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Flash Of Light And Shadow Man Next To Bed


A couple of years ago, I started noticing a very short, fast single flash of light once every few days or so in the dark bedroom at night when I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. It was so fast I could never really see where it originated in the room, except a couple of times it seemed like it was near the closet or the closed bedroom door because I happened to be facing that direction when the flash happened and I thought I saw a bright pinpoint of light there (too fast to tell). Most of the times it happened my eyes were closed and I saw it as a bright flash through my eyelids.

This went on for a few months. I asked my husband if he ever noticed anything like that and he hadn't. However, one night the flash happened as we were getting ready for bed, when the master bathroom light was still on. My husband was standing right outside the master bathroom doorway in the bedroom with me when this fast light flashed and I immediately asked him (rather excitedly because it happened while we were both awake, and in a room lit by the light from the bathroom and both of our bedside lamps) if he'd seen it. He said, in a perplexed voice, that he had. I told him that was the flash I had been telling him about. He got a little disturbed by this, and tried to help me investigate possible sources.

We had blackout blinds on the bedroom window, so no external lights could get in that way. We had a smoke detector in the room, but it didn't have a light. We had no other light sources except the bedside lamps. We couldn't figure it out.

This flash didn't happen every night, and didn't have a periodic frequency. I did start to notice something though. It seemed like the next day after a night when I'd see a flash, my husband and I would be irritable with each other or squabble about something stupid. We'd take things the wrong way and just usually not have a great day. I never told my husband this observation. But, I started to make a huge effort the next day after I saw a flash to be less sensitive to things and more supportive of his part of our joint irritability because I thought that I could turn around any negative influences by being more positive. It seemed to work.

One other thing happened during this time frame. Something woke me up (could have been a flash of light but I don't remember) and I turned and looked at my husband's side of the bed. I saw a dark shadow of a man standing next to his head looking down at him. The room was very dark, but the bathroom is a little less dark because it doesn't have a complete blackout blind on the window and my husband's side is right next to the bathroom door. The man's outline had the bathroom doorway as a backdrop which is the reason I saw him. (Once I saw him, I could see him move away from the bed when he eventually did which I'll describe below, while away from the bathroom door.) He wasn't very tall. I'd place him at 5'2 or so. Something about the shape made me think it was a man.

When I turned and looked at him, he looked at me. His head slowly shifted and he stood utterly still. I out-stilled him though. I kept in position and looked him down. I started to think that it wasn't a man, but just some weird trick of the light/darkness. So I focused on a portion of his shoulder where it was outlined by the bathroom doorway and told myself that if that moved, it wasn't just a trick of the light. Sure enough he started to move casually away by turning his body towards the right and walking slowly towards the bedroom door. It even seemed like he was moving arms as he walked. He reached the bedroom door and disappeared. My husband slept peacefully through the entire event. After the shadow man left, I rolled back over and went to sleep. Strangely, this didn't scare me.

I only saw this shadow man this one time. As I thought about it the next day, I tried to find a way to blame it on my imagination. Questions came to my mind like, why did it go to the bedroom door instead of walking through the wall or, better yet, why didn't it just disappear? Why would it walk like a person to the door? The bottom line though was that I saw it while wide awake and thoughtful and it did look like a shadow man and it did leave at the door.

I ended up telling my husband about it a couple of days later. I debated whether or not to tell him because I didn't want to scare him. He scares really easily when it comes to these things, but I thought that it's best to know. He wasn't too upset by it.

