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Real Ghost Stories

First Investigation


So, I am sure most of you have read my past experiences I have posted on this site. Since joining this site my interest in the paranormal has been rekindled and, as a result, I have joined a paranormal investigation team.

We have recently been investigating a house in a small complex in my home town and have picked up a few anomalies in photograph's as well as moving cold spots, orbs and a few other strange occurrences.

There has been a bit of history around the house that I am actually, through various channels, linked to. I did not realize this until we arrived at the property.

To fill you in:

When I was 14yrs old, living in the complex right next to the complex in question with my mother, we had heard about a hostage situation that had taken place. There were two people in the house held hostage, a woman and her son (a toddler). Her ex-husband had held her and her child hostage for 14hrs until eventually shooting her and the child. The police had stormed the house and in the struggle to subdue the husband, he shot himself in the head. All three died instantly.

We found out a few of days later that my brother, "Sean" (from my previous post, "Possession, Apparitions and Terror"), was close friends with the woman's other son. He was in his mid twenties and was not in Cape Town at the time of the shooting.

I found out recently that my mother had done a Tarot reading for the woman a week or two before the actual event and had given her a warning that the cards indicated someone from her past wished her harm and that she should look out for this person and avoid him/her if possible. She had then told my mother that her ex-husband was trying to get in touch with her to talk about something but as he was not a pleasant person at all, she had been blocking his calls.

Soon after, the shooting took place.

The current tenants had contacted us to investigate the house. Since they had moved in, 3 months ago, the husband, a young man in his twenties, has been permanently ill and has lost, overall, about 13kg. He has been to various doctors and has had CT scans, been poked and prodded all over, but they could not find any reasoning behind his weight loss or the pains in his chest, arms and legs. He has been struggling to sleep since they moved in and wakes at night in a cold sweet, every night.

Their young daughter, whom they say has never had a problem sleeping through the night, wakes them up screaming and cowering in the corner of her crib, hiding her face. She cannot talk as of yet, but they can see she is terrified.

The husband's mother, who sleeps in the spare room, told us that she has been woken up by something tugging on her duvet or bumping the bed. Not violently, but just enough to wake her up. It carries on for about a minute after she wakes, and then stops. She has also heard a strange growling noise from beside her bed.

We decided to take on the investigation.

We arrived on 17 September to conduct the pre-investigation interviews and do our walk through. As we walked into the house, we all felt the hair on the back of our necks stand on end and my face began to tingle. The atmosphere in the house was heavy and dark, as if the light fixtures were covered in dust and creating a gloom within the house.

I'll describe the layout quickly. As you walk in, you enter the living room area. Ahead is a small staircase leading up to a loft area that the husband uses as an art studio. To the left of the stairs is the kitchen area, with only the counter separating it from the living room. Off the short passage to the left of the kitchen are two bedrooms and the bathroom on the right.

My colleagues began the interviews and I took a walk around the house, taking a few photos with my digital camera, so we could plan out our strategy later.

My team-lead decided to do a few cursory sweeps with the EMF detector to rule out possible interference and immediately got a spike while standing in the middle of the living room. We chatted to each other and decided to do a small investigation right then and there.

We began in the grandmother's room. The activity started as soon as we closed the door. I was standing in the far corner of the room, filming the EVP session. We had an EMF detector on the bed, thermometer and a cell phone, as the tenants had said that they would get strange interference, that sounded like crossed lines, while talking on their phones.

The temperature in the room dropped from 22. 4 *C to 19. 3 *C within seconds. I switched over to camera mode and took a few pictures. We got a spike on the EMF detector and almost immediately afterwards, I felt something touch my shoulder. I was standing quite close to the curtains, so I brushed it off as just that. Not even a minute later my, tucked in, shirt was tugged upwards and pulled out of the back of my pants.

I relayed that to my colleague as I moved out of the corner. As I did this, we got another spike. I took a photo of the meters on the bed and captured something I can't quite explain away. A small light anomaly appears to be touching the aerial of the EMF detector and the screen of the cell phone appears as if the phone had moved, or something passed in front of it, distorting the image.

We stayed in the room for roughly 30 minutes after that, and were experiencing moving cold spots, but not much else.

We then moved to the main room, where the husband, wife and child sleep. I began to get weird static on the LCD screen of my camera. I took a photo and the picture also picked up the strange lines that seem to curve slightly. I am not sure if this is anything paranormal, but it was definitely strange as I had not been getting it anywhere else in the house.

