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Eldridge Terrors: Are Demons And Ufo's Related?


I have been aware of otherworldly influences in my life as far back as I can remember. One particularly unnerving experience that stands out from among the rest involves myself as a latch-key kid. Moments after arriving home from grade school each afternoon I would make a wild dash to the upstairs kitchen and grab onto a nearby chair. Then huddling inside a small space between the electric range and food pantry and with my back to the wall I would slide the chair towards me until I was completely defended on all four quadrants against what I perceived to be several dark and bulky entities skulking menacingly above my head, close to the ceiling, and mercifully outside the limits of my ordinary physical vision.

I inwardly sensed these beings were watching me intently; watching with cold clinical indifferent but purposeful eyes. Notwithstanding, I remained at my post until either one of my sisters or a parent came home to break the unearthly spell. Oddly as quickly as someone would arrive home, and perhaps because I had been so used to doing this, I just as quickly forgot about the invisible entities and the fear which would course through my veins as I sat alone, crouched down inside my hastily assembled fortress.

Years later I began to read some of the stories in my dad's boxed collection of sci-fi and horror books. Among the many authors represented in that collection one name especially caught my eye: H.P. Lovecraft. It was only after I began to read two or three stories by this writer that I came to the realization the entities he describes in his other-worldly horror fictions perfectly meshed with my own perception of the dark entities which had so haunted my past. Fiction? At least I could truthfully state that Lovecraft and myself were witness to the same imaginative horrors. From whence cometh the shared seed of these thoughts and feelings? They had to be real; they resonated as real.

To this day I can sense them. Unchanging, brooding, waiting.

Much later on in my early teens, I lay in bed one night gazing up at the stars through a nearby bedroom window. As I continued to focus on only one lone speck of motionless light, I suddenly began to feel more tired than usual. Nevertheless, I remained wide-eyed and transfixed on that distant twinkle for about 30 minutes when suddenly it began to move slowly away as if in retreat until it was finally out of view. I thought to myself that it must have been some sort of space vehicle returning back home. Why did I think that? I then fell warmly asleep without further incident.

These were the years of regular nightmares and unaccountable frights. Quite often I would be half awake in bed and unable to move as a loud buzzing noise, like a swarm of bees, would pound away at my eardrums. At the same time I felt as if a thick warm syrupy yet invisible liquid was being poured over my entire paralyzed body.

On another occasion I was sleeping in the same room as my dad when in an instant I was abruptly enwrapped by what appeared to be a continuous vertical column of very bright blue light. This light had the exact same color and quality as one sees in a perfectly tuned flame of natural gas and it extended from the area of my body up towards the ceiling directly above my bed. Although I was evidently completely inside this light, it appeared to me that the outside edges of the beam were very well defined; as if the whole thing were a projection shining down on me through a geometrically precise man-made hole. I couldn't move and began to scream in abject horror. My dad immediately awoke, sat up and throwing his blanket aside demanded to know what was happening. His concerned words and emotional tone broke the dark spell because my frightening journey into places unknown was quickly terminated. The rest of the night was normal, calm but disquieting.

It was during an otherwise quiet day that I chanced to stick my head out the kitchen window to gaze at an overcast sky above when suddenly an unusual trilogy of aircraft invaded my overhead field of view from behind the visible overhang of the eaves trough. Flying at a rapid rate of speed and relatively low as far as commercial aircraft aught to be, I witnessed what appeared to be a giant flying wing escorted by much smaller military jets, one on either side. The wing had a slightly brownish tinge to it with edges that appeared quite noticeably rounded and black in color. The only sound I heard was the familiar rushing noise created by other low flying jets of the time. I concluded that it was some kind of new test vehicle from a local military airport located across the river from where I lived. I never saw such a craft again.

There used to be a very well dressed and behaved street gang that would daily meet kitty-corner to the front door of my home. One evening about dusk I took my low power telescope outside to look at some stars. This attracted their attention and from a distance they began to shout their interests in astronomy and ask different questions. Somehow the topic changed to the subject of UFO's and they wanted to know if I believed in such things. I responded by saying that you could probably look up into the sky anytime and see one flying by. No sooner had I spoke those words and turned my eyes heavenward when I witnessed a very fast moving double-V formation of bluish white pulsating lights speed along in a southeast to northwest corridor. It was not a single craft as the background sky was still visible behind them at all times. Their individual outlines were not well defined at all and seemed more like blobs without identifying features. They flew at an altitude that I would have to say was medium for a jet, not cruising height but not approach level either. There were at least 7 of these lights per single formation with no detectable exhausts, vapor trails or noise. They continued to stay in very tight formation throughout the entire observation. I pointed in their direction as I cried out for the gang to witness the event with me, but by the time they could orient themselves to peer skyward, the lights were well past any visible horizon. If I had to guess at the speed of these things, I would have to say they were traveling about three times the speed a military jet of that period and at that altitude might travel. When first viewed, each light was about the size of a pea at arms length with extended finger.

