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No Face? - Update - Please Help


A few years ago I posted my story, about seeing the people with 'No Faces'. Things had stayed the same for all these years, and I'd gotten used to seeing them, even if it unnerved me more than a little. But now, things have changed.

Not so long ago, I was taken into hospital after having a four hour seizure, and it was touch and go for the month that I was in there. I was diagnosed with a central nervous disorder, one where I have a 30% chance of survival. But I'm determined. They didn't think I would walk again, but I proved them all wrong, and am currently able to get around on crutches.

After all that, I'd been so focused on getting better, I'd more or less forgotten about the No Faced people. For those who aren't quite sure what I mean by that, I'll give a description - you know when people wear those morph suits, that cover your face? They kind of look like that, but the 'skin' is always back, and they don't have very clear facial features - more like a suggestion of them being there.

Anyway, I soon remembered the day I left hospital. I was in high spirits, happy I was leaving, more or less on my own two feet. It was then that I noticed one of the No Faced people, standing at the entrance... And it was different. It looks straight at me, a lot more intensely than the usual glance...yes, I was disturbed at the time, but just assumed it was a one off. That soon changed. They started to move closer and closer to me.

Then it really kicked off. Doors started to rattle behind me, as if someone were trying to get in, but when I opened them, no-one would be there. Even that only scared me a little. But now I'm really scared. The other night, I was relaxing, preparing to settle for sleep. I suddenly felt something grab and twist my foot. At first, I laughed, thinking it was my cat playing... Until I realised that my cat was lying asleep next to me, nowhere near my feet.

I've read many theories of 'Shadow People', and I've often wondered if the No Faced people are something alike. So, perhaps a reflection of a dimension close to ours... Or something more sinister. I'm scared because I'm aware that I still have a 70% chance of becoming sicker and dying. Are they attempting to increase this chance, as they've suddenly become more aggressive? Or does it mean my body is failing without me realising? I don't know, but I really hope that someone on here can help me and shed some light on this...Please.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, WhiteOleander, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-21)
Spiritwaiting - I'm so glad that your cousin is great ^-^

I have tried to speak with them in the past (when I first started to see them), but they didn't really pay any attention to me. Just kind of stared? But not at me, as such. They only started to pay attention to me when I came out of hospital... Hence my concern, hehe 😕

They're just really weird, to be honest... Not like 'normal' ghosts. I don't even know if they're human, but according to RANDYM, they might just be...well, they were, anyway.

It would be nice to understand what they are, as at the moment, they're more than a little scary/off putting...
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-21)

You're very welcome:).
My cousin is great:).

You definitely have a gift, if you can see these things in all types of places and settings.

Maybe because they know you can see them or notice that you see them, they are wanting or needing your attention.

Now because I said that, I'm definitely not suggesting you go and start communicating with them if they even speak or can communicate, but it could very well be the case.

Or maybe you have this gift, to try to understand them a bit more, where some of us just cant. 😊

And I get the doctors thing lol! Sounds like you have great ones!

Thanks for answering back.
WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-20)
Spiritwaiting - Ah, I'm sorry that your cousin has seizures - hope that they're ok:/

Multiples - in fact, they're everywhere. But over the years, I've noticed they seem to be in more places than others... Like train stations, they love 'hanging out' there. As for when the activity occurs, that depends. The foot yanking thing happened when I was attempting to sleep, so I was alone, but other than that, it doesn't seem to matter if someone is around, or not.
Obviously people worry about me, or are annoyed by me (heh), but I try not to worry them, as best as I can... As for my doctors, they're the ones who won't leave me alone, so don't worry about that side! 😆
Thank you for writing on the thread ^^
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-20)

Sorry to hear about your illness. And hope you are feeling better, day by day.
I have a cousin whom has seizures and they are somewhat unpredictable, and can be terrifying.

This no face thing...
I can't quite put my finger on what it could be if its been becoming increasingly aggressive.

Does it come around in multiples, or just a single entity?
It sounds like an entity whom is trying to make or continuing to make you ill, to a certain level.
Thus helping it to feed off of that.
Are any of your family members around you when the activity seems to occur? It could possibly be feeding off of theyre worry for you.

Entities can be very intricate in the way they recieve their energy.

If any of the family members are around when this occurs, I suggest trying to assure them you are ok.

And keep in touch with your doctors etc, just reassure yourself. So you and others can continue on the positive thinking and living without any sort of doubt.

