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The Little Girl Won't Leave Him Alone


This is a recent story. This happened to my cousin's soon to be husband. We were sitting in my living room yesterday watching TV, when there was a little segment on this show having to do with the supernatural. My cousin and I started to discuss the segment and what it was about and somehow we got into a conversation about things that we had heard happened to people in our family as well as to us.

Well she told me that her husband has an aunt and she used to play the Ouija board all the time and she said that all of a sudden a little girl would start to appear to her and wouldn't leave her alone, so she asked him if he could help her burn the board to get rid of it. Turns out it wasn't such a good idea. My cousin said that they would be in his grandma's house (because that was where they were staying at the time) and he would not be able to sleep at night. Every single night around midnight he would feel the need to take a walk.

One day my cousin told him that she wanted to take a walk with him. He told her no. Then she said that she wanted to go with him to accompany him and he just wouldn't let her. As a matter of fact he locked her in the room to keep her from going with him. Then one day he told her not to let him go out to take walks no matter what he did. She asked him why and he finally told her that he kept seeing the same little girl his aunt was seeing, that she was scary and had torn and tattered clothes and she was purpleish and she kept calling him and calling him. My cousin insisted that he was dreaming, having the feeling that he wasn't.

One day his grandma was praying and he ran out and she asked him why he was leaving and he wouldn't respond. Then later on at night my cousin locked the door to the room and around midnight they heard a knocking at the door to the room. My cousin was about to answer it when her husband told her not to. She said "well what if it's your grandma?" And he said, "No it's not her trust me just don't open the door to anyone". Again they would hear knocking at the door and again he would tell her not to open it. Then his grandma came to the door and was calling them and asking them if they had knocked on their door because it sounded like someone was trying to knock the door down and they told her they hadn't. Finally his grandma decided to do a type of religious ritual where a person sort of massages the whole body while praying into the "posessed" person's ear to ward off any evil spirit.

My cousin said that sometimes they had to have two people holding him down because he would start yelling and screaming terribly. He would warn others to get away because the little girl was getting angry. My cousin said eventually things stopped happening but that he still wakes up in the middle of the night telling her that he dreamt about the little girl.

My question is what does this little girl want from him? How can he get rid of her permanently? He is my age, 20 years old, this is a big burden for him to carry and who knows how long he will continue to carry it. I want to know if there is any way to help?


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jeya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

