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The Little Girl And The Jack In The Box


I had just remembered this last night before I went to bed. This was a time when the little girl was going in and out of doors a lot, and when we seen her angelic figure. This was just a random night, and it came unexpectedly.

We were eating dinner, and we heard something turning, and a crackling type of sound at that. Then we heard music like it was a jack in the box toy, and the music came along after a few seconds, maybe less than fifteen. The sound of the jack in the box kept on going, and it sounded like it was coming from my bedroom. Not a single person in this house owned a jack in the box toy, which is why we were all confused as to why that sound came from anywhere in the first place. My brother and I never even had such a toy that belonged to us as a childhood item, and not even from my stepmother or her brother. It was unbelievable, and probably one of the scariest events that was traumatic at the time enough to forget.

After the jack in the box was finished, and the clown jumped out of the box we shortly after that heard the laughter of a little girl, and the laughter went on for less than thirty seconds. This sound coming from an entity was probably the loudest I've ever heard from a ghost.

But with it being traumatic enough it's weird cause I've been through worse, but still I guess it was scary enough that it went out of my head for quite some time and I'm pretty sure it was years. I'm just glad I was able to remember it again. I thought it was going to be forgotten for good like before, but no it's here.

I'm pretty close to running out of ghost stories, and I might be out of stories soon cause I thought I was recently done before my few recent submissions, but who knows. I guess we'll find out soon enough, or maybe not at all.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kya1994, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-26)
I replied to both of your comments in the one comment on the demon I couldn't remember. I didn't realize they were separate at first.


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
I am breaking my promise for one reason and one reason only. Whenever someone comments on your story you go on a three or more paragraph dialect on the comment.
There is no reason for this. Just thank the person for reading your story, their advice, and give clear answers to questions. End of discussion. If you keed up stringing your stories along people will stop reading and commenting on your stories.
Just some sound advice.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
I agree with you, and I won't say much. More than anything I wouldn't be happy if the same thing happened, even if it was in different circumstances. This next comment is to thank you, as I've updated on my profile.

Since I've been growing up from my childhood to now, lectures comes with becoming better (disciplined), so thank you. I just won't be happy for myself for a while, until this rough tide slows down. 😊
(I hate spotlights since the time I put up my apology, and I think I'll always hate them since it turns me into an immature idiot)


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
Kya - okay, this is getting ridiculous and monotonous. Maybe the reason people aren't commenting on your story has nothing to do with anything other than they have nothing to say. I don't think people are giving you the silent treatment. Good grief, you should know by now if someone has something to say, they will. Stop trying to guilt people into commenting.

Just my opinion, the reason your previous stories received so much attention was do to the drama and your apparent need for help. Not all stories have 2 or 3 pages of comments. Be happy people are reading it, whether or not they leave a comment 😐
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
I'll delete it, and yes that's true. I even felt that way as I went on and mentioned I apologized more than three times I think, along with previous none stop apologies that went along before the apology throughout a few comments. I don't mind this opinion, and I know I should've moved on already. I wouldn't have had such a hard time moving on if I didn't get the silent treatment (soft tone, respectfully), and I didn't know what else to do to get things normal again for replies in my stories, but I did bring it upon myself. I just wish I knew how to apologize shortly in like three sentences or possibly less, and I wanted it to be there temporarily, until I was told what you said, I knew it wasn't going to be up there forever, just enough to be heard. I'll hold back on apologizing to, unless I have offended anyone. (I won't deny that, I apologize too much)

There's no problem, I appreciate your honesty, and what you said is a fact. Yes this one is a bit more clear than most of my other stories, but I am wishing that I could've left the "traumatic" term out of it, I should've put it more like "this story went into isolation for a while, and after thinking hard I can finally remember it" I do hope that is the only flaw there is to this one.


francyne1031 (49 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
Kya, I think the constant apologies is what is starting to sound even worse then the stories. It's one thing to say your done and move on. It puts a completely different spin on everything when people have read 10 of them, then your whole profile continues with it for over three paragraphs and another 3 "I'm sorry and I'm done with the drama" if you are truly done, then move on. For me, and I'm sure a lot of others it's starting to get way too repeatitive and insincere, sorry for saying. Just move on.
In regards to your "stories" I have to say it's sounding stranger and stranger that you are remembering more. To me this story is not in the least traumatizing enough to suppress. If you want some true feedback, I would let things cool down before you summit another "story"
I have read several of yours and your comments. There is a lot of questionable material and responses. Sorry. But that is me being honest with you.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
My apologies for the confusion, everybody reacted in the moment, and I walked towards my bedroom when the noise began, but my mother told me to come back and eat. Their was definitely reactions, but we are the type of family to take our food seriously only when it's dinner time, it wouldn't have mattered if it was at breakfast or lunch.

