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The House I Grew Up In Was Haunted By Evil


This story consists of multiple paranormal experiences that happened to me between the years of about 1998-2004, when I was a teenager growing up in a small town in Upstate New York.

At nine years old, my mother and step-father purchased an empty lot in Upstate New York and built a house on it. As I got older, I was always outside and explored the woods around my new house. Now, this was upstate New York, and the area I lived in was extremely rural. I should preface this story by letting you know in the woods behind my house, I found the rusted out frame of a car, an old well, many old soda cans that looked like they came from the 1970's and other various types of garbage, which to me serves as evidence of someone possibly living on the land prior to my house being built. It is unknown whether there was a pre-existing home in those woods that had since been destroyed, or maybe people just went back there to party/hang out in the 1970's-1980's. Due to my age, I was unable to conduct proper research at the time.

During these teenage years, I could never shake the feeling of being watched by SOMEONE, almost every day and every night in my house. It got to a point where I actually got used to it and convinced that it was in my head. At numerous times, day or night, I would be watching TV or on the computer and see this quick flash of a black silhouette darting past me as if running at a high rate of speed. It often made me snap my head around to see what it was, only to find nothing there. I'll never forget one night in particular, when I was laying on my side trying to go to sleep, the feeling of being watched was so strong I was convinced if I turned around I would see someone. Let it be noted since moving out of that house upon graduating high school, the feeling of being watched and seeing the "black silhouettes" have completely gone away.

My first true unexplainable experience happened one night when I was roughly 13-14 years old. I woke up at around 3:00am, and I saw what appeared to be my mother leaning against the doorway to my bedroom. This figure, which I thought to be my mom, then said very clearly "Come with me, I want to show you something." In my tired mind at 3:00am, I said no, I want to go back to bed and show me tomorrow. It never even dawned on me how odd this was until I woke up the next morning. When I did wake up the next morning, I asked my mom what the heck she needed to show me at 3:00am. My mom, confused, said that she never got up last night, and she never came to my room. Readers please note: This is the one and only time this occurred: I am not a vivid dreamer, I do not lucid dream, and I do not suffer from night terrors. Neither does my mom.

The second unexplainable experience happened at around the same age. Let me begin by saying in addition to seeing the "black figures" dart past my eyes on a daily basis, I was PETRIFIED of our basement at nighttime. I cannot explain why, as I was not scared of any other parts of the house at night. My sister, who was six years younger than me, shared the exact same dream as me while we were living in the house. On separate nights, we both had a dream that we were standing at the top of the stairs to the basement, and for some reason we threw a ball down the stairs leading to the basement, which was not lighted but pitch black. An unknown and unseen entity threw the ball back at us. Overwhelmed with the feeling of fear, we woke up from the dream. When my sister had this dream, she did not know I had the same dream. It wasn't until years later we happened to be talking about the house and its hauntings and I brought up the dream, which she confirmed having the same exact one without any differences. As a side note, my sister was completely terrified of sleeping alone at night in her bedroom, and was constantly seeing "black figures" in her room. This continued well into her teenage years, not just a "child who is afraid of the dark". To this day, she really will not discuss the things she used to see in her old bedroom.

The third unexplainable experience that I will discuss occurred one morning when I was waking up for school. At the time, my mother made the awesome decision to set up our computer in the basement. Why? I'll never know. Anyway, this particular morning when I opened the door to walk down the stairs to the basement, I could see a rocking chair we had down there slowly rocking back and forth like someone was sitting on it. Was it my imagination? No it was not. My mother was wide awake and standing right next to me and saw the same exact thing. No one was in the basement at this time, and there was no break in of any kind. I swear on my life what I am telling you is the 100% truth.

I have come to believe that something evil resided in the basement of my childhood home. My family went through many difficult times while we lived in that house, and my mother suffered the worst of it. Severe depression, which led to an awful divorce and the dissolution of our family. I had many other dreams while living in that house, which involved my mother either being sucked into the basement by the unseen entity or simply going through severe pain and suffering. Either way, I'm glad we all got out. Thanks for reading, and I welcome anyone's comments about what could have been living in that house.

