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Real Ghost Stories

The Unseen Force


It was when I and few of my friends were sitting in a cafeteria of Café Coffee Day in the ground floor of Neptune Mega Mall on Lake Road, Jalpaiguri.

We're hungrily gobbling up our dinner and enjoying the fruits of our labour since after a total of about 24-25 days the ICSE exams (Class 10 Boards) were finally over, when we suddenly heard a loud scream. We were all surprised and rushed outside.

The receptionist, as we could see it, stood huddled in one corner of the room sweating profusely and scared out of his wits. One of the guys went up to him but he was really very hysterical and it took us around 15 minutes to calm him down. He then related his account: As usual, he was sitting at the desk, whiling away his time. With nothing much to do, he had probably dozed off when he suddenly felt a stinging slap on his face. He woke up in a daze, frantically trying to locate the perpetrator but to his dismay, found no one around him. His ordeal wasn't over as an invisible hand caught him by the neck and slapped him once more. He was literally thrown off his chair by the force of the second slap. Scared as hell, he retreated to one corner of the room and started screaming at the top of his voice asking for help.

On closer examination we found that his face was red and swollen. Someone or something powerful had struck him really hard. We quickly checked the CCTV logs to check whether anyone had recently entered the area. What we saw was really scary. The CCTV footage showed that the receptionist was dozing on his seat when he was struck twice by an unseen force. We could see that he was being hit but his attacker was invisible. He was badly shaken and was immediately sent home. He was too scared to come back and left the job subsequently.

We were all shaken and trying to come to terms with the situation but were too scared and confused to even think about it. Years passed while we are still contemplating and left with no conclusion.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ygs_sayan, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-12-23)
tigabaine - yes, ygs_sayan copy/pasted this one as well as the others. Didn't catch on in time to prevent it from happening until a little too late.
tigabaine (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-23)
Looks like our young author has carefully cut copy pasted 2010 version of "an office haunting" by sanjubhat... The paragraph is exactly same to same... Nice try.!better luck next time.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-28)
Greetings, Sayan.

First, a sincere tip of my hat to SDS for his measured intervention and his negotiating skills.
SDS is a very astute and calm member of this group.

I'm sure neither Rook nor I meant any offence; I'm pleased to see in your response that you were not upset, rather that you were affronted. I realize that cultural norms can result in people communicating at cross-purposes. In both England and the US, a "receptionist" literally manages the appointments for a business by receiving (that is "greeting and welcoming") customers/clients/patients, answering the telephone calls, taking bill payments, and scheduling appointments; there are some businesses within each shopping mall which need to have such a person employed when the store is open. In a restaurant or cafe, the individual may be called the "host" or "hostess" in the United States, whereas in Britain, the position would be called the "Headwaiter" or the "Maître D" (from the French term "Maître d'hôtel," meaning -really- "host.") If there is a part of a mall which has people answering questions for the general public, that's the "information desk" or "guest services" station. The confusion came about because of the imprecision in the sentence indicating that the mall (the entire shopping mall) had a receptionist (that is, one person behind a desk) assisting everyone who entered!

It is not that your narrative of the supernatural aspects of the events was at all suspicious; as you've described the events, they seemed quite plausible (though a supernatural over-reaction to someone napping at work, and an understandable over-reaction to being shoved by an unseen entity). Under these circumstances, I was wondering if the mall was a recent construction, or if it had been recently refurbished. If so, I'd consider the possibility that the construction site manager or the foreman had passed away, and was lingering at the jobsite because (in his mind) it would be "unfinished work." Shoving someone who's asleep is more the action of a manual laborer or a demanding supervisor than it is the action of a receptionist's boss.

So you are aware, Sayan, there are plenty of English-language translations of modern Indian Literature, and there are several Indian writers, such as Amitav Ghosh and Avarind Adiga, who write in English. (To the best of my recollection, there is no mention of receptionists in the mall in "The White Tiger," but it has been about 6 years since I read it.) Any cultural ignorance you encounter may not be bigoted or offensive, merely curious because we have so much more to learn.

Growing up in Leicester, England, my neighbours were Dilesh and Kamla, my friends in high school were Prassad, Assam, Mohammed, and Keith (that's a Hindu, two muslims, a Roman Catholic, and I was raised Protestant). Still, I find myself learning new things EVERY DAY, even when my background should have made me more aware than I am of other cultures. Please, in future, consider our questions to be an attempt on our part to fill in the gaps so we can avoid misunderstandings.

