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Real Ghost Stories

The Face In The Tree


A couple of YGS members were interested in my account of an incident I had with what I believe to have been an elemental or nature spirit--so here it is! This incident took place around eighteen years ago when I was thirty or thirty one.

At that time I was living with my wife in a coach house in the town of La Grange, Illinois. The coach house had, a hundred years earlier, been part of a large estate, with winding interconnected lagoons. Sometime in the early 1960s the larger property was rezoned and subdivided into four lots. The main house remains fronting one block while the coach house (on the next block) became two residences (my wife and lived on the second floor), a new construction next door and another house separating the coach house from the main house.

We lived in the house for twelve and a half years. One of the reasons we moved in was because of the heavily overgrown nature of the property. Surrounded by oak, maple and mulberry trees around the house and a large garden and greenhouse (part of the then still intact property of another estate on the other side of the house) it was in many was cut off from the world around it. Visitors often commented how it felt like a hidden garden.

The upstairs apartment was small but very cozy and there was a back room that had french doors that led out onto a small wooden balcony which overlooked the wooded back yard and the house that now separated the coach house from the main house. I would like to state at the outset that the following account is something that, up to now, I have never discussed with anyone besides my wife. Frankly, it is unique in the several unexplained paranormal incidents in my life. I realized while initially writing up my memories of the event that some may find it akin to an hallucination brought on by psilocybin but I certainly hadn't had any!

It was very late on a mid-summer night. Julie and I had had a few friends over earlier in the evening and after Julie went to bed I decided to step on the porch for a few minutes. I had had a few drinks during the night but nothing that would have caused what I would soon see. I sat down enjoying the night and the mild breeze that was stirring. After sitting outside for fifteen minutes or so my attention was drawn to a silver maple tree to the right of the balcony. The closest bows of this tree were ten or so feet away and there was only the slightest wind when suddenly a very leafy bow seemed to move forwards towards me within under four feet. I was transfixed on it, calm but I sensed something unusual was happening. A face made up of the green of the leaves was joined by ochre, sepia, umber and dark yellow. The colors seemed to emanate from the bow itself and, no better way to describe it, there appeared a round full face with a broad and full smile, equally smiling eyes, a small nose and ruffled hair around the forehead and the sides of the head.

A branch below this head extended towards me as an arm and hand would and I felt compelled to touch it. The smile on the face before me seemed to broaden further. I felt a rush of adrenalin and a strange sense of unity with something secret and beautiful when I extended my hand and touched the branch. It's important for me to emphasize that as striking as this event may seem while reading it, that it unfolded subtly when it occurred. Odd as it may sound, the way the face appeared came like the wind itself. It was very emotional and the atmosphere felt charged. Not with electricity but with a wild feeling of the interconnectedness of thoughts, emotion and for lack of a better word, souls.

The branch then retracted in unison with the face dissipating. I can't say there had been light emanating from the face but there was something about the colors it was comprised of that delineated it clearly. When it had vanished the night seemed as it had been before. Quiet with the lightest of breezes. I felt somehow revitalized and connected to a mostly hidden aspect of the world. I remember thinking for days after the occurrence that I wished everyone could experience the same thing. Something akin to the soul of a tree.

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Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-22)
Hi CantunSEEit74--I really like your term "green keeper." It does seem that's exactly what it was. This incident has remained etched vividly in my memory, but I have no idea if any other renters ever experienced anything like it. As it was such an unusual occurrence, for years I only confided it to my wife. That said, I was friends with several of the other renters downstairs, and although most were aware that I was open to the paranormal, nobody ever told me they ever experienced anything like I describe in the above account.

Thanks for your comment--it's brought this experience vividly back to my mind.
CantunSEEit74 (4 stories) (63 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-22)
What an amazing visitation, I have read this 2 times now and I feel enlightened and wonder if any earlier renters were lucky enough to get a glimpse of this green keeper. Great story WOW
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-17)
Bee Beans - Thanks for your nice comment. Humanity encroaches on nature every day as unchecked overpopulation does its damage. Yet the spirits of the Earth still check in on us every once in awhile. Just remain open and receptive to the natural world around you. Who knows, you might have an encounter one day too.
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-16)
Manafon, this post is beautiful and is definitely going into my favourites! I've never encountered any kind of nature spirit or entity but the idea of this fills me with peace.

Thank you.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-28)
Hi Tweed--Actually "shared" paranormal experiences are much more common than many may assume. I recently finished a rather old (1939) collection of "collective" accounts of two or more people witnessing apparitions (104 individual cases). These accounts were taken directly from the extensive archives of the Society Of Psychical Research and a radio plea from an investigator of the period.

