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Real Ghost Stories

The Whispering


First off I just want to take the time out to say thank you for reading my story. And also to tell you that the house in my story has never been known to be haunted! Thanks again.

One day I was home by myself just sitting in the living room listening to my MP3 player. It was in the middle of a song when static began coming through. Now mind you this is a MP3 player it does not need any signal or anything. So I turned if off and went to look for some new headphones thinking that was the problem. I got close to my room when I started hearing whispering. It wasn't soft it was like real voices but it was still whispering. So I quickly ran into my room to see what is was. It had stopped once I walked in. So I made sure my window was closed and I locked it to be sure. Then my door slammed and I whirled around and ran to open it but the knob wouldn't turn. It was as if someone was holding it on the other side. I was pulling and turning and started banging but it just wouldn't open.

I turned the knob and pulled really hard and it flew open and I fell backwards. I ran into the living room to call my mom and when I got her on the phone she didn't believe me. I was so scared. So I called my sister to see if she would come home early and she said it would be about an hour. So I ran in the bathroom and locked the door and sat on the floor. I kept hearing footsteps, but I just covered my ears and rocked back and forth. I was frightened.

About 2 hours went by and I heard a knock on the door. I unlocked the door and let my sister in. I hugged her and didn't want to let go. I told her the story and she said something just must have been wrong with the door. She didn't believe me either.

Could someone tell me what you think it could be?

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, scgirl97, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vanlewie232711 (1 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
😨 I would say saying prayers before you enter each room and say you leave for school or checking the mail say a prayer before you re-enter your home? I do like Nysa idea of someone protecting you from some threat that you couldn't imagine or see. I have learned that saying any prayer as simple as "may god bless this house and all those that enter here amen" really calms the nerves and fears. Good luck to you
coolcatfun (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-30)
i loved it. I add been scared in my life. Do you know how old your house is, scgirl97!
whisper44 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-29)
This is an interesting experience... And am sure it scared you too! People can give all kinds of advice and comments... And for myself... It always remained as with dreams... What does the dreamer or the one experiencing think or feel? There are so many ways this could go... But for me it helps to keep track of things... And realizing that we people are all sensitive to energies:) In general... People are scared of things they can not touch or feel with there hands! I have had many experiences with ghosts/spirits and haunted houses... And mine began with hearing things. It is good to share your feelings and experiences... And I hope you can come to understand this experience and to not be scared:)
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-28)
My questions ran alone the lines of Javelina, so thanks for answering her questions. I think you should follow Nysa's suggestion for keeping a journal so that you can keep a record of what your are experience so that you find a pattern later on (or even if you post your journal on this forum, many of us would gladly take a look and see what is going on). It doesn't have to long but just add things like the date and if you can remember the time, that would be great, what happened, where did it happened, who was with you at that time, and the feelings you and others felt.

I'm sorry that I and the others weren't much help this time around but we are waiting to here from you so we can help you further. Good Luck and I will keep you in my prayers.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-28)
Well my theories were based on the assumption that it was a one time thing. Keeping a record is often a good way to get a handle on these things. Perhaps if you start to write down the time, location in the house, and the tone you detect (if it ever changes) you will start to see a pattern that will help you come up with ideas about just what it could be.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
it's been said that when you're in a relaxed state, like when listening to music for instance, you're more open to paranormal experience. So maybe once the spirit/s realized you noticed it, they became a little excited, hence the door and footsteps. Maybe they're were just happy they were finally heard. Do you know any history of the house?
scgirl97 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
Sorry GhostGuy but I know in my heart it was a haunting. But thanks for the feedback.
ghostGuy (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
Emf pollution. Make sure this isn't the case. It
May be underground streams or electrical appliances
Causing the illusion that the house is haunted.
It really doesn't sound like an actual haunting.
A haunting is when a real person, incarnate, is really in your house. They tend to have a pattern of
Activity that is definately distinguishable from other activity.
scgirl97 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
Javelina- Didn't mean no harm was just answering your questions.