The flashing lights stopped and there have been no more shadow man sightings. I would like to understand this, and would love to hear if anyone has a theory about this or a similar experience. Also, I'd like to know if there was something we may have been doing that caused this - I consider it kind of a bad time in our lives due to the negativity and I'd like to avoid something like this happening again.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DandK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-05)
Awake1111, thank you for your comment. Would you mind providing more information? I have questions about this. First, where are they from? Second, why are they watching? Last, what do we provide them?
Awake1111 (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-05)
Lookup the greys et species and that is who the shadow beings are. I have been in contact with them since a kid. Mine is also 5 ft 2 and they appear as shadows because you are seeing them from the non physical dimension but physically they look like 👽 exactly. Sometimes they wear black jumpsuits sometimes nothing. Theres a lot of different races of them ranging from 3ft to 7 ft tall but the average is around 5ft tall. They are the watchers they observe and study us humans. They are multidimensional and have concious technology and if they want they will abduct you. They can abduct you physically or psychically.
psysch (8 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-04)
DandK, I do have similar experience of flash of light. It happened last year, 2015 at a rented room at Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia (Borneo Island). I saw it a 3 times there, when under entities attack. My theory is these entities can switch on and off the light in itself. So that is why we see flash of light. Is just my own theory, could be wrong. Go to you tube and search "concave telescope". Entities can be seen using concave telescope and they do give off light.
The other thing about why these entities don't just walk through the wall. They can't. These misty things can't penetrate wall. So it just go to the bathroom and fly off through the bathroom window. Another wild theory of mine.
Argette: 4 month ago, is around 2 a.m. And I can't sleep. So I went to my living room and lie on my coach. I can't see any entities but just an opium pipe being pass around these entities and there are smoke coming out of the pipe. That is these entities are smoking opium in my living room and are passing the pipe around among themselves. Finally the pipe move to my coach and I can smell the aroma. I turn my face around and the pipe disappear. A few days later, I went to the police station and try to report this incident. Ghost smoking opium in my living room. I don't succeed in making the report because they told me another lie which I believe. I was in the police station for around 3 hours. The lie they told me, I won't include it here as it will make my comment so long.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-04)
I should mention that I had the flash of light again a couple of nights ago and my husband and I got into an argument the following morning. It was stupid too - we both took something the other person said in a way with a totally different meaning than intended. It took us all day to shake it off.

Also, after the flash, when I was back asleep, I had a dream about my late husband (which is very rare). In my dream he had left to go to the store, but didn't come back. Instead I got a phone call from the hospital telling me he was gone. I had to relive all of that pain again, and I woke up gasping and feeling like my heart was going to stop. Strange that happened the same night as the flash of light.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-03)
AugustaM, it's funny you should mention that possibility. At one point I wondered if that was the case also. I like thinking so.

Thanks for reading my story and for your good comment.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-03)
Maybe, as you have said, the flashes and shadow man were both your late husband. Maybe the irritability caused after the flashes were his way of gently testing your new husband, seeing what he was like when times were hard to make sure of his character. The manifestation may have been the sign that the test was done and the new fellow had proved himself - giving him the nod and signing off, so to speak.
Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-07)

It's taken me four days to see your reply to my question...Sorry!

What a creepy and frightening thing to hear. I can't imagine the feelings you must have had. But, I can't wait to read your post about it!

I'm looking on the bright side. 😆

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-06)
I have a theory about shadow men. It seems that often people wake up and the shadow man is next to them, looking at them. Given the theory that sometimes spirits feed off of negative energy around people in a home, it seems plausible to me that shadow men hang around sleeping people to try and get the negative energy that one may have during a nightmare. The emotions experienced during a nightmare are real and often more intense than those experienced while awake. So, perhaps they are 'feeding' when we wake up, or simply just waiting for us to dream.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
MustaphaT, Thank you for reading my story and for your comments. You bring up some very interesting points that I will look into.

Best wishes, DandK
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Hi Jane, your question about whether this the first experience in the house got me thinking. The only other thing is an EVP.

So this is strange, but at the time I bought this house over a decade ago, I had been watching ghost hunters and thought it would be fun to set up my DVR in the house. It seemed like a perfect environment because the house was totally empty. No refrigerator, the heating and air conditioning unit was off, nothing that I thought would create noise in the background. The only appliances were a dishwasher and an electric stove. Nothing else in the house at all.

So I set up the recorder one evening and let it record all night. I lived across the street (this house was purchased with the idea of turning it into a rental property). It was a dead end street, no traffic at night whatsoever. Everyone but my husband and I were retired. No kids in the neighborhood either. No streetlights. Very dark and quiet.

So, I went the next morning and picked up the recorder. I forgot to mention that I left it running on the kitchen counter overnight.

