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Real Ghost Stories

Keep It Down Up There


These are just a few of the experiences I've had with my 2 ghosts that live in my house.

Firstly, I have 2 ghosts in my house, both nice. One is a young girl of about 6, the other is a teenager of about 17. I think they are both brother and sister, but I'm not sure. I do know that the teenager is a poltergeist, and the young girl is not. I also know their names, Maybella and Jonathan.

The first experience I remember, was when I was 5. I have this doll, called Amanda, and she used to sit at the end of my bed, on a little rocking chair. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, to the sound of creaking. I looked over at the chair, to see it rocking, and Amanda was laying beside it. I saw Maybella sitting in the chair, making it rock, so I just waved and went back to sleep.

A few years later, when I was 11, I remember coming home to find my entire room trashed. The rocking chair had been split in 2, and Amanda was lying, headless, on the floor. It was easy to place everything back, but it wasn't so easy to fix the chair and the doll, so my dad just put them in the attic.

Every night, I hear footsteps and giggling coming from the attic. Then the chair starts to rock back and forth, while it's still broken in 2, for the rest of the night, before crashing to the ground. In the morning, there is heavy footsteps and squealing, before a teenage male voice shouts to 'Keep it down in there!'.

I've gotten used to it over the years, but it seems to be getting louder and louder. Whenever I try to record it, nothing happens. It's like the ghosts know I'm trying to catch them on video or something.

I'll try to voice record it, and I'll let you guys know if anything new happens!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, xlucy__12x, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-08)
[at] Fergie: lady-glow asked which town I lived in, so I told her. I'm not allowed to say where in Stirling, but I can say Stirling.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)
[at] xlucy: You are from Stirling... In Scotland? Well, the whole town has a LOT of history! I am sure that people would be far more interested in investigating the Castle, than your home!
Why are you so sensitive about where you live? Nobody was asking for your address!
Thank you for sharing.
xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)
[at] lady-glow: Stirling. It took me a while to get permission to tell you (5 hours of persuading) because the last time we told an 'outsider', they brought in a paranormal investigator to investigate, and no one really liked it. They felt like it would make the spirits more active.
But, they have allowed me to tell you, so here I am!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
[at] xlucy_12x

I appologize if the placement of the word 'Daddy' in my comment offends you, but English is my second language and, to me, there is nothing wrong with the way I used it... Guess I have to thank you for teaching me something new 😊.

You know, the more I read your story and comments, the more confused I get, so I think it would be healthier if I forget about it, but there is something I really have to ask: what is the name of your town?
I would love to learn more about it and even visit some time though, perhaps it would be impossible to find any information on line if the people are so secretive about the paranormal activity happening there.

[at] virtualboy
Apology accepted.

Take care ❀
xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
[at] lady-glow: The storm came after. What I meant in my previous comment was that my dad put the rocking of the broken chair down to the storm, meaning I have not yet answered SnoWQueeN's question. My town has a history of paranormal activity, so a lot of the adults pretend it doesn't happen, and/or ignore it, and when something happens, they don't tell any of the kids, and make sure we don't hear about it anywhere, so we don't get any ideas. My parents have told me I'm crazy, which is why I AVOID talking about anything strange that goes on in the house, and let them believe what they want to believe. The storm and the breaking of the chair happened on different days, and I think it was different years aswell. The rocking of the broken chair only started during the storm, as though Maybella didn't like it.

[at] virtualboy: The moving and throwing of objects was supposed to be an entirely different story. But, I had to answer a question with that information, which has obviously made you think I'm hiding it. I had forgotten to add it in, and only remembered about it once I'd published the story. I then decided to write that into it's own story, telling of one of the scariest encounters I've had involving objects being thrown. The movements are not directed toward anyone in my house, but can be violent if Jonathan has become moody. He always seems to direct it away from people, though.

Oh, and [at] lady-glow again, I understand you are older than me, but I don't appreciate the way you placed 'Daddy' into your comment. It just makes me feel childish, and as though you are mocking me.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
Then you've never seen the aftermath of a Tornado or Hurricane... Just saying... 😲


virtualboy (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
i just re-read your comment and realized you meant whether or not the storm and room being trashed were linked. My apologies. When she said her dad blamed one on the other I assumed they happened concurrently and didn't think much of it. (Though I don't see how a storm could trash a room in that fashion.)
virtualboy (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
I've now read her other story, and I really don't see how the two could be at all connected...
I was just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. If what she is saying is true, then her parents have basically been telling her she's crazy all these years. I figured a little validation goes a long way. And if not, then no skin off my back. And for the record, you sound like a great parent, you need to realize not all parents are willing to listen to their children. In my home growing up, my opinion meant nothing, and if my Dad said I was lying, then that was it, no matter any evidence to the contrary.