Nysa- It happened about a month agao. And yes I still hear them sometimes. Whether I'm alone at home or if there are people there.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
Well that you were able to discern a tone helps give a little more understanding. If it were monotonous and completely indistinct it would suggest a mundane explanation. Just a few more questions. How long ago did this take place and have you ever heard the whispering again?

Off the top of my head I can think of two possibilities. First, that some of your ancestors were protecting you from a threat you were unaware of. Imagine a scenario like this, keeping in mind this is just one of a million possible theoretical situations; a sexual predator is walking down your street peeking in windows looking for a vulnerable person to attack. Someone watching over you from the afterlife perceives the threat and wants to get you away from where you are, manipulates energy to cause distortion on headphones, tries to warn you but you only hear upset whispering, maybe even jams the door to keep you there & away from being spotted. Second possible theory, some entity with no connection to you or your home randomly chooses to harass you then moves on. Since we know so little about the supernatural, I imagine others here will be able to come up with other plausible theories. Isolated incidents are the hardest to speculate on. My guess is that something paranormal happened to you, saying just what it was... Is a challenge.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
Thank you for answering so quickly. That now eliminates what I was concerned about.
Don't be upset over the questions, that is pretty standard in any situation where the paranormal is concerned. We weren't there, so how do we know without asking?
I didn't say you were TRYING to freak yourself out.
I only gave examples of alternate scenarios. It's what happens here every day. I thought I had explained that, sorry if you misunderstood my intentions.
I'll leave you be and let others assist you.

scgirl97 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
No my window was not open, I was making sure it was closed for reassurance of it not being someone that came through it.

No door in my house has a lock except my mom & dads room, the front an back door and the bathroom.

I was listening to my music on the volume level of 11 because I had to be able to hear if someone knocked on the door or if the phone rang. So it was on a low volume.
I know it was nothing I did. I would never consider trying to freak myself out especially since I have bad anxeity.
But I figured I would answer your questions.

Nysa- No I could not make out any words. But it was like an upset urgent kind of whisper like you just lost the football game and your whispering to a team mate in anger so the other team don't hear, you know?
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
I am curious about the whispering. Could you hear any words? If not could you detect a tone (urgent, giggly, angry, etc)? Was it echo-y?

Even if the door did not have a lock in your panic you may have jammed it. The whispers are the part of your account that I think might be paranormal.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
Mostly I agree with Javelina.
If the window was open that explains the door slamming, and if the door does have a lock it could get stuck by slamming it hard (it has happened a few times with my front door, once I even had to call my husband to open it for me lol).
Please don't misunderstand me because I am not trying to debunk you, I'm just trying to find another explanation.

God bless ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
It's not easy to give answers with so little information. A couple of questions, I'm sure others will have more:

1) Does the bedroom doorknob have a lock? Nothing fancy, just a turn type in the center of the doorknob?
2) You said you made sure the window was closed. Was it open before that? What about other windows and doors leading outside?
3) How loud do you normally turn the volume while listening with headphones? How many hours a day would you say you listen with headphones on? Do you ever fall asleep with them on?
These are just ways to eliminate natural sources for what you experienced. It's always the first step. Look to the natural world for answers first. If you can't find them there, then you may have a paranormal event.
I realize this was a frightening experience. But it had built so quickly that it really must be looked at closely. For example:
Using headphones to listen to music is fine, but you can over use them and cause damage to your eardrums. That can cause all sorts of distortions to your hearing. Residual noises from listening through headphones can sound like whispering when it's actually more like an echo from what you were listening to moments before.
If your bedroom door has a lock in the knob you could quite easily have locked it unknowingly as you flung open the door. When the door slammed, you go into a panic state. At this point all you want is out! It's not hard to imagine that lock being just barely in lock position and all the twisting and pulling finally freed it and you went flying backward with that force.
These are just a few scenarios that could account for what happened that day. But until you really look at it from the outsiders point of view, you may miss it.

Helloweirdoworldfriken (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
Okay, there are surely explainations for everything... If you don't believe

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