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Childhood Curse


This will be my first time telling my story to people other than my close family (those whom I lived with and grew up with). Even then it took me well over 10 years to tell them of my experiences.

You guys can call me D, I'm Mien. The only reason I feel this is worth mentioning is because of our cultural and religious background. My family, especially being the son of a shaman is very religious and superstitious. Me on the other hand am of the newer generation. I'm a psychology major and always try to be rational and logical with my way of thinking. (Any questions with what Mien people are and our beliefs, please feel free to ask.)

Though I mentioned above I am a rational guy, I do believe there are things we can not rationalize with logic. Oxymoronic I know, sorry about that.

Anyways my experience goes back to when I was about 9 going on 10 years old. I grew up in the back house between a Christian church and an abandon house with my parents and older brother. The front house was occupied by my grandparents, uncle, aunt and 5 cousins.

As you can imagine, I grew up with with my cousins as my neighbors and first friends. We played hide and seek, cops and robbers, tag, pretty much everyday was an eventful fun day. This was before the time of smart phones and internet. Seems like a loving family on the surface, but behind closed doors I was shunned and made to be an outcast by my aunt and uncle, even my grandmother. This may be due to the fact that I am adopted, or maybe my grandmother didn't think her stepson, my father, her kin, I do not know. Though I think it's the former and not the latter.

One summer night my cousins and I were playing hide and seek. I remember this night vividly. It was a Saturday, twilight hour. The sun was slowly setting and casting an orange glow in the sky. I was running to find a place to hide. Running along the walk-way in between the blocked off church and my grandparents' house. All of a sudden, mid stride, I felt a pinch on the left side of my stomach right underneath my rib cage. I stopped abruptly and lifted up my white t-shirt and upon doing so a silk worm came falling down. I quickly examined my stomach and found an irritation left by the worm. After cursing to myself I slowly lifted my head up and the most surreal feeling I've ever had in my life took hold.

There was suddenly no more orange skies, no more sunset, no light nor darkness. There was just the empty space; a deafening silence and not a single movement to disrupt what I can only describe as pure peace.

Then it happened.

I peered into the little window that looks into my grandparents' basement with my back towards the church. The basement was dark and empty, yet I have no idea why it took hold of me. I stood there frozen just staring into darkness and seemingly out of thin air there were two red eyes staring back at me. (I still get the chills and my ears feel deaf when I talk about it.)

Whatever it was, I was locked down in a staring contest with it for what felt like hours... I don't remember feeling scared, I just remember the feeling of being alone. And I blinked. I blinked and the colors and sounds of the world came flooding back. I was able to move again, so I ran and hid not wanting to be found my by cousin.

As I hid in my hiding spot, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and goosebumps filled my body. I was overcome with fear having realized what just happened.

After seeing the red eyes, I've had a series of bad luck and weird things happened. In middle school I went through a period of great depression and self loathe.

I've seen shadows and faces. Heard voices inches from my ear and not being able to make out what they were saying. Still I told no one about what I was seeing or how I was feeling until one night in 2009. Driving home from Best Buy where I work I seen something dart across the freeway. It looked so real I braked and swerved trying to avoid hitting it. After passing it I turned back only to see nothing was on the freeway.

As I was pulling into my driveway, I heard a rattling sound come from my engine. Thinking it was odd since I just got the car from the dealership two days prior I popped the hood open finding the washer to my timing belt was completely unscrewed and was just hanging by the edge. I went to grab it and it just fell off onto the floor. I had a sick feeling in my stomach when I thought how close I came to losing control of the car on my way speeding home from work.

So I ran inside, woke my parents up and told them everything that's been happening to me since I was 9. Being Mien, we did a huge ceremony, trying to cleanse/exorcise whatever it was they think was causing me all this grief, to no avail. So my mother, at wits end took me to a gypsy.

I don't believe in palm reading, but my mom already spent big money to see her I had to entertain the idea. Having never meeting her previously, she took my palm and began telling me things she shouldn't have known, and things no one else should have known. She then brought up me being adopted. And then how I saw the red eyes. I looked at her dumbstruck. She told the eyes I saw were that of my biological grandmother whom cursed me when I was a baby because I didn't get adopted to my biological mother's brother. She's been following me around ever since.

