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Shadow Figure Running Away When Light Turned On


A few nights ago, I had a scared feeling in my bedroom that made me feel like I needed to immediately turn on the bedside light. I frantically reached over and touched the lamp (touch light) and when the light came on, I saw a shadow figure streak across the bedroom from the bed, towards the treadmill, and disappear. The black streak looked almost comical - like one of those streaming figures, but all black.

When I saw it, I was happy that I'd scared it away. So I shut off the light, thinking smugly that I'd thwarted it's plans. However, almost immediately, I realized that he went 'into' the treadmill. I think I've commented on this before within the comment sections of my stories, but I have heard strange sounds coming out of the treadmill on occasion. The treadmill is unplugged, away from any heating/cooling vents, and nothing is stacked on it. However, I haven't heard anything from it in at least a couple of months. For some reason I suddenly made a connection between this shadow figure and the treadmill noise. So I said to myself that if I heard the treadmill make any noise I would know it was the shadow person doing it since it just went over to it. Within 3-5 seconds of thinking that, the treadmill made the noises, then stopped and has made no more noise since then. Coincidence? I don't believe so. It kind of irritated me, so I scolded the shadow person. However, as the realization hit me that he might just be over by the treadmill now, I was a bit scared and I ended up turning on the light to sleep by.

The treadmill is a space saver type so that it is tall vertically when in the storage position, which it has been for a while (yep - good intentions...). I realized that it is tall enough that a black figure could hide behind it. So the next morning I looked it over really well. Behind it, on all sides. Played with the power cord. I jiggled it. I could make it slightly make the noise that it had made the night before by jiggling it really hard by pushing and pulling on it. I couldn't make it make any creaking sounds without a significant effort.

The day after my shadow man sighting, my husband seemed like something was really wrong. He was quiet, and his facial expressions were very sad. I asked him what was wrong and he said he was just having a bad day and would prefer to be left alone. This was completely out of the blue - he'd been in a great mood for quite some time. This solidifies my feelings that the shadow folk are associated with negativity. Keep in mind, it's not just this one isolated incident, but the combined set of experiences with shadow people that seem to be associated with negativity. In any case, my husband was back to his normal self the next day.

I'm curious if anyone else has seen the shadow figure running away, and looking like a streak of black?

Also, has anyone else heard the shadow figure interact with solid objects?

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DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-28)

Your hand shadow experience is very interesting! Wonder what the heck that was about.

I hear what you're saying about setting some boundaries and a potential 'cleanse'. However, it seems to happen infrequent enough that I'm just going to let it go. In a way, I feel like I'm learning a lot about life whenever I have an experience. It causes me to think and ponder. And I guess I want that tradeoff at the moment. Hopefully that makes sense. Perhaps it's the same feeling that a religious person gets on a regular basis as they practice their beliefs.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-23)
Hi DandK,

Do you get the impression this entity is somehow trapped? I mean darting here and there, back and forth, mucking about with bed covers and the odd oppressive mood, with a bit of fear to boot kind of sounds erratic and desperate. The kind of behaviour of someone stuck in a rut.
I really don't get how or why ghosts get stuck/trapped, but I suppose it has to do with energy fields within the home/environment. It's a shame you don't believe in cleansings or magic or prayer etc, because I really think that's where this is ultimately headed, eventually. Not in an 'evil haunting, let's get a bible' way, more like 'this is getting annoying and stupid, let's explore some options' way. I'm basing this on the overall feel I get by the way you write about this. It's not smacking of bad, but it's not very good either. It doesn't seem like either of you are welcoming them, or thrilled at their presence.
An eventual 'version' of some kind of thought/will/cleanse/prayer/ceremony/verbal address/open letter/symbolic gesture/river dance/hokey pokey/tin foil hat, whatever feels right to you. It doesn't have to be Jesus, nor Harry Potter, it just has to make sense to you.

As you no doubt know I'm fine with sharing the home with a few ghosts but there's a very clear and defined threshold at the bedroom door. Unless there's a very good reason, there's no need for anyone, ghost or no, to be poking around while you're trying to sleep. I mean it's just downright rude, surely I'm not alone in this.

Anyhoo on the topic of shadowy figures interacting with stuff. About a year ago I saw a jet black hand reach for the blanket on the back of the couch. It was like a super dark shadowy cartoon silhouette. I saw this from the doorway as I was approaching the room. The hand appeared female, no idea who it was. Only saw it for a second and it retreated, probably because I was about to enter? Don't know. It was pretty trippy and cool though!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-20)
Yes, that's it. You know there isn't any other explanation but paranormal. My brother said the voice was definitely a woman and said in the way of "Hello?"... As in: Do you hear me? He checked outside too, thinking maybe someone was outside, but the house is in the country, with a 800 ft long driveway. You'd hear a car pull up, and there are no immediate neighbors. Regardless, the fact that he said he couldn't pinpoint the location... It's quite eery.

