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Real Ghost Stories

Cemetery Rescue


I had some interesting paranormal experiences growing up in the Las Vegas area. One is kind of funny and while it may or may not have a paranormal component, I thought it would be a good one to share.

When I was 18 in the early 80's, a friend and I had been spending the evening downtown (that meant the Fremont St area back in the early 80's), walked around, ate some 50Β’ shrimp cocktails, played a bit of 21 at the Horseshoe where it was easier to get away with underage gambling at the time.

We'd pretty much had our fill, so we decided for some unknown reason to stop by a cemetery since it was 1am and likely to be creepy, and we were basically kids doing what kids do. We pulled into an empty and dark parking lot and I turned off the car engine. We got out and stood by the car. It was a cemetery off of Main St, I think, and totally quiet. There was no traffic on the road adjacent, and not a soul to be seen. As a matter of fact, it was eerily quiet.

We stood there maybe 20 seconds and both decided we wanted to leave, now! We jumped back in the car and I tried to start it, but it wouldn't start! This hadn't happened before. I kept trying and it wouldn't start and I think I flooded the engine.

So here we were stuck in a dark cemetery, with nothing around (back then, nothing was nearby). I was just starting to see how much trouble we were in when all of the sudden there was a car next to us... A cop car. It wasn't the typical LVPD car, but something that looked like it belonged in a small town off the highway with tumble weeds blowing around. I didn't even notice it pull up!

The cop, who looked more like a sheriff, walked to my door and asked if we needed a ride. We eagerly took him up on his offer. He drove us to my friend's house on 8th St, and as he turned the corner of the street, he turned around to us in the backseat, smiled devilishly, and said "Watch this... Your neighbors are going to love this!" And he proceeded to turn on his flashing lights and briefly hit his sirens. By that time it's about two in the morning, the turkey! He laughed, then laughed again as we tried to open the door from the backseat. Finally, he let us out, we thanked him, and ran inside, his lights still flashing in the driveway of the house.

I went back for the car the next day and it started right up on the first try. Why did this cop show up right then and appear out of nowhere? Why were his uniform and car so old-fashioned looking? Was he for real or was he somehow sent save us? And last, why the heck did my car pick that moment in time to stop working? I'll never know, but I'm thankful to this day for the rescue.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DandK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jessicqqqq (5 stories) (56 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-15)
Dang I wish it was still that cheap in Vegas hahah. I Fremont is so expensive now.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-23)
Thanks for my story reading, L_Melb! I'm glad it was entertaining.
L_Melb (220 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-23)
So many questions! Thanks for sharing this experience, it may have been short but certainly entertaining and one that would have me (in your place) thinking "now, hang on...what...?"
Who knows? πŸ˜‰
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Jane, thanks for reading it!
The 80's were a fun time at that age, weren't they?

I was so thankful that cop pulled up. I still am perplexed by my car choosing that moment to not start. I'm sure I didn't help anything by flooding the engine because I kept trying to start it. But we were lucky!
Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)

Sorry I'm coming so late to the party... I have a lot of catching up to do!

I loved this post. You and I are probably just about the same age. I was 18 in the early eighties too, so I was right there with you two. I was living in Amarillo, Texas at the time - a far cry from Las Vegas - but checking out a cemetery late at night is something we would have done too.

Anyway, what a bizarre experience. Things like that really make me realize there is so much more to life than we know.

Glad you posted this!

Jane πŸ˜†
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
DandK... This is was strange... I loved reading various perspective of different readers... I just want to say... They were the saviour for you 😁
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
DandK and Fergie--I was thinking about the police car in the account being an older model and think I have one possible solution. In many towns I have lived in over the years, when a police department "upgrades" their police cars, they commonly do so in stages. So for a period of time there will be the bright, shiny new cars on the street along with some of the older model cars. Maybe the car in the cemetery parking lot was one of these older cars.

Fergie--Loved your story of "surprising" the couple parked on a lover's lane! The image of a half naked guy chasing your car down the street is priceless πŸ˜†!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
Aah DandK, I wasn't thinking of night work in the city, it may have been that the neighbours were at work.

Lol Manafon, you just reminded me of a bit of fun I had when I was 19 or 20. I was staying at an all girls collage residence at the time. One Saturday night, five of us decided to go out and have a couple of beers. Full of bravado, we then drove to a well known 'lovers lane', switched off the car lights and free-wheeled up to a parked car. We switched on the headlights as we reached the car, blowing the horn at the same time. Well, the reaction from within the parked car was a bit more than we expected. πŸ˜† A partly clothed man jumped out and chased us. We drove away in a hurry, laughing our heads off.

Okay, DandK, I can understand how the cop car could 'creep up' on you, but it still doesn't explain the difference in car or clothing, does it?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Manafon, I got a good chuckle out of your account! I bet you're right! It is awfully suspicious seeing a car at night in an empty parking lot. I could totally see him trying to sneak up on us, especially given his overall behavior.

It does sound like teen girls are treated better than boys. I can totally visualize the neck slam you got!

Thanks for your input on this. Between you and Tweed, I think we've likely got it nailed.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Hi DandK--I read and enjoyed your account but didn't initially think I had anything to contribute. However, searching my memories of the far off past led me to two somewhat similar experiences with a police car suddenly appearing next to my car (or van).