It is surprising how many collective experiences line up with only very minor discrepancies. Rook mentions the famous Versailles "Petit Trianon" case but there were actually several other well reported cases up through the early 1960s there, well after a book on the first account was well out of print, which suggests a rare location where collective experiences happen semi-regularly.

The Vesailles case is also what is commonly regarded as a collective "time slip", where people from whatever their "present" time is, slip back and witness various scenes where the gardens, paths, buildings, people and their clothing, all appear as they did in the distant past. It's fascinating stuff. Of course as Rook suggests, in some collective cases one person might feel a cold wind at the exact same moment another person sees a shadowy apparition, neither experiencing the exact same thing. That said, it is important to point out the amazing number of collective cases where multiple people see (and sometimes hear or smell) exactly the same thing with only extremely minor variation. It is these cases that really capture my interest, as it does go some way to providing "cumulative" evidence that all scientists insist upon.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-28)

I am not sure how common shared experiences are... I have been involved in some... And yet they were not as 'shared' as you are getting at... Meaning that one person 'saw' something... Another person 'felt' something...etc...

My experience titled 'The Chase House' is one that I think fits what you mean. I also am reminded of two American women who were in France on vacation... While touring the gardens of Versailles they came across a small group of what they thought were period actors but when they asked about them they were told that no one was doing anything like that in the gardens.

Not to mention the experiences of people staying in old hotels only to return years later to discover that where they stayed existed but was closed and knocked down years before they stayed there. Or never existed at all.

You are right... Shared experiences... These are very acceptable proof that somethings cannot be explained with the scientific terms and understanding we current have... Thus making them paranormal.


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-28)
Manafon, Rook, Jerry, I've very much enjoyed 'lurking' on your discussion here. 😆 I don't have anything substantial to add, more of a question.
Wondered how many well documented or even famous cases of shared encounters are on record?
With regards to how we perceive a ghost's appearance, I surmise shared encounters are the closest we presently get to 'proof'. Where multiple people can agree upon seeing/hearing the same 'thing' at the same time.

The best shared encounter I've ever heard of happened to my Dad and his buddies many years ago. I want to submit this encounter one day to YGS I just need to get Dad's go ahead and run over some details. The reason I mention his encounter is that him and his friends all agreed about the appearance of the ghost (a full bodied solid apparition of a man) and what the ghost did (smile at them then walk through a closed door). There's a lot more to it than that but it's not my story to tell.
Being the rational people they are, they tried explaining it by looking for a 'prankster', 'false walls' etc but came up empty handed.
The other cool aspect of his encounter was that his buddies weren't that into paranormal topics and copped an eye full regardless lol. To me, all this combined suggests deliberate intent on the ghost's part, which I find fascinating.

Proof wise my Dad's encounter is top shelf stuff, in my mind at least. Because, unlike anything I've experienced, they saw the same ghost, from the same angle, with multiple people from differing levels of paranormal interest and sensitivity.

I'm wondering how common these kinds of encounters are? Where multiple people have encountered the same thing at the same time while simply going about their day, haha! 😆
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
Jerry --Thanks for such kind words. I do love reading as many case studies (and theories) on the paranormal that I can get my hands on. Patterns do emerge but in most ways a real understanding remains just out out of reach.

One thing I can say without any doubt, is that I do believe there is much awaiting us after this life. I have had visitations from, what I believe, to have been the spirits of my mother, father and a very important teacher and friend. While these people were alive I always talked to them about my interest in paranormal subjects and I suppose it could be one reason they have all paid me visits.

The reading and investigations I have done have only deepened my belief in the aspects of existence most science puts on the proverbial back burner. YGS is s great site. I am glad it is here for people like us to find. Thanks again and take care.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
I understand how having at your disposal a collection place for a wide variety of individual ghost stories, like this place (YGS) gives an excellent opportunity to evaluate, categorize and maybe catalog happenings. I think this place is an excellent example and that you are using the stories to gain even more insight into that other world. Things you've said about a knowledge outside this site attests to your expansive knowledge base of ghost sightings, obviously moving you personally closer to understanding better that other world most of have no clue about. Outside of YGS I mean. A giant database. Sharing that knowledge is always welcome.