Upon listening to the recording, I was actually frightened. Imagine going about your day while listening to a recording of nothing which sounds like static, when suddenly you hear something. I couldn't pull those headphones off quick enough. There were sounds of cabinet drawers opening (they are on rollers and make a distinctive sound), a ball dropping and bouncing, and some singing. The singing is faint, but sounds like a little girl. I still have the original recording. For full disclosure, after I heard those things, which occurred soon after I left the house, I haven't been able to listen to the rest of the recording.

I'm going to post a story and find a way to post the recording. I don't have any software to enhance recordings, but I've often thought I'd like to hear the singing better.

Thanks again for reading my story!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Tweed, sorry it's taken me so long to get back over here to this story. I've had a bunch of stuff I wanted to say to you about the flashes of light, which may be especially relevant to your your mum and her flashes of light.

So after you mentioned your mum's frequency of flash observation, I started to think about what other situations would produce a flash of light. On a smaller scale, we have the little electricity flashes we get when we've charged up our hands with static charge and then go touch something that is grounded. Interestingly those flashes look a lot like what I saw, except what I saw is much larger. Picture the static discharge flash increased in size by a factor of 1000.

So does this mean that whatever causes the flash is basically grounding its built up charge, so to speak, in our dimension? The air being superheated and causing the flash of light?

So, if this is the case, does that mean that some people, like your mum, may have an inherent energy conducive this this sort of spiritual lightening?

If this idea is already out there floating around, just ignore my rambling. If not, it seems like something very interesting to think about.
MustaphaT (1 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Hi,I read your story and I think you definitely saw something, you had a question about that flash of light. Even demons can make light appear which I think that what that shadow was, a lot of evil entities appear after the flashing of white light most of the time that I've read about light flashes it's usualy a blueish light, sometimes mix with the smell of sulfur or something rotten like rotten egges, I won't be surprise if you smell some bad smell, usually only the person who is sensetive to them smell that smell, especially in the morning and in the late afternoon about two hours to one hour and half before sunset, if there is any physical or psychological symptoms like tiredness for example that is associated with those beings they usually intensify in that time before they subsidize before sunset, people who are effected by those evil beings usually feel better in the evening. What most people don't know is that the world of demons is made from fire"plasma".You should read the stories of people who have said that they have been visited by extra_terrestrial and how those "aliens" which I know they is nothing alien about them at all how they appear to them after light flashes usually blue light, as for why he was walking like a human being, there is so many types of them, some people even said that they saw them wearing clothes just like human, prabably those clothe exists in their world too. There are other types who doesn't look human at all, they usually look like a black cloud of smoke or weird slithering animals, those are more evil.don't speak to demons. I don't even advise you to bring this subject to your husband if you see that it only makes him feel bad.
Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Hi DandK,
No I haven't yet written about the anomalous lights I've seen. I have written about an old house I lived in and a "teleporting" coffee can. I have just submitted a post that will lead into the anomalous lights experience in part two.

I have really enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to more. I also meant to ask if the light flashes and shadow man were the first experiences you had in that house?

I agree whole heartedly with your statement that the comments really get you thinking. We can all bring such different points of view to the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
DandK, that's exactly what happened to me the first time! It was a couple years ago, staying at Mum's over Christmas and surprise, the room lit up a minute or so after switching off the light. I freaked out, got up, checked around, woke Mum up, ready to call police and she goes "Naaah love, don't worry about it, happens all the time"
My Mum, ahgh god almighty, my Mum is so blase about anything ghostly. She managed a sentence about how long it'd been going on and went back to sleep.

She has it happen any time, day or night. What really gets me is it happens anywhere she is. What you and Manafon notice about loved ones being somehow connected with this makes sense. Because it's always confused me why this light stuff follows her anywhere, a protective ghost or someone checking in on her might explain this.

She gets really excited when it happens and her feeling is it's someone's way of making them self known. A paranormal high five.
She's never mentioned being tired afterwards. I've been with her a couple times when it's happened and she only seems to perk up. She always cleanses and shields herself, so maybe this is why there's no fatigue, not sure.
I don't understand why or how it happens so frequently for her. Maybe it's because she doesn't scare easy lol.