Be well,
ygs_sayan (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-25)
ohh... You know what, I'm not offended or irked #sds/'s just that you people's comments did make me a bit deplorable at that moment...that's all... Anyway, if any of you guys ask for clarifications or anything related to the story, I would surely be there to do that... Thanking you~ ygs_sayan 😁
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-25)
Hi ygs_sayan, I am also from India. I feel that you need not get offended or irked by the questions people ask about the narratives. I have gone through such phase. We have to answer them to explain things that are prevalent in our country. And people like Rook are quite experienced posters and they do need some clarity about the experience and encounter. So that they will be in a position to suggest or advise or comment further. I am not defending them. But, what I want to say is that we do write our experiences and it is for the people, who read our narrative, to either accept it or not or comment it, in our favour or otherwise.

About your experience, even I do want to have some explanation. I do know that it is in a restaurant, where you guys have been taking your dinner when you heard the scream. I was just asking you if there were others from the Mall like people from other shops and establishments nearby because you said the scream was so loud that you guys were shaken. And if so, what was their reaction. Please do respond and we are asking only for clarification.

Regards and respects to you.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-25)

Please calm down and excuse our ingnorance... Well at least those of us who are not from nor visit India... As we do not understand some of the things that happen there. We were simply trying to understand the job description you provided. So yes... Do they have receptionist in the Malls in India is a fair question... Heck even with your added details I am not sure what you mean... Unless it is something like a Host of Hostess position... Someone that greets you and shows you to a seat.

I found your experience plausible... So please take a deep breath when it comes to questions as people try to understand your culture.


ygs_sayan (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Moreover, I do NOT feel anything unexplained, misunderstood, unbelievable or unacceptable regarding the story, especially after I have been done with clearing off the doubts, misconceptions, and confusions prementioned & this is to ALL...
With regards~ ygs_sayan...
ygs_sayan (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
[at] to everyone... 'a receptionist at a mall, do they really have those in India?'...what do you people mean by that?!... India may not said as 'developed' but it IS a 'developing' country...& here we do have malls where there are receptionists too... Also for you people's kind information, the receptionist I'm talking 'bout is that of the cafeteria and not that of the mall as a whole...& true to say, I did mention that 'we' checked the CCTV logs and by that I meant me, my friends and few others including the security too present at the site at that very moment... It's also to be noted that I did write the story in short maybe skipping too many a points which I should have mentioned actually in the text... Anyway sorry for the inconvenience...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Ohhh, I'd thought the receptionist was for a specific storefront business within the mall, near the coffeeshop: appointments, phones, etc.
Now it makes even less sense...
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Dear Rook, I agree with what you say. But still the receptionists in malls are uncommon in India. So, that question we have asked. But still we have to wait for O/P to reply to the other questions like why others didn't turn up when they heard the scream or were these guys the only persons in the restaurant etc. Till then, I am keeping my fingures crossed on this one.

Regards and respects to you Rook.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Oh...I must admit this though... A resepctionist at a Mall? Huh? Do they really have those in India?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Hi folks... If the receptionist job description included monitoring CCTV for the building (more of a security position) or if they shared a desk with security who happened to be on rounds at the time. Then its possible the system was already open on a computer at the reception desk... If it was already open it would be easy to access the CCTV logs and review... Especially if the individual attacked wanted to see what happened to them.

As for what happened... If it happened... I would venture to guess a 'Former Supervisor' was not happy this individual was falling asleep on the job.


sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Hi ygs_sayan, I have the same questions as dreamer01 and lady-glow asked. Were you guys the only people in the restaurant and even if you were the only ones, what happened to the security personnel, who would be stationed in such Mega Malls.

Please do respond.

Regards and respects to you.

allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Unless you're from law enforcement, it's very difficult to get access to CCTV logs of an establishment. This seems to be a scenario straight from a Hindi Horror TV serial.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
I agree the story is weird. Really have no clue how lady-glow arrived at her thoughts, though. Links...?
Paranoid_believer (1 stories) (35 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-22)
Am peeing in my pants right now, am scared to death! Maybe the receptionist invited some sort of energy unknowingly since he was the target. Am not sure, just guessing
With respect...PB!
pjs1977 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-21)
Wow that's really freaking scary. I would of soiled myself and urinated at the same time. Truly a terrifying experience.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
That's weird.

I have some questions about your story:
-Were you and your friends the only ones trying to help the receptionist? I would expect for, at least, one security guard coming to check what was causing such commotion.
-Like dreamer01, I don't get how you were able to access the CCTV logs without getting into trouble.

I will appreciate your feedback.

Thanks for sharing.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
thanks for sharing your experience, very unusual.

I do have a question to ask. You stated that you checked the cctv logs. How did you know how to do this, do you have experience or aurthorisation to work the security equipment?

It just seems unusual or maybe I am misreading what you have said.

Cheers,dreamer01 😊

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