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Baby Brings Ghost


When we brought my daughter home from the hospital, my son was four years old. The labor and delivery was much less stressful than my first. My daughter also slept very well through the night, for the most part, and I remember thinking that I deserved this after the hundreds of sleepless nights I spent with my son.

Everything was very blissful until my daughter was about 4 weeks old. Things started changing in the house, gradually. Lights would turn on and off sporadically, the TV's would flip on and then off, things would go missing. Much of this I put off as coincidence or simple mishaps. However, things took a turn for the worse.

The house turned into an angry atmosphere. I would hear banging and slamming going on and when I tried to locate where it was coming from, I could never find it. My son was in the bathroom once and as soon as he walked away from the toilet, a heavy glass light fixture came crashing down, barely missing him. We would hear crying/meowing sounds coming from the basement only to investigate and never find anything. All of the children's toys would make their sounds at odd hours of the night. I remember one night hardly sleeping a wink because the toys would take turns going off. First off the electric drums, then a toy fire engine and then a doll who would continually say, "pick me up mommy, pick me up mommy." That night I threw all of the toys out on the driveway and ended up throwing them all away because it freaked me out so.

One rainy day, my son, baby daughter and I were in the southwest bedroom. I was reading books to them when all of a sudden we heard the worst sound I have ever heard in my life. It sounded as if a million pieces of glass shattered inside the walls of the bedroom. It was a shrieking, shrilling sound and my son looked at me and said, "mommy, let's leave this house."

We did leave the house that afternoon but did return. A person I know who is very spiritual, came into the house and went through every room and her and I prayed. We also told the spirit or entity to please leave the house and leave us alone.

Gradually, things started getting "better" and the angry feeling left. I have always thought that maybe this was a "poltergeist" haunting but I am not sure. I have witnessed other things in the house and other places, but I will tell those another time.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, zetafornow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-13)
pravinnz: The comment section is for comments on the story. Please do not post the same comment, or variations of said comment, on every thread. Please read and follow the comments guidelines. Thank you! 😊
pravinnz (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-13)
Very intresting story really I liked it.

Take alook on this video amazing and creepy

Neveragain (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-27)
I am very glad to hear that the entity is gone... But I have a question. Why did you title this "Baby Brings Ghost"? I see that when the baby came, the activity started... But where did the baby get the entity from, if the baby did get followed by it?

Not very good at explaining... Hope you know what I mean when i'm asking this 😆
creepydog (3 stories) (71 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-21)
You poor thing! Thats so horrible! I bet your son and daughter were freaked! That is a very bad haunting. Do you know of any bad history in that house?
RIPparanormal (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
I'm just wondering, have you ever considered having an investigation done? I run a group based in North Dakota, we work with many clients, and have outside connections to people who bless houses, and psychics. It is all 100% free and completely confidential. Either way your story is very interesting and something we ghost groups are always in search of. All my contact info is on here if your ever interested please let me know! Thanks
Rip team
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Thanks Champion. The house, (we still live in it), has been quite inactive for some time. So hopefully it will remain that way. Thanks for the comment.
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
zetafornow-I am glad that things are more normal now for you and your family. I like to watch the TV show a haunting on Discovery and my son asked one time why don't they just leave and I had to explain to him that sometimes people can't just leave, that they have nowhere to go and don't have the money to buy or rent somewhere else or that moving in with other family members would be just as bad as the haunting LOL. I applaud you for staying and fighting for your home.

JaymeAnne (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Hehe, thank you! 😳
I know what you mean about how the house feels. My mother has said the same type of thing my whole life. And sometimes I'm able to feel it now that I'm older. Which is pretty strange because I thought those kinds of sense were supposed to dull as you get older. 😜
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)

First off... Love your username. Thank you for the nice comment but quite frankly, I have experienced many paranormal experiences before this one so maybe that's why I behaved as I did. It was scary and what is really scary is when you feel the emotions of the house. Some days I would walk in and feel it angry and other days I knew the house was okay. Strange as that sounds, that is how I explain it. Zeta
JaymeAnne (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
It seems that everyone has already put in their advice, and pretty much touched on everything I might have said. But I just wanted to say that you're incredibly brave! I would have been useless in that situation! I'm also very glad that everything has settled down. I hope you're comfortable in your home now. 😊
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)

Aha! That's where I have heard that. I used to listen to Willie, Waylon and the boys many years ago. The Highwayman was one of my favorite. Don't listen to it much anymore. Thanks for reminding me.

Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-04)
How freaky! I would absolutely hate that to happen to me! I'm glad that you and the house are better now, and of course, your family. I've been in a similar situation myself, with my house becoming negative (I mean, having a negative energy about it).
I do think that it probably was a mixture of baby blues and a jealous youngster as taz stated.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-03)
That was by Willie and Waylon. Same album with Luckenbach, Texas.

Jav 😊
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-03)
Seems to me there was a song once that had the lyrics "I've always been crazy but it kept me from going insane." Anyone?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
zeta: Thanks for the reply... Well now, I'm thinking along the lines with Taz: could have been a combination of all three crackpot theories rolled into one big thing LOL 😆...Interesting, and I guess we'll never know for sure...

You're so right about coming on this site and not being made to feel like you're crazy...Loonie, maybe! 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
zetafornow - actually a "crackpot theory" is a good thing 😊. A close friend uses that line and her "crackpot theories" are pretty much on target every time. So a few of us "borrow" her phrase when we think we might have an idea that has something to it. And thank you very much for those very kind words.

