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Strange Mystery


This is a interesting story of my friends. Let's call my friends Sagar and Uma (privacy purposes).

Sagar, Uma and me are very good friends. Also we do have keen interest in paranormal. Sagar was very fond of Uma. Eventually they both realized they were in love. And after some time Sagar proposed Uma and their love blossomed. But every time Uma thought of marrying Sagar, she dreamed of a spirit coming to her and requesting her not to marry Sagar as the spirit didn't want Uma to be her mother. Spirit would come to Uma and say, "You can't be my mother." Uma shared this with me, even I felt it was mysterious. But we did not know what to do with it.

Also Uma had other considerations when they were seriously contemplating of marriage. Though Uma loved Sagar, she is a career oriented girl and Sagar, due to family reasons, needed a wife who would be housemaker. And finally Uma decided to break up their relationship.

After Uma had broke off with Sagar, the spirit came to her in her dreams and thanked her. This a brief of recalled dialogue Uma had with spirit.

Spirit: You have taken a right decision.

Uma: How can you say?

Spirit: You cannot be my mother though I want Sagar to be my father. And I will be a girl.

Uma: How do I know you are not fragment of imagination but truth?

Spirit: Ask anything and I will fulfill it.

Uma: Will you be born on my birthday to Sagar and his wife?

Spirit: Yes

After some time, Uma came in terms with emotional lose and continued her life. So did Sagar, he married a girl selected by his family.

Life continued though we lived in different cities and were busy. Our friendship, in spite of their break-up, continued. But we forgot about the spirit.

After couple of years Sagar told us the good news. His wife was pregnant. We went to Sagar's town and met his wife and had blast.

While coming back Uma and me were reminiscences old times, suddenly we remembered the spirit. We were curious to know when the due date was given to Sagar's wife (Puja). We were disappointed to know that Puja's due date was middle of the month that's between 10 to 15, though the month was same as Uma birth month. Uma's birthday is 29th May. Uma thought that she had imagined the whole thing and was miserable for some time.

As months passed, we kept in touch to know what was happening with Sagar's family. Finally month of May arrived and the high drama began.

On 10th of May we called up Sagar to know how things were. Though he has been to doctor and the doctors had asked them to wait. After a week or so he called us to let us know that Puja was been admitted to the hospital but was sent back home and doctors had told them to wait. It was already 20th of the month. Now we were curious.

Again after couple of days Puja was admitted to the hospital and she was kept under observation as she was full term (i.e. 9 months were complete). Puja had her contractions on 25th of May. It was false alarm. It was only on 27th that Puja went into full labour and everyone was hopeful that baby would be born latest 28th but baby was not born. On 28th night Puja was tired by the process and also the baby passed stools in the womb. Hence, on 29th May doctors had to perform caesarean. A healthy girl was born.

When we received the call that day we were both shocked. We could not believe it. It's a strange mystery - the spirit and what happened later.

Sagar's daughter Shreya is four years old today. Whenever we meet them, Uma and me, we both realize how much Puja is perfect both for Sagar and Shreya.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, maitreyee, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

_tonybalo (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-08)
Nice story. Loved the conversation between Uma and the spirit.
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-26)
[at] Triskaideka, happens to all of us. I do proofreading as part of my job, and even I fail to catch errors occasionally. Glad I could be of help 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-25)
Triskaideka - don't feel bad about it 😊 Sometimes I swear our eyes read what they they think is there, not what really is LOL. I can read something I've typed (been a secretary for 30 years... Good grief Charlie Brown LOL) and I still do that. I can proofread a letter or document and just know it's perfect... Until after I've sent it out. Then I see the mistake 😆
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-25)
[at] allesgute154 - Thanks! Somehow my eyes skipped over that short sentence. I tried reading the whole story all over again and still missed it. 😳
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-25)
Triskaideka, the author has clearly mentioned that Uma's birthday was on May 29th and the baby was born on May 29th via C-section. I hope that clears your confusion:)
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
So was Shreya born on Uma's birthday? That's the part I'm fuzzy on and very curious to know!
vasvdutta (guest)
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
I do feel that Shreya and Puja have a lot to learn from each other. And I see that been mother and daughter gives them an opportunity to do so.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
I've also heard of this before. This was a wonderfull story. Loved Vasydutta's comment that Shreya is naughty and takes on the whole house. Those are the best ones, just wait. 😊 Thankyou for sharing this.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
Vasvdutta- I have my on theory of life and reincarnation, just like everybody else. I believe that when we pass, we have finished with this lifetime's lessons, then we prepare our next.
I've read that the close people in our lives has all chosen to be apart of our lives in our lifetime to help with our lessons or vice versa.

Example: last lifetime Shreya could have been Puja's mother or father or whatever and this lifetime she chooses to the the daughter for her lessons of this lifetime. That is how karma lingers and continues into our next lifetime. I've read we pay our karma in our next lifetime... I hope this somewhat made sense because i'm starting to confuse myself with my words 😕 it's in my head but not the same when I type it out lol sorry. If you are interested in this theory you can search up Delores Cannon and her book called "The Convoluted Universe" and many more.

Thanks again for sharing!
vasvdutta (guest)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
maybe though Shreya is very naughty and takes whole house on her head.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)

The only conclusion I find is
Little shreya is a Avatar of Devi (Goddess). So she born from the womb of Puja from which she want to born. Puja is very lucky.

❤ ❤
vasvdutta (guest)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)

No actually it was only recently we told Puja about this though Puja says that when she was pregnant she had couple of freak accidents and she was saved from each one of them. Also Puja does say that she would feel very peaceful and happy during her pregnancy.
vasvdutta (guest)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)

Two things that come to my mind when thinking about your comment.
1. Puja and Uma have completely different parenting styles. Looking at Shreya, I think Puja's parenting style is more suited for her growth.
2. Also Sagar has a spiritual mentor who really helps Shreya. Rather he is particular about her well being, so may Shreya has a purpose in life. She is too young I don't know what would happen when she grows up.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
Really a Strange story... I think lady-Glow is right.
I think you should investigate about this with shreya's mother. Probably she must have seen her in dreams. 😕

Lots of love to Shreya ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-22)
vasvdutta: this is a very interesting story, it makes me wonder if there is a purpose to fulfill on the little girl being born from Puja.
And I hope Uma pursued a profession that makes her happier than only staying at home taking care of her family, at least for the meanwhile.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-22)
vasvdutta - this may not be a "typical" ghost story, but I really like it and want to thank you for sharing it with us.

I have heard stories like this before, where the spirit of the unborn child comes to one or the other parent before conception. I love them 😊

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