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It Came From The Ouija Board


Some people will tell me it's all in my head, others will say I'm just plain crazy, but I still stand by what I saw, what I felt and what I experienced on a Halloween night in 2008, nearly eight years ago when I, a fun loving 14 year old, and my friend decided to play a nice friendly game of Ouija.

We made our own Ouija board out of an old poster board I had laying around from an old school project; we went online and read instructions on how to do it and so we did. We took a small, clear glass, lit a few candles, turned out the lights and sat in the spare room of my house with our fingers placed on the glass asking all sorts of questions--no answer. We listened for any sign, we watched the candles to see if they would flicker, but to no avail. "Let's just stop," my friend said with a disappointed sigh, "Nothing is happening." So we put it up, only to pull it out later at around 3:00 am, now November 1st. I convinced her that it had been too early and that the spirits weren't active.

We asked the usual questions, "Who are you?" "What is your name?" "How did you die?" Our hands steady on the glass, asking for what felt like forever and then suddenly it happened. The glass bolted across the board and my friend let out a shriek. We kept asking questions, but it wouldn't answer, it just kept moving around in circles around the board almost as if it was spinning at warp speed. The candles flickered like crazy and, without thinking, I grabbed up the board and crumpled it up and threw it in the corner. We decided to call it a night and went to sleep.

About a week later, after I had discarded the Ouija board in the garbage can outside, I noticed weird things beginning to happen. I was back in the spare room one night, playing on the computer, when my lamp started flickering. I was a bit puzzled as I had just put a new light bulb in the lamp a few days prior, but I figured it was loose--it wasn't. I ignored it. However a few hours later I began to hear snapping like noises from the corner, one by one, as the light continued to flicker.

As the months went on and the new year began, things only got stranger. Things of mine would go missing and appear in random places like a bottom drawer or in a medicine cabinet. I always had my things I needed (keys, wallet, etc) on my dresser so the fact that they'd be in a drawer or cabinet or anywhere else for that matter just struck me as strange. I would hear scratching noises on my walls late at night, and I swear I'd see a tall dark shadow lurking near my door in the middle of the night, sometimes by the window. When I would tell my family this they would completely disregard it and tell me I was losing it, or that I was just seeing things, but things only got even stranger.

One night as I was doing my homework, a plate fell off the wall and smashed to the floor. A few nights later, my mother came out of the bathroom with a puzzled look on her face and said to me "Are you throwing things at me? I felt something hitting my back over and over again." I hadn't moved from my desk. My dog suddenly was hiding in the corner every night and would randomly urinate in the middle of the room, which was unlike her, and when I would try to call for her, she would whimper and shiver.

The same incidences kept happening--things like drawers and cupboards would be open when I would come home from school, things still went missing, and I still have no explanation.

I moved away from the house in Fall 2009 and still think about my experience to this day. I am now almost 22 years old and I still believe that I let something out from the Ouija board that night so many years ago and it still gives me the creeps. I have not had any more ghostly experiences since I moved, thankfully.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cityofangels, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Orangepulp123 (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-24)
Hello there! Good thing nothing happened to you! I remember my aunt use to warned us about this summoning a spirit. Here in the Philippines we call it spirit of the glass game. They actually played it before when she was in college and the worst thing happened is that one of her roommate got possessed by an evil spirit and we're gone totally crazy. That's why even if I am curious about how this thing work I just couldn't do it. Thanks for sharing by the way.
cityofangels (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)
Hi everyone, I've read your comments, even the negative ones. I definitely know how to use a Ouija board properly, but as I stated in the story I was only 14 years of age when this took place in 2008 and wasn't thinking logically, mostly just out of fear.

To answer a few of your questions:

1. No one from my family lives in that house now. We sold it in 2009 and moved away from it. The person who bought it from us sold it a few years later and now I do not know who currently resides there. I do not even live in that city anymore, I live 3 hours away from it.

2. Yes, we did Google how to use it properly. I am very well aware that you must say Goodbye but I think due to us being spooked, we just didn't do it for some reason. We did however, say Goodbye the first session.

3. I have contacted mediums before, as I am very interested in Paranormal. I have also done quite a few Ouija sessions since 2008, none of them negative.

Thank you for your comments! โค
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-18)
Dandk, I am very sorry about your husband's passing... Losing someone close to you is never easy and sometimes many questions are left unanswered. Hope you have found some peace of mind and about the rest only time will help...