You said someone once called you crazy. I think everyone here at one time or another has probably been called that or at least has felt that way. My first ex-husband (yeah, I know LOL) told me that when I first discovered my psychic abilities. I shut them down. Kinda pisses me off now LOL, but it's okay they're coming back strong. So, we might be crazy in our own way, but I swear I'd rather be crazy than be "normal" if that's what "they" are. And we're in good company, aren't we?
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
Once again... Thanks to all for your comments and insight. That is the reason that I came to this site in the first place, after entrusting my paranormals to someone close to me and only to be shot down as a "crazy person". Well, I may be a little crazy at times, but paranormal activities happen, ghosts are real, hauntings happen. That's why this site is so reasurring for me. Okay...

[at] Missy: first time I've heard of this. I will look into that further. Hope someone replies with knowledge of this.

[at] miracles: I would never call you a crackpot nor think that your theories are that. Rather, I think you and I may be on the same page.

[at] granny: I do not recall that I was experiencing the "baby blues". On the contrary, I was so happy that the labor and delivery went so well, the baby was healthy and she slept throughout the night. But I will agree that I was emotional. No, the gradual calming did not coincide with my regular cycle... But what a wonderful theory.

[at] Jav: You're right... Granny always makes sense.

[at] taz: I understand what you are saying but the house changed. Certain days you could feel that the house was "safe and happy" and on the contrary, other days the sense was "angry and unsafe". Almost as if the house were a living thing. I know, sounds creepy, but I can not find the proper words to describe. Thanks for your insight.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
was thinking the same thing as devious AND granny
It could have been a mixture of both, jealous youngster and "baby blues"
I first thought the young boy as you say it was his toys that would "play up" and getting rid of them would have intensified the feeling of being left out, and with that happening the things getting worse would have been such a strain on you being the mom.

Sometimes just getting away from it all (not just with hauntings) can make the home feel different when you return, like when you go on holliday/vacation the house seems welcoming when you get back as though it has missed you.
Hope that makes sense 😆
Glad to hear it got easyer for you all
Look forward to your next story
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
I think you may have hit the big one with that granny! I like that theory, and damn if it doesn't make perfect sense.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
zeta: Okay, my turn for a crackpot theory 😆...Like Miracles mentioned, there seems to be a lot of loopholes where poltergiests are concerned... So my theory would be that maybe you were experiencing the "baby blues"?...As women, and moms, we know the hormonal roller-coaster you're on after a pregnancy... Could your emotions from the changes have produced a poltergiest?...That is, if we go with the theory that surrounds teens, and their emotional states producing telekinetic phenomenon...

I think this is a possibility, since you stated that things gradually calmed... Did the calming co-incide with you reaching your normal cycle after giving birth, or soon thereafter?

Thank you for posting, always a pleasure ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
zetafornow - bless you 😊 Not only am I glad I didn't offend you, but I'm glad that you also thought this. Shew 😆. I like it when a crackpot theory isn't such a crackpot theory after all LOL.
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
Hi zetafornow,

I'm on sorta on the same page as Miracles1031 but I was thinking baby daughter...? Since nothing ever happened until after bringing home your new bundle of joy I thought maybe its her?

I read a story on here not to long ago (I'm sorry I tried to locate the story but came up empty 😢)

What I can remember about the comments on that story was that some infants can psychokinesis/telekinesis or astral project...? While I was reading your story it reminded me of that story. Maybe I remember wrong... Can someone shed some light on this because I was thinking this could be a possibility. Or maybe not...
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
Thanks for all of the replies. This happened a long time ago and sometimes I feel as if it could start up again... We are still in the same house.

[at] deejay: it was intense and scary. When things did calm down it seemed as if the house took on a whole new personality. (that might sound wierd, but no other way to describe it).

[at] devious: everything is peaceful now, however I have seen other things in this house, more on that later.

[at] miracles: what you state is exactly what I thought, so no disrespect taken. As a matter of fact, my son was a little jealous. I don't know too much about poltergeist, but I know that they live off of children's abundance of energy. Thank you for your insightful comments... I actually think this might have been the cause of this.

[at] Jarman: You are right about the frequency, etc. But I do believe it was more than that. Thanks for your comments.
JarMan (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
Electronics are weird things and they don't always respond or work how we'd like. A TV's remote can work on the same frequency as other electronics, or if it were an infrared light, candles and other light sources emit it as well and can interfere with electronics.

In any event, it's nice to hear things settled down.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
zetafornow - sometimes I hesitate to ask questions or pose a thought because it might come across a little differently than I intend it. And being a mom myself, I react strongly when someone says something I take objection to concerning my children. Did it just yesterday as a matter of fact. So please, I mean absolutely no disrespect here, okay? It's just the thought that ran through my mind when I read your story. And I've been known to be way off base before 😉.

Was your little boy in any way feeling jealous or left out when you were pregnant or brought your new daughter home? The reason I'm asking is I'm wondering if he was transferring these emotions, whether he may have realized them or not, and they manifested into "ghosts" or even a poltergeist-type activity. I realize he is way too little for that, under normal circumstances, but with a new baby in the house maybe there are "loopholes" for poltergeists LOL. Anyway, just a thought.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
Wow, this experience is both unique and amazing. I really have to compliment you on your straightforward, no-nonsense writing style.

I think having a new baby in the house might have stirred up the activity. Children are little energy powerhouses, so it does not surprise me that you were experiencing this. The thing with the toys would have really freaked me out too. Hopefully everything is peaceful now, and I think you and your friend did right by praying and asking the spirit to leave.
deejayy53 (3 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
Wow! That must have been a very intence time for you and your family! I'm glad everything started to calm down thou, having a new baby and a little guy around those types of things isn't good at all! Good luck with everything and I sure do hope everything stays calm for you guys! 😁

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