Mack, haha glad my humour translates!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Hi Calamity, Thanks for reading my story. I wonder about the connection between the shadow man and the light as well. I don't know if they were related, however, it is a strange coincidence that they were both in the bedroom and both in the same time period.

I like the idea that the shadow man manifested from the light. Along that line of thought, the area of origination of the light flash when I saw it was in the direction that the shadow man walked to when he was leaving. Strange that I hadn't thought of that before! That's what I love about comments -- they really start you thinking.

Have you submitted a story about your experience with anomalous lights? I'm headed over to read your posted story next, so I apologize if that is the topic!

Thanks for posting your comment!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Tweed, That is really interesting! Both you and your mother have experienced this, but your mom sees it almost daily. This is baffling. Is it usually when it is night that this occurs or is it any time of day? Also, any fatigue associated with it? I'm asking that because of something Manafon mentioned about perhaps if a spirit is manifesting that it may be drawing energy from people around.

I liked your comment about wondering if it was a pervo the first time you saw the flash! I can relate because the first time I saw it, I wondered if it was possible someone had snapped a picture of me too! I think I even got up out of bed and looked around to make sure there were no 'cracks' in the blackout blinds.

Thanks for your nice comments about both stories!

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Hi Manafon, I very much like your suggestions. I will definitely say something reassuring if I see the lights again. It's a really good idea to pay no heed to the irritability also. I think you are right about fatigue, and since you mentioned it, I remember at least one of those times that I noticed that I felt tired the day after I saw the flashing light.

Thank you for sharing your experiences as well. It really feels great to know that someone else has had something similar happen. I am also glad to hear about your experience with your mother and how your were led to the closet. I can only imagine how comforting and wonderful it felt to be with your mother like that.

Best wishes, DandK
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Hi Argette, Interesting that you've seen these flashes too! And that they are of similar color. When I saw the pinpoint of light, it was definitely in the room with me, like yours. I never experienced an odor with any of the flashes of light though.

I have been reading a bit about visual perception, after aussidaz posted a link yesterday to a brain site that discussed the basics of how the eye and brain work together to let us 'see'. I wonder now if this light flash might have a physiological explanation that invokes that type of assignment by our brain in response to a certain form of energy stimuli. It seems possible to me that we 'see' this flash of light in response to an uncommon event, which could be a spirit manifesting, among other possibilities.

Thank you for sharing your experience with the lights. If I do see them again, I'm going to be also on the lookout for a smell.

Argette (guest)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
I have seen blue light flashes in our dark bedroom several times, most recently about four years ago. They seem to come from inside the room. A friend had a similar experience at her house, along with a smoky aroma, or rather the smell of someone smoking. I get baking aromas at 4 a.m.

Any scents associated with your events?
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
"Some pervo outside snapping pictures" Honestly Tweed, you seriously crack me up! 😆 😆
Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
I've also had some experience with odd light anomalies, however not the flashes you and your husband experienced.

I wonder if they aren't caused by a different entity all together from the shadow man you saw. I say this because the flashes of light seemed to be followed the next day by some discord in your home. Or at least discord between you and your husband.

When you saw the shadow man you felt no fear and subsequently you quit seeing the light anomalies. I'm wondering if maybe the shadow man wasn't perhaps a relative that showed up in a protective capacity.

It could have been your late husband, or, my thinking is that it could well have been someone from your current husband's family. Perhaps that is why the shadow man was next to your husband and peering down at him.

In any case, whether the light flashes and shadow man were the same entity or two separate ones, it gives us a lot to think about.

Thanks for writing

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Whoah DandK,

Oh my, I can relate to those light flashes! Or more accurately my Mum can. It's been happening to her for over ten years AND it happens to her near daily AND it follows her where ever she goes. Bonkers doesn't cut it.

I chalked Mum's up to an elemental spirit, but an elemental who follows her around? I just don't know about that. Now reading you and Manafon making human ghost connections has really made me think!
I wonder if this light stuff is some form of cleansing too. Perhaps a way to clear the atmosphere to make ghostly contact easier. Don't know, just spit balling.