I believe that there are people who are prepared to deal with this sort of communication, what worries me though is that most people don't seem to and when you don't know what you are doing things tend to take a turn into the worst. Honestly as a mother I am very overprotective about my children (maybe a little to much indeed), so when I learn of someone doing something that can be dangerous I can't help leaving a warning. Of course I am no better than anyone, I have made my mistakes too but I have learnt from them. And to me that is very important, but if somehow I can prevent others from commiting a mistake just by sharing my own or by giving a warning I will definitely feel very happy about that.

Everybody take care โ˜บ
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-07-16)
sds - no need to apologize. We always welcome your input and advice ๐Ÿ˜Š
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-16)
Rook and Dank, I agree with you. OB is just a way of communication with the other side. I agree with Rook that the person (s) handling the Board, their questions, state of mind and experiences count while dealing or communicating with the other side. Many of them, thinking that nothing can harm them or thinking that they are more experienced in communicating with the spirits, end up at the receiving end. That is why, I have been advising generally not to touch the Board. Many persons, in this site and others, still think that it is a toy. I was told that in US, OBs are sold in toy shops. Correct me if I am wrong. In our country also, India, people treat it as a toy and 'play' with it. They do make their own OBs by browsing the internet and start playing with it. I feel that it is quite dangerous without knowing the pitfalls and without taking any precautions.

DanK, I had bad experiences and learnt things hard way. I have seen my friends suffer and some people refuse to give up even after their bitter experiences. That is why I feel like advising not to use the Board.

By itself, it is just a tool, I agree. But the effects are far more serious if they are used by persons, who do not know how to handle it and without precautions.

Well, RedWolf and myself, we are consistently dissuading persons whenever we come across write-ups about OBs.

Sorry Mods, my comment has been lengthy. Just wanted to share my thoughts with others.

Regards and respects to every one.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-15)
Beautinside, I'm with you in that I don't ask for it either. Not because I'm afraid though, but because I figured there's a reason that we're here and in general blinded to the paranormal. Although I have left a recorder on a few times in an empty house because I was curious if anything would show up. Also, I did try evp right after my husband passed away, but out of grief and wanting to connect with him again.

We must need to be here without the additional knowledge, so I'm just trying my best to hold on for the ride. I have questions when strange things happen to me, and sometimes try to think about what it all means, and often get amused with experiences and want to share them (like on this site). But I have no desire to communicate with a spirit to find the 'answers' (anymore).

I'm patient, and just try not to be too dense when someone tries to communicate something to me. I figure that's part of my plan.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-15)
Rook, I agree, which is what prompted my statement. What's with the Ouija board hullabaloo given that it's a tool like any other?

It seems more prudent that if one is to get a warning about the Ouija board, it should just be a general warning to anyone planning on attempting tool facilitated communication (or other communication forms as well, I guess).
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-15)
Roylynx, I love the visual of you laughing on the bus - thanks for that!

Interesting information on the statement made by the Chinese priest. I'll have to look that up.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
DankD, you definitely have a point there! Personally I don't try to communicate by any mean, maybe I am a bit of scaredy cat I know but as I've had some experiences without trying communication I don't even want to think what would happen if I tried ๐Ÿ˜• so I choose to stay away from it... I really am a scaredy cat!

Roylynx, prazer em conhece-lo tambรฉm (translation: nice to meet you too) โ˜บ

Everybody take care and try to stay away from ouija boards โ˜บ
Cassee34 (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
My husband and I have a Oujia board. And we use it infrequently. I bought it some 5 or 6 years ago and used it maybe 7 or 8, or maybe 9 times. Nothing ever came out of it (meaning encounters or demonic). Words and names that we didn't know would come out. My hubby would get so pissed at it. Sometimes he would play with it by himself and swear that it worked for him. But I believe its all up to you and friends, the environment, the attitudes of you guys, is what the outcomes would be.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
The Ouija Board, Talking Board or ANY device used to communicate with the Spirit world is nothing more than a TOOL. It is not NEGITIVE. It is not POSITIVE. It is a NETURAL TOOL. The intent and/or experience of the individual (s) attempting to use one is what effects the outcome.


roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
DandK, So true that I laughed out on the bus, I have to agree with you lol
Well, there is not enough proves yet, to make everyone agree that Ouija Boards and such activities are dangerous, it is all because of some superstitious believes and myths, so far to scare kids off those boards, I had been commented to keep my hands off old Ouija Boards, I think is this site but I forgot who.

