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The Ghost That Liked Music


When I was 6 years old I was living with my father, his fiancée, his fiancée's adult son and my older sister, whom I shared a room with, in a 3 bedroom house. All door ways from each bedroom lead onto out lounge room.

One night I went to bed as usual, but was awoken early in the morning by loud music. Thinking that it was my dad and his fiancée or the son, I walked to my bedroom door and stopped dead. The stereo was on but no one was in the lounge room, everyone was in bed and all doors were shut. I stood there frozen staring at the volume knob on the stereo as it continuously went down to no volume then up to full volume, but no one was moving it. Mind you the stereo I'm talking about is the old style one with the vinyl player on top, the push button on/off switch with the built in trebble/bass etc. Slid bar and the large knob for the volume so the possibility of it being turned on by accident was impossible.

While standing in my door way frozen, I heard my dad getting out of bed uttering quite a few 4 letter words, to say he was a little angry would be an understatement. When he and the fiancée got to their bedroom door way, they to froze as they saw what I was seeing. The next to join us was the son, I don't remember if my sister joined us.

All I do remember is standing there for what seemed like hours, when realistically it was probably only a couple of minutes, watching as the music continued to go up and down in volume.

I don't no what caused it. But as soon as it started, it stopped just as abruptly. This was not the only encounter I had in this house so while I can, I will also post the other account I had so I can get some feed back into what this could have been. I'm now 26 with 4 kids of my own but still remember it like it was yesterday.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kristy-lee1985, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Wolfchild (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-04)
If you can remember the address of your house that this occurred in, try to see if it has any history that would find the ghost of your house.:)
creepy (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
that must have made you stop in a state of shock that is probably why it felt like hours and I hope you have fully recovered from that scaring experience
kristy-lee1985 (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-02)
I spoke to my dad about this only a few years ago, and even he said he couldn't explain it. I asked him what happened after I went to bed (after the stereo had already turned itself off) he said he didn't get back to sleep, he sat in the lounge room all night staring at the damn thing and nothing happened. I asked him if he thought it may of been someone trying to send us a message (he is a believer in paranormal as I am) and he said that he didn't know, that it could of been my pop who died 2 years before I was born. He still can't explain it to this day, 20 years later. Any of it for that matter
kristy-lee1985 (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-02)
thanks cosmogirl, was very creepy, specially for a 6 year old.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Hi kristy-lee, The way you described the stereo brought back the memory of my father's system. I know exactly what you are talking about from the vinyl player on top and large volume knob, to the way the stereo lit up when it was on. 😁 It must have been really freaky to witness something like that, but at least other members of your family were there to see it too. Can't wait to read your other experience. 😊
kristy-lee1985 (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
to adrianna if there are many reasons then please fill me in as to what they could be and why three grown adults at the time could not even explain it and they all saw it with their own eyes as well, as for my dad, all he had to say was "go back to bed" I asked him what was happening and he said he didn't no and said that someone was playing tricks but seriously, wouldn't you palm it off if you new it was scaring your child, if you have doubts in what people write on here I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself because they are quite offensive, it took a lot of guts for me to tell this story so for people to be practically saying I'm full of it, I'm highly offended.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
Hi Kristy - lee,
Thanks for explaining it for me. At this point in time I can't think of anything logic to explain by. But I forgot to ask earlier. What did your father have to say about this?
AdriannaMarieCole (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
I'm not doubting your story or anything, but this sounds like a little kid wrote this story. There could've been several explanations for why the knob was moving. Once again, I'm not doubting your story, but I'm just saying more than likely there could be a logical explanation.
kristy-lee1985 (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
the lights were turned off but all the lights on the stereo were on and the lights on it were quite bright so it was easy to see the volume being turned up and down. No it couldn't of been an electrical problem because for the volume to be turned up you had to physically turn the nob to the right to turn it up and to the left to turn it down. I appreciate your questions and do apologise that my description was not enough to form a mental picture. Was running out of characters 😁 will be posting another story about another experience I had in this house in a little while, I didn't have a lot of experiences but the ones I did have were pretty freaky and unexplainable.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
Before I start Kristy - lee, I would like to say that I'm NOT trying to say that your story isn't true but I would like to ask something to see if there might have another cause before labeling it paranormal.

You mentioned that your whole family saw the volume knob turn up and down. Could it have been an electrical problem for the volume to go up and down? Also, I'm assuming that the lights were turned off (or did you turn it on?). In the case the lights were turned off, wouldn't it have been difficult to see the actual volume knob turn up and down? These questions are just some of the things to think about to determine weather it's paranormal or not.

Again, not saying that your experience is of a paranormal state we wanted to make sure that it is actually paranormal.

Also, you mentioned that you have had other experiences in this house. I would love to hear your other experiences.

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