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Marriage... Become Nightmare


This is the thing which happened with my buwa (aunt, father's sister) which I witnessed myself only. This is little bit lengthy but I'll try to keep it brief. I and my Buwa are more likely a friend and she tells everything to me and I tell everything to her.

My Buwa recently got married in May. The marriage took place in our native place i.e Uttarpradesh (Sultanpur). Our family lives in Mumbai. After the marriage, when she came to our house, her health was going down. She always complain pain inside her stomach, severe headache (feeling like someone hit her head) but my grandma said her to take medicine and rest as we have another wedding in our house. My grandma was so busy to even talk.

So my Buwa taken medicine but it didn't work at all and sometime she escape her meal. After the second wedding in my home, my buwa went to her Mausi's (her mom's sister) place in Amethi to just spend time with them. I was in my granny's place as we have little days to go back to Mumbai. One day I got call from her that she is admitted due to fever. I told to my dad and he rushed to Amethi. After the treatment she came back to home. I went to home one day before our train back to Mumbai. When I got to know what was the reason behind her heath degradation... What she told me was really shocked me.

The fever was not normal. Why I am saying this cause in thermometer temperature was nearly 105 Fahrenheit but she was not as serious as in this situation fever should have been reached to her brain. But it doesn't happen.

My Buwa told me that she regularly seen bad dream just before 6 to 7 months before her marriage. She seen in dreams that someone is breaking her chudis (Bangle- in Indian society it is a holy symbol of marriage). She saw this dream nearly four to five times. In another dream she saw that on the way to coming in temple she was beaten by a horrifying looking woman who was saying to her, "You will do puja. How can you do puja (holy rituals)?" and she was saved by another woman in saffron cloths. In another dreams she saw a person got his head cut by self and his body was drowning in river and he is watching with his separated head. She also feels in sleep like her bed was moving itself. She always awake after this and start murmuring the name of lords. All these weird dreams continuously suffered her before and after her marriage.

On the other side my Dad discussed this with one of his friend who is a tantrik (person who perform ghost rituals). After calculating, he told everything to my dad even the exact scene of dreams. (My dad didn't tell him anything about dreams and her experience.)

He told that the horrible looking woman was chudail (Lady Ghost) who was trying to possess body of Buwa. The lady in saffron was Devi (Goddess) who saved her. He also told him that she has this ghost back before 8 years from the roads. (People who removed their ghost always kept them in form of lemon on the roads). But ghost can't harm to Buwa due to presence of Devi (due to this she suddenly become vegetarian). He told that she must have been a feeling of that someone has hit her head. After listening this I recollect my memories and said that Buwa often told me, "I feel like someone hit my head through hands" but at that time we never listened her.

So now the point came if she had this ghost back 8 years so why suddenly she is showing her existence after marriage? In our village it is said that if someone has suffered from ghost and got married then the ghost also got married and never go from the body of victim and worsened the condition of victim.

Fortunately we were able to remove ghost from her body and now she is happily spending her marriage life. But this experience really changed her and our family's perception towards paranormal power.

Please do comment. Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sheetal, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
Hi, Lakshiat Rattan... LOL for that capital word. By the way many thanks for reading my story.

lakshit-rattan (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-13)
A very horrifying incident, MISS Sheetal, thankfully, your bua is safe now. Incident similar to this happened to my sister also. Anyways, thank you very much for sharing this experience

Regards and Respects,
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-14)
[at] Aprajita... Thanks for reading my story and many many thanks to you for admiring my writing skill (I am a writer by profession but I am little weak in English so I was not expected that)

And well said dear, We should trust in god.

Regards, 😁
Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-29)
Ohh! Very very scary incident... Its truly great that goddess was saving your bua... Really we all should always have faith in God. God is always with us. And especially when we need him the most...
Sheetal really admire your writing skills... Truly a very great writer!
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-11)
Hi ishan Thanks for your comment... Yeah! I also oppose this chain system. And in our culture you must know how much people do all this thing.
ishan (1 stories) (36 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-08)
hi sheetal
Read your story. Never experienced anything myself but paranormal things have been experienced by my mum
At that time, nobody believed her except my mama (me and my brother were very young at that time), so I can somewhat understand what she must be going through. Plus, as others have already mentioned, don't know why but people have this habit of getting their house cleansed and throw away the lemon on road or put them in middle of road.
I belong to UP myself so I know this happens alot. I've been strictly advised not to cross over suuch things even mistakenly.
Well glad to hear about your aunt's well being now. Hope everything remains fine.

