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In Love With A Demon?


It all started with a dream; a dream in which me and some friends were running from an evil man (I assumed he was a demon or a vampire because he was all dressed in black, had black hair, pale skin and glowing yellow eyes). We were really scared and we went into a huge room to hide. And right out of nowhere, he suddenly finds me and forces me to marry him. At first I was afraid, but then I started to like him, although he was evil and everyone else was afraid of him. Since then, I keep seeing him in my dreams and I just fell in love with him.Recently, I dreamed about some fairies who warned me to stay away from him, yet he was the one coming for me. He often forced me into staying in his fortress and every time I escaped, he sent his army after me to bring me back into the fortress.

He has some kind of anger issues, but he's gentle with me.We've never had... You know. And the fact that I'm his wife made me wish I won't get married in real life because I love him (I'm 15 by the way).

A few days ago, I dreamed we were attending a masquerade ball and we were dancing together.That's when I heard him for the first time telling me that he loves me. And it didn't happen just once. He kept repeating these words in random moments of the dream.

Now back to the real world. I also read about spiritual husbands and familiar spirits and I got all confused. Some of the things I read matched to what happened to me. Especially the demon part. What if he's a real demon? What if God would be upset at me for falling in love with that man?

So after the idea of him probably being a demon entered my mind and a few weeks passed, I decided to deny the fact that he might be a demon and believe that he's just a figment of my imagination.

But yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason. I don't remember how, but I think I saw a demon. I can't figure out if it was a dream, a hallucination or reality.It's hard to remember how it happened. He looked terrifying (like the pictures you see on google) and had this yellowish green light on his face. It happened really fast, and now that I think about it, it was probably a hallucination or a dream. But right in that moment I was scared and I tried to admit to myself that my husband IS NOT REAL, because there was still a part of me that thought he was real, but in another world I'm allowed to visit when I'm asleep. So I kept repeating to myself in my head that he's not real until a velvety,deep,male voice suddenly screamed inside my head in an angry manner. You know, some people can hear voices when they're in a half asleep and half awake state.I've been experiencing the same thing. When almost falling asleep I can hear voices telling me random things like "Put that on the wall." or " Where's the refrigerator?".Yet,this time, the voice that screamed was identical with the voice my husband possessed in my dreams.

Now I'm totally confused. Is he real or not? Am I a bad person for falling in love with him?

I just want to hear your opinions because I'm not sure if what's happening to me is right or wrong, or it's just my imagination. Thank you for reading.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RavenQueen, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

The_Morrighan (2 stories) (44 posts)
4 years ago (2020-12-25)
Jess, Vlad was given to the Turks as a hostage by his father. Through 'conditioning'he was taught to be vicious. What people don't realise is that his methods shortened wars and saved many more lives than he took. He never drank blood although his distant cousin, Elizabeth Bathory, decided that bathing in the blood of virgin peasants would extend her life and beauty. Be aware, please, of Victorian Gothicism, the original Creepy Pasta.
Jessbcr25 (5 stories) (10 posts)
4 years ago (2020-12-25)
Even though you already stated you knew his last name... I just wanted to get my first thought off of my chest! Your description of him sound just like Vlad the impaler. He was extremely evil with black hair and was technically a vampire only he didn't suck blood, he just supposedly drank it... I know it's crazy and far fetched that it could be him and you even said an entirely different name... But I just had to mention the similarities.
Jacquarah (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-14)
Ok here's an idea to GET SALT! Put it on all the door and window if you have no dreams after this then it's evil! 😨 😨
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-30)
Thanks, Rook.

Sporadically, I have had clear, precognitive dreams all my life. Oddly, when I'm dreaming, I don't realize it until after I've woken up, but when it is a precog, everything seems crystal clear and I am aware that I'm NOT having a dream. Occasionally, I pick up random stray thoughts from other people. Rarely, I have these odd "post-cognitive" flashes; they usually happen when I've gone several days with insufficient sleep and too much stress (like the last 7 or 8 days). This is only the second one I've had this year, and I have no idea if this is some additional form of awareness that I haven't developed, or if it's merely exhaustion manifesting as plausible narrative. Last time it happened, I was leaving a message for WintersAzazel, and that turned out to be scarily in synch with her dreams, her brother's dreams, and the information she was given by a deceased ancestral relative. I thought I'd just post it and hope that I don't get reprimanded by the mods for being a loon. 😜

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-30)

Thanks for sharing.

While that image does nothing for me (at the moment) perhaps it will resonate with the O/P and help her determine where/when this may have actually started... Even 'hormone dreams' seem to have humble beginnings, rather than jump 'full blown' into ones mind.

I said 'does nothing for me' because I have not attempted a viewing yet, unless the images happen as I am reading an individuals submission (like happened with you) I always ask before even attempting a 'peek'.

Your alternative spelling intrigues me a bit more, I am gong to work that into my research and see if it 'shakes' anything loose.


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-29)

I'm just going to leave a note for Rook, if you don't mind. Sometimes my brain does weird things, so I write out what I feel/see and hope that I'm not losing my grip on reality.

