleep with your light on for the next year because it scared the crap out of you (I still sleep with night lights and hate scary movies 😨). You now, as an adult, watch that same scary movie and it doesn't scare you at all.

I'm not saying you didn't see this apparition. And I'm not saying it wasn't green and grotesque and everything else. I'm just wondering if, because you were a child, that's why it scared you so badly. If you saw this same apparition today, for the first time, would it have the same affect?

Someone please bail me out! I think my foot is stuck in my mouth 😭
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Wow, quite a disturbing story there. I can understand how traumatizing it would be. People will tell you that it's a demon trying to scare you. I wouldn't be too eager to listen to those people just yet. Sounds to me like a true ghost. Now why it would look like it is decomposing is a mystery to me. Perhaps the entity didn't lead a very good life, and is somehow doomed to an eternity of being hideous. Maybe he just wanted to reach out to someone, despite his grotesque appearance. If that were the case, it would be a modern day ghost legend come to life. But I'm romanitcizing again. I don't know if you really need to talk to a live person about it. I would find it very difficult to do as well. However, since you've only seen it once. There probably isn't too much to worry about. It was a freak sighting. Maybe you weren't supposed to see it at all. I think quite a few people have viewed otherworldly entities and creatures that they really weren't supposed to see. People will tell you to pray, and you can do that, I'm not opposed to it at all. I want to know, besides complete and utter disgust and fear, did you feel like you were going to be hurt in any way? Did you feel an attack? I know this happened a long time ago. You have made it this far. Stay strong, don't let the past control your future. It seems like a one time thing. I hope it remains that way.

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