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Why I Started To Believe In Ghosts


This is a story about the house I have lived in ever since I was born, and one of the experiences that occurred inside of it. So, one of the first experiences that I can remember was when I was a kid, I can't remember exactly how old I was only that I was very short, so short that to look at adults' faces, I would have to look up. One day my brother brought his girlfriend around the house, she was in a black tracksuit and there was a moment where I thought she was coming down the stairs and went into a room and closed the door because I just saw a completely black figured body. But when I opened the door, no one was there.

I felt so scared and shocked that I went running to my mother and my brother's girlfriend was talking to her, it was that moment right there that I started to really believe in the paranormal, because there was no logical way for me to explain what I saw, like let's say for example I imagined the figure walking down the stairs there's still the fact that something not there opened a door and closed it. In the room it went into there was only one way out and it's a tiny room so it's not like someone could have gotten out a different way or hid. Other things did happen, but it's always been weirdly comforting.

When I grew up though I googled the house and found a credible online article that said a family did die in my house during a war, a bomb went through the roof and killed a mother in the house instantly, her two twin daughters died in the hospital days later.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, occulting_, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TheSweetDevil23 (6 stories) (49 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-05)
Oops a small typo error in my last comment. I meant I love to read others experiences just the way other YGS readers and writers do 😊
TheSweetDevil23 (6 stories) (49 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-05)
Oooh my my! I just came across your posts and let me tell you... Your story spooked me the way Valkicry's posts does. 😨 for some weird unknown reason,. Whenever someone mentions seeing shadow figures, black figures or figures totally hooded or covered... They make these disturbing images in my mind. Plus it always reminds me of my own paranormal experiences some of them which were totally harrowing for me in terms of emotions... I just got reminded of something bad in my own life while reading your post...
Please keep on writing more. I love to know about others experiences just like other YGS writers, mods and readers behalf as well. 😊 please stay safe and healthy...
occulting_ (5 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-27)
[at] Rajine thank you so much! I have loads of ghost stories which I am planning on writing up on here at some point, I've always thought the experiences that happened when I was a kid was the mother who died in the house twin daughters because to me it felt childish or like someone joking around, no one has seen a shadow person in the house I don't think, my mum might have ages ago when she tried to play the bloody Mary ritual in the bathroom one night she said she saw a shadow figure in the mirror but just outside the bathroom door which funnily enough is right next to the stairs I saw the shadow figure walk down. In just a brief summary my family have had things moved around and weird noises happening here and there and I dabble in tarot reading so usually when something spooky happens now I whip them out and its weird how they line up with what's happening like I'll ask them if a spirit knocked over a lamp and it'll say yes and an explanation behind it that would make sense.
occulting_ (5 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-27)
[at] seemayadav it happened in the evening probably around 3-4pm, I told my mum as soon as I ran to her and she took me to the space I saw the shadow figure, the stairs are right next to the room I saw it go into and she just showed me no one was there and that I was safe which didn't really help because it was so real to me it instead made me think "if it can leave without a trace it could literally do anything to me".
seemayadav (1 stories) (26 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-20)
On what time this occured
I mean miday or evening
You told anyone?
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-18)
Firstly welcome to YGS and aren't all kids short? Lol just kidding, on a serious note though this is a really creepy incident that happened to you and I agree with the other readers that it could be a spirit of the previous owner of the house maybe she has unfini business or she's just living out her remaining years until it's her actual time to leave this world (I'm assuming that she died an untimely death and didn't live a full life) the thing with "shadow people" is that it could be various reasons why we see them, I've experienced shadow people myself in houses that's newly built and also in places with people that have been living for years that has no previous owners or hadn't been a death in that specific place, one possibility that a friend once told me is that evil entities that has never walked this earth in a human or animal form mimics or takes the place of a person that has passed on and "haunts" certain places and people in the hope of possessing unsuspecting or weak minded and vulnerable people to sort of gain entry into our world.

I do have a question however if there has been any other incidents apart from this specific one? And if any of your family members living with you has experienced this as well?

Thank you for your story and I'll look forward to reading from you.
JoJorocks (4 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-17)
Such a scary incident. Maybe what you saw is one of the ghosts who died in ww2 or ww1. Since UK became subject to intense naval and aerial bombing during the world wars.
the_0lympians (10 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-17)
Hi occulting_! If you would like to talk a bit more email me a theolympiansatolympus [at] ok? And thanks for letting me know I will try and look up some history on the house.
occulting_ (5 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-17)
Hi the_0lympians! Also wow yeah that sounds really creepy, I've researched a lot into what these black figures could be and to me it seems a lot like they're shadow people, and there's theories that it could be a spirit trying to manifest but hasn't got enough energy to take a proper form. I've never seen it again thankfully, because I honestly don't know how I would react to it right now but a few years back I had my first sleep paralysis episode and the same thing I saw as a kid was there and I don't know if it was there simply because in a way it was traumatic for me or if it was something else.
the_0lympians (10 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-17)
This is creepy. But this story also reminds me of a story my sister told me;
She said she was in our parents room (We help look after our baby brother) to grab something and she looked into the window and instead of seeing herself she saw black figure with glowing red eyes.
😨 😨

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