I've only experienced the flashing lights a few times, all at Mum's house. I noticed a very subtle 'click' sound when it's happened to me. Mum reckons this light thing illuminates entire objects including, houses (like one house and nothing else surrounding it), trees, she saw a traffic light illuminate once, people too. Apparently I was 'lit' once, I had NO idea. But I do sort of remember thinking the neighours had their outside light on briefly. Very weird.
The only times it's happened to me (and I've actually been aware of it) has been lighting an entire room, different rooms each time. The light has an odd muted colour to it. Whiteish/greyish/blueish. Like it desaturates colours of objects slightly and it casts no shadows, very odd. The light lasts for around 1 to 2 seconds. Once it lasted for a split second, like blink and you miss it stuff.

Mum feels positivity from it, like Manafon described. I never felt anything from it but purely baffled lol. So can't really speak for irritability. (Except the first time it happened to me, I thought some pervo was outside snapping pictures!)

Funnily enough your other experience about the weird bathroom light night made me think of this too. By the way that story was an awesome read as well!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Hi DandK--I don't remember my wife or me being irritable after seeing the blue flashing lights. However, we did acknowledge the lights. I said something to the effect of, "thanks for visiting and letting us know you are together." After saying that both my wife and I felt a calmness in the atmosphere.

The way you describe the light is very, very close to what my wife and I witnessed, more "like UV light blue." Could it be the irritability you felt was a side effect of having a spirit attempting to make contact? What I mean is, a sense of tiredness often accompanies an encounter with a spirit. Maybe the irritability had a similar origin. Often when people are tired they feel irritable. In your case maybe you were only noticing or sensing that aspect.

I never saw the blue lights again but my parents did make contact again through the sudden sound of what seemed like an antique clock floating through my darkened bedroom one night (I wrote about this under my Manafon account not Manafon1 if you are interested). This sound manifested by a painting my dad had owned and loved since his days in Lonfon when he was in the Navy back in the 1950s. It then seemed to float to my closet door and then stopped. When I opened the door and entered I was assailed by intense emotion. It was (I believe) the spirit of my mother entering my consciousness. I felt her as if she were physically embracing me. I now believe the ticking sound was created by my dad as a way to direct me to my mother.

It seems a good possibility that your first husband has made attempts to check in on you and your present husband. I wouldn't focus too much on the irritability you and your husband experienced. It was quite likely just a side effect of your first husband taking some of both of your energies to manifest itself as the light.

I really thank you for your story. It has made me consider similar events I have experienced. Your first husband clearly loved you very much. If you see this flashing light again, say something like, "Thank you for checking in on us, we are doing well." Those words may bring his spirit a sense of completion and contentment.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Thanks Manafon! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

I'm fascinated by your story of the flashing lights you and your wife saw when you were discussing your deceased father and mother being together again. There's no denying the connection there!

I only managed to actually see the flash on a few occasions. It was very fast, and I would have to say at the very nucleus of it there was a blue pin point, but more like the UV light blue (not purple), not like a normal blue. I guess I need to mention also that it seemed to have a pinpoint origin. Like it started at that pinpoint and flashed outwards.

I have wondered about the shadow man being my late husband (I'm since remarried and it is my current husband that was in bed with the shadow man looking over him), but until your comments, I hadn't thought about the light being my late husband. It is possible. I do know that he tried to reach out to me many times during the time span about a week after he died. I was too angry about his death to listen to him at that time. Because of this, I wonder if he had been trying to reach out again. However, I don't understand the irritability between my current husband and I after a light flashing incident.

Have you or your wife seen lights like the ones you observed, again? Also, do you remember if either of you was irritable the next day?

Thanks for sharing your light story - it is a great story! - and for your comments.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Spiritwaiting, It is very interesting about the flashes of light potentially being a spirit trying to manifest. That makes a lot of sense to me. After I saw the shadow man, I wondered if there was a correlation between it and the flashes of light. It almost seems to me, in retrospect, that the shadow man was the manifested spirit and that it had been trying for months to manifest. Once it did and he and I had a showdown, I don't recall seeing the light flashes again. It's like he came and saw what he wanted to, then left. (Thanks for your comment about my instincts and bravery - that makes me feel like I'll be able to trust myself to take on something if it comes my way again!)