And the traumatic statement, I should've replaced that word with something else. I couldn't think of any other way to describe how I lost the memory, it was out of my mind for a least three or more years, but even when the memory came back to me it didn't seem I have forgotten anything like in most of my stories that usually says "it was years ago so I don't remember" this or that or the other. This is a story I remember more clearly than the others, but I also have to admit it could've been described better without the statement of "traumatic".


valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I'm confused. Why do you feel that hearing this Jack in the Box was 'traumatic', when no one thought it important enough to investigate because "If we walked away our food would've gotten cold, so we focused on it after dinner"? That makes me think no one involved was scared, or traumatized by it, or even thought it that odd. Have you asked the others that were present if they recall this event?
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I also forgot to make it clear that I don't want anymore spot lights, everyone can take as long as they want before saying anything in my comments, and I will be patient for opinions from anyone, I just dislike making myself look the way I did, and I dislike it the most when it causes silence because of you know what. I'm not upset for the reasoning's of others not responding to my next stories, I'm aware of their reasons, and I understand.

Blessing to you as well lady-glow.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
It wasn't hard to figure out, so I am aware of that.

I haven't thought of it in your words, but most definitely that is why I left apologies in my comments here for one of the mods to see. I shortly after re-wrote it on my profile cause the comments regarding that subject aren't allowed here, which I don't mind. And I also changed the last word at the end of my apology that is on my profile, it was one of the two words that offended Red, and offending people here is no intention of mine.

I don't know what else to say as a reply, I feel that if I say anymore it'll get too involved with the subject I came to regret, so I guess I'll end it here.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I understand, I also am aware that you won't come back to reply, but at least listen.

If we walked away our food would've gotten cold, so we focused on it after dinner.

My sincere apologies, I should've said it differently. It wasn't my intentions to offend anyone. When I got to the words common, and followers, I meant for it to mean watchers who vote positively, or people who have opinions positively, this here is what I should've said. I fail at words at times, and I hope you can see my last way of words was a misunderstanding.
Again, I apologize, this one goes to the names I stated in my last comment, I'll keep this opinion in mind next time to avoid offending others. I wasn't trying to offend anyone on purpose, and I do agree with you Red Wolf.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Dearest Kya: a part of growing up is learning to choose our battles.
Risking to look harsh I have to say that many of us are wary of commenting on your stories because doing so will bring an ever lasting line of replies from your part following a pattern of ranting, apologies and (broken) promises.

Your last story stole the stage and the spot light from all the other stories published in the same group, including mine; please try not to do the same again with the latest batch of stories.

I'm not trying to promote my story, but if you care to read "Apology and Farewell" you might find in it a lesson about what could happen when a person doesn't now how to control its temper.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
What I meant was nobody left the dinner table to look for the source.
I am going to say one last thing then won't even come back to your story because I don't deal with drama. First my apologies to Miracles.
First I take offense to the comment that even common people such as Tweed or Zulagirl. You could have just said even people, without the offensive common. Nobody here is common we are all individuals. So get off your high horse or are you slipping on your no more drama promise.
Secondly you said in response to my comment that you miss your followers. Nobody has followers here we all just read stories and offer advice and sometimes have amusing things to say to each other.
Miracles again I apologize. I will keep my promise not to come back to this story because I believe I have said enough.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I am aware of that, and I am aware even the common people with opinions such as Tweed, or ZulaGirl do that exactly.

When I said that in my last comment, I generally meant it differently. I haven't kept track of the days, and I won't say how long it's been at this time because I don't know. I just remember that there were times that I've gotten opinions instantly or on day two or three in my previous stories, I'm not upset about it I just wanted to get it through that my apology is on my profile so that most people would see it in case a few have decided not to respond to my story because of my dramatic issues. I meant no offense if that's how it looked, I apologize in this case.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Kya1994 - you should realize that sometimes people don't comment on stories for many reasons. One of which is they have nothing to say. Another, as I'm sure you have noticed, is because all the attention is directed somewhere else and other stories get overlooked.

