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Blue Mist


This is very recent and it was last night. Got back from active and later I noticed from the side of my eye I would see something instant rarely, but it was nothing. Last night I was in my room and I heard the dog whimpering and standing by my door, I figured he was ok. Hour later I still hear him and he is doing the same thing so I let him in and he laid by the door in my room. I got to thinking I caught pics before of spirits in the military so this could be the same type of situation. I randomly took pics around the room and got nothing so I was like hmmmm. I tried something different. I took pics behind me and I got one with bluish dark in the air like a wave by the wall. At first I thought it was the back of my shirt so I experimented for 30 minutes and it was not my shirt. If it was the top of my shirt on the top my back would cover the camera so no way my shirt could be on top of the camera from a distance and be a dark bluish. I always try to be rational until I can't and this was one of them. I will post the pic up too and send your email too if you want the pic and I be happy to share it with you.

My other experience:

I went through 3 rooms in my barracks in Okinawa.

4th floor: I woke up with my closet open... Didn't think of it to be anything then one night I was talking to my girlfriend. It cut out and said "shay shay naw." I was like, "what the hell?" Now it was interesting and it got worse fast. Pounding on my desk, pulling my blanket up at the bottom of the bed, lights trying to come on fully while off, so I got to switch.

3rd floor: I heard constant whistling sounds and again I was like, "what the hell?" Not too much happened there but touched my shoulder literally and EVP said. "sleep so softly sleep" I assumed it was a woman.

2nd floor: Again, not too bad but one night the vibe was off in the room and I took pics and very soon I got a pic with 4 faces in it.

Again, if you want the pic let me know and thanks. Hope you guys can help me out and especially the blue mist.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, themurph, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

TheWalrus (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-28)
There is an episode on Ghost Hunters International where they investigate an old prison in Ireland. The owner reported at one time having a mist follow a co-worker down a flight of stairs. The team never saw anything, but it could be related to excessive amounts of spiritual energy. I remember for a while when my parents were fighting and I was much younger that paranormal things seemed to happen quite a lot. I read somewhere that there is a type of haunting that grows of emotional energy. I think it's called a Residual Haunting, or something of that sort. That could explain your experiences in the barracks, and possibly in your home.
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-27)
the medium knows the dominant one. It is a Gen he said. I picked it up through someone in baghdad
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-27)
The pic one is very real LOL I was touched and got EVP in that room. My old squad leader was the first to notice them in the picture. I'll keep you updated with what the medium says. He said too spirits can attach easy to us.
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-27)
No the service was free and the investigators let me talk to their medium in IL. He said those are spirits that have attached to me when I was deployed in iraq. There is 1 dominant one with 3 weak ones. No its not my sleeve, I was wondering that the first time also but my sleeve wouldn't be touching the wall and be above my fan. I tested my theory for an hour and I confirmed it real. No I don't mind if you share the pics. I'm still talking to the medium as he picks up things. Thats cool val you in IL too. I'm near quad cities.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-27)
themurph: You mention that the blue thingie isn't the back of your shirt, but could it be the sleeve? Is it possible for the camera to have been at such an angle that it shows the lower, inside portion? I'm sitting here with my arms above my head pretending to hold a camera 😆.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-27)
Sorry, murph, but I looked again at the 'faces' picture and the one in the blinds, I think might be a trick of light and shadow. Blinds are notorious for that. Of course, that's just my opinion. I've asked others to come take a look and they might say I'm bonkers that it's clear as day.
I'm curious what Investigative group did you contact? I'm from Illinois too. I hope they aren't charging you for the service.
Would you mind if I showed these pics to some friends of mine?
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-27)
Ari,Rook,wishful and others,
If you got a second - could you come look at these pictures and give me your take on them? They have me on the fence as it were. Pretty interesting stuff though.
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
pictures are in the link in the comment section that I posted. Enjoy:) Update the paranormal investigators replied to my pic I sent and they are using a medium and will be in touch with me.
takeiteasy (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
I would love to see the pictures! This is a really interesting story, I'm glad you shared.
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
You all are welcome to help with the blue mass thing. So far I haven't found anything on it. Can demons manifest into blue mass? Whatever it is its nothing bad. Sometimes I thought I saw something black shadow crawling on the floor and another time I saw a black face from the corner of my eye, but it immediatly took off when I noticed it. I feel sometimes I hear voices at night, but its weird like I can't make it out or maybe its the neighbors tv. Val you will like my other stories too. They were solved and made sense just this one is the weirdest.
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
Thanks val and the link is right here and good idea:)


The face is in the blinds right above the light. Its outlined and the jaw is the give away immediatly folling that light. Yes the smoke face is like an alien face.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
Hmmmm...ok I can make out the smoke-thing face by the table/box. Looks a bit alien - the almond shaped eyes and tiny chin... The other face I was unable to see. You said to look above the light? Did you mean in the blinds?
You could upload these to something like photobucket or fliker and post the link here in comments. That way others could see without waiting for email, and might feel a bit more free to give their feedback.
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
anyone that wants the blue mass picture just email me. I'm sending you the faces valkricry and that one is a lot of activity. Yes the blue mass is just strange. I took many pics in my room and for that one I put the phone above my head behind me and caught it. Seem like it was leaving.
themurph (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
it was the barracks on the 4th floor after the military decided to renovate and they woke things up. On 4th it slammed my desk, but I got out of that floor. One time I was a black figure walk out of my bathroom straight through the next wall. Blue mist an entity? Hmmm interesting allesgute. I sent the picture on this site but it didn't upload so if you guys want the picture I will send it to you. Thanks valkricry for helping:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
Ok, more awake now and I looked at the picture. You know what that mist reminds me of? A towel... Kinda 'furry' like terry cloth. I am not saying that is what it IS, mind you, just that is what it reminds me of. It's also very straight edged on the end (see how it looks like a corner on the right side?) It has no shadow, but heck, I don't think mists cast shadows, do they? I'm not sure if 'mist' is the correct term for it, either...it's pretty solid looking more of a mass I'd say. Definately not the back of someone's shirt. Not a valance, either - unless you have one very weird window there. Hmmm...I'll give you this - definately weird!
Might I also see the other picture you mentioned as well? The one with the faces in it? Please?
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
This is super scary. Popular culture always told us that entities can't be caught on camera. Good work there! Your experience on the fourth floor was really scary. Did you try to find out the history behind this building/area? You might get some clues if you ask around. Stay safe. God bless.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
Murph, I recieved the picture of the blue mist. Many thanks. I've just woken up and sometimes it's hard for me to see details until my eyes are 'awake' as it were. The 'blue mist' is in the upper left of the pic no? To me it looks quite opaque - not like a 'mist', and kind of furry. I'm going to look at it again in awhile when I am more 'awake'. But, I wanted to make sure that others knew that if they want to see it you will show it to them.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Hi themurph,
Interesting incidents you have there. Please post up the pics, as they could help us in determening anything. That, and they'd be cool to see.
Your 4th floor experience was really scary. Did other's have problems too?

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