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Our Dog Tama


It's been a while since my first post. First of all, I'm going to tell you now that this experience isn't as mind-blowing as you might think. To us, it is quite a big deal. Although it's a small occurrence, there is quite a background story so I'm sorry if this story isn't what you're expecting.

To start, this story is about our beautiful German Shepherd, Tama, whom we had to put to sleep last night. He was an outside guard-dog who we loved unconditionally, and his outside area was practically right outside my window. He was 9 years old and not spayed so he was full of energy. We always tried keeping up with walking him but we sometimes feared to walk him because he was very vicious towards other dogs.

We tried to train him and snap him out of it but we thought our only option was to get him spayed. In our household, we aren't very wealthy so it took a while to come up with the funds for his spaying. Once we did have the funds, we planned to take him to the vets for vaccinations and his castration. I'll try and quicken the story. There's a bit I'll miss out.

The vet basically narrowed down our fantasy vs. Reality. He was a hazard to us and other dogs, as well as other people. Not to mention we had a woman in our neighbourhood who threatened to call the council and report Tama to them for barking too much. So we decided to put our baby to sleep which was extremely hard, as you could imagine.

Once we got home, my boyfriend and I went into my room to sob and hug each other. As we were both comforting each other, we heard a whimper come from outside my window. It sounded exactly like Tama's whimpers he used to do when he heard us talking. The fact that we both heard it convinced us that we're not crazy. What else could it have been? We have dogs next door to us but they were out on a walk with the owner (we had a chat to the neighbour when we got home for comfort, and as we left she took her dogs out).

I know some people might say there's an explanation but we know it was Tama. It was his home and it sounded exactly like him. We loved him so much and he'll always be in our hearts.

I'm so sorry for the long story for such a short experience.

Thank you for reading.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, PerfectlyDisturbed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

RitaCMW (2 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-12)
I realize this post is late but I have only just read it. I also have a dog with serious aggression issues due to former abuse. Fortunately he is much smaller than yours so it is easy to keep him contained so as not to bite anyone else. We were close to euthanizing him, but as a family agreed to take very strong steps to avoid further incident. We can pick him up if there is a problem and certainly you did not have that option. You made the right decision.
As to his visit to you after his death, he may have wanted to say goodbye which is sweet. With my pets when they die, our family performs a ceremony to send off the soul. We burn a photo and tell our pet it is time to move on. I have never seen any apparitions of them. As a matter of fact, we will be doing this again as we recently euthanized my old Dalmation who made it to nearly 15.
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-30)
Valkricry, just yesterday we printed a large photo of him and put it in a frame which we placed in the lounge room. I now smile at his memory rather than weep over what happened. I forgot to mention in my post that Tama was a boy and the name 'Tama' means 'boy' in Maori language.

Thank you so much for your kind, reassuring comment.

I hope you're well.

Rach ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-24)
Rachness, something very economical that my kids and I did, after needing to put down a dog of ours was erect a type of 'shrine' to her memory. It was really just a shelf with her tags and leash, a few pictures of her with the kids - nothing fancy, but it seemed to help with the loss.
Being a single mom, we too were very tight on money, so I understand the awful decision you had to make. Please take what I'm going to say right now to heart. You did the right thing for Tama. In my heart of hearts, I believe she knew that, so she came back to say goodbye, and in her own doggy fashion say she loves you.
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-24)
Thank you, Miracles51031 and Morticia1. It was definitely hard to have to make the decision we did. Thank you so much for your kindness and support ❤
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-21)
Having read this story a few days back along with the comments, and now having come back to it, I have to say I'm appalled at the how some have put down the O/P.

It was quite obvious from the story itself Rachness had put her dog down on the advice of the vet. That there was more to the story than she had written but she had kept it short and to the point of the site.