Thank you for sharing, and hope you continue to recover, and feel a million times better.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-20)
Thanks, Randy, we try. Sometimes we don't do as well as other times, but we do try 😆
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-20)
Thanks for the advice and I think you and the other mods do a great job
Of keeping things here at YGS in good order

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-20)
Randy - for the record, I understood what you meant in your comment that received the negative points. That is yet another reason for a negative point: if someone doesn't understand what is meant. Instead of asking for clarification, sometimes people will just assume you're talking nonsense and knock you down a point.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-20)
Randy - if at all possible, ignore the karma points. It makes things less aggravating if you do. There are many reasons why someone receives a negative karma point. One of which, obviously, is someone doesn't like the comment. Another, which a lot of members don't realize, is a mistake was made when clicking on the arrows. There are members who just don't like another member, regardless the content of the comment. And then there are always those who like to give negative karma points just to stir things up.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending upon your viewpoint, there is no way to know who knocked you down a point. The same with the positive points. There are members who think they know who has given them a negative point, when in reality it is impossible to know. Guesses are made, erroneously, which sometimes leads to people being upset or angry.

So my advice to you and all our members who take these points semi-seriously, don't. Don't pay attention, don't let it bother you, and don't care. It's actually pretty easy. And for the record, a member can't knock down the same member more than a couple times. There are restrictions set on the karma points. It all depends upon how often, and how randomly, you vote.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)
Wow, 3 vote downs,
I guess someone doesn't like what I wrote
I noticed a lot of minus votes for people on the thread
WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)
RedWolf - Don't worry about it - it's ok:) And yes, I hope so too...nope, I know so. ^^
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)

I'm sorry for all of the medical questions. I truly am. I pray you beat this disease.

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)

Here is my short answer
Firth through seeing and sensing them followed up by asking those on the other side for an explanation of what they were.

Hope that helps

WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)
Rookdygin - Haha, don't worry, you're not hijacking my thread at all - I asked for help, and the more advice I get, the better:) I also understand that Randy wasn't trying to scare me, I very much appreciate the knowledge in fact... I mean, the more I know about what I'm seeing... You know?

As for a gut reaction... I wouldn't say that they're good. I mean, I can see other things... I see what you would call 'ghosts' all the time, and they're fine (though there are many different types of those, so yeah...). These things are completely different. They're not human, that's for sure. And they give off a really nasty feeling... But I don't know. If I have any more experiences with them I'll post on here, but so far I've done as many cleansing rituals as I can (white sage smudge and the like), so we shall see.

RANDYM - Again, thank you for your very interesting information. How have your group discovered the existence of these beings (not sure if you're allowed to answer that)? I mean, I know that I can see them, but I've always tried to be positive, despite my health, and have a very loving family...obviously, my like has not been without hardships, no-one has escaped such a thing, but largely...hmm.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)
No, I don't think we are applying it to ALL Shadow Beings but to a certain group we have been told about and have had experience with
That is nothing but negativity.
As you know there are many types of beings we know nothing about that reside on other planes. This is just 1 group that we have run in to.

BTW I always enjoy reading your post as I feel you come from a very grounded point of view.

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)

Lost People or LP is a name we have given them. They may or may not be one in the same. I guess I was trying to help you understand there are very negative beings that can cross into our plane and be harmful to us. They can attach negative energy to you as that is what they are mostly composed of. That of course can bring depression and negative thoughts. Sometimes that can be hard to get away from and have negative influences on your thoughts and the way you live your life. Or having negative influences on your health as you mentioned. While they may not be the exact same you can see the principal is the same. Try and ignore them as much as possible. The one thing something like that has an aversion to is positive energy and love. The more you can arm yourself with that then the better your defenses are. I understand that what I am saying is harder to do in the real world but the more you can ignore the better. "Claim your space" as some say. Make that space all about love and the positive things in your life. Then try and build upon that.

Happiness and love to you
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)

Very interesting theory you are working off of. I do have a question however...

Is this applied to 'ALL SHADOW PEOPLE' or do the LP simply represent a portion of all SHADOW PEOPLE and experiences with them?


I am not trying to highjack your thread, and I understand that Randy is not trying to scare you, merely sharing a theory, I hope you keep this in mind... Another theory concerning Shadow People is that they simply have not gathered enough energy, or do not understand how to manifest as anything else. There are many, many times members here ask a question like...'We understand you were scared... But what 'feelings' seemed to be coming from the 'spirit' you saw? Could you tell it's intent? What was your gut reaction?