Rook, if reading any of this will throw off your reading, **please** do not read any of the following statements.

I'm sitting in my kitchen, reading over the assorted responses to RQ's narrative, and I got a peculiar, primal image of diagonal slabs of granite, deep underground, with water trickling and dripping slowly along the veins of the rock. Cracked above. Cold, Dark, and Old. Lichens. Fungal spores. Reptilian slithering sensation. Rivulets of water gathering into narrow, shallow pools before flowing downward, colder still. Very dark. Skull is the wrong shape: narrow, long, and heavier above the shoulders than at the face...? There's a sense of revulsion, too. Isolation. Removed. Withholding itself from view. Hunched or crouching. Bitterness. Frustrated at a limitation? --That was all I got.

I have no idea if that's of any use at all. It may be completely crossed wiring in my head (which wouldn't surprise me). Only 1/3 of Romania is mountainous, and very little of that is granite, from what I've read since I got this sensation/feeling. Oh, I can't help feeling that the spelling is closer to "Abakkus," though I have no damn clue why that would make any sense at all.

Sorry if I was wasting anyone's time with this, but I got the image, so I thought I'd throw it out there to see if it even comes close to what Rook sees. He is our dependable Astral Traveller and Explorer. I'm usually more into doing the background research stuff and handing over the psychic arena to those better qualified than I.

Take care.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-11-29)
Ah the minimum character required to post - we all run into it now and then. It can be frustrating, but nothing to feel anxious over. Many will just type: "I need more characters to post" or something like that.
Now if it's the comments themselves making you feel anxious - just remember most of us are here to help as best we can, so we tend to ask a lot of questions so that we can try and understand the situation better. If they ask something that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can say you're uncomfortable with it. If you don't understand you can say that too. There's no crime in that. Of course you are entirely free to ask questions in return. Asking questions is how knowledge grows.
RavenQueen (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-29)

I have no idea.That's how I heard it in the dream.I've never seen it written somewhere to know whether it contains a word or two.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-29)

Thanks for the reply...

How certain are you that the 'name' you have is simply 'one word', his last name? Could it actually be Frost Abacus (Foe for short)?

This can/will effect any research I can do... To be honest. As one word 'Frostabacus' searches send me right back to this submission.


RavenQueen (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-29)

Yes,my native language is simply Romanian.

I've got to say, I feel really uncomfortable every time I have to read the comments. I feel like my chest is burning and my stomach starts to hurt. And if you wonder why I mentioned this, it's because my reply was too short to be published. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-29)
First off thanks to RavenQueen for not running scared over our 'head butting'.

It's interesting that you say you 'know' the 'last/nick name' of your 'dream visitor'. Thank you for sharing that... THAT is a solid starting point, even if it pans out the name is fictional and not related to anything in the 'natural, physical, historical' world.

You stated his last name is:

"Frostabacus" or he goes by "Foe".

So this is my starting point... Off I go... 😁

Oh as I embark on this research what 'native language' do you speak? Is it simply Romanian? Is it a specific dialect? Or do you just live in Romania and speak something else with-in your home?


valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-11-28)
Enough, folks. Let's try and keep the comments to RavenQueen's account, shall we?
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-28)

Read comment/discussion guidelines.

This is taking from RavenQueens experience.

Others want to read, and comment, and are genuinely trying to help, as I'm sure you are.

If you have any comments maybe defending yours on their profiles there are email accounts.

Otherwise please let it go, and allow others to enjoy this experience.


Teenage hormones do tend to rage at particular ages. Hehe I was one at one point in my life.
I would definitely take the advice given.

A journal is a great idea, document all that seems insignificant, because it could give you great insight.

Thanks for sharing

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This comment from migsly is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-28)
Hello there I really enjoyed reading this story. I personally don't think it's normal to dream with this entity for so long or even for you to hear his voice. Sometimes dreams are the only way you can actually see them or come in contact. Sometimes you may not even be dreaming even though you think you are. Look you may want to seek help maybe by a priest or someone who may know about dream interpretations. I will say you may read any verses from the psalm pages on the bible but I'm not going to press religion on you because I know people get offended. And I hope I'm not offending here. I have had dreams of the devil I sometimes don't see him all the way but i'll see his hand and he will challenge me and I know it's him. Usually when I know I'm about to dream that or if I'm that situation I force my self to change subjects and I usully say a small prayer and it will go away. I know some people don't believe in god, but in my time of need when I most needed to believe he sent me proof of his existence and I usually don't share my experiences because people don't believe or think I'm crazy. But I'm tired of people getting offended over religion it's not hurting anyone to believe in god at all. And if you believe all just say a small prayer and if your ever feeling fear just say " the blood of Christ is powerful" Again I'm sorry if I'm talking about this I'm only speaking from experience and what has helped me because I have many paranormal experiences. But indeed this entity in your dream may in fact be real and dreams are like the gateway of communication and please be aware of things and journal how many times this happens in the night and for how long and if it is every night or every once in a while. But when you dream one thing for so long it's not normal and it is a dream that may be warning you of something or telling you of something but in this case I do believe that it is a real entity and you need to be real careful and I would advice to seek help if you are able to. Please be careful and stay safe:)
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)

I also agree with lady-glow but may I add you could join a club or school newspaper.