(also, the story only states her room was trashed *once*, with the doll and chair being broken from the incident.)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
[at] virtualboy:

The little girl committing suicide or being murdered is from the OP's previous story (Girl with no shadow and the drama studio), if you read it and also the comments you will know what I mean by "adults reacting with such indifference"
And note that, in her story, she says one day she found her entire room trashed, and later in her comment she mentions the storm that destroyed part of the roof. Perhaps xlucy could clarify if this two events happened on the same day.

I am a mother and know that it is normal for kids to have a vivid imagination, but if I kept on finding broken and destroyed stuff in one of my kids' room and she/he was to constantly tell me it was not her/his fault or didn't do it... Over a period of several years, I sure will try to find an explanation and listen to my child. And I am sure any parent would do the same, that is what makes me wonder why xlucy's parents have not freaked out at the events that develop every night in the attic.

But only xlucy can shed more light on this. 😊
virtualboy (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
Lady-glow - I believe you are mistaken. There was no mention of a little girl dying or committing suicide. Just a little girl ghost. Who knows how long ago she passed. Also, the author stated in her comment that the storm destroyed part of the roof. Not her room. Also note that the doll and chair broke when in her room, and only afterward did her father store them in the attic. Please read more clearly before you jump on posters.
When it comes to the adults in her life blaming the events on nature, denial can be a powerful thing, especially when ecaserbated by fear. Xlucy__12x - I however do find it strange that you didn't mention the older ghost's more vivid behavior. I think I might find flying or moving objects more disturbing and/or noteworthy than just voices. And with that added information, have the movements ever been violent, or directed toward anyone in the home? Thanks for replying:)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)

So, your dad just put the doll and the chair in the attic of a house that was partly destroyed after a storm?

I read both your stories, and there is something that really bothers me; how come all the adults around you seem to react with such indifference?
First, a little girl committed suicide, or was murdered and there was no follow up to this tragic fact?
Did the police only say "One less girl walking on the world, tra-la-la-la-laaaa?"

And then, your parents have seen things been destroyed and thrown around for several years and still do not believe that something is wrong? Plus all the noise that the rocking chair does not only every, but during the rest of the night, and then heavy footsteps and a voice calling to "Keep it down,"
And they are still in denial of something abnormal going on?

Look, it is not like I do not believe your stories, but they are full of contradictions and missing important details that you, conveniently, 'forget' to mention, like the fact that your room would be all trashed after a storm that destroyed part of your house... I'm glad no one got hurt, that is, not counting Amanda's fallen head and a broken old rocking chair that Daddy stored in a half-destroyed attic still wondering if they got broken because of the storm, but convinced that all the flying objects in his house are very natural occurrences. πŸ€”

Anyway, I'm glad you think the ghosts are friendly and a good company, and still are able to sleep with all the noise they make during the night.

Keep us posted.
xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
[at] SnoWQueeN: My dad did ask about it, but put it all down to a storm we'd had that had destroyed part of the roof. It seemed like he wasn't so sure though.

[at] lady-glow: Maybella might be a poltergeist, too, but so far Jonathan has been causing most of the poltergeist activity. He throws things around a lot, and destroys things. I just didn't really mention that. My parents are skeptics, and put it down to nature.

[at] virtualboy: I have tried researching the history of my house, but so far there has been nothing. The doll and chair have been passed down from my great-great-great gran, who always claimed they were haunted. I got the doll and chair when I was 3. I've noticed that Jonathan also tells me to 'Keep it down', I just shout at him to 'shut up'. They are good company, and are quite friendly, but it seems like Jonathan is more moody than Maybella.
virtualboy (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
I really enjoyed your story:) have you tried researching the history of your house and the land its built on? That may give you a clue as to who these two are. Have you always had the doll and chair? It seems odd that the girl interacts with it the same way each time, with the same response from her 'brother'. Makes me think that they are either connected to one or both, or replaying something that happened, perhaps their final moments. (Especially with the doll and chair being broken, that seems kind of violent to me, like a lot of force would be needed) I hope you're able to record something and I look forward to reading more.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
I got a little confused... πŸ˜• First, you say the teenager is a poltergeist, and later, it seems to be little Maybella the one causing mischief, and teenager Jonathan asking to "Keep it down in there!"

Have your parents done anything about the presence of these two ghosts in your house, or is your whole family used to share their home with someone that should not be still around?

I hope somebody could do something to send those two little spirits to the place where they belong. 😒

Thank you for sharing.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-01)
So didn't your dad ask about the chair and doll why it happen to be in that condition? He must have wondered. And I see the young spirit is playful😊

Thanks for sharing.


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