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I Saw The House Ghosts


I was very young when I had my fist paranormal experience. It happened at my nan's and granddad's house, I would say I was about 6-8 years old (I can't remember exactly). I was staying at their house for about a week and they live in a bungalow. They share a bedroom and I share with my brother and sister. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning when it happened. I'd just woken up, randomly, and my brother and sister were still asleep.

I was all set to go back to sleep to but something distracted me. In the corner of my eye, I saw something move so I looked up. This is going to sound totally fake, but it isn't. I saw some figures moving around the room by my brother's bed. They were children, one of them looked about 14 and the other looked about 9. The 14 year old was a girl and she was quite tall, with her hair tied up by the side of her head and she had flowers in her hair. The boy was in knee length shorts and a baggy top and he was kicking a football around. The girl was telling him off but in a jokey way - I think she was laughing but I can't remember. They didn't seem evil or like they would hurt me, they just seemed like ordinary children having fun.

I was terrified and being only young, I cried. My nan heard me and she came in and walked right past the figures. They must of noticed she was there but they ignored her. My nan didn't see them either. She came and asked me what was wrong. I pointed at the figures but my nan didn't see anything. She stayed by me for a bit until I went to sleep and that's all I can remember. And this did actually happen, it wasn't a dream.

Another time, a few strange things happened in my real home. I now have my own room but I used to share with my sister, in bunk beds. I was on the top. One morning, my sister said she say the "BFG" in our room. (In case you don't know what the BFG is, it is a child's story book about a "Big Friendly Giant"). She said it was walking around and then went out the door. I'm not sure if this counts as paranormal or not and it might of been a dream but I thought I'd write it on here anyway.

Another morning, I woke up at about 5:30 or six in the morning and I saw something. It was a little figure again, but this time I only saw the top of its head. It looked kind of round, so maybe it was wearing something, I don't know. It went towards the door, I turned around and it was gone.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lolly1, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
Lolly, think of it this way. Imagine that I lived in the UK in the early 1900s and every morning I got up and walked downstairs in my blue dressing gown to fix a cup of tea. Now imagine that you moved into my old house in modern times and sometimes, in the morning, you'd see me in my blue dressing gown walking down the stairs. I always do the exact same thing and I never seem to even know you're there. What you're seeing is a residual haunting. I'm not really there, it's just a moving picture of me that got imprinted on the house by me doing the same thing over and over.

Does that make sense?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but a residual haunt in the house wouldn't be related to a child on TV, or a statue. A residual haunt is a replay of past events. Real past events, by real people. The energy of the residual haunt can be attached to a place or an item. A residual haunt is formed by repetitive events, or emotionally significant events.
What I ~think~ you're saying is that it may have been residual because the figures were somewhat familiar to you. That isn't how residuals work though. Anyway, I probably read it wrong. Feel free to mock me if I did. 😊
Lolly1 (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
Hi guys,
I did some research on residual hauntings and although they did seem like ghosts, it sounds as if they can be residual hauntings:) After all, the girl looked a bit like a statue in my nans garden, with the hair with flowers in but she clearly wasn't a statue lol, and the boy looked a bit like a kid I saw off TV.
kunwarkh (2 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)

I just read it and I am dumbfounded. Just thinking about it I realized that there is so much more than we know!

Thanks for the suggest, and your answer!

elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Absolutely! One of the most famous and well - documented ghost stories in history took place in England in 1643. The king sent a royal commission to Edge Hill to investigate reports that people were seeing the first battle of the English Civil War, that was fought there in October, 1642, being reenacted by phantom armies. The commission, which included veterans of the battle, witnessed the phenomena for themselves. They reported that the reenactment accurately followed the course of the battle and that they recognized several people who'd fought there, including some who were still alive.

Google Edge Hill ghosts. It's totally worth a read! 😁
kunwarkh (2 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Since we are on the topic, I would like to ask you guyz something.

Since residual haunting are just recordings of an event, and not spirits, is it possible to see recordings of a person who is still alive?
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Lolly1, residual hauntings are when a past event is sort of recorded on the atmosphere and plays back under the right conditions. It just means it's an image, like watching a video, and there are no actual spirits there.

It doesn't mean that it's an image of *you*. That would be extremely rare.

We tend to think a haunting is residual when the ghosts don't interact with the person who sees them or they don't seem aware of their present surroundings or they repeat the same actions each time they're seen.
Lolly1 (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Hi guys,
It could of been a residual haunting but the children did not look anything like me. The girl was much older and my brother hates football. This is a good thought though.
Valkricry, I was just in a bit of shock and being little, I knew they were ghosts and even though I thought they wouldn't hurt me, there was no guarantee and because they might of been ghosts the thought of that scared me.
Keep commenting your thoughts guys:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
I tend to agree that the children playing was residual. Quite often children can see/ sense things that most adults simply can't. That could be why your Nana didn't react to them. I do find it curious though that the sight of them playing terrified you, when you yourself said, "They didn't seem evil or like they would hurt me, they just seemed like ordinary children having fun." Why would that trigger a fear response in you?
shhh_im_sleeping (14 stories) (62 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
I agree with kunwarkh. Sounds residual. Awesome experience nonetheless I'm sure 😊
kunwarkh (2 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-13)
I think what you experienced was a residual haunting.
A residual haunting are "recordings of an event that plays itself over and over." (as defined by user 'lady-glow')

That would explain the spirits not reacting to you or your Dadi.

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