PS - As a side note, my mother told me years and years later that she used to have a friend who practiced witchcraft. When she found out the friend practiced witchcraft, my mother tried to distance herself from the friend which led to a falling out between them. It is unknown whether this has to do with the paranormal experiences, but it did happen around the same time frame.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, wolfhunterxx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cman710 (9 stories) (94 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-04)
That is freaky as hell. Wow. Where I grew up also had some freaky spirits in it, but this takes the cake when you are truly sure something evil was there. *Shudders*
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
spookie - I'm not in anyway expressing an opinion on this story by what I'm about to say. I'm just giving you something to think about.

My son is 13 and ever since he has been able to tell time has always known exactly what time (according to our clocks) it is when he wakes up, regardless of the time. I don't think it is unreasonable to believe wolfhunter knew what time it was when he awoke. Also there are people who leave TVs on at night and depending upon what is on, it's sometimes very easy to know approximately what time it is.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
Ahem, close but no cigar, Rook. It's Hollywoodization. You were so very, very close! 😊
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
The only thing I find strange is that youi knew the exact time that you were woken up by a person you thought to be your mom... I mean, you were a pre teen so you wouldn't have checked the time when you woke up early in the morning... You would just gp back to bed
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
Wow... I spent like 20 minutes just reading the comments... This stoy got a lot of them... Anyway thanks for sharing the story 😁 it was a good read
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
But yes Rook that is a term and I believed it is spelled correctly, however I am not an english professor so I cannot tell you for 100%.
Vonboeckmann (guest)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
Hi Rook
Wartz and wrinkles? Sounds like Black adder or Grim. Disney.
Anyway we (medical profession) can assist you with the wortz and wrinkles should the need arise.
Thanks for the insight. We are all different. When I said "evil" their souls must be dark to do the damage I have witnessed over the years.
Yes there is good and bad many shadez of grey in every department.
Regards J
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)

Intresting information I had never heard of that before...

As for the Mods comment I have this to say...

I thought ALL WITCHES had wrinkles and warts. 😜

I wish there was not so much bad press and HOLLYWOODzation (is that a word and if so is it spelled right?) Paganism and Witchcraft have nothing to do with 'Darker works... Satanism or Demon Worship'. (Remember all Black and White means is that the prationer may a moral choice to be good or evil it is NOT WITCHCRAFT ITSELF that is bad) All we can really do is keep putting the word out.


Vonboeckmann (guest)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
Hi Rook
Honestly I don't know about witchcraft. I do know evil - witnessed its results. It is interesting to read your post and I would like to add one more fact. As a medical professional of over 35 years I have noticed along with many others research is supportive of the fact. Death is frequently between the hours hours of 0300-0400hrs.This is when tbe earth's core temp and tbe body temp is at its coldst. If a patient is critical the body will shut down to preserv e life...shock.
To us non-civilians it is known as "the death hr. Or witching hr".to civilians this can be frightening. The most in one night. 5 patients at an emergency center RAAF base hospital open to the public.all.terninal with ca. Not a good12 hr shift.
U are interesting and people do get upset. Its human. I agree with the Moderator. Relax. Thanks for readiing Regards J
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
I completely agree Rook. Not a lot of people know the truth about modern witches since certain religions meshed them up to the representation that we now have today. I am a wiccan and a practicing witch and if I want to practice now... Then it is witching hour. It's the same thing as midnight being closest to the other side, again false.

Don't get so worked up Rook! You'll get wrinkles 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-02)
I have said this so many times its hard to think of new and polite ways to say it...

Lets try it this way...

The WITCHING HOUR is WHATEVER TIME a Practitioning Witch chooses to preform his or her rituals...prayers...castings...readings...what have you.

There are a couple of REAL reasons that 3AM is scary...First...its dark outside and what we can not see frightens us on some level. Second... We hear sounds differently when its dark... Are hearing is trying to make up for the lack of visual ques (sp). Thrid because its dark and we are hearing things differently our IMAGINATIONS make up things... Things that could make the sounds we are hearing.

I was a Practioning Witch at one point and 3AM really didn't become a 'THING' until the book and movie about the Amityville Horror (orignal one), least that is when I started hearing about it... The Defoe murders, which happened about 3AM, played right into HOLLYWOODS arms.


Proverbs31an (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-02)
I don't think you should doubt yourself or this experience. I believe you that "it" was evil. You mentioned that the figure in the doorway woke you up at 3am to follow "it"...well 3am is the witching hour. You thought it was your mom who woke you up and it was not. Evil is deceptive and confusing and makes you believe what is not real. I'm glad you left at 18. I pray your mom is better now. Peace.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-28)
This may sound strange, but have you considered that your family may have been literally haunting itself?