God bless. Tc
CornFlakes (1 stories) (18 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-31)
This is strange. They trap the spirit in a lemon and throw it on the street so that someone else walks over it and face the horror? It's okay to help someone to get rid of it but it's a bit unfair with the whole 'unlucky' person thing. Interesting account though.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-15)
Thank you very much for answering, Shady4u. I may have to have a conversation with some of my Indian friends to see if they can tell me more in depth, but I am also satisfied for now. 😊
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-03-13)
Thanks Shady. My curiosity is satisfied... For now at least lol. 😁
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-13)
[at] Badjuju, I'm not sure but I think when the lemons rot, the effect of the curse wears off. Usually it gets smashed by the vehicles, and an answer in advance to a question you might ask, it has no effect over the vehicles, as far as I have known. 😜
[at] Triskaideka, as far as I've known, one lemon can hold only one spirit at a time.
I hope that answers well. 😜
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-13)
Thank you, Shady4u. Another question is, how many spirits can a lemon hold, and can multiple possessions happen because of it?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-03-13)
I have a question about the lemons as well, sorry. 😳
What happens when the lemons rot? What I mean is if the lemon is a trap for the spirit, when the lemon decays is the spirit released?
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-13)
Triskaideka, a spirit tied to these lemons can only possess if one walks over it or stamps it. However, I don't know what happens if you burn the lemons but its always best to keep off from these things, that is to be aware to not to walk over it or to step on it.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-13)
So googling has revealed to me so far that lemons can be used to curse someone... But I don't see anything that explains the mechanics. Re-reading the threat here, it sounds like lemons with sindoor capture spirits so that they do harm to people? How does this relate to possession? If the spirits are trapped in the lemon, how do they possess someone from there? And what happens if you burn the lemon?
So many questions. This is so new to me. 😲
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-13)
I feel like I missed something that everyone else here seems to know about. Could someone kindly explain the entire lemon in the road thing to me? I'm googling it because I'm really curious.
mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-12)
Very well explained lol and its great to learn about your beliefs. All the best
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-12)
I've also heard that the lemon-chilli thingy are objects of black magic which can be having an evil spirit tied to it and anyone walking over it or stamping it, may face the consequences.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
Thanks Shady,mrfknbee... For your comment. Yes its true. This entire thing never ends. They are just like a chain. Remove from ones body then go to others body. All this thing is just a mess and never ending. 😠
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
To mrfknbee, she has this ghost with her from last 8 years. People who removed ghost placed on the road in form of lemon with sindoor and other stuff (you must have seen this) because ghost chain is very hard to destroy. They can keep in control only. So people keep the lemon stuff on the road. So the unlucky person can find this and this chain keep on going.

Your second query- Tantrik has the power to know the ghost thing even if you are not telling him anything but they got to know the thing due to their power.

Hope your doubt is now clear. If not then please revert me accordingly.
mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
Hi sorry for not knowing but can somebody explains what this means please
"He also told him that she has this ghost back before 8 years from the roads. (People who removed their ghost always kept them in form of lemon on the roads) "
In not to sure what back 8 years from the road means and the lemon stuff. How did the tantric know all this specific information and are they thought of as psychics/mediums in your community.
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
A great story indeed. I'm from India too and I've heard a lot of cases about Chudails and this just added to it. It is believed that the lemon-chilli thingy thrown on the boulevards are the most powerful on new moon nights and on Saturdays, reason one can see the roads full of these on Saturdays, mostly in rural India. Anyways, I'm glad your Bua is safe and is leading a happy married life. God bless.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
Thanks Azraelx, I will read the link. I have been trying to search for it, this will help a lot.
senorita (2 stories) (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
some one please helping posting my story, whenever I am trying to submit it, a window says that don't use text words, I am not using any short words but still I am not able to post my story 😭
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
On Indian Channels there are quite a few TV Shows that has dramatized events of "true' life paranormal experiences.
Some of the experiences are quite similar to what Sheetal's buah had experienced. In one such experience, I watched, a woman unknowingly gets possessed, while walking through a dark scary place. The Chudail which possessed her slowly killed the soul of the woman and replaced her. The Chudail now wanted to kill the woman's husband & child. In the end, after a tantrik finds out the reason of the haunting/paranormal events, he exorcises the chudail, but the woman is dead. Etc.

Some TV Shows are
Fear Files on Zee TV,
Bhoot Aya on Sony TV.

The makers of these shows, indicate that these experiences are indeed real and at the end of each episode, the person/s who had the experience has a few words to say and then the Indian experts on the paranormal also discuss the likely causes of these experiences/hauntings/ possession etc.
These shows are available on YouTube, but I don't think there are any subtitles in any other languages.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-11)
(at) basilisk193 yes its true. If it is not true so why we still find lemon with sindoor on the chaurasta (road with four exist). There is also the logic that it catches those people only who have that kind of Nakhstra (star). Thanks for commenting 😁
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-10)
(at) triskaideka thanks for your comment. Yes different community must have different opinion on it. But this is the experience which I have witnessed myself only. You know this is not the first case. In our village I have heard many cases like this. 😭
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-10)
(at) senorita You are true. It happens after marriage they start to show the presence and worsened the condition of victim. I have seen this that life of lots of people is become a hell due to this.
basilisk193 (35 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-10)
The other day I said that people can banish ghosts into objects and throw them away for unlucky passengers to pick up and I got 3 downvotes 😕
Great story and I'm glad to hear that your Buwa is having a happy marriage.
About the ghost marrying the haunted person's spouse, I think it's more likely up to the ghost's will. Culture dictates not only how humans treat ghosts but also how ghosts treat humans, because they used to be humans too. If the culture believe such a thing then spirits could believe the same thing, realize that belief. After all, marriage is a man-made thing.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-10)
All I have to say is that I'm very glad your Buwa withstood the trial. I don't know what any of it means or how any cultures might interpret her experiences, but it sounds like she has gone through a very extreme ordeal. I have heard of spirits marrying while using others as a vessel, but usually in a fantasy sort of setting.

(Even so, the logic of it all makes a lot of sense, to me. I have been told that when you make a deal with any spiritual entity, that agreement is binding, whether you believe in it or not. Marriage seems to fit such guidelines. Marry someone with two spirits in a vessel, you are actually marrying two spirits!)

Anyway, I have no "facts" to share or even solid opinions. I just wanted to say your story sounds very feasible, and thank you for sharing!
senorita (2 stories) (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-10)
hi every body, I am also from india...yes, sheetal is correct, its belived that when a possessed person (specially female) gets married then the ghost is also married, its very difficult to remove such ghost because after having sex with the partner (with whom it got married) it becomes more stubborn

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