The gypsy then gave me some weeds and twigs made to look like a bird nest, to put in my room. For about a month I wouldn't experience anything. After the month of silence, my closet door will always open at night while I'm sleeping.

There's more but I don't want to wear out my welcome. Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, callmeD, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)

? "I didn't know it was broken until a week and a half after. Which by the time the worse of the pain has already came and went."?

Really? Wow... After that much time it was healing as well. I do truly wish you a fair and speedy recovery.

Please keep us updated... On the 'home situation' and recovery.


callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Rook, I see where you're coming from. My mother stopped going to see her. My dad's sister on the other hand, went to see her a couple months ago. I think the Gypsy was legit. I have no qualms with anyone trying to use their gift to make a quick buck or two. I was rather upset though that her Twigs weren't as advertised lol.

I didn't have a cast, though I didn't think I needed one. It was a broke bone and a torn ligament. I didn't know it was broken until a week and a half after. Which by the time the worse of the pain has already came and went.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)

Much sympathy with your leg... I spent 8 weeks in a stright leg cast (groin to ankle) becasue of a fracture of my left spirial tibia)...The time I was in the most pain...4.5 weeks into the cast I managed to roll out of bed... The left side of the bed... My left leg... Cast and all remained 'on' the bed twisted in the covers... I thought that was bad... I was SO WRONG... The day they removed the cast... They told me to bend my knee... On a scale of 1-10 it had to be at least 100... Anyway let's get this back 'on topic'.

The thing is with adoption a 'wise' gypsy can 'cast' some ideas out... See what sticks and elaborate and WE can end up thinking they were 'spot on'. I do not know the individual... Maybe they truly have a gift... Its just the way you have mentioned the experience, the series of events, with her rasied my hackles for some reason.

As far as Cleansing and Shieldings go... They are personal and as such its for the individual to descide if they want to preform one. There are very many to choose from, I of course stand by the one I have suggested, but its MINE after all, I use it for my own Home and myself as well as Family memebers and friends.


callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Hey rook, great hearing from you again. No need to apologize for the rant. I appreciate you, and anyone else, taking the time to read my comments and posts.
From my understanding, my mom and aunt went to see her sparodically throughout the course of the ten years. My mom goes to accompany my aunt not for herself. More so as a support for my aunt. She sought the gypsy out of desperation. I can be wrong, my mother is, very open about me being adopted but neither she nor my aunt knew how I felt about being adopted and how I felt about myself or,life.
I had my doubts about the bird nest actually working. I only did it to make my mom happy. Coincidentally there was a brief moment of peace intially.
Thanks, I have a whole new appreciation for walking now after breaking my leg. Been closer to 5 months and I can barely jog.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)

A couple of somethings you have just communicated make me go...Hummmm...Please bear with me.

In your latest comment you stated this...

"The gypsy didn't generalize much. She was pretty forth coming. My mom and aunt has been seeing her for close to 10 years now. The way she touched on the 'inner most emotions' made me a believer."

While I can understand WHY 'touching' on your inner most feelings could make someone a beleiver I still must offer words of caution... Words based on your own 'telling' of this experience...

"The gypsy didn't generalize much. She was pretty forth coming. My mom and aunt has been seeing her for close to 10 years now."

This individual has had 10 years with close realitives of yours... Knows things about your families past they may... JUST MAY... Have 'picked up' on how you have been reacting emotionally.

You also stated this...

"The gypsy, I don't believe she could cast away spirits although I do believe she has the ability to tell someone's past as she did mine."

Yet from the orignal experience you submitted you state this...

"The gypsy then gave me some weeds and twigs made to look like a bird nest, to put in my room. For about a month I wouldn't experience anything. After the month of silence, my closet door will always open at night while I'm sleeping.

There's more but I don't want to wear out my welcome. Thanks for reading."

So if she can not 'banish' spirits, was she just trying to be helpful? I hope you understand why I am asking this.

Consider this... 10 years is a LONG TIME to be seeing a psychic, gypsy, seer... Call them what you will. In that amount of time they could have gathered lots of details concerning your childhood, without your mother and grandmother realizing they had spoken about them...