I benefitted from your knowledge as you were the first to respond to my story Very Special Forces. I say I benefited because you gave me an example of a similar happening and I knew right then this was the right place for me to come learn. You seemed to have pulled the example right from the shelf, and I believe that shelf has many such excellent comparisons based upon more you've said here and elsewhere. Ghost 1-0-1

Keep up the good work. Hope that's okay to say.

One more thing, I get the feeling that you guys here are taking this ghost matter just as serious as UFO hunters, the serious ones that is. Not that the two fields of research are identical, they're not, just believe them both to be massing knowledge in a similar manner in order to bring the unbelievable into the light of day. Hope that made sense. I have no idea if the UFO folks have a site such as this, if not that gives the ghost hunters an edge. Wait they do have what they call Mufon, it's kind of like this but not the same. This site seems better.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Rook--How right you are about the ghost investigation field being filled with multiple definitions for the same thing. Even in old, scientifically minded groups the English and American Societies Of Psychical Research, there are multiple theories on what ghosts even are.

Then by the time you get down to independent state and local groups, you are lucky if some members can properly spell their names (and I am only speaking of groups I worked with). Not that there aren't great and dedicated local groups out there but the two I belonged to many years ago had many questionable people with even more questionable terminology being thrown about. The vice-president of one of the groups I was associated with once even used the term, "cosmic goo", to describe a photo showing a possible apparition. This guy has subsequently been featured as an "expert" on at least two paranormal TV shows!

With ridiculously unscientific terms like that being used it's not too difficult to see the need for a clear universal terminology.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)

"The more patterns and consistencies that can be traced, the more we can perceive about this dimly understood aspect of existence and reality."

Not to mention 'norms' can be esablished and studied with better control and more sensitive equipment. At this time the 'field' is littered with multiple definitions for the same thing and until some basic 'terms' can be agreeed upon it is very hard to fit any investigsation with-in the scientific formula for 'proofs' (reliable, repeatable results).


Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Jerry-- "... A world we only think we understand." How true that statement is! I agree that it will be nice if one day, with advances in the equipment utilized in the field of ghost hunting, we see some impressive and truly scientific results that will lead us to new truths. That said, the overwhelming amount of well reported case studies of ghosts cannot be denied.

Wheras a single report of a person seeing a ghost can be easily discarded by the skeptical, the massive amount of well reported and investigated cases that can be broken up into specific types of apparition or haunting should not be considered weak evidence. This cumulative evidence is compelling. As this idea is nicely summed up by Ernest Bennett, "Scientific proof in some instances appears to be built up upon the cumulative effects of secured results, which though individually they may possess no absolute cogency, ultimately come to possess in the mass such overwhelming probability that they are accepted as established truth."

Professor Schiller states that psychical research affords a good example of the above statement by Bennett, "For, though a critical mind may not find individual cases absolutely cogent, the cumulative effect of this persistent and copious evidence cannot be denied."

I firmly believe that collecting as many well authenticated cases of hauntings/apparitions/telepathy and so on is still of utmost importance for psychical research. The more patterns and consistencies that can be traced, the more we can perceive about this dimly understood aspect of existence and reality.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Rook--I am really digging this conversation! I read your theory on your page and I find your thoughts very much, broadly speaking, in line with my own. I particularly am compelled by the "interconnectedness" of all things. I hate quoting so often but the psychical researcher G.N.M Tyrell created an interesting theory as to how multiple people could telepathically perceive an apparition. "Tyrell's conception of human personality was as a many graded hierarchy, in which there are 'degrees of I-ness'. Between the conscious self at the one end of the series and the body at the other end there were many intermediate levels. Apparitional dramas were products of mid-level constituents of the percipient's personality, and, (as stated by Professor H. H. Price) it must be remembered that so far as these mid-level functions are concerned there is supposed to be no sharp line between one personality and another. If the theme or motif requires it, the apparitional drama can be arranged cooperatively by the mid-level constituents of several different percipient's. The result will be a collective apparition."

It's a really great theory and one that is worth giving some thought to. Your mentioning the electrical impulses which make up thoughts and telepathic action made me think twice about the telepathic communication between a dead person and a living person. Since the mechanism, as it were, is purely speculative, maybe there is a much higher emission of electrical impulses present in the telepathic communication between the dead and living that COULD be detected by an EMF meter. It is certainly food for thought!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)

I understand what and why you ment to post your comment their, however Manafon and myself actually brought that part of the conversation here to their experience so we could continue it without feeling we were detracting... And it has sense 'morphed' into what you are reading...