When I was around seventeen I was knocking back a few beers with a buddy in my car in a town park parking lot after hours. Not smart but I was seventeen and not smart. I remember glancing to my left and there was a police officer standing there and his car was right next to my car. It turned out he saw my car, turned off his headlights and stealthily pulled up next to me. Remarkably, I vaguely knew this cop, as he was a friend of the older sister of my then girlfriend. Miraculously he told us (after having us dump and throw away the beer we had) to get out of there and consider ourselves lucky. We did. Neither of us saw or heard this policeman pull-up in a quite small (maybe 15 car) parking lot.

Similarly, with my girlfriend and another friend, this time in my Chevy van at around seventeen years old, in a park district parking lot, a policeman tapped on my drivers side window at dusk. The park closed at dusk but I thought we had a few more minutes left. Long story short, none of us in the van heard, or saw, the guy pull up. Again I believe he turned his lights off after seeing the van. This policeman wasn't friendly, and although he let us go he didn't like my (then) long hair and slammed me by my neck against my van, to make a point I assume.

It seems to me if a cop sees a lone car sitting in an otherwise empty parking lot at night, he/she will shut off their headlights to "surprise" the occupants. From reading your account, young girls are treated better than young long haired dudesπŸ˜•.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Thanks babygoatpuller! I do love those rescues, even if in this case it was a real cop and he was somehow influenced to go check out the cemetery... Whereupon he stumbled across us.

I'm glad you mentioned aussieDaz's stories. I've been making my way through them, and I agree, they are really interesting. I had stopped yesterday (before Daz mentioned his story about the woman in black) right at the point that my next story was the one with his ghost car sighting. Funny!

Thanks for reading my story and for your nice comments.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Tweed, you could be totally right on that. A couple of things make me suspect that wasn't the case here, but I don't know for sure. First is that it was las vegas, which is a 24 hour town and there are lots of women out at all hours of the day. The more entertaining ones would certainly be down near Fremont street back then.

Second is that there just wasn't anyone around when we pulled into the cemetery. It was a large parking lot and I was far from the road. I don't know how I missed him driving in and parking next to me, but I did.

Either way, I'm really glad he showed up!

Thanks for reading my story!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Hi Fergie, thanks for reading. I think the sirens and lights had to be visible to everyone. I agree it's strange that nobody said anything. But it was pretty late, and he didn't blare the sirens very long, so it's possible that people slept through it. Or were at work (it was las vegas). My friend's dad was at work at the time (he was a 21 dealer at the desert inn).
liza25 (1 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Thanks for your reply DandK, then I think you were actually rescued by something unnatural. Creepy yet helpful. 😁
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Dandk- Aussiedas's account of his ghost car is a great read as are all of his stories. Your account reminded me of it.

I'm thinking that since you didn't get any bad vibes from the cop that suddenly showed up, that he was there in a protective mode. Random guardians are great, eh?! πŸ˜†

Great read and look forward to the next one.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Hi DandK,

Another possibility is that this cop did this regularly, and he was a living person. He might have hung around the graveyard hoping chicks might swing by for a late night spook fest. I say this because chicks driving late at night are an endless source of entertainment for cops or highway patrol. It happens quite a lot.
However, the car not starting is a bit on the weird side. Maybe a fluke?
I'd love to know if the neighbours heard anything, like Fergie. I find the concept of ghosts in cars or ghost cars fascinating!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-03)
Oh wow, DandK, that is so cool, ghost car/cop or not.

How strange that your neighbours weren't pulling their curtains aside to rubber-neck. Do you think that the light and siren were only visible/audible to you and your friend? Has your friend has any paranormal experiences prior to this?

Thank you for submitting this interesting post. 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Dandk, Yes, I wrote about our experience under my story, the woman in black from memory... In broad daylight, this car followed us into a park very slow with two people in it and basically disappeared before our eyes, (short version) there is a lot more to the story, but when you have one of these accounts, it really makes you think what to heck is going on?. A ghost is one thing, solid metallic objects driving around with physical ghost interacting are another. There are a number of these accounts here, my account was a kind of an epiphany that sent me down the rabbit hole looking for answers. I believe Telly is telling the truth, I couldn't understand for a second why he would make it up. Wouldn't do his career or tough guy reputation any good.

Regards Daz
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Daz, that was an interesting experience that Telly Savalas had. I never knew about this, or about any legitimate ghost car experiences. Have you written about the siting you and your son had? If not, would you mind sharing?

At the time, when I was at the cemetery, I remember feeling like the situation was off. The cop appeared out of nowhere, no car sounds or headlights. I always chalked it up to maybe I was too focused on, and worried about, being stuck to have noticed. But in the back of my mind, I wasn't buying that explanation. The other funny thing is, I lived there for another six years after that experience, and I don't recall seeing that type of cop car again. (I also don't recall seeing one like that before then either, but I'm sure that I didn't pay enough attention when I was a young kid to remember.)

Thanks for the validation on this type of experience.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Liza25, Thanks for reading my story. None of the neighbors mentioned it, according to my friend. I remember being surprised by that.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Interesting account Dandk, you should to have a look at this link with Telly Savalas, he broke down in his car and was picked up by a man who had died about 2 years prior.


Is it possible you had a ride in a ghost car? Yes, my son and I saw one a few years ago the phenomenon is real... And on a side note, I was in las Vegas last December and had a blast with a member from here on freemont street. Love Vegas, hopefully we'll be going back in 2017.

Regards Daz
liza25 (1 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Interesting story... The cop proved to be a rescuer.
Did your neighbours hear the sirens or watch the flash lights from the cop's 'old fashioned' car?


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