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I Think My Children May Be Haunted


I recently wrote on here about my old home being haunted (Albert Street Haunting). I thought for six years that every time we moved house it followed but thanks to something my son said, I think it may be something to do with my two sons. We moved into our haunted house in November 2008, we moved out January 2009 due to the things that were happening in the house. Ever since my oldest son Mathew has said and done things that he couldn't possibly have known about or done by himself.

So I guess it starts when Mathew was six months old (he is now five). We lived Albert Street at the time which was the haunted house. I used to put him in his baby walker while I was doing the cleaning and every time he would push himself towards the bottom of the stairs and try to look around the corner. Then suddenly he would focus on, at the time what I thought was, just the wall and he'd sit there and giggle for hours and his eyes seemed to follow something around.

At the time I just thought he was a crazy baby who thought the stairs were hilarious, then his dad brought a puppy home and we named him Chunk. Soon both Mathew and Chunk would sit at the bottom of the stairs, Mathew would giggle and Chunk would wag his tail and jump about on the bottom two steps. This went on daily for around three months then one day instead of jumping around the bottom few steps Chunk ran to the top. All of a sudden I could hear Chunk growling and barking. I had just got to the bottom of the stairs when he yelped really loud and came running downstairs. As the dog came down Mathew looked up like he was looking at someone and instead of his usual giggle, he jumped like someone had scared him and screamed and after that wouldn't go to the stairs in his walker again. He also screamed if we tried to take him upstairs after that.

Nothing really happened with Mathew after that until he was around two years old. This one day I was sick, I felt drained, looked pale and couldn't seem to hold anything down. I had been poorly for maybe two weeks but this day had been the worst. I lay down on the sofa and Mathew was playing on the floor when he just got up and walked to the door leading to the front door and stairs. He opened the door and just looked out of it, then he closed the door. He walked over to me, put his hand on my stomach and in a sort of moody way just said, "Baby in there" and went back to playing. Until that point I hadn't considered that I was pregnant again as I was on contraception. A few days later I decided to do a test because my symptoms made sense after what Mathew had said. The test came back positive. I asked Mathew how he knew I was having a baby and he told me the girl told him. I was puzzled as Mathew didn't really know any little girls and I questioned him further and all he told me was that the girl lived upstairs in his bedroom and she used to play with him.

Six or seven months later we had moved to a larger house in preparation for the new baby coming. Mathew started preschool and was very happy, he hadn't said or done anything odd since we'd moved. Around five am one morning I had gotten up for the hundredth time to use the bathroom and I heard Mathew talking in his room. I assumed he was playing and started to listen to what he was saying. As I listened it seemed like I was hearing one side of a conversation, he was asking questions, then it seemed like he was answering different ones. Suddenly he shouted NO really loud and then he said, "I won't stab mummy in the neck." Of course hearing that I went and woke his dad Kevin up and made him go into his room. I don't know what I was expecting Kev to find but there was only Mathew in there.

Our second son Joseph was born in September 2012 and Mathew fell in love with his baby brother as soon as he saw him. Joseph was a few months old, Mathew was three. I had told him to get ready as it was nearly bedtime and he burst into tears begging me not to put him in his room because the little girl wasn't happy with him, so I let him sleep in my bed until I went up and put him in his own. The next morning I walked into his bedroom to find a huge drawing of a man on the wall. I immediately blamed Mathew for it but he didn't care that he was in trouble he just stared at the wall which was unusual as even if I looked at him like I was going to tell him off he'd cry. He just kept staring at the wall, then he suddenly turned around, gave me a filthy look and just stared at me as he slowly walked passed and went downstairs. Later he told me the girl drew it and it was the bad man who scares her that "she" had drawn.

That was the last I heard of the little girl until tonight, almost two years after "she" drew the picture (not sure if it was Mathew). Something else happened first. Last week both boys were playing on the floor, I was watching TV and suddenly they both stopped, looked in the corner behind me and they both looked terrified. Mathew asked who the man behind me was, I had a quick look and couldn't see anyone so I said there's no one there, he replied, "Yes there is, he has pointy teeth" and both boys ran off to their rooms.