We have many stories, unfortunately, that have no comments, or only one or two. And some of those stories are very good.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I stated my apology on my profile, and I finished it just a minute ago.

I've missed all your opinions, and it's good to hear from RedWolf, and even Hecate stating kind words to Miracles. I'm happy with the bit of comments I've gotten now even if not everyone says anything yet, or may not say anything. There's nothing more for me to say unless I want this comment deleted to, you'll see my full opinion about my regrets on my profile whenever those of you are in the mood to read it. Thanks for listening.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
It's okay RedWolf, even if the opinion seems mean I'll be tolerating harsh as long as it is an opinion. Anything worse than mean will just be ignored.

Your right, it wasn't that scary, what had my heart jumping was the laugh when the jack in the box jumped out. I don't believe it was a dream, everyone was surrounded by the dinner table, more than just me when "what the...f" you know what. It wasn't just me that reacted, more than one person heard it at the same time. I can understand that it would be a dream if it was only me that heard it going on, but I wasn't the only one that heard such a loud noise.

Everyone else had more of a reaction to the jack in the box because nobody ever had one. My reaction was more towards the the loud laughter of the little girl because I expected the noise to be over after the jack in the box was finished, but I was wrong.

It feels good to hear from somebody, I don't even care if it's harsh anymore. I'm happy to hear anything, because I've honestly missed my followers after these few days.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I accept your apology for that and I understand, I should've copied and pasted it somewhere so that I still had every word saved on the computer.
I probably shouldn't be putting things like that in my comments either, but you seem to have an understanding about how I know I should've done things differently and I appreciate it.

I will re-write it on my profile, and I hope that it possibly sound better than my last. I looked like a liar before and for reasons I will not say in this comment because that was then, and I have no intentions of talking about what was then since like you said, anything regarding the apology or that situation isn't relevant to this story.

I won't let it go on again, and you including everyone else who dislikes what I have been doing has my word on that for real this time. I changed my profile picture to start with involving a "watch what you say" quote including the word regret somewhere in it, and after I send in this comment I'll try to re-write what I've said in my last one to put on my profile.

Thank you, I have mentioned before that I wanted to do better, and as you have noticed I've gotten far from better, but even so I will be trying to fix my mistakes anyway, it's what I always do. I was careless, and I went back on my word when I shouldn't have. This one is stated with true meaning, because I realized I just ruined who I was here, and became aware it's because of me, I don't even blame the person I was arguing with, and I don't even want to state his/her name, because the silence isn't anyone's fault but my own.
(I also understand if your going to delete this comment to since it's speaking about my feelings similar to my last comment, I just want someone to see it, even if it's only you Miracles) (Also, I randomly said thank you just because, I notice in what you've said here has you feeling weary of anymore drama, and I definitely want it to be avoided 100% by now the same as you this time, and most likely I'm thankful for being told where to put an apology, and the explanation of why my comment was deleted, I feel lifted up a bit because you seem to have an understanding about it at the same time as I mentioned in the first paragraph of this comment)

Mkay, I'm all good, I'm off to rewrite what I need to say on my profile now, thanks again, I feel a little better. 😊


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Miracles, I support the seeming inconsistency in your behavior. As we have been discussing on your story, we appreciate that you handle things just such as this. Camaraderie is laudable as we try to share ideas and help one another on this site. If someone has not yet mastered the art of silence, and many times instigates arguments (perhaps unknowingly) followed by a plethora of apologies, sometimes we need to help. Helping that person back toward silence for a while is sometimes the best help. Judgement calls often are not clear. Again, I thank you for what you do.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Not to be mean but what is so scary about a onetime event with a little girl and Jack in the box if you have experienced worse before? Nobody was concerned enough to go look for the source, not even you.
One has to think if this was a dream because there was no reaction to the Jack in the box.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Mmm...okay, I realize how two-faced my previous comment seems in light of the fact one of my stories has birthday wishes and please don't go sentiments. So this looks pretty bad. I apologize for stating I removed the comment because it has no relevance to the story, especially when the real reason I deleted it is because I didn't want drama to begin again.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Kya - Posting a comment that is nothing but drama on your own story is as bad as submitting a story beginning it with drama. I have deleted your comment because it has no relevance to the story.

If you want to post your apologies or whathaveyou, do it on your profile.

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