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Ghostly Summer Townhouse


Firstly, before I share my story with you, I'd just like you to know this is my first time ever posting on this site. My name is Cat and I am 26 years old. I'd just like to say that I really enjoy reading everyone's experiences. It shows that we do not walk this Earth alone and "something" is certainly among us. Also, I do apologise if this story is quite long!

My experience goes back to the year 2003 (when I was still a teenager). It was Summer, January 2003. My family and I usually go on holidays during this time of year so we decided that this trip we would head to Warnambool in Victoria. I was excited as I was allowed to bring my best friend Jo along on the trip.

My parents had booked the accommodation and from what I knew we were staying in a townhouse for the duration of our holiday (Sorry cannot remember the name of the accommodation). We had learnt from the owners of the property, that the townhouse had recently being under renovations (new kitchen, new bathrooms etc.) as it was built in the 1800's, so it was nice to know we were staying somewhere fresh and newly refurbished! Or so I thought...

When we arrived, the townhouse had two bedrooms downstairs (one where my parents stayed and another for my little brother), a bathroom, laundry, kitchen and a lounge room. Upstairs had another bedroom with two single beds and another bedroom with an attached ensuite. Being excited teenagers, my friend Jo and I chose to stay upstairs in the room with the ensuite and where we could be loud and not keep everyone awake with our chatting and laughing all night.

The first night we slept everything seemed okay. The second night, Jo and I were giggling and telling jokes when all of a sudden the touch lamp we had on one of our bed side tables switched on by itself. (Anyone that owns a touch lamp knows you need to use a fair bit of force to turn one of them on and we were no where near it). In fact, we hadn't used the lamp at all since being at the house. Jo and I freaked out of course, but I reached over and tapped it off, which took some force also. We laughed it off saying "GHOST!" but just shrugged it off and kept on with our jokes for the rest of the night... Until it switched itself on again. This time I made Jo tap it off and we decided to go to sleep as we got quite scared.

The third night, as I was lying in bed about to fall asleep, I heard the sound of someone opening and closing the drawers constantly in the ensuite bathroom. Too scared to get up and check, I shrugged it off thinking it must just be Mum putting something in our bathroom, as there was an outside door to the bathroom, not just from our bedroom. The next morning I asked Mum if she was in our bathroom the previous night and she said "No, we were all fast asleep before you and Jo were."

The forth and final night of our holiday, my friend Tim at the time had rung me late that night and, as I didn't want to keep Jo up with my phone call, I told her I'd go to the bedroom next to us to chat to Tim and if I fell asleep, I'd just see her in the morning. She basically went straight to sleep after I left our room. After talking to Tim for what felt like hours, I turned over on one of the single beds about to fall asleep. Just as I was drifting, I heard the voice of a female in a soft voice say, "Goodnight. Catherine. Goodnight". I was not dreaming this as I was still fairly awake. I looked around the room and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Too tired to care, I once again shrugged it off thinking maybe it was Jo.

As we were leaving the next day, in the car I asked Jo if she had come to wish me Goodnight the previous night. She replied with "Are you kidding?! I was asleep hours before you were!" I asked my parents, my brother all the same and they said no. Jo and I then started talking about all the strange experiences we had - the touch lamp, the sound of the drawers, etc. When my Dad said to my Mum, "Should we tell them?" I replied with, "Tell us what?" I started to get creeped out.

Mum and Dad did not want to scare us while we were staying in the house, so they decided to share their own experiences after we left. Mum and Dad were trying to watch a movie in the lounge room one night, when the VHS kept ejecting the video they were trying to watch! Dad (who is great with mechanical things) checked and saw there were no faults for this to occur! It was as if "something" did not want them to watch their movie! Another night when Dad had gone to bed, he left the light on so he could read his book. The light switched off. Dad said aloud, "Oh for goodness sake, can you please just let me read my book at least!". The light automatically switched back on.

Dad mentioned to the owners upon our leaving of the experiences we had and the owners shared that we were certainly not the first ones there to experience such strange occurrences. I'd also like to add that all the rewiring had being done during the renovations of these houses, so there could not have been any electrical faults.

If anybody would like to share their insight on the above, please feel free. I believe the spirit or spirits that may still lurk there are attached to the home that may have once been theirs. To this day, I still wonder who or what said Goodnight to me on that evening...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cat_Angel86, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cat_Angel86 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-18)
Hi kritesh,

Thanks for reading! I'm not sure why the spirits wanted to make their presence known. Maybe they used to own the property and didn't like the renovations/changes being made to it. Who knows?