Rachness I commend you for doing what was best for your dog, yourselves, other people and animals. It is the hardest decision we have to make when it comes to our pets but we do what is best for THEM not ourselves. That is what you did for Tama and you have some lovely memories of him 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-21)
Okay - enough bashing the o/p! Any more comments like the one I just deleted will also be deleted. If you can't think of anything helpful, or any advice pertaining to the story, keep it to yourself! Comments about your opinion on her dog's death will not be tolerated! This is ridiculous!
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-16)
Thank you for all of your kind words. A shrine would be a wonderful idea. He had a little shed in his backyard with his bed and his favourite toys so that'd be the perfect place to set up. We haven't even attempted to go in his backyard yet because we're too emotional.

I hope you're all well.

elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-15)
If I was in your shoes, I would build a little shrine/memorial for him in his favorite spot. Maybe plant a little tree, or flowers in his memory. It could help with the healing process and bring life out of an all around painful experience. It can also be intensely therapeutic.

Best wishes to you
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-15)
Hi Rachness! First of all I apologies for my harsh comments. I shouldn't act like that. I only focused on the castration of your dog Tama and I forgotten the reasons behind it. It would had been very difficult for you to make that decision of dropping him down.
Please pardon for my rude words


With best regards ❤
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-15)
Thank you for the apology. I apologize, too if I have in any way offended you with my response. I do understand that things can be overlooked if not enough of a description has been written which is why I mentioned that I'll leave a portion of my story out of it.

I hope you're well.

elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-15)

I do have to point out that this is the internet. People are only able to extrapolate meaning from the information you give them, which is exactly why I said: "From what you explained in the story, his only issue was not liking other dogs and barking. If I am missing something here, I apologize for the harshness."

IF you don't provide any information surrounding an event, people can only judge it based on how you tell them the event happened.

Since more information has been provided, I will apologize for being harsh, like I said that I would.

I also apologize for accidentally creating a chain reaction of responses that were very harsh. That was not my intent, and since I was the first comment, it is likely that my reaction biased comments that came after.

I hold to my original thought that if this was paranormal and you heard Tama's spirit, he was probably confused and came back to you, especially since he was probably frightened. He went home to were he would feel comfortable.
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-15)
And I'll just add that the Vet said to us that if we did decide to give him away to someone else that it would just be putting our burden on someone else's shoulders. We couldn't afford to provide him with the professional training he needed and we were heart-broken about the cold, hard truth that the Vet gave us.

It all came down to money and unless we were rich, we could of made it happen but we aren't.
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-15)
Hi all,

Thank you for those who gave me positive feedback. It means a lot in this very difficult time.

First of all, I'll clearly state that in my post I wrote: "I'll try and quicken the story. There's a bit I'll miss out." I did this so it's not some huge, long story and to get to the paranormal part. Most of the details I missed out were important in the means of how Tama was as a dog.

Thank you so much for making me feel like absolute crap about this whole matter, on top of how I'm feeling about this tragic loss. I wanted to shorten the story to get to the experience.

If you well and truly need clarification, THE VET recommended the euthanasia because of the way he was. Hours before Tama was put to sleep, he attacked a stranger, he tried to attack me (which he has never, ever done from the time we had him) and almost mauled a poor little puppy to death. There's a reason why he almost attacked me but that's a whole other story in itself.

Describing how Tama was to the Vet made her suggest the option we took and I'm truly appalled at the response I received from most of you. How can you shame someone for making this decision when you do not understand any part of it? I'm going through enough hurt already and I DO NOT need your accusations of my so called 'cruelty'.

There are plenty more things I could tell you about Tama but I feel like it's none of your business to hear about the more descriptive details. Again, I thank you all so much for making me feel like the most horrible person on the planet. Put yourself in my shoes.

And I suggest to you that if you EVER read a similar story somewhere in the future, DO NOT shame them like you did me.

I apologize if this sounds harsh but you really hurt my feelings.

spiritwhitewolf72 (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Hi, sorry about what I say and I should read the other's post. I know Tampa just getting old when are 9 year old like other post say about 63. I know its easy to lose a loving pet by put to sleep its really hard I been there cause my cat been sick for long time now I have dog and very lonely with out my cat.
spiritwhitewolf72 (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
I am a an animals lover also, but question why put her to sleep for be trying honesty to me that cruel. I don't understand why some people just put to sleep for some exuse. Like others posts says you should give to someone who animals lover and can training dogs. I have dog I would't give up and love my baby. I'm sure tama's spirit is confuse by whimper.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-12)
Rachness: that was a very difficult decision to make, one I would dread to have to face one day. 😐

I'm sure Tama came to let you know he is fine and still with you... His family.

