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A Trip To The Cemetary


This story is one that happened to my brother, sister-in-law and her friends. I was present for the last part but...

My brother Nick, my sister-in-law Crystal (at the time was just Nick's girlfriend), her friend Renee (who became one of my roommates when my brother moved), and Renee's boyfriend Ben decided to take a trip to a cemetery near by. There is an old colonial cemetery in the city that I live in. There are many stories and urban legends about this cemetery.

Crystal is sensitive to spirits, she often hears them when she visits my house. They all went to this cemetery and Crystal kept hearing a voice and responded. The voice then identified itself, she said his name out loud so my brother could hear, and told her that he was buried in the cemetery. He told her to walk and directed her towards a certain headstone. When they looked at the stone, it had the very name that Crystal had heard.

At that time, Renee and her boyfriend began to feel a little creeped out. I can't recall exactly what happened next since I was not present but according to Nick, they heard something in the nearby woods. Now, this cemetery is the center of many ghost stories, one involving a man who stalks the grounds at night. Another of Fingernail Freddy (no, not Freddy Kruger, but a story that is very familiar to it) and the story of the man who was hung from the tree on the road the cemetery is on. So they all decided to leave. Nick, Crystal and Renee walked toward the road but Ben was a few steps behind. Renee and Ben both say they heard a voice say "F*** You!" and Ben flew forward like he was pushed. So they all ran back to the car and came to my house.

My mother was living with me at the time this occurred. She is into the supernatural and spirits. They all came into the house one by one. Nick, Crystal, Ben and then Renee. When Renee came in, the house began to smell really horrible and my dog started to act really weird. I told them to check their shoes for dog crap. No one had any, but my mom happened to walk by and she stopped dead in her tracks. She looked at them and asked where they had been. When Nick told her they were at the cemetery, she smelled each one of them. Nick, Crystal, Ben and then Renee. When she got to Renee, she told my brother to go get her sage. When Renee asked her why, my mother replied, "Because you smell like death." Renee got really scared and started to shiver. My mother burnt the sage and did some other stuff that I really didn't pay much attention to. Afterwards, Renee went upstairs to take a shower. When she came downstairs, she showed us 3 scratches on her neck that weren't there before.

Nothing has happened since then... Not regarding to that trip anyway. Nothing violent and that smell has not returned. From time to time, my dog whips her head up towards the stairs for no reason, but that is a different story.

Has anyone else ever smelled the scent of death? It is a horrible scent that is not easily described. It is never forgotten either.

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earthtogillian (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-28)
I haven't encountered that smell before. Can you elaborate a bit more how it smells like? However, do you know any reason why the "smell of death" held onto Renee and not Crystal who so happens to have the gift? Just wondering...

Great story by the way, hope all is well for you! ❤
theshedcrew (4 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-20)
I don't know why they went. My sister in law can hear them so maybe she wanted to listen
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-20)
I have a question for you, why did they go to the cemetery in the first place if they knew it was haunted? I would be totally freaked out. As mentioned by v0xp0puli101, certain countries, have practices where smoke is created and we pass though it because we believe the dead is attracted to the living and will follow us home. After that we would take a bath and wash the clothes we were in before doing anything else.

Just curious, where are you? I'm asking because we a similar believes.
theshedcrew (4 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-19)
The smell filled my kitchen. It was the most disturbing smell I've ever experienced, and I served in the military so I've smelled some awful stuff. That cemetery is known to be "haunted." I use to hang out there and skip school but never had anything follow me home like that. My mother knew what it was right away. The rest of us thought someone had a lot of crap on their shoes
lostghostgal (69 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-19)
Your Question you ask have anyone ever smell death my answer is Yes I was in my friend's apartment and notice the smell when I start to gag later in june my friend died.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
Yes you are. Very lucky. I've lost a large portion; parents, 2 siblings, aunt, uncles, cousins, son... List seems to go on forever... But sometimes I think they're looking at me and wondering what mess I've gotten myself into this time. 😆 And I am grateful. Grateful for the time they were in my life, grateful for the lessons taught. And most of all for the memories they left behind.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
Na not blessed. But I did not have anyone close to me die until I was in my early 20s. I'm not old yet, but a lot older now. Soon I will probably lose my dad and mom. But in a way I am lucky to only have lost only four so far in my life time.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
Ahhh, mamachong. Then you are not as blessed as I thought. More's the pity. But thank you for clearing that up for me. I've never noticed the smell after they are 'gone' either. Well, not quite true. If it had been a lingering illness there might be traces for a bit. But not at the funeral, and I've never smelt it in a graveyard. Peculiar, yeah?
I am deeply sorry for your recent losses.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
Hi Valkricry,
Sorry, I wasn't specific enough, my fault. I'll try to be more specific. I have known people that have died. At least 4 in my life time. Two just recently passed last month, very close friend, and x brother in law. Any way what I meant was I have never been in the same room or area as they were dying. I have been to funerals. But at this point the smell was gone, or at least I never noticed a smell.
v0xp0puli101 (10 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)

In our country, every time, we or someone goes to the cemetery, one has to burn something that can produce smoke after the visit. We'll burn some dried grass, branches or just anything outside, then after we'll step or walk-passed to the smoke. It is believed that anybody visits to the cemetery, each living attracts the dead, and that some spirits will go-with the living, and the purpose of the smoke is to like hold them back. Anybody misses to passed-by the smoke, will become restless for the night, even becomes sick. Others even won't take the clothes they wore in the cemetery inside the house, and has to wash themselves outside.
Mostly this has become a tradition on us, based on some experiences.

Thank you and best regards!

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
Hi theshedcrew, I feel something might have been attached to Renee. But really scary experiences. I could visualise how the guys might have felt when Ben was pushed in the cemetery. Thank God nothing happened to anyone until now.

Nice narration and thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
mamachong, if you have never known someone who is dying, count your blessings. I sincerly mean that. It's something I've dealt with most of my life.Friends, family, aquaintainces. Hospitals and nursing homes can be very hard on someone with this 'ability', but death is hard on folks in general as well.
5 am... I have to scoot off for work. You have a great day!
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-17)
Hi Valkricry.
I don't think if I have ever come accross the smell of death, but I have come accross rooms that have smelt like what you have described, when I looked around, no rotting meat anywhere. Have you ever come accross a cat or dog that has died and decayed, with the rotting smell? I have run accross that too, with no dead animals in sight. Well anyway, when I inagine how death smells, this is what I imagine it smells like. But I have never come in contact with someone dying, so I could be wrong.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-17)
It's beyond me. Possibly something had attatched itself to her? Although I've never heard of ghosts carrying that particular oder. But from what I understand death doesn't smell the same for everyone. (Talk about whacked sounding sentences!) My mother said it smelled like earth after a heavy rain. My Aunt said she always smelled kindof an 'infected' stench. For me it's like I said, rotting decay. I assume for someone else it could be quite different yet again.
MoonFall (1 stories) (48 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-17)

That sounds awful!

I wonder why the smell attached itself to Rene. 😕
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-17)
Yes, death does carry a certain smell with it. For me it's like rotting decay - the way meat smells when it's gone bad. Can't say I've ever experianced it from a cemetery though.
Interesting story.
MoonFall (1 stories) (48 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-17)

No, I have to say I have never encountered that smell. My cousin, however did her internship at a nursing home when she was going through nursing school and told me about it. She said she could always tell when someone was close to passing.: (

Cemetary stories are indeed the creepiest to me. Yet they always intrigue me the most.

Thanks for sharing... 😨

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