I also agree with Rook that these are hormone dreams. Rather than reading/watching context which you deny. Is it possible that you have friends or see other girls dating the "bad boy" type and you would like to date a guy like that? But you know your parents wouldn't approve so you have demonized the "bad boy" type in your dreams?

You're from Romania so I don't know how old girls start dating where you live. Let me give you a little motherly advice and also because I used to work in a Middle School and High School where there were too many teen pregnancies. You're too young to date. I don't care what nationality a teenage boy is, he is a hormone filled teenage boy. If things get hot and heavy are you prepared for what comes next? I doubt it, so to help defuse your dreams insert an Angel come to your rescue, or something to that effect. Just keep thinking about white light of protection when you go to bed and have it envelop you.
I hope this helps.

Best wishes and Regards
K_marie82 (1 stories) (23 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
I know it won't be easy but I would try not to think of these dreams you're having and definitely avoid dwelling on them or reading to much into them. It really sounds like you're having a repetitive somewhat scary dream and are over-thinking it frightening yourself even more in the process. Good luck!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
I'm sorry to put up that post. I had my page on preview for several hours because I had to go lay down and I just posted it now.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)

RavenQueen only expressed her concern that god might be mad at her for falling in love with this man. Nowhere did she imply that she is religious and it can be insulting to some people to have the bible shoved down their throats.

So unless you have any advice you can give her other than read the Bible please don't post it.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
migsly: Please take a minute and reread the "Comments Guidelines" by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, and this in particular:

"This site offers discussions on the topic of ghost experiences, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or preaching, unless the author of a story specifically asks to receive feedback from that religious perspective. This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind so we can actually learn more about the paranormal, with the same empirical mind set that made science so successful in other fields. Religions have a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of personal spirituality, but they can also limit our knowledge of the world with old superstitions and unproven dogmas. It's fine to share what your religion has to offer as a possible explanation, but everyone has their own, they certainly don't come here to be converted, so please, *don't push it on others as irrefutable fact.*"

Thank you.

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RavenQueen (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)

No, I haven't watched or read anything like that. I like comedies and I'm not into romantic stuff.
RavenQueen (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
Dear valkricry,

Thank you for advice. I prayed to God and I recently didn't get any visits from that man. But I've got the feeling that it's not going to last longer until he'll come back.

In addition, I don't feel hurt. I can easily say that I like spending time in his fortress.It's so beautiful and dark in there. I just don't get why I kept running away from it.

And when I heard the voice scream, I wasn't affected by the scream itself, but by the fact that I could hear it.I've got scared because I realized that he might be real.

BTW the last part was so sweet. ❤
magicwand (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
Agree with lady glow... Have you read or watched beauty and the beast recently... Just wondering...
RavenQueen (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)

I only know his last name: Frostabacus. I personally think it's a last name, but who knows...Yet, because it was too long, the dream me found out what nickname the other people gave him: Foe. I didn't realize what Foe meant until I woke up.I've been knowing his last name and nickname since the very first dream I had about him (which happened on 1st June)

He appears pretty often. And yes, I can say he remembers what happened in the previous dreams. In one dream he brought me into the fortress and I ran. In the next dream he sent someone to bring me back and then I had to listen to him, telling me how upset he was because I left.
RavenQueen (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
Dear Biblio,

I must thank you for sharing your knowledge. It may sound simple because I don't know how to properly socialize with people, but I mean it. Thank you a lot.I've never thought about Stockholm syndrome. And I'll try my best to get rid of him.


valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-11-26)
You said something in your account that brought out the Mom in me. You stated that he is evil, and "He has some kind of anger issues, but he's gentle with me." Whether this is imagination or something else, I'm going to give you some real life advice, that if taken to heart may save you a lot of grief down the road.
Odds are anyone who has anger issues, or is cruel/mean to others, no matter how 'gentle' they are with you now, will turn that anger on you and treat you the same way they treat others at some point. "Oh, I want someone who'll treat me badly," said no one ever. Talk to anyone in an abusive situation and ask them why they stay in it, and you generally get 1 or 2 answers: they feel they can't leave (fear) or "But I love him/her." Obviously that person doesn't love you enough to stop hurting you. If you know this person isn't good, then get away now. Even if that person isn't of this world.
I'm betting that the others are right and these are just hormonal dreams, that you'll out grow. In the mean time, since you mentioned a belief in God, you might try praying to Him and asking for His help in turning this creature away. Maybe talk to a priest about it, if you can't talk to your parents.

Amintiți-vă întotdeauna sunteți adorabili și capabili, care merită toate lucrurile bune.
*Always remember you are lovable and capable, deserving of all good things.*
LTM1477 (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-26)
Do you know this demons name? How often do you have these dreams? Does he remember what happened in the previous dreams about him.
LTM1477 (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-26)
I have had similar experiences. I have dreams about a ghost trying to get my spirit out of me. I see her in my basement too, she said she wants me to join her.

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