Many years later I discovered that what I witnessed that night was commonly known as the Texas Lubbock Lights formation type. An alleged photo taken of the original sighting in Texas exists online.

When I was 18, I rode my bicycle to where my sister and her boyfriend were babysitting. It was late at night and cloudy but dry. My sister offered me some vodka to drink and as I had never had any liquor before, I agreed to imbibe a tall plastic tumbler full of the intoxicating beverage. The night wore on and the effects of the drink took hold. At some point I began to sense, straight through the solid material of the ceiling at that home, an elemental presence in the turbulent dark rolling clouds above. To me (but possibly due more to the vodka than anything else), those clouds seemed in my mind's eye to have a glistering appearance and oddly, very fine gold edging. Again, and only sensing these clouds from inside the house, they would move as if under intelligent control. These clouds were more like enfolding black and gray masses than anything else, alive and writhing. This sense of a living sky above me would come back to haunt my life for many years afterward.

As of this writing I am sixty years old. My life has been full of events such as the ones I have attempted to describe above.

I figured out what's going on with it all but you'll have to wait for my book to reveal that!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, theprodiffenon, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Marquisinator (13 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-23)
I agree with OCGril as well. The way that this story is formatted is more descriptive than it is informitive. Instead of presenting information that gives it credibility or describing events that could have caused it, it built up more of a sci fi scene that you would hear about on Syfy's "Paranormal witness"
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-26)
OCGirl, I have to agree with that lol
He have everything beautifully written though, I really like his style.
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-25)
I didn't quite understand the comparison of Aliens vs. Demons since there didn't seem to any mention of something demonic. It was all ET. When I saw the last line about the book coming out, I felt like your story was a teaser to buy the book, sorry. But aside from my own feelings, best of luck with that.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-24)
Paul1977 - no, the story supply is just fine. We (Mods) do our job during our free time.
Paul1977 (13 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-24)
Great story, thanks for sharing. Is there a shortage of stories coming into this site lately? It just seems sometimes it can be weeks before new stories are posted?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-24)
Okay, I think it's time we move on from this story. If the o/p returns to answer questions, y'all can address those. But there is no sense in ignoring other stories that you may, or may not, believe. And those stories may, or may not, be asking for help.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-24)
Holy coincidences batman! I was just using my wee iPhone to listen to thunder child on the interwebz minutes before coming on here. Haven't listened to those songs in years.
When I was young I procured the two war of the worlds cassettes. I found them quite remarkable and they helped me through a very difficult time in my life. Now today I find myself thinking about them and pulling them on the interwebz and here you guys are talking about them. Awesomely cool coincidence.

Moving swiftly through the waters, cannons blazing as she came,
The mighty vessel warlord, crashing down in sheets of flame...

The whole set was a brilliant fusion of exceptional music and inspirational phrasing, a highly emotive collection.

Sorry I know I'm being off topic, just caught
Me at one of those moments:)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Brave New World, Forever Autumn and Thunder Child.

This was a brilliant album, between Richard Burton's naration and wonderful songsmithing a very special telling of this story was achieved.

Anyway, I wonder if Puff has this in the Miss Demeanor's musical inventory?


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)

Some of my earliest memories are of listening to my dad's 2-LP set with the full-sized liner notes and paintings! I've always loved Ogilvy's "The Eve of the War," and the H.M.S. Thunder Child, and David Essex singing the Artilleryman's "Brave New World."

What are your favorites?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Ah but perhaps this 'quote captures the 'mood' better...

"A cylinder, 30 yards across, glowing hot, with faint sounds of movement coming from within. Suddenly the top began moving, rotating, unscrewing And Ogilvy feared there was a man inside trying to escape He rushed to the cylinder but the intense heat stopped him before he could burn himself on the metal.

Next morning a crowd gathered on the Common, hypnotized by the unscewing of the cylinder Two feet of shining screw projected when suddenly the lid fell off."


I own the Album, what a wonderful telling of the tale.


The Marfa Lights are the frequent lights here in Texas... As far as I know the Lubbock Lights only happened during that time frame in 1951.


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
What? I wrote "Wells' "
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Here you go, Rook.

Interesting choices, Rod Serling and Vincent Price! I found that the very short paragraph, "To this day I can sense them. Unchanging, brooding, waiting." reminded me of Richard Burton playing The Journalist in Jeff Wayne's adaptation of H.G.Well's "The War of the Worlds"

""No-one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No-one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and --slowly and surely-- they drew their plans against us...""