I am very curious about one comment that a Chinese Daoism Priest said, is that spirits of any class (gods or demons), they will not want to be bothered, they will hate it when people ask about their death and who they are, it's just like us now-a-days we don't like our personal information being asked. Yes, spirits whom can communicate with us were human beings before their death, non-human spirits are known to have no ability to communicate with us, well unless we are like Tarzan and can talk to any animals I guess, parts of that about non-human spirits I will have to disagree with him due to my experience. I am not saying that he is 100% right it is just that it seems logical.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
I've always wondered why everyone places so much negative emphasis on the Ouija board and not on trying to communicate with other things in general. What's really the difference between asking your questions over the board versus asking them over an audio recorder, or a pencil in your hand, or asking an empty room to make a sign?
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
Hi Cityofangels,

I think this much scolding is sufficient. ๐Ÿ˜†

As miracles said that there is always a lot of criticism whenever there is a story regarding the disastrous consequences of Ouija Board. Once My friend asked me to do the same and I yelled at him the same way.

Well, guys yelling is not going to make it up because what has occured cannot be changed by any means. Even I am guilty for making harsh comments on such stories. And thank God I have never used that hell board and it was all because of YGS as the experiences work as a warning system for it whenever I even think of it.

Also thanks to God that you are now safe.

Take Care and learn from your experience! ๐Ÿ˜Š
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
BeautInside, Prazer em conhecรช-lo!
To add up with your comment, to communicate with spirits is never a "game" like when you call someone on a phone. It is said that spirits will use lots of energy when communicating with us, yes, so never fool with it.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-13)
Hi there CityofAngels,

Pretty amused to read all the passionate comments here. That's probably bad, what can I say have a twisted sense humour.

Well, you were fourteen at the time and lesson learned. I think teen ouija experiences are a rite of passage, if you haven't had one, you haven't lived.๐Ÿ˜‰ There's that humour again. My overall point being, put it down to experience and move on. What followed your ouija session sounds pretty typical of the sorts of things that can occur.

Recently I've been thinking about ouija boards a lot. How do they work? Why do they work? What is it exactly that happens when contact is made?
I'm not pro ouija but I'm not anti ouija either. I leave them alone, but they fascinate me all the same. ๐Ÿ˜Š

If you have a click around the site you'll find loads of teen ouija sessions which aren't that dissimilar to your own.

Thanks for sharing.
Myst (63 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-12)
As a young teen, my mom gave me a Ouija board. No warnings or instructions, except the "rules" inside the box. We never had any problems. However, my adult daughter recently began finding a board outside her home. She would put it in the dumpster, but it kept returning- until it didn't. She recently told me things have been going very wrong in/around her house. I told her to do a cleansing; things are now returning to normal. Of course, we still don't know where that board came from to begin with.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-12)
Miracles51031, to me you just said it all! I have never messed with an ouija board because I was warned that it was dangerous and came to learn of some friends' experiences that were everything but pleasent.
And Roylynx I know what you mean. I am from Portugal and sometimes people replace the ouija board by a handmade one and have a coin or a glass for planchette (I believe this is how it is called, if not I'm sorry). For what I came to learn, fortunately not by self experience, it's never a good idea.
I am with everybody that avoids this "game" and would be very happy if more people could be aware of its dangers without messing with it.

roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-07-12)
A big thumb for Miracles51031, so far no one around me knows anything (or any danger) about evil Ouija boards.
I did some research though, in my community, some young people do Kokkuri-san which translates in to Mr. /Ms. Fox, if any of you would be interested in Japanese religions you will know that white foxes appears in many occasions. Well, to explain Kokkuri-san works kind of like an Ouija board but without a particular board. Different families will have different ways to do it, some place a cup, some place a plate, some even just straps a writing brush with red strings, depends on where you are grown (basically inside Japan?). No one really said anything about Kokkuri-san being evil at all, but many would say to keep out and not to do those sorts of things with spirits. Well, the lesson maybe doesn't fool around with a stranger's spirit.
Also, if you felt that you have opened the "gate" because you were using an Ouija board, there are ways you can "re-seal" the "gate", you could have been more responsible? Anyhow, my grandmother's tribe has a belief; every flowing water will stop, and any heavy rain will stop, nothing lasts forever. I hope those spirits did not follow you around.

