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Lost Boy


This story was relayed to me by my cousin Love. This may sound like an urban legend but I believe this is true because she is not a type who would lie on something like this.

This happened when she was still a nursing student at one of the medical colleges somewhere in Quezon City (she graduated few years ago).

It was around 2:00 am and their hospital duties has just ended. After arranging her things, she headed home right away and used the elevator with one of her female classmates. I don't remember if she mentioned from which floor they came but the elevator door opened on the 4th floor and a little boy of around 7-8 years old entered the lift. My cousin, as friendly as she is, asked the boy where he is going to which he answered, "hinahanap ko po nanay ko (I'm looking for my mother) " The little boy alighted on the 2nd floor and they notice the hospital bracelet on his foot.

The next day, during one of their class, Love asked their professor what a foot bracelet means on a patient and the answer she got shocked her. It meant that the patient is already dead. Despite that disturbing discovery, Love and her friend decided to just keep that experience to themselves. They were afraid that the others might not believe them and even make fun of them.

She only divulged this story when I asked her if she has encountered creepy incidents like this because I know that it is very common among nursing students and I am very interested in such occurrence. And I swear it gave me goosebumps all over.

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daunsntein (4 stories) (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-25)
Bluerose19: As I have mentioned there are similar stories to this
* (My guess is that this really happens every now and then to unsuspecting people. It became so usual, some made the story more interesting and had different versions 'til it went down to the list of urban legends.)

Valkricry: I appreciate you taking time to read the story and thanks for the comment too 😁. I guess if that happened to me, I would have disregard it as well and be confident that he won't be able to leave the building and pass through security. And I would be skeptic and scared of it's presence right away 😨
* (They might have helped him if the little guy seemed worried or crying while looking for his mother like he is really lost inside the hospital. However, he was composed and calmly rode the elevator, stood there like he knows his way around and got off. The weirdness of the situation made them let him on his own)
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-25)
I am sorry, but why do I get this feeling that I have read this exact story somewhere else before? 😲

Well,please tell me have you submitted this story to another such ghost story telling website also (where I might have read and so I get this feeling?)? 😕

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-24)
I believe that your cousin told you this story, however I have doubts about your cousin. You say she spoke to the boy and he answered (rules out residual haunting). What kind of person would then allow a child to wander around 'looking for his mother' ALONE in a building as large as a hospital? Or anywhere for that fact? No matter the time of day, she should have told the boy that she would help him look and taken him either to the nurses station or security.
Of course I'm assuming she wasn't having one over on you 😉
daunsntein (4 stories) (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-24)
DelzLdy: I appreciate your honest opinion 😁
I know it would be nice if we can find out more however, my cousin is no longer connected with the school/hospital.
DelzLdy (2 stories) (50 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-21)
daunsntein - I agree this sounds very much like a memory or residual haunting; but as I'm no expert, it is only my opinion.

Because this experience came first-hand from your cousin, whom you trust, I'm less inclined to doubt the validity of your story. It would be interesting to know if there was a history to go with this as well.
daunsntein (4 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-09)
Hi sds 😁 Thank you for reading. However, my cousin is no longer in contact with her old school. She actually transferred to another one before she graduated. And I'm not sure if this is how they deal with it in other places but as far as I know, here in our country, ghost sightings/stories are so common that we don't even bother looking further into it. We get scared and tell the story to other people and that's it. Unless if the occurrence becomes serious that it starts to bother the living, that's when we take actions.

Thank you for sharing that story AussieRedDog 😁 I believe that these "beings" manifest themselves in hospitals because usually that's where they died and sometimes they aren't even aware that they are no longer part of this dimension.
AussieRedDog (26 stories) (85 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-08)
My ex G/F once told me she saw a young girl while working in the local Hospital. The girl was wandering the hallways late at night... Never found out who or why she was haunting the hallways. I reserached the histopry of the hospital and found there were many a young girl passed away in that hospital...
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
Hi daunsntein, I think it would have been better if your cousin investigated further into the matter. Because if there had been a spirit of a small boy, then some persons would have definitely seen. Also, if it had been a spirit that has been going on in the lift, for sure, people would have across such an entity.

But, my feeling is that it might be a residual haunting. However, I cannot be sure because it was sighted only once. If it is possible, either for you or through your cousin, it could be investigated, then please post it.

Regards and respects to you.

daunsntein (4 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-06)
Thanks for reading and the comment BadJuuJuu 😁
I appreciate it!
They might have helped him if the little guy seemed worried or crying while looking for his mother like he is really lost inside the hospital. However, he was composed and calmly rode the elevator, stood there like he knows his way around and got off. The weirdness of the situation made them let him on his own. 😉
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-03-06)
To be honest, it sounds to me like someone declared the little guy dead prematurely. It should have been mentioned to someone at the hospital. An investigation into what happened would have been a good idea.
Unless of course the kid vanished into thin air when he stepped off of the elevator.
daunsntein (4 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-06)
hi Otteer & zetafornow 😁

Thank you for your comments! I understand you would think it that way. I am a horror story fan myself and have read stories similar to this number of times. If the story came from someone I do not know, I would think the same for sure. 🤔

Only, this one was experienced by my cousin first-hand and she's not into supernaturals. I know she wouldn't just make up something like this. She and her companion, that time, already have an idea about patient's bracelets but they can't believe what they saw that's why they had to confirm it to their instructor. Although the use of bracelets on foot is a common knowledge, who would want to believe they are actually seeing a patient wearing one roaming around?
My guess is that this really happens every now and then to unsuspecting people. It became so usual, some made the story more interesting and had different versions 'til it went down to the list of urban legends.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-06)
It could be a sort of scary tale that is told to all new nursing students. I would think that at 2am it would be weird for a boy of that age to be wandering around. However; if it did happen as such, I would guess that the spirit of the boy does not know that he passed. Still looking for his mother. Kind of sad but I am with otteer on this one, urban legend.

otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-06)
If this indeed did happen... It would be creepy to a non hospital person...however, you are right, it sounds like more of an urban legend as, no hospital staff member, student or volunteer, would allow a small child to wander the hospital and go onto an elevator by himself. He would be escorted to admin to try and track his parents, if he was in a hospital gown or had an id bracelet, he would be taken to the childrens ward. And seems to me, id tags would be 1st on the agenda in class lol. Sorry!:)

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