Steampunk-Vampire (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Thank you for your explanation Manafon. I've personally not had a visitation dream, or not that I recall as I never seem to remember my dreams.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Whoops! I posted this comment in the wrong thread. Sorry about that. I meant it to be in my own story No Vacancy. We were discussing clothing issues there. Terribly sorry.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Well I can see you folks are discussing exactly what I assumed ghost hunters do, using a language first of all many of us can't comprehend. That's ok, keep right on doing your thing, it's great you doing that...

I believe there is a true science surrounding ghost, and obviously you do also, a true science we all should come to be aware of and understand as much as we possibly can because the fringe of it all affects everyone of us walking and talking in this world, a world we only think we understand.

I personally believe eye witness testimony should never be the only factor considered for all the reasons you just gave. It's proven unreliable. Even in legal matters. Give me science every time over what a person believes they saw. For example, I would trust the radar gun judging speed over a police officer's word that it 'looked like' I was traveling 10 miles over the speed limit.

If there are advances in ghost hunting equipment, something I know nothing about of course, I would be inclined to trust same let's say over John Doe's excited interpretation of the same event. A ghostly encounter I believe could very well be cause of such excitement, fear even, and thereby weaken the validity of any testimony offered as such. The idea that the person doing the reporting may get it wrong in just simply trying to make sense out of it themself. Not intentionally providing wrong or misleading data, just getting things twisted using our perceived reality as a yardstick for interpretation. A machine would not experience such distortion of facts, nor fear. I think it ALL needs to be taken into consideration and weighed accordingly.

That said -- clothing seems to me to be no more an issue that seeing clothing worn in a photograph. The person photographed doesn't expend any energy so we might see them clothed, and in some examples I believe we should all be grateful this is the case; it's simply captured as it is/as it was. I'm sure physics comes into play here somehow. Maybe photographs and videos capable of doing this capturing, ghost can be viewed as similar. A reflection of sorts, a snapshot, a step beyond the science as we know it regarding today's photos and videos. A step up, an improvement Eastman Kodak never could manage to give us. Of course I could be wrong.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)

Ah, telepathic action, intresting words.

Telepathy involves thought... And thoughts are comprised of electrical impluses... Measurable electrical impluses.

I am resonably sure an EMF meter 'will not' be able to detect the minute levels of 'said pulse' however they are measurable with the right Instruments.

It's a shame that there is not a 'unifying' theory concerning what a spirits 'physical manifestation' is comprised of. If one could be developed it would allow 'specific' equipment to be employed or even created to help record what is being 'seen, felt, heard'...well whatever phenomenon is being experienced. Once 'REPEATABLE' findings have been certified as valid progress in the Paranormal research field could be acomplished AND VALIDATED as 'fact' not 'fiction'.

I have a 'theory' posted on my Profile (just below the Cleansing and Shielding Method) that you may find intresting.


Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Rook--I had something else to add that I forgot in my last post. One theory, which I have brought up recently, is that ghosts are caused by telepathic action. Of course this doesn't necessarily explain how an EMF meter could pick up on such a thing. Another, rather straight forward theory is that ghosts are objective, external entities which exist in space and from time to time are visible to the eye and also, occasionally, audible.

That theory would explain how an EMF could pick up the magnetic deviation created by a ghost. So many conflicting theories 😨.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)
Rook--Your hypothetical scenario was interesting. Whenever there is more than one percipient of (in your scenario) what could be termed an apparition, there will always be discrepancies between what each witnessed. Sometimes great and sometimes very small. The devil may be in the details but much like multiple witnesses describing a car accident, there will be different aspects that stick out in the minds of each witness.

As to which witnesses evidence would be more valid (or the EMF meters information), is really anyone's guess. Reality is subjective and it's possible each witness may have viewed specific aspects of the same phenomenon. That each and every one saw or felt something AND the EMF meter picked up something at least strongly suggests a paranormal occurrence transpired.

Beyond that, like ghosts themselves, hard facts are frustratingly hard to come by. There are many, many theories but little in the way of one everyone would agree on. Most theories seem to offer a possible aspect to what may be occurring but they remain merely theories. Some seem very satisfying until a new one eclipses it. That's the maddening, fascinating and mysterious world of ghosts! I have enjoyed your thoughts and your scenario.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-26)

Here's a hypothetical situation:

A group of ghost hunters is investigating a report of a residentual haunting. (The power to the home has been shut off at the meter so there is NO power entering the home.)