It makes me think of the possibilities... Too many to go through now, but intriguing nonetheless.

Dee ❤
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-19)

I like your simple statement of 'I felt that'. I'm going to try and remember that if it happens again.

The 'hello' really is unnerving. I don't know why since it's not much different than anything else. But it just seems more personal, I guess. Maybe more like there is no denying that someone is trying to communicate with you. Unlike other noises, tugs, and bumps where you can always try to focus on it being something else.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-19)

I'm glad you liked my story and I'm enjoying learning from the comments too. 😊

I've had the same thing happen as far as blankets being pulled a few times. It can be unnerving when you can't 'see' the cause. I just say out loud: "I felt that" and adjust the blankets. Lol My brother has heard the same 'Hello' voice while alone at our childhood home. It was during the day, and he was the only one home. He said it was one of the few experiences that made him feel uneasy because he couldn't pinpoint the location of the voice. It seemed to come from all around him. Strange indeed.

Maybe your unseen resident just wants to be acknowledged? Stay confident and maybe state boundaries and what isn't allowed. As in 'No scaring us, no pulling blankets, etc.

Dee ❤
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-19)
Thanks LuciaJacinta! Sometimes, it is not easy because these things can be quite unnerving. For me, I often have to stop myself when I get scared and force myself to be calm. It doesn't matter if it's a ghostly thing or just a loud noise - sometimes we get startled and it's hard to control our reaction.

I'm looking forward to reading about your experiences.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-19)
I love your idea of standing up to Mr Shadow and reclaiming the treadmill. Kudos to you for bravery. I think I'm just chicken that's why I'd give it away... Interestingly, upon asking advice to a few people in my situations over the years I was always told to stand up to these things and reclaim things. Don't give them a foothold. So I love your attitude.

I do have shadow stories but I'll have to post them one day.

Manafon... Interesting about the picture and the belief that shadows may live in/reside in something. Gonna have to research this.

I do think there are many stories on here about bathrooms. My shadow didn't hang around the bathroom though.

Very interesting indeed.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-18)
DandK, thanks for the interesting update. Your place seems like it goes through a spate of activity, like some type of terminus hub. Someone sure doesn't like being ignored though. Maybe once the spurt of energy is exerted, everything quietens down for a while until there is enough gathered for the next attention-seeking display.

I find that the power of belief has a special magic of its own. But everyone is different, with their own individual approach. Whatever works for you and what you're most comfortable with is certainly the best. I do like your presence of mind and how matter-of-fact you are about it all.

All the best with 'reclaiming' your treadmill. That shadow dude doesn't stand a chance! 😆
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-18)
An update on the activity:
About a week ago, we did have a couple of incidents.

The first one happened when I went to bed earlier than my husband. I was on my side, and had been laying there trying to fall asleep for about 10 minutes when I started to feel the blanket over my shoulder move down my back. The blanket hadn't been in a precarious position, and the bulk of the blanket was in front of me, not behind, so it wouldn't have been shifting naturally to a more stable position. I decided to lay there and see what happened while it continued to slowly move down my back. It got tight to the point that it felt like it was pulling the blanket from my front side. That's when I abruptly turned around and said 'Hey!' and looked down at the blanket. I was surprised to see that it was pulled from the corner down to the floor so that it looked like just the pointed edge portion of the blanket was pulled, not like the whole blanket was shifting. It took a lot to pull just that section all the way down to the floor, with the rest of the blanket unperturbed. That bugged me, but I got everything back where it should be, scolded whatever it was, and had no more problems that night.

The next night, I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. When I got back in bed, through my ear plugs I heard a loud "Helll-oooh" in a sing-song type voice (I couldn't tell if it was male or female). It startled me, but I chose to ignore it and try to go back to sleep. The next day, my husband asked me if I said anything to him when he got up to go get a drink in the middle of the night (the same night I heard the 'hello'). I told him no, and that I didn't even know he'd gotten up. He told me that when he was walking down the hall, he heard someone say distinctly "What are you doing here?" He said he turned around and walked back to see if it was me, but I appeared to be asleep (and it didn't sound at all like me). He then said he looked around the house and couldn't find anything that could have caused sounds that he could interpret in that way. He said it freaked him out. (He pretty much never has any experiences.)

It's been quiet since then.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-18)
Manfon1, I always enjoy reading about your accounts! I'm really interested to hear about your door opening account and the sighting of the shadow figure moving in front of the bathroom door. I don't know if it is because most sightings of shadow people are in the bedroom, and most people have a bathroom nearby (or adjacent to) their bedroom, but it seems like there is a bathroom/bedroom connection. I think that all of the times I've seen a shadow figure (unless I'm not remembering fully) it has been associated somehow with a bathroom.