k_pasa333 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-24)
I know that it has been well some time since you published this. This is about the only reason I made the account, so I may speak with you. Did the situation with your cousins husband ever get resolved?
My concerns were and this goes for anyone experiencing this...if you ever dream of a ghost, or well example: you can read, write, smell, are no longer in your body. You are experiencing an out of body experience. Be very cautious, you can die, or be left as a vegetable. If you ever feel like your trapped in your body like its a coffin, or can't move, scream. There is an entity (it can be spirit, demon, you name it). You may feel like needles entering every pore of your body, followed with shocks...yes electric shock. You are being drained. Best way to resolve this even if your freakin' out. With an internal voice (not physical) say it like a growl and try being dominant, "this is my temple, get out of here, this is my temple, you are not welcomed." Until possesion is over. The occurance of this may continue yet if you prove dominant it will leave. By the way it wouldn't hurt you to envoke, to name archangel michael or god. Michael's pretty good. Especially for the dreams your cousins husband is having, he does purify and defend and rids evil entities. So have him try to remember when he has her infront of him to pray in his dream to Michael. Even if he is not a believer or a follower, he will come to aid him.
k_pasa333 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-24)
I know that it has been well some time since you published this. This is about the only reason I made the account, so I may speak with you. Did the situation with your cousins husband ever get resolved?
My concerns were and this goes for anyone experiencing this...if you ever dream of a ghost, or well example: you can read, write, smell, are no longer in your body. You are experiencing an out of body experience. Be very cautious, you can die, or be left as a vegetable. If you ever feel like your trapped in your body like its a coffin, or can't move, scream. There is an entity (it can be spirit, demon, you name it). You may feel like needles entering every pore of your body, followed with shocks...yes electric shock. You are being drained. Best way to resolve this even if your freakin' out. With an internal voice (not physical) say it like a growl and try being dominant, "this is my temple, get out of here, this is my temple, you are not welcomed." Until possesion is over. The occurance of this may continue yet if you prove dominant it will leave. By the way it wouldn't hurt you to envoke to say name archangel michael or god. Michael's pretty good. Especially for the dreams your cousins husband is having, he does purify and defend and rids evil entities. So have him try to remember when he has her infront of her to pray in his dream to Michael. Even if he is not a believer or a follower, he will come to aid him.
JamesAlexander (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
for the thing you said, they burned the ouija board right, terrible mistake the board is the passage from their dimenssion to ours and what they did is that they just closed her doorway and that's why she is "stuck" here
henry16 (1 stories) (43 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
try and get some information, her facial features, her name if possible and try to find
out how she died and then get your cousins husband and aunty in the same room and wait to see if they both go for a walk if so then get someone to bless them while there still sleeping on the second and maybe just maybe that will clear it but if only the husband wakes up I don't actually think its paranormal
mikalovesyou (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-17)
alot of ghost will come around were the place they died. But for this reason the little girl wants someone to brother with plays tricks with him. And taking a walk seems like the little girl did that when she was alive maybe something happen you have to hired someone that can talk with ghost want she wants from him maybe is life she wants. Maybe because she didn't grow up to be an adult. But really hired someone that can talk to ghost.
Feargirl26 (1 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-01)
You mentioned that this was all due to his aunt playing with the board... Is anything happening to her?
davidparker (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-14)
True. I would wait and see if it gets worse before going to that extreme. But I know for a fact that it is an inhuman spirit. Only inhuman sprits come from Ouija board.
Best of luck! 😉
jeya (4 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-10)
david, do you really think it should get to that extreme though? You know you need to get permission for something like that and he just sees her in his dreams its not like she is harming him. Its only as if she calls to him.
Louise (2 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-09)
If the little girl appears in the same time and place every time regardless of who is around, it may be a residual ghost. A residual ghost can not harm you. If she is indeed an evil being that is interacting with him she may be a inhuman spirit.
davidparker (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-08)
I know I can help! First off, the only things she wants from him is his "lifeforce" It will help her remain in the "real world". Since she came from a Ouija board she is not good! If it continues he may get hurt. An exorsism (sp) should do the trick. It will be harder since the board was burned though, but still possible.
Hope it helps!
jeya (4 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-08)
cupcake10132, Well according to him she seemed scary and she wouldn't leave him alone and she did scare him. And he would warn people that if they did something she would get mad. So I'm guessing she is evil. What other type of details would you need? I don't know every detail but I can get some from my cousin or him even.

well he never played with it... Worse... He burnt it... An I'm way to afraid to even go near one of those things from what people have told me.
sammyd (3 stories) (10 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-08)
Hello Jeya, First I want to keep it short, and to the point ok. Stay away from the Ouija board. One can invite a spirit that can haunt you for LIFE. Sorry, Dear!
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-07)
wow this is a very scary situation 😨 but there's not much I can tell you to help you. Sorry! But I do hope you find a solution to this problem.

Also, hey cupcake10132 may I ask what do you mean with she's telling you something... And if feels like she kicking you? What sort of happenings do you get?
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-06)
Hmm...I don't know. Does the girl seem evil? If so, when he's asleep do a cerimoney to him. That should take her away for good hopefully.There's not much I ccan help you with. But if you give me more details I may figure out a sullutoin. I have a feeling she wants something of his. His life maybe?Something.Or she wants someone to be with her... I can't tell what she's telling me... It feels weird... I don't know. I feel the need to take a walk and think about this problem and the girl.It's like she's kicking me in the back to get me to get up... Sorry for the long message. I usaully get these happenings when I help out, or at least attempt to!
Blessings to everyone,

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