Again we got a temperature drop of 4*C. Nothing else happened in the room for approximately 20 minutes. My colleague then had all the hair on his arms stand on end. He told me that he felt cold and as if there was static electricity running up his arms.

The coldness then moved away from him.

He and the husband were looking at marks on the wall that had begun to appear above the bed when they moved in and I was taking a few snap shots of the room and seem to have caught a white mist behind my colleague. Immediately after I took the picture and noticed the mist, he turned and looked behind him. I asked him why he had done this and he said he had felt pressure on his back, as if someone/thing had touched his lower back.

We decided to call it a night then and promised to come back this past Saturday to do further investigation. The next night, the wife told us, she had woken to see a white figure standing over their daughter's crib. It had vanished after a few seconds. As she was laying her head down, she had heard something in the living room and woken her husband to go and check. He told us that a tennis ball was bouncing in the middle of the room, about a meter high, as if it had been dropped from shoulder height. It bounced a few times then came to a stop.

The grandmother called in a friend of hers that blessed the house the next day.

We returned on the Saturday night, but are still going through the evidence so I cannot share that just yet, but I will say that the atmosphere in the house is a lot lighter than we first felt it to be. I did, however, have an orb of light, about the size of my hand, fly straight at my face up in the loft area.

First Investigation 1

First Investigation 2

First Investigation 3


I will update you all once we have concluded the investigation completely.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nephylim, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cosmos (26 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-24)
Thank you so much for letting me know where the pictures were Martin.
Martin (602 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-24)
Cosmos, the photos are at the very end of the story, just before the last line 📸
Cosmos (26 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-24)
Hi Nephylim, thank you so much for sharing your experience, its a great one.

One of the mods (Martin) highlighted that some of the photos you shared have been published, but I can't find them. I know that this is an old story but its a great one, so I couldn't help but not to write you. By any chance do you know how to access them or maybe I was hoping that you could possibly share them again please.
Would that be possible?

I am looking forward to reading more of your stories/investigations.

Once again thank you and best regards.

Martin (602 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-15)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-18)
Very impressive investigation especially with you knowing about the history of the house. I hope you can let us know what you found on the E.V.P.s and film soon. Good luck and be careful on future investigations.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-17)
Nephylim - I still haven't heard back from admin, but I haven't given up hope 😉 I'm sure they're as busy as we are.
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-17)
Hey Val - Thanks for the well wishes. Slowly but surely I'm getting there. This bug just seems to hang around for an insane amount of time. Really hate being sick.
I will be writing up the conclusion this weekend to hopefully submit it on Monday. 😁
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-17)
Miracles - Thanks for taking the time to follow up on the missing pics.
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-17)
Hi Roman,

This one has me a bit perplexed. I don't like to say demon because the first thing people jump to (and I'm talking about the average person out there that has watched way too many Hollywood movies) is demonic entity. Saying that, it is possible that she could be dealing with a demonic entity. Unfortunately this is not an exact science and as someone once said (I forget who) there are no experts in this field, only those with more experience.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-16)
Dear Nephylim, I hope you are recovering from the flu bug quickly. That's no fun at all. Everyone around here is getting sick too.
Looking forwards to the write up, but get better first!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-16)
Nephylim - I've already contacted the site administrators and explained to them that your story was the second that day that I published without pictures. I sincerely apologize for the mistake; I honestly didn't see any notice about pictures. Apparently I was much more tired than I thought when I was editing.

I'm waiting for a response to my email. Hopefully they'll be able to rectify the situation soon.
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-16)
Good Morning Neph,

To answer your question, Yes she has consulted with a Hindu priest as well as a Muslim priest. The events lessened and then started up more vicious than ever and she has been too afraid to do anything after the first two cleansings.

Right now I am about the only one she will confide in and I am rather helpless as this is not something I am offair with...

When you say attached to her or the property, what would you in your opinion be referring to? Perhaps a ghost/spirit, demon or something else?
kunwarkh (2 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-16)

Sorry for going off topic here in the previous post.

I think you should contact the moderators and maybe they can help you out with the pictures that you uploaded. I remember reading a similar post where the moderator who approved the story without the pics said that they would contact the admin. Maybe you should contact Miracles, she is the most active Moderator here, I think.
kunwarkh (2 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)

I can only offer an explanation for the 'rudely awoken by loud thuds or scratching noises and so forth' part.