Thanks for sharing this sad experience with us.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-12)
Dear Rachness,
I am so sorry for your loss, and that you had to take such a tough, life changing decision so early in your life.
Respects & Regards.

I also agree with val, BJJ, MandyyNicole & mimerkki in their opinions, and that some of us are being too harsh on the O/P, although I understand where they are coming from, too; but it has been hard enough for the O/P to take the decision, and they have to live with it too.
So, really, cut 'em some slack and enough with the blaming and slamming.


PS- I am my dog's (Boltu's) human, if you know what I mean...
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-12)
The comments seem to circulate around a subject that is not the core of this site. This is a place for people to tell their paranormal experiences.

Thak you for sharing your story.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
Sushantkar, this op has been lambasted enough, ok? You've already made your opinion known, so there's no need to restate it.
Also, this is the internet. People are going to disagree with you, people will occasionally down vote you, it happens. No one owes you a reply, especially not on someone else's story.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
WOW! What was that for! I didn't get any reply and I receive a thumbs down 😆 😆.
That's what you expect when you say the truth.
Rachness... I would again say that you had done wrong with your dog and thumbs down won't 😨 me.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
Oh man. Let's cut the author a break, guys.

First off, I'm sorry for the loss of your pup, it's like losing a family member. I have no doubt you put a lot of thought into the decision you made, and i'm sorry you were put in the position to have to make that choice. It's better for him to have gone out with dignity than for you to have been forced to euthanize him because he bit/attacked someone or because your neighbor couldn't stand the barking. Surprisingly, where I am from, too many noise complaints about a dog can have the animal forcibly removed from the home and put down. I am sure you made him as comfortable as possible in his last days.
Second, I would not doubt it if the whimper was his final goodbye to his loving family. How bittersweet. Who knows, maybe he'll even hang around for a bit and continue keeping guard:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
Exactly BJJ. I'm an animal lover, and as one there have been times I have had to put animals down, as it was best for them, no matter how much it broke my heart.
In people years a 9 year old dog would be 63 years old - has anyone tried to modify the behavior of someone that age? It is near impossible. Also a tad old to be neutering/spaying. But if the dog was also displaying signs of aggressiveness towards humans as well as other dogs as well, there may have been other medical reasons at play. Who knows?
Still, I don't think the decision was made lightly, and the OP states it was a difficult one.
Perhaps Tama whimpered his goodbyes.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
Guys, I think it may be unfair to judge the OP so harshly. The recommendation to put the dog down was made by a veterinarian, not something the OP went to the vet planning. Some dogs are dangerously aggressive, and as Val has pointed out, it takes more than nuisance barking to get a vet to suggest such a measure.
Rachael, I'm sorry you had to make that decision. I don't really have much to say on the paranormal aspect of this, but I do understand the pain you and your partner are feeling.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
Hang on... Are you saying the vet recommended putting your pet down? This line; "He was a hazard to us and other dogs, as well as other people," leads me to believe that there was much more than just barking involved here.
rhejhen (2 stories) (28 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
Oh my! How could someone do it? It breaks my heart reading your story. Poor dog 😭
I second elnoraemily, you could give him away rather than killing him.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
You betrayed with the dog. Thats horrible. You just killed a beautiful creature for not being well trained and now you are apologizing for that saying you missed him. Thats cruelty. 😠
I am with elnoraemily, I am too an animal lover. I had a pet dog and I knew what impotence it holds.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
I'm at a loss.

You put down a dog for not being well trained?
Why didn't you just put him through training school or give him away to someone who knows how to train overly active animals?

That sounds harsh, I know, but it just baffled me and hurt my heart to think that would even happen. From what you explained in the story, his only issue was not liking other dogs and barking. If I am missing something here, I apologize for the harshness. I am an animal lover to the extreme.

If his spirit was active, it is little wonder why he would come to the window and whimper.

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