Tonight me and Mathew were doing his homework, which was to read a chapter of his book. We were reading and he just said, "Lucy, would like this story." I asked who Lucy is, thinking she was girl from school. He replied that she was the girl who lives in his bedroom. He then turned around and said, "She used to play with me and Chunk when I was a baby." As soon as he said that I thought about when he used to giggle at the stairs. Mathew doesn't remember Chunk because sadly he was hit by a car and vets couldn't do anything for him so he was put to sleep and we've never mentioned him since.

Now Joseph is saying he's seeing her too. Then I asked Mathew were he first saw her and he said she used to play in the room with the room with the green wardrobe. The only house we had a green wardrobe was in Albert Street where Mathew was born and it was in my bedroom which he only slept in for the first six weeks after he was born. It was built in wardrobe so it remained in the house when we left. At first I thought Lucy may have been an imaginary friend, but now I think she may be a ghost because Mathew couldn't possibly remember these things as he was under one year old when we lived there and had Chunk, and he knew I was pregnant before I did.

She doesn't seem to want to harm my children but Mathew said she doesn't like me. Would anyone have any advice or opinions on this because I don't trust her and I'm worried about the man they both keep mentioning as he seems to scare them.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, missy-ryton, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-06-23)
Your stories are very interesting. Thank you for sharing I wish the best for you and your family. I hate to say it but I worry that Lucy is not a good ghostI hope the man and her aren't the same ghost. Hopefully they are friendly ghost and don't want to hurt you and your family. Best of luck pink496
Gemzxxx (6 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
HI Missy Ryton,
I agree with a lot of the comments on here about Lucy, but, there may be a possibility that Lucy is the nasty man? Evil spirits can take on any form that they wish. I am not saying that she is the bad man, but it is a possibility (Just putting it out there).
I hope that this is not the case.
It sounds aswell that your Matthew has a gift, he's a very brave little boy
Keep posting x
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Actually, Rook, we left her in the garage. She didn't seem to want to go on any trips without Puff at the wheel 😉
basilisk193 (35 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Haha it's ok, I know people don't mean anything. I'm used to be called Bass or Bas on forums all the time anw
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Whoops sorry for the misspelling there Bass... My iPad is being a bit 'pesky'...


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Its good to be back. Did you guys take care of the Miss Demeanor while I was gone or just leave her in the garage?

Basilicks is correct... A cleansing is designed to 'push out' negative energies/spirits and let positive things remain... Just as a shield keeps out the negative only letting in positive. Please feel free to check my profile and use the cleansing/shielding method you will find there and please keep us posted.


basilisk193 (35 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Miracles51031, thank you, you are welcome 😁
Miss-ryton, from what you said, it seems that the girl doesn't have a negative vibe nor seriously disrupt your life anyway despite saying she dislikes you?
A cleansing, I think is good because it's important to claim your space so other spirits won't enter freely. Anything you don't welcome, like the man with sharp teeth would be keep away. I doubt a cleansing would remove the girl as well because your children welcome her, but at least let her know your authority. The home shield technique used in many cleansing methods is basically making yourself the landlord spirit of your home.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
basilisk - thank you for providing that information for us 😊 Barely knowing anything about other cultures, I appreciate things like this.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
rook - welcome back, stranger 😊 And thank you for your comment to Ghostexpert 😉 I have been tying my fingers together to keep from saying something because it might appear I was being "moddy" LOL
basilisk193 (35 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Clarification: most sources would refer to Tu Di or He Bo as gods but the landlord spirits don't always have to be gods. It's because humans worship them for protection against other spirits that they become godly figures. For example, if I die in my house which I have complete ownership, but want to linger for a while, I can remain there and become the landlord spirit. It's kind of traditional in Asia to worship your ancestors as the "household" landlord spirit who is under a greater landlord spirit that govern a whole village or so (Cheng Huang).
basilisk193 (35 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Your story gave me a chill. The girl ghost followed your family to the new house?
In my system of believes, there exists a hierarchy of ghosts that some ghosts have authorities over a certain location and that entity can either chase other entities away or imprison lesser spirits in its territory. This spirit, in Asian culture is called Tu Di if it guards a land or He Bo if it guards a water body. To put it simply, it's the strongest entity that exercise its power over other spirits in a particular area. The only way for a lesser spirit to escape the landlord spirit's imprisonment is attaching itself to a living human. As badJuuJuu said "It makes it easier to keep a foothold if someone in the house welcomes their presence."
I have a feeling that the man with sharp teeth was the landlord spirit of the Albert street house and the girl was under his control for a while. Your family, especially Matthew gave her the chance to leave. Occasionally, the man came to check on the girl but he had no power over her in your new house.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-16)
Not to be rude but it's torture NOT torcher Ghostexpert101...