I do have a thought on the origins of the shadow man. First, I never felt anything negative from the shadow man. Nothing positive either though. Second, I need to give a little background (and I'll touch base again on this in response to Manafon1's comment) on my history with the house. I bought the house that my husband and I currently live in about eleven years ago, while I was married to my late husband. We didn't live in the house, but had it for a future rental property, which we never got around to renting out before he passed on. I didn't do anything with it for quite some time, and then I eventually met my current husband and we got married and lived in his house in Wenatchee for a short time (this is where we heard the old lady sigh in the bedroom - a separate story). When we moved from his house, we moved into this house that my late husband and I had purchased, but never lived in togehter.

Because of this, I have wondered if this shadow man was my late husband checking up on things. Did he want to see my new husband? Once he saw him, did he not feel like he needed to stay around? That things were OK with me, so he moved on?
Or maybe he didn't like my new husband, so he was causing us to be irritable with each other? This is totally out of character of my late husband though, so I'm not at all convinced of this whole theory. My late husband was very kind and gentle. We were married for 15 years and during that time I never heard him say a bad word about anyone. He was the type of person that if someone was rude to him, he would always, without exception, say something like "He must be having a hard day." and he meant it. He was not the type of person that would cause that irritability or pain. I also think that he is responsible for me meeting my current husband (another story), like he hand picked him for me.

I'm interested to hear that you also had some negative experiences with your husband in your homes that were caused by entities. I'm hoping that I can always keep my eye on this and nip it in the bud if it happens. I've got certain cues that I look for now that make me check myself and evaluate the situation.
Did you ever find that they eventually gave up on you when they weren't making their desired progress, or did they periodically come back and test things out?

Thanks for reading my story and for your nice comment! I'm glad to hear about your similarities with the negativity as it validates what I was thinking about these entities.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-24)
You bring up great points! Makes sense from your POV also:).
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-24)
I really enjoyed reading your nicely detailed account. I have experienced something quite like the "flashing lights" you describe so well. My first question to you would be what color was the light you saw on multiple occasions? Another question would be if you felt any familial connection with it. I ask this latter question because you describe seeing a "dark shadow of a man" looking down at your sleeping husband.

Could this have been a deceased relative of your husband? Or possibly one of your deceased relatives? It's interesting that you seemingly felt no fear and simply went back to sleep.

I bring up the possible family connection with the light flashes you have seen because soon after the sudden, rather shocking, death of my dad (three years after my mom) my wife and I were talking about how we hoped they were now once again together. Almost instantly there were two bright bluish flashes that sparked as if in answer to our thoughts. I should state that my wife and I were in our living room in the evening with all blinds and curtains closed. The room we were in overlooks an expanse of forest preserve and there are no lights emanating from it.

Interestingly, I saw the flash of blue light from a corner of one section of the living room to my right, while my wife saw it from her left, emanating from our dining room. We both instantly responded out loud, something to the effect, that we were happy they were once again together. There was a lovely sense of peace in the room.

Could your experiences with the flashes of light and the figure be a departed family member? It seems a possibility. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-24)
Very interesting! In researching, reading through articles etc, I have come upon a few instances where a flash of light could be the spirit trying to pull enough energy together to manifest. And the flash of light is the energy not quite coming together as planned.

As far as the shadow man... Did you get an eerie,bad,sicking feeling while you watched him?
I remember you stating that you both would argue and your energies would be sensitive etc. Makes a lot of sense if...

You bought the house (an older house) and he may have been testing both of you. I have had spirits do that to my husband and I.
You absolutely did the right thing, by knowing and acting upon your instincts!:) I commend you on your bravery to not stand down when it may very well have been expecting you to.

All in all sorry this response is so long,
What I was trying to say is,
This may have been a previous owner passing through to test just how tough you were. And you kept catching him trying to come through.

My husband and I were renting a home in a couple of my experiences, and when in the house he and I were at each others throats.
I too had to become a 10 step ahead person with these entities, if not I have no doubt it would have done a lot of damage.
Thanks for writing this


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