We also suggest keeping a Journal... By building a history of events the experiences can be reviewed and compared which can help determine the 'intent' and nature of the spirit/entity in question.


WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-19)
RANDYM - Thank you for your information. It's a very interesting view on things, and not one that I've heard before. Obviously I've heard of the whole concept of 'past lives' and the like, but as for 'Lost People'...I understand if that is all the information you can give me on the subject, given your circumstances, but could you perhaps tell me why they would be dangerous to me (aside from the obvious of them being composed of negative energy)? I mean, you can probably tell from my story it may be a little too late, as they have seemed to have 'noticed' me, but that said, we have no idea if my Faceless People and the Lost People are the same...
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
I'm going to go out on a limb here and give you my thoughts as to what these may, be. Please read my bio first so you know where I
Am getting my information from.

LP or Lost People

Think of playing a video game.
A player starts out, they play a while, they die and then regenerate
With a new life. Over and over and over and over.
Some don't ever get any further no matter how much they play.
They just keep doing it over. By doing it over and over they never advance as a spirit is meant to do. Eventually they become weighted down with so much negative energy from living a human life they reach a point where they become negative in and of themselves. While we live many human lives while our spirit learns and grows we do advance on eventually. The LP do not. All they do is hang around and absorb and spread negativity. I have not said anything as I am bound by confidentiality to the group I study with but I really do think this is what shadow people are. Shadow people is the name they have been given for obvious reasons. They
Look like shadows. LP, Lost people, they are Darkness and negativity and they want to pull the living in with them to feed off of the energy of the living.
My STRONG advice is to try and not pay them ANY attention.
I don't want to scare you but you DO NOT want these things to attach to you. They can be VERY DIFFICULT TO GET RID OF.
Their greatest enemy is positive energy and love. Try to have as much of that around you and let it out in the open as much as possible. Its your greatest weapon.

Best of luck and please let me know how it goes.
Cheers to you and yours
WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
valkricry - Stress could be a contributor, that's very true... I mean, as they say, the human mind is a very powerful thing, and can cause many unexplained things to happen. It could be the stress that my body is under that is attracting these things, perhaps just out of curiosity, or something...however, I'm not too sure about some of the activity around me. Like the other night, something yanked my hair band out of my hair whilst I lay still in bed... I don't think I could imagine that, or put it down to my nerves going odd. But as you said, it could be the increase in activity due to stress...

As an update for everyone, I've been purifying my rooms with salt and chalk, and so far they seem to be leaving me alone a little more. May just be a placebo, but the faceless people seem a little more reluctant to approach. So if this is in fact working I have to say a massive thank you to you guys ^-^
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
I've read this several times, meaning to comment but then I couldn't find the words. I think I understand where you're coming from. You see, almost 15 years ago I was stricken with an air-born virus (at least that was the medical profession's 'best guess') that attacked my nervous and muscular systems, mostly on my left side. The pain was horrible and it left my body very rebellious - as in I would have to really concentrate to do even simple tasks like pulling up my pants, or lifting a spoon to my mouth. I never knew when it would strike, leaving me on the floor with muscles contracted like an immense charlie-horse while my head exploded. Most times, my entire left side, including my face would tingle the way your foot does when asleep for hours after an episode. Lots of tests, tons of drugs (trial and error on what would work) and PT for nearly a year brought me back to 98% 'normal'. I had to relearn a lot of things. So what does this have to do with you?
During that time, I was under a lot of stress. The medical profession had no idea if I'd ever get better or continue to worsen. Like you, I lived under the question mark of if this would kill me. Stress can cause an increase in paranormal activity (especially poltergeist like activity) for those who are already sensitive to it. So can the drugs. As ms. Forgetmenot so aptly puts it, "the drugs given during a hospital stay, as well as being weakened and in poor health, can open and wake our minds in a negative manner, we see things, awful, real, things."
Yes, I believe you and understand your fear, but I don't think it's them trying to hurry you along, you're simply more aware of their activity. It is also possible that the more unnerving rattling of doors, etc. Is unrelated to the faceless ones, but a manifestation of your stress and frustration. The feeling of being touched, the sudden turning of your foot, etc. Could quite possibly be a product of the central nervous system. You might want to ask your neurologist about it, you wouldn't want to be remiss in not giving them what might be an important piece of info regarding your recovery would you?
The best thing you can do is fight to get better. Try to remove as much stress as you can and focus on that which is good.
WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
Tweed - Thank you for the advice! I didn't know there was a feature like that, shall definitely be trying it out to gather more research. The story you pointed out was interesting, but from the sounds of it the author seems to be haunted by just one apparition - but still, incredibly interesting, thank you for pointing it out.:)
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
Hi there WhiteOleander,