The first one I saw as an adult was standing by the bathroom doorway next to the bed. I could see him due to his outline from the moonlight coming through the bathroom window. He then turned and walked out of the bedroom (using the open door). My husband says he saw one in the hallway and when it noticed my husband watching, it darted into the bathroom. My husband says he then saw the head peak around the bathroom door and look down the hall at him and then quickly duck back in. The one that I'm talking about in this story, darted by in the room from the direction of the bathroom towards the treadmill - a straight path.

I'm also intrigued that you are hearing sounds from your picture. It would be very interesting to see if any dark figures ever go to that object.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-18)
Dee, thanks for your comments. I agree with your assessment about the confidence keeping these guys settled down. It seems to work.

I'm actually at least the third owner of this poor treadmill (that nobody seems to want to use! Now that makes me feel bad, and I'm definitely going to use it today!). I have the feeling that it isn't the treadmill itself, but that it is just a good place to hang out.

I do have an update on the goings-on. I'm going to post in a separate comment.

Thanks again for reading my story. I've also been following your conversation with Aussiedaz (one of my favorite people) and have been learning a lot about AP and was happy to learn some of the book resources.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-18)
LuciaJacinta, thanks for your comment. I'll keep the treadmill, he can't have it! 😁

I'm interested that you saw a shadow figure that knocked over some boxes. Did you also have some experiences that lead you to believe that they are associated with negative energy?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-18)

Thanks for your comment. I still have hopes for the treadmill, so I'm going to hang on to it 😜, plus I'd rather see if I can ignore the shadow man away than let him win. I'm still feeling a bit on the defiant side.

I wasn't able to find out why my husband was depressed. I haven't pursued it - I figured if he wanted to talk about it he would, but sometimes with those moods, I've found it's best to let them go.

I too have had some successes when I've told things to leave me alone. It's especially effective when I'm just annoyed with them, not angry or scared. It's something about being annoyed that seems more authoritative, I think, and they seem to respond to that authority.

I've never done a cleansing or a blessing. My thoughts are that those work because the people involved have a belief that they will work - nothing else magical about them. My thinking is that for me it is just as effective to let the entities know that they need to back off.

Thanks again for reading my story. Peace to you and your family too!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-17)
DandK - Really enjoyed reading of your recent interaction with a shadow figure. I have never seen a streak associated with one but I have had an experience with a shadow figure opening my bedroom door twice. This occurred a couple of months ago when I saw a shadowy figure walk in front of the bathroom door that opens into the bedroom. The figure looked male and was outlined by the light from my electric toothbrush. Turning on the light I saw that the bedroom door was wide open. I usually wedge open this door about a foot with a weight to allow access to the room for my two cats.

It seems that this figure opened the door then passed the bathroom door where I saw it. An hour or so later I awoke knowing that the door was open again and sure enough it was. Like the shadow you saw, the one I saw definitely seemed to interact with with a solid object. There was no negativity associated with this figure that I can remember.

On another note, the sounds you have heard emanating from your treadmill reminds me of a painting in my kitchen that makes all kinds of pops and creaks. When I tell what I often assume to be a spirit trying to get my attention to quiet down, the frame of the painting will generally oblige. Maybe like your treadmill, my kitchen painting is the abode of my shadow person.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-17)

You had me giggling at your description of the shadow's comical streak and your smugness at thwarting its plans! 😆 I think you should continue to project that confidence, you are more powerful than that sneaky little shadow.

How strange that the shadow is attracted to your treadmill? It sounds as if it's a modern or newer piece of equipment. Are you the first/only owner? The only other thought I had is that spirits do seem to be attracted to electronics as an energy source. Perhaps that is what's going on? I wouldn't think a spirit/ghost is attached to a treadmill, but I think the majority of us have seen crazier things. So who knows?

Interesting account, do keep us updated 😊

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-16)
I saw a shadow running away but it wasn't a streak. It was a full form. But maybe yours was faster and the streak was his speed? Mine did interact with an object. It knocked over boxes making a noise. I also believe they either cause negative thoughts or are attracted to those vunerable to thinking negative thoughts.

But, I agree with above. Why don't you just get rid of the treadmill? I'd wonder if shadow goes away if it's gone.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-16)
Hi DandK, just a suggestion: how about getting rid of the treadmill from the bedroom? If it's not something you would miss and the shadow person has been using it as a hiding place, how about storing it somewhere else like in the garage or giving it away? Make it harder for that shadow to hide. 😠

I've not seen shadow entities for some time now. Telling any furtive movement in shadows that I'm NOT interested in any nonsense and determinedly ignoring it seems to have worked for me (thank God). But I've not heard of a shadow person playing with objects before. Which isn't to say it hasn't happened to others though.

Another thought I had was that it might be something different. Not really a shadow. Maybe some implike thing or a dark elemental spirit? Don't know much about this either - maybe someone else can fill in the details here...🤔

Were you able to find out why your husband was so depressed? Was there anything out of the ordinary about the circumstances? Perhaps a quick cleansing and blessing might be timely. Involve your husband too, just to be on the safe side.

Take care and stay safe. Peace to you and your family. 😊

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