Oh a wee bit O' punctuation would go a LONG way towards making your posts easier to read.

Just saying...


Ghostexpert101 (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-15)
If this is real which I believe it is the girl entity is probaly being torchered by the old man and if she doesn't do something to you he will keep on torchering her and this is important if he does have sharp teeth it would change his apperance when he died or he wasn't human at all it can hurt your children or will because hes attacking a little childe girl or he resented her because she was a girl tje more I think about it I think rhat she is the evil figures daughter I am sensitive to ghosts and he will do anything to get what he wants if you heard that he probaly wants to hurt you so be safe and don't let them get more aggressive
lin66127 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-15)
I believe that some spirits pass through our homes once in a while and that is why we have a diversity of experiences. The man seemed to have evolved a little later than the girl. His spirit was probably a bad influence on the girl ghost because she was impressionable and learned a bad behavior from the male entity. I am continually feeling spirits in my home and rebuking them in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. They get on my nerves so much sometimes.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
BJJ has a valid point. I also agree this sounded a bit...movieish...but I was thinking more like Sinister than PA.

Doesn't matter as this involves small children and a parent looking for help. If you look at my profile you will find a 'cleansing ritual' that is basic enough it can be adapted to your personal beliefs.

Please give it a look it may be able to help.


Jake141 (3 stories) (27 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
Hi missy-ryton,
I have been on this forum for a while, and have picked up on several things in which you should do. (I can't vouch for them to work 100% as they haven't on my ghost)
- Make piece with Lucy. If a spirit or entity enters a home or a family, it can have massive affects on the family, especially if it is angry. So, i'de suggest making piece with it, having 1 less angry spirit in the house will help.
- Angels. There is several theorists who believe that children under the age of 7 are more susceptible to the viewing of another world. Hence why we see children being spaced and looking at things which aren't there. This is just a theory, but, Lucy MAY be a angel, and the man, may be why she is here?
With regards to Lucy asking Mathew to stab you in this theory, Ghosts, sprites or demons can take the form of any being or item, maybe it was in the guise of Lucy that day? As she hasn't shown any hostility since then (apart from not being happy with members of your family)

Either way, you need to get them out, both of them. Having a visitor or unknown origins visiting your family will not help with your life.
So, i'd suggest finding someone who could cleanse your family and your house of the two spirits. Fast.
That is all I ask.
- Jake
kayandkeeks (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
Hey there, I read your last story about Albert Street and commented, do you remember the man and woman you were talking about in your previous story? Maybe the man who was shouting is the "scary man" this "girl" doesn't sound like she wants to hurt the boys, but asking your son to stab you in the neck seems far too volatile, and it will end up having a long term affect on your boys. I think you need to get in touch with someone who can come in and cleanse your home as as soon as possible! Hope everything goes well, love and light ❤
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
Dear Missy-ryton,
Your experience is just like the one which is shown in the movie paranormal activity. My opinion is (PLEASE) finding the solution for this as soon as possible. Because no one can say that at which time they will act as a friend or enemy. Please take care of your boys... They are little and they don't have idea that they are watching a ghost.
May your problem will solve soon.
God bless you.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
I feel sad for the little girl. I absolutely agree with BJJ, but at the same time, I'm just... So sad for the little girl. 😢 It sounds like something terrible must have happened. Perhaps her whole family got sick, or her parents were in car accident, who knows? Or maybe the man is her father. Maybe he killed her. I'd want to know but at the same time, it can be dangerous messing with the spirit world.