Vincent Price used to creep me the hell out when he hosted "Mystery" on PBS, let alone his old radio show, "The Price of Fear."

Great, now I need more beer to steady my nerves.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Hold the bus! I'm coming to! 😆

My radar went up on this in the first paragraph. The second one sealed it for me. If, theprodiffenon, you knew this terrifying event was going to take place when you got home from school and were so certain of it that you, "made a wild dash upstairs kitchen and grab onto a nearby chair" to huddle in a little cubby for, you don't say how long, until someone came home, why did you not just wait somewhere else or outside until someone came home?

I agree with you Rook about the Lubbock lights and Phoenix incident comparison. The Lubbock lights seem to be an on going occurrence and no one can seem to get them tied down to anything. The Phoenix lights incident was video taped by many, many people and their were hundreds of witnesses including the bone headed governor that didn't admit to witnessing it until he was out of office. Seems the Phoenix lights incident would have been a more plausible comparison.

And Val, you are absolutely right in that there doesn't seem to be any UFO/demon correlation anywhere.

And the final sentence with the "wait for my book" made me wish I hadn't even read this hot mess!

Pass me some of them BBB's!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
I don't know... Might be the style of writing, might be that too many details are left out, that would lend authenticity,but...there is definitely something lacking here. There are also things I just do not understand.
Your title begs the question, "Are demons and UFOs related", however I fail to see any parallels drawn within your story to make me wonder about the correlation. The blue tube sounds as if it could be sleep paralysis/ vivid dreaming but that doesn't seem to be the intent of it. No, coupled with the over-all tone I'd say this leans more to UFO/ alien abduction theory, than demon. Your ending statement,"I figured out what's going on with it all but you'll have to wait for my book to reveal that" is less than palatable, as it seems as if that was the reason for this post to entice others into wanting to read it. On the other hand, you could simply be excited about having written a book. Can't say I blame you there.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)

There are two comments in the O/P's wonderful prose that indicate, at least to me, they are recounting an event from their own distant history (or possibly making the scene up).

They are:

" I would have to say they were traveling about three times the speed a military jet of that period and at that altitude might travel."

The key here is 'of that period'...the O/P is referring to a specific time period from the past and it seems, at least to me, that the 'top of the line' military aircraft were slower than what we currently have... There is an easy way to 'put this to bed'...Let's just ask...


Could you share with us the year and month that you had your experience with this 'light formation'?

Having asked that let's address something else the O/P stated concerning this 'light formation:

"Many years later I discovered that what I witnessed that night was commonly known as the Texas Lubbock Lights formation type."

When it comes to UFO's and light formations the more common comparison is to the more recent 'Phoenix Lights' that happened in Arizona, to whit they were:

An alleged UFO sighting which occurred in Phoenix, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico on Thursday, March 13, 1997 between the hours of 19:30 and 22:30 MST.

There were allegedly two distinct events involved in the incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to pass over the state, and a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area.

So speaking from my own interest and experience in the UFO phenomenon the 'common' reference is the 'Phoenix Lights' not the Lubbock Lights of 1951.

Another 'point' is that while the O/P's age is hinted at during each of these 'stories' (grade school, early teens) no 'location' is truly provided. Locations like 'street corner outside my house... Kitchen of the home they grew up in... Parents bed room... While all locations with-in a home do not truly convey where the O/P lived during any of these 'events' they are sharing.

Another thing that stands out concerning this submission is the prose... Do not misunderstand me... This is extremely well written, and the style draws the reader in, as a work of fiction... The style seems to me to be a cross between H.P Lovecraft and E.A. Poe. Wonderful, haunting imagery that draws a reader in and sends a chill down their spine. As I read this I can 'hear' Rod sterling or Vincent Price introducing the story, setting the mood so that the atmosphere has the reader ready to be frightened rather than being left with the impression that these were 'actual' events. That may not have been the Authors intention but the fact remains that this was submitted by an Author who invites us to... Well I'll let his OWN words tell the tale...

"I figured out what's going on with it all but you'll have to wait for my book to reveal that!"

He claims to have 'figured it out', but I already know the answer... The answer is 42...

Biblio can you please pass me my towel? 😉


roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
Muito bem escrito! I like the style you write your story and the way you describe the encounter.

I am not judging anyone or on anyone's side, but I totally agree with jaderae, No need to fire up the grill quite yet. Lol

Blessings from São Paulo

jaderae (3 stories) (29 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
The author stated he witnessed a formation of the "Texas Lubbock Lights formation type". I understood this to mean he didn't witness the Lubbock lights themselves, just that what he saw while talking to the group of people near his house was something in a formation similar to the Lubbock Lights.
No need to fire up the grill quite yet.