This is of course me being paranoid, I hate seeing someone taken advantage of others espcially when it sets the psychic and paranormal communities back becasue of the 'fraud' involved.

I believe there are people who have these ablities... I also understand that if they 'devote' their time and effort into helping others that they may charge (I cringe at that... But that's just me) for there 'services'... But to hear of an individual charging 'large chunks' of 'change' for their services... Especially with 'long term' 'clients'...well it makes my teeth itch.

Sorry for the rant... I hope your leg heals quickly... Please reconsider preforming the cleansing method... It need not be a 'last ditch' effort... However that choice is yours.


callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Princess, biblo and rook.
Hello all, sorry for the late comments and replies. I've been rehabbing a broken leg and that's been taking up most of my time. (Playing basketball, nothing paranormal related...maybe)
Rook. I'm a pure skeptic until I've been proved orherwise. The gypsy didn't generalize much. She was pretty forth coming. My mom and aunt has been seeing her for close to 10 years now. The way she touched on my inner most emotions made me a believer. Though she did make us pay, a chunk might I add, my mother believed it'll help and that was reason enough for me to give it a shot. Might it be a coincidence I found peace for a short period ir a direct result from the birds nest looking thing I don't know. I do know that it was not permanent. I haven't tried your cleansing. I don't think I will unless it gets desperate. No offense, I mean that with the utmost respect. Blblo and cute princess, thank you guys. No offense taken. The gypsy, I don't believe she could cast away spirits although I do believe she has the ability to tell someone's past as she did mine.
gstories (4 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Please write more this is very interesting, but I hope you were able to solve the problem.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)
Upon re-reading my most recent post, I discovered that it could be misinterpreted very easily. I agree with Rook, and Cute_Princess on the gypsy/palm-reading issue; I was stunned by the exploitative and callous behavior of your living relatives. If I have misrepresented this fact, or have offended you with my reaction, I sincerely apologize.
cute_princess (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)
I am really sorry to hear your story... I mean a grandma cursing grandchild! But I seriously won't comment on it...
See may be the gypsy was fake... I mean I just have this feeling that she's either wrong or making up some story... You must go on for some better option... And yo do seem quite calm yourself... Just tryy to understand the situation... We indians believe that spirits if human... Are happy if listened to... And if it is your grandma try to know what happened years ago on your birth that she cursed you...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)

Did this gyspy also 'offer' to remove 'said curse'...for a price? You mentioned your Mom paid for the reading, but what of 'the curse?' As accurate as they may have been concerning your past, this whole 'curse' thing may, JUST MAY, have been a ruse to get MORE MONEY from you.

I have known 'sensitive people' who could only 'see, feel or read' individuals 'past' timeline and have the present and future be completely 'blind' to them so please use caution when dealing with individuals who 'claim' dire curses from your past...

Here's an even better question... Did they mention any specific (sp?) incidents in your life, things that were a 'direct result' of this 'curse', or did they keep the details concerning the curse very 'basic'?

Just something to think about.


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)
I'm stunned.
What appalling behavior!
You have my sympathy, though I suspect you don't need it.
Perhaps you should take some comfort in the idea that your biological grandmother is stuck in a dark, gloomy basement until she has learned to be a better person...

Take good care of yourself; be a kind, honorable, and forgiving adult by following your father's example.

callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)
Thank you all for your kind words.
Oh and about the curse
Biblo - the gypsy just stated the curse was specifically directed at me.
Trischa_D (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)
You sound like a very strong, lovely person 😊 I think you have great things ahead of you. ❤
callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)
Mien people practice taoism. We are very in tuned with nature and spiritualism. Sorry I'm not making much sense right now as I'm at work and on my phone.
Iu-Mien (h) or yaos are originally from China, but migrated throughout east and southeast Asia. Think Thai and Hmong and Chinese intertwined, probably the best summary if us Mien people.
callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-20)
Sorry, I didn't mean any ill will towards the site or admin. I just wanted to get some answers and opinion on what it is I'm experiencing. My biological family are manipulative, deceitful people. That sounds very mean for me to say but it's what I've observe in my 25 years of existence. They have a reputation in the Mien community of being as such, and it took me a long while to believe in those judgements. Yes, it might have took a toll on my adopted mother for me to be comfortable le in both families, but it tore a hole in me forever. Just this year I started to reconcile my feelings towards the way I was treated from both families. My biological family, parents and siblings used me for their financial gains, and only called me at their convinense. I did not see this when I was younger, but as I grew older I started picking up the subtleties. Theyd stare me down as if I was a stranger when I'm over their house. Scrutinize my every move, though my twin was doing the exact same thing they were accusing me of doing (I.e drugs and drinking alcohol and cutting school). Of course I didn't do any of this, it was just their way of justifying me not being their son. At least this is the conclusion I came up with. So, no. I haven't talked to them about what the gypsy said. I haven't kept in touch with them as much since I was hospitalized and literally on my death bed from food poisoning some 6 years ago. They didn't come Visit me or call to see if I were okay. Only about a couple months later did they call me to go to help one of my older brothers move out since I had a truck.
I love my family, whether they treated me as such or not. It's ingrained in my DNA. But I just learned throughout my life that it's best if I limited my interactions with my blood family.
As for my adopted family, they couldn't have been more the polar opposites. These parents were sought for guidance and support by the community. Great standings with the Mien community as my father was part of the Council. He retired just two years ago giving up his seat. I learned compassion and understanding from them. Not to past judgement as we all have a story and reasons behind what we do.
My father's step siblings and mother look up to him and revere him, but they do not show him the same affection as they show to their own full blood kin. I remember distinctly growing up, I was excluded from family outings involving my cousins and aunts and uncles.
I grew up wanting to please everyone. Wanting to just fit in. And while all this was happening I didn't tell anyone cause I didn't want another reason for anyone to think I was anymore different then what I was already made out to be from both sets of family.
True_gep (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
I'd love to read more! I like they way you type. The grammar is nice and gives a nice flow making this easy to the read. Also, could you go a bit into detail about Mien?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
CORRECTION: "the language OF curses," indicating precise diction in the statement, not "if curses," which suggests ambivalence toward the accursed!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)

You said you "do not want to wear out (your) welcome," but I wanted to know what happens next. Your narrative was riveting! I don't believe that a factually-based and detailed description could become boring. (I've only recently become a member, but I've been reading stories here for close to a decade; your writing has the natural rhythms of a born storyteller). I also researched the Mien People before continuing with your story, so I learned something new, too!

Now, to details! You state that "my adoptive mother took me to see my siblings everyday after school and made it a priority I kept in touch with my biological family." What a wonderfully strong role model your mother must be! Some adoptive parents feel threatened by biological parents; it must have taken an emotional toll on her to ensure that her child was comfortable with both families! That said, your biological grandmother sounds as though she was a demanding, exacting, critical, domineering, and spiteful woman IF the palm reader's assertions are to be believed. Have you ever discussed this old woman with your biological relatives? Have they got fond memories of her, or was she as the gypsy described? Would she have been the sort of woman to curse a baby if she didn't have her own way? (Traditionally, one has to be careful/specific with the language if curses; she may have intended to curse your adoptive family, but cursed you along with them. Also: does your adoptive father's discord with his stepmother AND with his (step?) siblings go back to before you were adopted, or would it have happened around the time of the suspected curse?)

Take time to find out the answers, if you need to; but I do think these details will help to flesh-out your story.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
callmeD - in response to your question about notification of your story being published, I don't think the admins do that anymore. Used to be we would receive an email notifying us the story had been received with a follow-up email letting us know it had been published, or returned if that was the case. I'm not sure why that policy was changed, but admin has a reason I'm sure 😊

Just be patient when submitting a story. There are times our real lives become too hectic, or we have electronic failure, etc and we can't get to the stories. It can take a week or longer in some cases, and a week is actually fast. Used to be it could take a lot longer to get to someone's story. And then there are times we just need a break, to be honest. It's not that the stories in queue aren't important, it's more that our mental health has to be a priority.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
D, you don't sound spiteful or anything like that. Quite the contrary, you sound very together, respectful and understanding to everyone in your life, regardless of how they've treated you.
That gypsy clearly had a very profound affect on you. It sounds as if you had reached a pivotal point in that moment. Maybe since then you've been viewing the world a little differently because of it. In a positive way I mean.
It's nice to know you've been emailing Rook. I've only been a member here since the beginning of the year. In that short time it's been quite amusing to notice how people naturally gravitate toward him.
When a story is posted you should receive an email notification. Check your spam, it may have ended up in there.