I'm a large believe in energy and residual energy. Your mother's depression, an unhappy marriage (not to say that your family was unhappy, but marriages typically degrade over a long period of time) and teenagers in the house is a lot of energy to have floating about. It's rare, but it's possible. Teenagers are also linked to poltergeist activity.
wolfhunterxx (3 stories) (7 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-27)
To add to my already lengthy comment below:

My sister has confirmed what I posted in the below comment. In addition, my sister reminded me that in the middle of the night, almost every night during this time period, her iPod would turn on BY ITSELF and loudly play these heavy death metal songs literally entitled "666" or "Satan", and she said cannot remember downloading them. Logically, she insists she must have downloaded them because how else could they end up on her iPod? She also said pictures would inexplicably fall off her wall as well. This further solidifies my belief that an evil entity resided in the house.
wolfhunterxx (3 stories) (7 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-27)
Hello everyone,

I want to thank you all for your candor and feedback. I forgot to mention one other "paranormal" experience that both my mother and grandmother reported experiencing. On separate occasions during this time period, each of them woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the doorknob on the basement door loudly shaking and rattling. At the time they heard it, it was dead of night and everyone was asleep. There was no explanation for it. It just seems that my entire family had paranormal experiences in this house, and they all for whatever reason seem to be linked to the basement. I want to mention one other thing as well.

You guys can take this for what its worth, and I fully understand that this site is to report stories on paranormal experiences, not psychic activity. However, my family has long believed my aunt, who is Cuban, possesses either "psychic" or "medium" like abilities. When she was visiting my house one year for Christmas, she told me that she was in the kitchen, and observed a black faceless figure standing by the entrance to our basement. She told me that she immediately sensed that the figure was "bad", and the figure told her (i'm assuming in her mind) that it was there to break apart the family and cause nothing but pain and suffering. This was only shortly before my step-father and my mother divorced. I subsequently moved to Florida and basically my family did in fact "break up". My aunt was not very close to my mom and therefore was unaware of any of the problems we were having during this time period.

To address the other comments about mental illness, I would say that my mother may in fact have a legitimate mental illness. She has not been officially diagnosed with one, but has suffered from severe depression for many years, and even to this day she still does. However with that being said, my sister and I were always very happy kids, we went outside and played with friends, and generally had a very good childhood. We were not physically or emotionally abused in any way. I have grown up successful, a college graduate with a full time career. My sister is currently in college for nursing. My point is, my childhood was not a bad one, it was a good one despite having the familial problems during my teenage years. These paranormal experiences were limited only to the house I grew up in, and as soon as I moved out at 18 years old to attend college in Florida, all the experiences abruptly stopped happening. The same goes for my sister as well. As an adult and a police officer, I often reflect on the experiences I had as a teen and realize now that the things I experienced were real, and not in my head. Its not in my nature nor in my family's nature to fabricate such things, and my mom being a devout Christian was against anything "paranormal" or "scary".

I mentioned the trash in the woods behind my house just to put out there that **MAYBE** something happened back there before my house was built that I am not aware of. However, there is no direct link or explanation as to why I had the experiences I did at my old house. All I can tell you is that the experiences were real, and during that time I was scared as hell of that basement and whatever was down there. My gut feeling tells me to this day there was in fact "Something" malevolent in that house. I don't doubt it for one second. I hope this answers all of your questions. I am the most skeptical and logical person you could ever hope to meet. But my life experiences tell me there is something more out there than what meets the eye, which brought me to this website to share my stories.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-26)
Val, while there are multiple types of depression, the sort in this story sounds clinical to me. I don't see a way that a bad feeling in a certain part of the house could cause someone the level of depression that the author is describing. It seems to be a thing to blame, rather than looking at any sort of underlying cause. Everyone, for the most part, will experience situational depression at some point in their lives, ranging from mild to severe.
Especially since he dreamed as a child that the darkness in his house was stealing his mother, it seems that he blamed the house for a long time in his life, while possibly ignoring any other sign that his mother had an illness that she needed help for. If you grow up seeing something as evil for destroying your family, it will hold the blame for everything that happened within. There seems to be a correlation, but I don't see any causation in this story.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-26)

Thanks for the added info.

I knew the Amityville home had gotten a 'facelift' I did not relaize they had gone so far as to change the streetname. So thanks for that info as well.


WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-26)

I agree that this is a case of high EMF since it was a newly built home plus the natural elements that are within NY which hold energy having an effect as well.

I may live on Long Island but I know that Limestone and Quartz crystal are high throughout NY and hold energy well so if there were people who partied there then their energy is left behind also known as residual haunting.

P.S. I live 1/2 hour from the Amityville home its not haunted unless you count living people who want to break in a haunting which is why the home has a full exterior change and the name of the street being changed
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-25)

If we do not think like sceptics then it is harder to rule out natural and non-paranormal events.

If those of us who truly believe in an afterlife want to prove it we have to collect solid evidence that supports our beleif, by taking every experience at face value we loose that objectivity and any chance of collecting rock solid proof is lost.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-25)
TuBZ- You are entitled to your opinion, but so are our other members. Keep it civil or your comments will be deleted.

This comment from TuBZ is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-25)
I'm curious, you say, " I don't believe anything paranormal is to blame for depression." Now to me, being depressed with reason (ie your pet passed, you can't pay your bills, etc) and medical depression are two different things. With one, in time you pull yourself together and with the other you need medical help in order to 'see' things will get better (I think it's caused by a chemical imbalance, but I'm not sure). How ever, could not something very traumatic or a negative constant push someone into a depression, that needs medical help?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-25)
Hurray no one took the Amityville bait...

Wolf, I am a bit confused about your experiences while in this home... The ones you shared do not sound evil and there may even be non-paranoramal reasons for this. Many of the feelings you describe... Being watched... Seeing movment from the corner of your eye may have been caused by EMF sensitivity... I do not know how your home was wired but people who are sensitive to it often report things of that nature.

Seeing your Mother... Or what you thought was Mom... As a one time event COULD have been a dream of some sort... Its so hard to say with one time experiences.

As for the many things your Mother may have experienced... How many of them may have been mearly caused by her depression... How many of them could have been caused by possible poltergiest activity? You mentioned your were a pre-teen or teen during this time period. Last how many of your dreams were caused by stress rather than spirits?
I am not saying your Mother and yourself did not experience anything... But I am suggesting there may have been non-paranormal reasons for what was experienced.

Thanks for sharing.


Simie (4 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
Dear wolfhunterxx,

Your story is interesting. You know when our parents are depressed it normally effect the children. When my mom was depressed I used to have very bad dreams. Its because I could feel her depression but couldn't help her since I was small. Hope your mom is ok now.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
In my opinion, cans and trash sounds more like evidence of a party in the woods than a previous residence. The remnants of an old house would have likely held more evidence than typical trash. Some people also use the woods as a dumping ground. Have you done any digging since now that you are older?

Basements are creepy. I was typically terrified of mine as a child. Basements tend to be the storehouse for all the wiring and piping in the house. Because of this, they can literally make you physically terrified, freeze, panic or feel as though you will be harmed. The electric energy actually interferes with how your brain is able to interpret the world around it. That does not mean there was no paranormal influence, merely that worldly influences were also likely at play, as well. If there was paranormal element in the basement, the high electric fields that are already found in basements would just make that feeling even worse.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but as someone who studies psychology, I don't believe anything paranormal is to blame for depression. Depression is a horrible illness, but it's caused by the mind. I am very sorry about your family falling apart and your mother's depression. My parents are also divorced. I hope your mother is better now.

This sounds horrible, but sometimes a drastic life change and a new start can actually help:/ It helped with my mother and also helped with my father, both of whom were depressed being together. My mother has always had problems with depression and having the ability to take charge helped quite a bit. I think that is the reason that she was improved once she left.

I, personally, believe that there was a paranormal element to your house, but that both illness and other factors played into why that house was not an especially pleasant place to be. I hope that makes sense.

Witchcraft is generally extremely misunderstood, so I will leave that to someone else who is better qualified to speak for it.

At what age did you leave for Florida? Just curious. I moved across country in my teens.

Thank you for sharing.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
Wolf, while your experiences in that house, did not strike me as 'evil', it surely wasn't benign either. Taken together, as a whole, it certainly sounds like something or someone (s) were there.
Your mother's depression and resulting divorce may or may not have been the result. Still, not a good thing to go through. I'm curious, did she 'suddenly' improve once away from there?
fuzzyducky (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
this send shivers down my spine... 😭 I believe this because this has a similar story to the Amityville horror...

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