The group is 5 members in total. 2 of them are outside the home and 3 of them are inside conducting a 'sweep' of the home. They have an EMF meter, a thermal camera and a voice recorder. All 3 turn to the hallway and the EMF meter 'spikes' at the same time all three members see 'something' dart across the hallway from left to right. Upon review it is noticed the Thermal Camera also detected something crossing the hallway.


Witness 1: Saw a full body 'shadow' walk from left to right across the hallway just as the EMF meter spiked.

Witness 2: Saw a 'partial' shadow (about the size of a 5-7 year old child) cross the hallway from left to right just as the EMF meter spiked.

Witness 3: Saw, from the corner of their eye, a 'shadow' cross the hallway from left to right just as the EMF meter spiked.

Thermal Caamera capture: The Thermal Camera displays a 'dark 'cold' mass, oval in shape, it does not seem to touch the ground but 'hovers' as it moves across the hallway from left to right. The top part of the 'oval' shape is approximently at the hight of an average sized man (5'7" to 5'9") above the ground.

The voice recorder 'may' have picked up footsteps however it may have been the investigators themselves.


Which is more 'accurate'...the Thermal Image, or the eyewitnesses? If the eyewitnesses which one and why?

What is the EMF meter 'reading'? Is it static or and ACTUAL elevated electromagnetic frequency?


Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Steampunk-Vampire--The belief is that when the mind is at rest or occupied by reading, for instance, it's more open to telepathic communication. To quote, "It seems to suggest that detachment of attention from the immediate problems of adapting to the external world may be a favorable condition for a psi-experience."

Time and again in case studies the person perceiving an apparition is reading, has just woken up, is on the verge of sleep or involved in an activity like listening to music, sewing etc. Of course visitation dreams are also commonly reported and (having experienced one myself) seem to allow the spirit the ability to engage in longer, sometimes more intense, interaction.
Steampunk-Vampire (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Hi I'm fairly new and havn't posted before but wanted to ask a question.

The theory that spirits can communicate with us easier when we are sleeping or in a trance.

Why would that be? Is it because the mind is more open then? Or because there is less distractions?
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Rook--It's all thought provoking stuff. It is very true that this theorized telepathic link seems to be most effective when the living recipient is asleep (visitation dreams) or in a frame of mind conducive to receiving the telepathic communication. For instance, reading, listening to music or any activity where the mind is in a passive place as it were.

It is astounding how many reports of apparitions occur when a person has just awoken, is about to drift off or is reading. It does suggest that the spirit utilizes its energy at very specific moments. At least in many reported cases.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)

Especially if we take into 'account' the theory that spirits can communicate with us easier when we are sleeping or IN a 'trance like state'.

It makes even more sense if one take into account the theory that 'spirits' are 'inteligent energy' (a type of EMF perhaps?).


Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Rook--I agree that our off topic discussion was taking away from the o/p's story and was best to be moved to one of my older stories. I do imagine that partial manifestations, for instance, and in line with Bennett's reasoning, would indeed be caused by a weaker telepathic link. There are of course many other theories out there about what ghosts may be but Bennett's is somewhat pleasing.
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
samtillie--Thank you for your nice words. I have not (to date) ever experienced anything like it again. I certainly hope I do though! I am going to a heavily wooded island off the coast of Lake Ontario in September. Who knows 😁
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Wow, what an amazing story, it sounded wonderful. Due to your narration, whilst I was reading, I could picture your story in my mind and it played out like something I'd seen on TV. I have never heard of anything like this before. I'm pleased other people on here have connected with you, as they have experienced similar. Did you ever experience it again? 😁
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-20)
Manafon, like mars with plants - perfect! 😊 So hauntingly beautiful, though. There is a lot of intense energy here, new, recent, older native and native western clashes, and then the earth itself is very powerful here. There are rock deposits in the Sedona area called vortexes or vortices where trees on the surface of the ground (where else would they be, of course) to grow in spiral patterns when nearby trees of similar species are normal. Leaving the Phoenix valley is like a smorgasbord of paranormal energy. 😊

I am so glad you shared this. I really did need to remember my tree connection.

Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-20)
Hecate0--It does sound like that evergreen tree invited you to stay! How unusual to find an evergreen in Arizona. Three years ago I found (or rather she found me) my birth mother (I was adopted). She lives outside Phoenix in a suburb called Chandler. I visited Arizona for the first time last year. It was mindblowing for me! The wildlife was so incredibly alien. Like Mars with plants 😜We drove up to the very haunted town of Jerome (what an amazing place) and the millions of saguaro cacti lining the mountains and valleys were something that I never got tired of looking at.

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