I haven't read all of thread, but enough to get the gist that you really want some answers.
Wanted to let you know there's a search feature at the top right where you can search for anything on this site. I ran a couple searches for 'no face' and 'faceless'. Quite a few experiences came up. One caught my attention as seeming similar to yours, so I read it. Here it is:
This person's experience seems to have a few things in common with yours. I recommend using the search feature here, I've learned heaps using this tool. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
I think WhiteOleander has answered as many medical questions as necessary. And obviously see isn't the only one to experience what she had. As far as I know, none of us are medical professionals, so can we please try and refrain from diagnosing her or discrediting her physical ailments and offer advice and/or help with what she asked.

She has gone above and beyond answering questions, without losing her temper or closing her account, indications that maybe her experience isn't real.

So, please, let her medical professionals treat her physical condition and help her with the paranormal. If you can't do this, move on to another story.

Thank you.
WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
Rookdygin - Well, for seeing actual paranormal things, I was very young, perhaps 6 or 7...I wouldn't really remember anything before that. As for seeing the people with no faces, I was 18/19. And as for the most recent 'change', that was about 2/3 months ago.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
Oh, last and not least...

Central Nervous System: the part of the nervous system which in vertebrates consists of the brain and spinal cord, to which sensory impulses are transmitted and from which motor impulses pass out, and which coordinates the activity of the entire nervous system.


You mention your first 'experience' was posted a few years ago and this one has happened "not so long ago"... I have questions...

For your first experience, How old were you?

How long ago is... "Not so long ago..."?


WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
Rookdygin - Huh, that's really interesting, now that you mention it. Perhaps it's something I can mention to the doctors, though I don't think that I've come into contact with Methanol... To my knowledge? XD
Ah, that does sound quite similar to what the doctors described, yes. You'll have to forgive me if I seem vague on the exact name - I was heavily sedated at the time, and I'm still on the same medicine (which I'm slowly getting used to), so my memory can be a little foggy, to say the least. Again, not sure if that is the exact diagnosis, but it does sound strangely similar...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
Methanol at high enough dosages/exposure levels can/will attack the central nervous system and cause seizures... As well as some of the other symptoms you described may be indicators of Methanol Poisoning. I mention only because FOLIC acid is a by product of the body reacting to Methanol... Hummm more research... Such fun. 😁



Whoops...quicker than the average bear...

Does this sound familiar?

"Dysautonomia, or autonomic nervous system dysfunction, occurs when these two systems fail to work together in harmony (the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system). The most common scenario is the sympathetic nervous system remains dominant most of the time and the parasympathetic rarely turns on, which is referred to as sympathetic dominance.

When this occurs, then the body remains in a state of fight or flight most of the time or at all times. The stress response system never or rarely turns off. If the body remains in a state of fight or flight all the time, then many degenerative processes begin to happen and result in a variety of chronic health conditions and overall poor health..."

Just curious...


WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
rookdygin - Methanol was never mentioned, no. They obviously had to get me out of the initial 4 hour seizure, which they did through the maximum level of Dopamine, and intravenous. But no, no Methanol...why, would that have made a difference?
WhiteOleander (2 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
RedWolf - I am aware the epileptic seizures start in the brain, but my seizures are NON epileptic. It's difficult to explain. I also understand my disease perfectly well - it would be a little silly for me not to if I have a 30% chance of recovery, no? Optical hallucinations are an option, as has been discussed above, I think - as it's assumed that the illness has been present throughout most of my life. But then again, my family has a history of seeing the paranormal, but I am the only one thus far to be diagnosed with my illness...ah, I have had more seizures since, which have been more or less controlled by the medication that they've given me - sadly, I have to be left alone sometimes, haha. But yes...I'm not really quite sure why my illness interests you so much, but I do hope that this information helps?

Msforgetmenott - Again, thank you so much for your kindness. It sounds as if you've gone through the most trying of times - and that you're truly a strong and inspiring person. Perhaps the children can sense that you are a kind and caring person, and that is the thing that they truly crave? I'm not sure - I'm certainly no expert! But all the same, I hope the apparitions that appear before you find some kind of peace... I will most definitely keep my chin up, don't you worry:) I have far too much to do in this life, so no giving up is allowed!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-18)
Question for WO (the O/P)...

When you had your seizure was Methanol ever mentioned? Just curious...



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