Even so, I'd be inclined to get a new doll, and write a note reading "This is for you, Lucy. I'm sorry. Love, Mathew's Mom"

Little kids find their toys to be so precious. So my heart breaks for her. A gift might make her a little more friendly and willing to open up about her story. Of course, thinking about what others have said, it may provide an anchor for her.

This bad man, however, needs to leave. BJJ is right that it and the girl could be the same entity. But if you get rid of him, I think everyone would be safer. If the girl happens to disappear at the same time, then you'll know they were linked or the same entity. If she remains, then you'll know you just did her (and your family) a great service. That too would make her a lot happier and friendlier, I bet.

Please keep us updated. And thank you for these fascinating stories!
missy-ryton (5 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-13)
Hey guys, Thanks for reading and the advice. When Mathew first told me this Lucy didn't like me the first thing out my mouth was why not? Lol, he just said he'd ask her when she was back. Must of been about a week later i'd sent him up to get changed after school and he came back down and said "you threw her doll out" I was confused because he said it out the blue and having boys iv'e never had any dolls, I told him that I hadn't thrown one away and he said "yes you did, it was in the box in the loft at the old house". I couldn't think of what he was talking about so I just told him to tell her I was sorry.

When his dad got in I told him what the bairn said and he said that there was a doll in one of the boxes that was left in the loft at Albert Street, after thinking about it I vaguely remember there being a small wooden doll in one of the boxes like from a doll house but threw all the rubbish that was left in the loft away a few weeks before Mathew was born.

I didn't explain properly in my story but when Matty told me I was expecting his brother we didn't live in Albert street anymore. I have asked him about Lucy and he said she would leave if he asked questions about her, like he asked her how old she was, where her parents were and she got upset with him and left, but he has said that she's taller than him, has brown hair and wears a skirt and top. A few little things have happened since I posted my story, when the kids are at school we'll hear running and playing coming from their bedrooms and doors keep being opened and we have house rabbits which keep being let out of the cupboard on a night and we know its not the boys because the bolt is really stiff and at the top of the door. Iv'e also asked him about the man he just say's he scares him and won't talk about him.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-03-13)
OK that answers all the questions I had on your previous story.
I wouldn't trust the girl entity either. Its also a possibility that the girl and the man she supposedly fears is the same entity. Some entities can change their appearance in order to gain trust of members of the household. It makes it easier to keep a foothold if someone in the house welcomes their presence.
My personal belief is that willpower goes a long way towards getting rid of unwanted entities. You have to claim your space, make it clear that its your home and the entity is not welcome. That's basically what any home cleansing comes down to, showing that its your space and you will not tolerate any paranormal foolishness. The cleansing makes the environment uncomfortable for an entity to hang around.
Faith can go a long way towards bolstering willpower. I don't know your belief system so I won't tell you to do X, Y, or Z because I don't want to go against your beliefs. If you have a spiritual leader, you may want to consult him/her about what tools exist in your religious system to handle this situation. If you don't have a specific belief, you don't really need one. All it really boils down to is being determined to get the entity out of your space. Religion isn't necessary for determination.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-13)
Wow...reading this it makes it very clear that my comment on your previous story is complete drivel. I would suggest asking Matthew if he knew why the little girl does not like you, and also ask what she wears, to see if its the same girl / blue dress as you saw in your old house. Maybe avoid asking him to ask her questions though as it could upset her.

I know there are people on here who will give incredibly helpful advise, so I will leave it to them as I do not feel qualified to give any, I just ask you keep us updated. Thanks.

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