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Real Ghost Stories

The Repeating Nightmare


So this is still happening in my home even with people I have never explained this story to.

It started as footsteps. Small bangs. Dragging noises. Small things that are easily debunked. I live in the boonies so sounds in the night are a normal thing to happen.

The night it started I was left in the home alone, my mom went to get pizza after just moving in. No one was home and stuff was everywhere. I was sitting on the couch after hooking up the vcr to watch a movie. I heard a door slowly open from down the hall and 3 loud footsteps. Then a thunderous run down the hall. Scared by the banging I launched out of my seat onto the floor by the chair ottoman. The air was thick and heavy, cold on my lungs. Terrified I could see the carpet move as something circled the room through the kitchen and back down the hall. The door slowly creaked and closed.

I did not move until I seen the headlights from the car. My mom and brother came into the house with pizza. Tears in my eyes from fear trying to explain what just happened. My mom brushed it off and said it was just my imagination that I was just trying to scare my brother. I was frantically trying to tell her but she got upset with me so I went to my room to blow off some steam. I was angry in my room sorting my things. The heavy feeling wouldn't let me eat. After deciding to play a few rounds of call of duty I realized it was almost 3am. Tired and exhausted from getting my butt kicked I was finally ready for bed. Shut off the console, climbed into bed. Thought of happy things n drifted off to sleep.

Worst decision to make...

Here's where it gets bad and I implore you to be strong spiritually before you continue on. I believe this is a curse...

I never sleep with my door open and no lights or anything to disrupt my sleep. My eyes suddenly just open, my door was slightly open. I stood up and walked to my door. From down the hallway the big tv we had was playing snow. Quietly I walked down the hall. The only light being casted in the living room. I walked into the dining area. I could see the feet of what looked like my brother on the floor. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I noticed it was moving in figure 8 in the living room. When I called my brothers name it stopped moving. Raised its upper body and showed me its long grey face and its sheer white eyes as it screamed really loud and the tv was suddenly blaring. Tripping over the ottoman I hit the floor, but when my back hit the floor I was back in my bed looking at the roof where my door was slightly open again.

I shook off what I thought was just a nightmare. But when I rolled over to get out of bed. It jumped from the floor beside my bed to onto my chest. Where I awoke a 3rd time. This time my door my closed. Scared for my life I did not move until daylight came through my window.

The next morning I felt like I haven't slept at all. My mom saw the distress I was in and sat me down and had tea where she forced me to tell her about what had happened...

I don't know exactly what this is, but after telling my mom she was haunted by this entity. Then my brother. We don't speak of this to people that come over. But people all have the same dream.

Many things have happened in our home since that night, strange noises and shadows, the entire house shook when someone told us we should cleanse our home.

As I mentioned we are not strong believers in spirits or the super natural. But this house has had its fair share of chaos. 3 people on record have died on the premesis. The last owner killed himself from a broken heart.

I strongly hope by reading this hasn't given it the strength to affect anyone else. I just don't know what to do or how to protect my family.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ForsakenRitual, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

PaigeB (4 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-18)
Yeah, I agree with everybody else. This is very hard to follow, unfortunately. I wouldn't say it sounded like a typical fictional horror story though - because the majority of them do on here (I guess we have been programmed to clichรฉ's so much that we now find everything boring, Sameish or hard to believe. You either believe or you don't, I suppose.

This comment from LawitInam is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-12)
LawitInam - it would be greatly appreciated if you were able and willing to explain the parts about this story that the previous posters (including me) don't seem to understand.

As for the OP getting their house blessed... That's exactly what everyone else has suggested/advised, isn't it?๐Ÿ˜

This comment from LawitInam is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-06)

I'm confused on the following line from your story: "Terrified I could see the carpet move as something circled the room through the kitchen and back down the hall."

How did you see the carpet move and know something went through the kitchen too?

Also: "We don't speak of this to people that come over. But people all have the same dream."

What is the dream? Is this a typo and you meant to say, "We speak of this to people who come over... And they all have the same dream"?

Please do not take offense, but there are a few lines that make your story read as a typical fictional 'Horror Story', such as:

"Here's where it gets bad and I implore you to be strong spiritually before you continue on. I believe this is a curse..."

Many YGS members have experienced some pretty strange things. We can take it. ๐Ÿ˜Š I wouldn't assume curse, but from your description, it sounds as if you are dealing with either an intelligent haunting or residual (more information is needed). I would suggest cleansing your home. A member named Rook has a great one on his profile page that has been used successfully by many people. Here's a link to his page:


Wishing you all the best,
Dee ๐Ÿ˜Š
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-05)
The good news first: I read your story and didn't affect me at all.
The bad news... I got confused reading your story...

To begin with, the timeline of the events is not clear to me.

"It started as footsteps. Small bangs. Dragging noises. Small things that are easily debunked..."

"The night it started... A door slowly open from down the hall and 3 loud footsteps. Then a thunderous run down the hall... The air was thick and heavy, cold on my lungs. Terrified I could see the carpet move as something circled the room through the kitchen and back down the hall. The door slowly creaked and closed."

I'm sorry to disagree with your statement but, in my opinion, the first occurrence is quite different to the introduction to your story... And it only gets worse after you went to sleep and had a nightmare.
...So much for "Small things that are easily debunked".

"after telling my mom she was haunted by this entity. Then my brother."
Did the entity haunted them in their dreams or did it manifest to them?

"We don't speak of this to people that come over. But people all have the same dream."
Have these people spent the night at your place or did they have this nightmare at their own houses?

If you don't speak of this to people that come over, what made " someone told us we should cleanse our home."
Was this particular person for the very first time at your house and just suggested it should be cleansed or were they aware of what was going on?

It would be a good idea to ask for help cleansing/blessing the place according to your personal beliefs.

I hope my advice didn't make your house collapse...
ChaoticKnight17 (1 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-04)
Very interesting story. I don't quite know what to tell you other than to cleanse your home - properly. I know another member on the site has a cleansing technique that has worked for a lot of other people here.

Rookdygin or something similar if I remember correctly is the member's name. Hope this helps.


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