I enjoyed reading your account, I look forward to hearing more!

Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
Oh one last thing... 😆 I spent the years '71-'79 in Lubbock as a mischievous child,...darn I guess I missed those curious lights if they made another appearance.

That is all. Back to the bugs and beer 😁
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
Love me some "mud bugs" and beer! I'm on the upper deck using 50 characters 😆
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
While I'm climbing back off of the fence and joining Puff, I'd like to know if the phrasing "I just as quickly forgot" reminded anyone else thought of Matt Smith's 11th Doctor keeping track of The Silents hanging from the ceiling?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
Oh one last thing... The Lubbuck Lights were sighted from Aug - Sept 1951. So if the O/P is 60 as of the publishing of this STORY... They happened 5 years BEFORE he was born. Math and History lesson complete.

Man the brisket sure is good. 😉


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-21)
Wow...just wow.

Well versed I give the O/P that much... But when they 'support' their very first experience with relating it a work of Fiction, no matter how well written they may be, I find the credibility of the entire 'tale' in question.

Of course that is my opinion only but I feel strongly enough about it that I have flagged down the Miss Demeanor so that no one need sit on the fence... Please feel free to comment one way or the other but I am helping Puff unload a BS Blankie from the rear luggage comparment... Tossing it... And proceeding to the midnight buffet on the upper deck of the Bus... Puff tells me it's Beef, Beer and Bugs night (Brisket, Beer and Crawfish) for the Troll Patrol.


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-21)
By the way, prodiffenon, did you mean to write "Eldritch" as in "spooky"? I was looking for any mention of "Eldridge" as a location, but all I've found so far is a list of people with the last name "Eldridge."
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-21)
Greetings, prodiffenon, and welcome to YGS.

I'm curious. Since you ended your collection of stories with the following description: "At some point I began to sense, straight through the solid material of the ceiling at that home, an elemental presence in the turbulent dark rolling clouds above. To me (but possibly due more to the vodka than anything else), those clouds seemed in my mind's eye to have a glistering appearance and oddly, very fine gold edging. Again, and only sensing these clouds from inside the house, they would move as if under intelligent control. These clouds were more like enfolding black and gray masses than anything else, alive and writhing. This sense of a living sky above me would come back to haunt my life for many years afterward." As you have readily admitted to being under the unaccustomed influence of vodka, did anyone go outside to verify the presence of the writhing, golden-edged clouds you sensed were being moved intelligently? Without any sort of additional observation, all we have for evidence in THIS part of your narrative is your inebriated certainty that the events you sensed through the ceiling were occurring because you sensed that they were.

Your sentence, "When first viewed, each light was about the size of a pea at arms length with extended finger" had me in stitches! Similar to the artwork on the front covers of Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide" books, I could just picture a pea with its finger extended at arms' length from your narrative perspective. This may not be what you intended to convey; however, it is most certainly what you have written.

While your reading Lovecraft is a most commendable pursuit (I'm partial to "The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath" because Nyarlathotep features prominently in the latter part of the novella), I'm afraid that your connection to his gothic fantasy writing is not a justification of asserting the veracity of the phenomena you've recounted. Your observation that, "They had to be real; they resonated as real" bears no more validity than your more-accurate observation that you'd both experienced "the same imaginative horrors." This is a synchronicity of events; it's an odd coincidence, certainly, but nothing more can be stated with any accuracy. For example, in the late 1970s, I had a nightmare that "reality" was not real, and I was seated in a white-tiled room with wires attached to my fingertips to simulate sensation, but that the helmet/goggles which provided other stimuli had malfunctioned. A mere quarter-century later, "The Matrix" was released. I think I'm one of the few Science Fiction aficionados who found that movie over-stylized and deadly dull (I'm a fan of Carrie-Anne Moss, of Joe Pantoliano, of Hugo Weaving, and of Laurence Fishburne, yet I found they actors could not carry the alleged "plot"). While certain elements of induced experiences being superimposed upon cognitive processes mimicked my childhood nightmare, I didn't presume that the film was proof that my nightmare was a revelation of reality.

Good for you, publishing a book.

I'll be on the fence, waiting for the bus.

P.S.: Sorry to any Matrix fans. Christian Bale was in "Equilibrium" which was filmed and released 6 months before The Matrix, and it had a solid grounding in technology, sociology, psychology, and sci-fi lore (the "T" doorways in the temple allude to Orwell's "1984," there are nods to other post-apocalyptic texts, such as Miller's "A Canticle for Leibowitz," too).

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