Blessing from Sรฃo Paulo

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-07-12)
I should have followed my statement with the acknowledgement I am equally guilty of yelling at our members for using a Ouija board. I guess once you hear something is bad, you tend to go with that without questioning it ๐Ÿ˜•
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-07-12)
Almost every time we have a Ouija board story, there is criticism over the o/p's use of the board.

I need to make a confession here. Before I became a member here, I never knew there were dangers involved in using a Ouija board. The only thing I knew is when I was a young teen, my mom had a fit because my sister and I had been given one. We had to get rid of it. At the time, I think I only imagined my mom's reaction was because she thought the board was evil.

So, in a nutshell, I'm sure I am not the only person in our world who has never heard the warnings about a Ouija board.
SomeCallMeTim (4 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-12)

Let me reiterate, in a kinder manner, what previous posters have said about the Ouija board. Although Parker Brothers has been marketing them as toys for almost a century, they are anything but. When you use one, you're opening a portal and allowing whatever waits beyond access to your body. Breaking physical contact with the device doesn't necessarily discourage an opportunistic entity, which was probably unaware of your existence until summoned, from lingering and hoping for another chance.

Unless the phenomena you mentioned have ceased completely, you may want to consult a medium to banish whatever energies you may have stirred. I, too, trifled with a Ouija board when I was young - the experience was unsettling and I count myself very fortunate that the residual effects were nothing more than unpleasant memories. I haven't touched one since, nor will I permit one in my home or be present when one is used.

Best wishes and good luck to you.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-12)

I am shaking my head. Why do people think the Ouija Boards are JUST a GAME. As lady-glow said I hope the activity in that house stopped after you moved out and no one else has to live with the consequences of your stupidity. ๐Ÿ˜  ๐Ÿ˜ 
PiNkBeRRy224 (3 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-11)
Most people grew up having to NOT believe in entities. Like its all baloney. Until they actually see it with their own eyes then maybe they are a believer but then there are others that don't wish to see ghost. Now that's another story. Some people like to be boxed in their own little world while others will see beyond those walls. There's always unexplained things that happen whether we see it or not. It's reality. We're taught not see spirits, that we only see it in the movies. So trying to convince someone is difficult until they experience it themselves.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-11)
Hi cityofangels,

I only have one advice concerning the ouija board game: never play it... That's because it isn't just a game and I firmly believe you can summon many things through it. But that is just me...
You were young and probably made a mistake by playing it, but I am not going to rule out the power of suggestion here. I'm happy that it didn't follow you if that was indeed a haunting, but I pitty those who have to deal with the entity that you unporpusedly left behind.

Just take care and stay out of trouble โ˜บ
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-10)
Hi cityofangels, welcome to YGS. I go with lady-glow, I am also saying that the persons, who need help, are those who live in the house that you moved out of. Who are living there right now? If your parents or any members of your family still live there? If so, do they have any such experiences even now?

I have been advising, with my limited knowledge and experience (not good ones) when it comes to having Ouija Board sessions. And without experience and with only the knowledge of reading from some website, operating OB would invite trouble. It is a good thing that after moving out of the house, you don't have any such experiences/encounters further. But, please don't have any session with OB. As ashar said, the session should be closed and properly too.

Please do respond to our questions.

Regards and respects to you.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-08)
If you do not know much about Ouija then it should nor be used and specially on the night of the Halloween when the veil between the two worlds is thinner. Never forget to say 'Goodbye' at last. Doesn't matter how afraid you are.

Thanks for Sharing ๐Ÿ˜Š
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-07)

Scary stuff you posted.
Many of us, don't like the use of quijas especially when it comes to the ignorance of playfully using one, whether you made one out of your own material or purchased one.

I understand you may have googled on how to make it, but did you google the proper way to open and close a session?

Quijas are nothing to take lightly.

Does your family still live in the home?
If so, have you been back to visit for a period of time to check out any further experiences?

Because of your use of the quija, sunconciously you could have been thinking or believing these incidents had something to do with it.

Im not ruling out the possibilty it could be.

Thanks for sharing
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-07)
The only person/s in need of help is/are whoever is living in that house after you moved out. Do your family still live there?

Did you and your friend consider to read about the proper way to use the OB when looking for instructions about the way to make it?

I just hope the activity in that house stopped after you moved out and no one else has to live with the consequences of your stupidity. ๐Ÿ˜ 

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