Thanks Val for the link, it answered everything I expected Wikipedia to!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)

I am around even if I do not post. Mein... I see I got that confused in our e-mails...It's not 'your' first name. ANYWAY...

As you can see may different people all picking up on different parts of your experiences... It never hursts to receive multiple opinions. Love this site for that reason.

I am glad this was published... Please keep us updated and I will check my e-mail again soon (currently at work).


Trischa_D (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
Why on EARTH would your own grandmother curse you for something that you obviously had no control over? I think you should be glad that you didn't get adopted into you own family- they might be evil or practice sorcery or witchcraft or something even worse- like satainism. I think you're lucky to have gotten away from them. Be greatful and I hope you can keep her at bay. What a wicked, wicked woman! God be with you ❤
callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
Outofbox thanks, sorry to hear that. I'd like to thank you all for welcoming me and not thinking I'm a lunatic. I'd also want to thank rook whether he sees this or not.
callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
Honestly, I don't know how long the experience lasted, it felt like an eternity though. Thanks valkricry for the link. I have no idea what that nest thing was she gave me. My biological Family is rather petty, I don't meant to say that and sound across spiteful. Its just from what I grown to learn. Though I was adopted, my adoptive mother took me to see my siblings everyday after school and made it a priority I kept in touch with my biological family.
callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-19)
Sorry for the late reply, I didn't know my story was published. Is there a notification notice on here that can alert me when I've been mentioned?
I've been emailing Rook about my experiences The past couple of days. I didn't think I was going ton get published.
Tweed, Mien people are Asians originally from China. Most of us practice taoism, but westernization and new generation have been adopting Christianity. If you would like to learn more please email me.
I didn't believe in Palm readers before that happened. I wouldn't have sought one out or given a person who claims to be a palm reader my time of day, but my mother already booked it and paid for it. I was hesistent at first but when she locked eyes on me she already started spewing out information about me no one knows. Secrets I'd rather not let my mom heard about my experiences. It was to say the least mind bending... I broke down in tears, something up to that point my mother has never seen me do. The car dealership oddly enough are owned by people we know. I do not think it was intentional. We brought it up to their attention that same night and the had us bring the car over and he did a full inspection on it.
outofboxthinker (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-18)
Iv'e got to say I just about completely understand I've had a similar life. Please don't take this wrong but when people grow up with a sad life like this we tend to want to shift the blame. I don't belong with the family I have I'm not adopted but I have multiple neurological issues and I figured out a year ago that my mom (who I used to look up to) hates me. I guess I'm trying to say your not alone

P.s. I literally just remembered I've seen glowing eyes to... (please read my story if you want to know)
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-18)
Hi D,
I think perhaps luck, as to whether it's good or bad depends on how you look at it. Now, I've no idea about what constituted your "series of bad luck", so I'll try to explain using the washer from your timing belt. True, if it had happened while driving you would have lost control f the car and quite possibly been injured or worse - BUT, it didn't happen like that. No, instead it was only after you had stopped the car in your driveway. Which to me sounds very fortunate and lucky.
To be honest, I have a hard time wrapping my head around your biological grandmother putting a curse on you because your uncle could not adopt you. I can understand her being hurt or even angry about it, but surely she didn't hold you responsible for it? Because that's just nuts. Is 'cursed' the word the gypsy used?
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-18)
Tweed, perhaps this will help you in understanding (a wee bit) the Mien:
BriarRose (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-18)
That is a rather scary story, I wonder what exactly was in the ''nest'' you were given to make it stop for a while?
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-18)
Oh I just figured you probably meant the car could have been down to some paranormal horribleness. I honestly don't know. My gut, as you can tell, went straight to blaming the dealership.

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