Cat ❤
kritesh (22 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-17)
thanks for posting your experience here and m glad that you are safe but why did spirits always want to show there presence?
Cat_Angel86 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-17)
Hello taurus83,

Thank you for taking the time to read! I think we handled it well at the time because we didn't click to think of it as anything until we pieced it all together and discussed it when we left. I think if I had known from the start, I may have being a little scared! But yes, I also think the renovations maybe did stir something up too.


Cat ❤
taurus83 (4 stories) (84 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-17)
Cat_angel86, I agree with the others the spirit was most likely just trying to show its presence or just trying to get attention. No harm done just left with questions. And yes renovations do tend to stir up activity in older homes. I would have been a little freaked out but from what you wrote you handled it quite well. Thanks for writing! 😉
Cat_Angel86 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-15)
Thank you for reading Swinsinfire! It certainly was an interesting experience! I have a few more experiences I will be posting up shortly!


Cat ❤
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-15)
Hi Cat, loved your story. The ghost had a sense of humor with a consience! That's kind of sweet. You had a special expierience.
Cat_Angel86 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
BadJuuJuu - Thanks for reading! I also thought that maybe the renovations possibly may have stirred something up on this property too! Good question though about the strange occurrences happening before or after the renovations - I will have to ask Dad about that one as he is the one that spoke to the owners about this so he may be able to shed some more light on it.

Valkricry - Thank you for also reading! Yes I think these spirits were a bit cheeky! My dad has had some interaction with ghosts in the past so I will be sharing more of those stories on this site too.

Harrypotterrules - Thank you so much for the advice! I will keep that in mind! 😁 The spirits didn't seem nasty, just mischievous and you are probably right, they probably weren't happy with the changes to their home.

Seraphina - Thank you for reading! I do have a few more experiences I will be posting up that have occurred to myself and to other family members.

Thank you all - This really is a great site!


Cat ❤
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
Cat, I enjoyed reading your story. You provided all of the pertinent information your readers needed to follow the chain of events and gradually discover, like you, that this townhouse really was haunted.
harrypotterrules (59 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
I have quite a bit to say about this story. First off, since you said that there was reconstruction at the townhouse, the entity (s) might not have wanted the reconstruction to happen. Or the townhouse might have been built over a graveyard, or something of the like. Second, ghosts can turn invisible at will, but they will still be able to interact with most objects, as well as talk to humans. For these reasons, the ghost (s) were, and still are, able to communicate with you. If you ever feel that these entities are evil in any way, the best thing to do is say to them, "Go away now, in the name of *our LORD Jesus Christ*." (If you are not Christian, replace the name surrounded in asterisks.) God bless you all.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
Dear Cat,
Strange experience indeed! At least none of you were left wondering if you were imagining things. 😊
It seems to be an intelligent haunting, and a bit mischievous. Thinking of the lamp thing and the video. But it definitely interacted with your dad and you.
Thanks for sharing!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
The thing that really stood out for me is the fact the building had been recently renovated. Renovations have a way of stirring up presences that might otherwise have remained unnoticed. I don't suppose the owners mentioned if people had always noticed activity, or if the activity became noticeable after the renovation? Not terribly important, I'm just curious lol.
Interesting experience, thanks for sharing.
Cat_Angel86 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
Hi Marine,

Thanks for reading! It was certainly interesting - definitely the voice of a woman. The strange thing is she called me Catherine but everyone in my family/friends etc. Calls me Cat! So odd!

Have you tried to decode what the voices you've heard are telling you? Thanks! 😁


Cat ❤
Marine (6 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
Hi Cat - disembodied voices can be quite unnerving and I'm saying this from experience. At least the voice you heard bid you goodnight, most of the ones I've heard are either gibberish or in a language totally foreign to me.

Thanks for sharing this experience
Cat_Angel86 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-14)
Thank you for your response Divine!

It was just a strange experience (especially the voice I heard). We certainly didn't feel threatened and didn't piece any of it together until we left!


Cat ❤
Divine9999 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-13)
I believe in your story catherine... Since you said 1800's its definitely a haunted place. But since the spirit did'nt harm any of you means it just wanted to show its presence... Hope you and your family are fine! God bless,
From Divine

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