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It All Started With A Cat


I would call myself a somewhat superstitious person but a recent bereavement in my family was, I believe, foretold by several aspects.

I work rotating shifts days/twilight and nights, that particular week I was working the 11pm-7am shift and a lot of the time we're outdoors. One particular day it had just gone 3am and I noticed a darkish silvery cat walk towards me as if to say hello or to be fed. Now where I work we get a lot of feral cats running around especially after dark and we know who they are but this was the first time I saw a darkish silvery cat and more peculiar was this cat running towards me. The cat parked itself inches from my feet where it remained stationary for about a second before it wandered off into the night, I suddenly had an uneasy feeling. I told a co-worker what happened and he just passed it off and told me not to worry.

After finishing work I went home to bed and had a strange dream about my grandmother... When I woke up I got a message from my father that my grandmother had taken ill I started to worry a bit as she hadn't been this ill before.

Two days later I had the weekend off finally... And that night I was at home I got a phone call from my father that my grandmother had "deteriorated somewhat" and there was a 50/50 chance of survival so we'd better make plans to travel from Wellington to Invercargill 1000km away "very soon". I Went to bed at around 1.30am and while drifting off to sleep I would hear my grandmother's voice talking - albeit very muffled, I wouldn't make out what she was saying. Waking at around 8am I called my father and he said he'd post any news that came in as the day drew on there was no further news.

The next day I woke at around 10am and my father had left me an SMS to say that my grandmother passed away just before 9am. I went numb - a few hours later I booked a flight to Invercargill for the funeral.

Maybe that cat and the voice of my grandmother where premonitions that something was going to happen, I do sincerely believe they where.

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C2C (3 stories) (62 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-09)
I think everyone has the innate ability to sense things like this, but because of our lifestyle, in a more industrial and hi-tech age, we no longer tune in. It seems you were more tuned in.

In times not so long ago, this sense played a large part in survival of yourself and your family. Now we are so distracted by our hectic living style we don't calm down enough to listen to what our hearts are telling us.

Thanks for sharing your experience. It was very well written and I enjoyed it.

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