It is possible that she is suffering from Exploding Head Syndrome. Symptoms include waking up suddenly to loud bangs and noises.


Please have a look. This is only speculation on my part, and all the other circumstances do point to the paranormal.

I would suggest you get professional help.
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
Hi Roman,

Again, I do not want to label the entity, but this definitely sounds like something has it in for her. Whether it is attached to her or the property I don't know. There is a cleansing method many on this site swear by (and that I have passed on to the people in my post) that would cleanse the house. Search on Rookdygin's profile.

I am just a bit anxious about her doing it alone. If this thing is targeting her and creating the bite marks and bruises, it is more powerful than your average run of the mill lost spirit, and could potentially escalate if the cleansing is done without 100% faith in its ability to work.
Has she been to see a priest in her religion to try and get help?
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
Hey again Neph,

Thank you for your advice and I shall definitely ask her to have a look at the link.

Well from what I have seen personally, she wakes up with the bluish/purplish type bruises (almost as if she walked into something). The bruises on her arms seem like she was grabbed very violently or a lot of pressure was applied because you can see distinct finger imprints.

These only appear the next morning when she looks. And there is no possible way of self inflicting because of the odd areas that these bruises appear. Physical abuse was never a possibility either so that rules out those obvious reasons. She has been to many doctors to find out if these bruises could be due to some health condition but all her tests came back stating it was not.

A few months ago, she would awake with bite marks on the inside of her fore arms and a few in the most awkward places like the inner of her thighs.

I had suggested that she put up a night cam in her room just to rule out the possibility that she could be sleep walking but all the videos showed no signs of her getting out of bed but would still wake up the following morning with a bruise or something really out of the ordinary. The bites have stopped recently but the bruises appear randomly.

The latest events have been of strange noises around her home. Strange knocks at the most inconvenient hours, shadow like figures seen at the corner of her eye, strange movements of items in the house and yes even really awful night terrors that she swears are so real that it terrifying.

She is a staunch Hindu and I have advised her to seek comfort in her religious talismans but to no avail. The occurrences persist. Over the past week, she has complained that every time she is just about to fall asleep, she is rudely awoken by loud thuds or scratching noises and so forth.

I guess I am afraid that this could get worse if there is no intervention...

😭 😭 😭

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Great telling of events Nephylim and I can't wait to hear about the rest of this investigation! SA has some of the best accounts!
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Hi Val,

We have concluded the investigation, but I haven't yet had a chance to write it up. Unfortunately three of my team members (myself included) have been hit badly by the flu bug going around here and am only now starting to be compos mentis again. (nothing to do with the investigation 😉 just usual spring flu)
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Hi RoMaNzQ,

There are a few Paranormal Investigation teams in SA. Here is a link
I do not know of any one specifically in the KZN area but I will ask around.
As to advice... If she is religious, I would say keep a religious charm of some sort about her person i.e. A cross she holds dear, or a bible (you still get those really small ones) etc. If not, than find something she believes will provide protection.
These will at least help to make her feel a bit safer.
I'm a bit dubious as to giving advice without knowing what we are dealing with. If it is a dark entity, the last thing you want to do mess with it and piss it off.
By "some really freakishly odd occurrences", do you mean actual physical things happening to her or things happening to the house e.g. Doors opening/closing by themselves, things moving around etc.


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
I can hardly wait to hear the conclusion of this investigation! Sounds like quite the experience.
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Hi there Nephylim,

I am very intrigued by your investigative skills. I am a fellow South African as well but living in KZN.

Is it at all possible to find out if there are any investigators operating in the KZN area such as yourself?

My buddy has been experiencing some really freakishly odd occurrences at her home recently and is awfully terrified as her family refuses to believe that there could be anything wrong in their home.

I would appreciate any help or advice...

And looking forward to the completion of your investigation and your new posts 😁

Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
Hi kunwarkh,

As we obviously due not want to encroach on the the current tenants privacy, I cannot say exactly where the house is, but the general area is in the Milnerton/Table View area of Cape Town.

We are currently only investigators. We do have contacts for a few people that can purge/cleanse too, but we will only put them in touch with the home-owner if it is requested.

I did send the pictures of the initial investigation to be posted with the story, but not sure why they are not visible.
kunwarkh (2 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-13)
This is awesome,
Where in South Africa is this house?
I am making my third trip to SA next year...

Are you guyz only investigators or does someone in your team purge the place as well?

Please do share the conclusion of your investigation and upload your videos and photos if possible!

Kunwar 😊

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