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Real Ghost Stories

The Maternity Ward Ghost In A Pink Gown


My previous story was about a haunted hospital in Pretoria. That was a Hospital where I started my nursing training. I took a transfer to Witbank in my second year to be near my family. I worked in that Hospital for a few years. This is just a short history. I worked in almost all the wards. There are always stories about ghosts and stuff in every hospital. I never experienced anything strange except in the maternity ward. I worked night shift there for three years. I just want to give you a layout first.

The ward was separate from the main hospital but connected by long corridors with dim lights to the main hospital. When entering the maternity ward you go through a wooden door then there is a long passage in front of you. I would say at least hundred meters. From where you enter you get a small waiting room on your left. On the opposite of the waiting room there is a square meter with three doors leading to a toilet, a sluice, an examining room and an old small delivery room. We only used that delivery room when there was no other choice. It was like an emergency delivery room for if the main delivery room was occupied and another woman want to deliver her baby on the same time as the women in the main delivery room. That part of the hallway was creepy. It forever felt as if you had to pass that part very fast as if someone was chasing you down the passage. When past the waiting room and the old delivery room there is another small area with a sink and buckets in where we washed the used baby bottles for the cleaners to take to the milk kitchen for sterilization and refilling on the left. Further on there is a courtyard with nothing in it except gravel and drains on the left. The baby room follows on the left side and the duty room on the right side. Further on you get the big delivery room and the kitchen and then the wards on the end of the hallway right and left.

One night I took the diet list to the front desk in the main hospital like we always did. When I returned I passed the waiting room. I saw a patient sitting there waiting. She was not in labour because she was calm and just sitting there waiting. Her face was peaceful. I looked at her but she didn't look back as if she was sitting there to pass time. It was between two and three o'clock. I realized as I walked pass the waiting room that she didn't look familiar and I wondered about whom it could be. It was busy that night so I went straight to the duty room to consult the sister in charge about that lady. She had a pink gown on. What was strange though was it was a winter gown but it was summer? She had dark straight hair hanging on her shoulders. Her skin was pale.

It was just me and the sister on duty and she looked surprised because according to her there was nobody for admission and all the patients were sleeping. The sister told me not to be afraid because she won't harm anyone. She is a ghost wondering maternity ward for ages. I only saw her once in the three years. Nobody could tell me who she was or what happened to her.

This story stays a mystery for me and my colleges.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Trix, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

crecentblue03 (151 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
I think your story was great!. I hope she has moved on by now. I used to work in a hospital in the U.S., I always thought they must be one of the most haunted locations because of all the deaths and high stress that's there. I really liked your story thanks for sharing
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-07)
Hi jenheartsu, no the woman was not pregnant. It looked like she was just sitting there all alone waiting for time to past. Trix ❤
jenheartsu (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-25)
I am slightly confused. Was the woman pregnant or not? There was just a fuzzy hint but I'm still not sure...
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
Hi KimSouthO, thanks for your reply. I also hope and pray that she finds peace. I can actually kick my own bud for being so stupid way back because I didn't knew then about crossing over and going to the light and all these weird stuff about the paranormal. I was too young then to know what to do. I could have helped her if I knew what to do at that time. Blessings for you too and enjoy your day. Trix 😉 ❤
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
Hi watersprite, thanks for the information you send me. I will definitely go and search on Amizon.com for it. I like movies like that. Yes you are right I could try and help the lady in pink but let me tell you I don't think they will let me in there because I couldn't even get hold of the matron when I tried to phone her. Since 1986 things have changed a lot in our government hospitals from good to bad to worse. It's sad though. Blessings for you and have a lovely day. Trix 😉 ❤
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
What ever the reason the woman chooses to visit the hospital waiting room, I hope and pray she finds peace at some point.

Thanks for sharinG!

God Bless!
Watersprite (3 stories) (85 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
Hey, again, Trix. You might be able to buy "Sixth Sense" on Amazon.com in South Africa. It is a good film, and one of the first to cover the topic of ghosts in a meaningful way, not just as a horror movie.

You could still go help the lady in the same location, except it sounds like you'd be "clearing" someone's office! They might not appreciate your standing on their desk and telling someone they can't see to go to the light. 😆 Seriously, I'll bet she is still hanging around - or at least her residual energy - and it would be interesting to find out if the people in the current building have had some strange experiences.

Hope you have a good autumn and Happy Halloween!

Watersprite ❤
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
Darkness hi, yes you're right the corridors were spooky. I was so stupid back then; I never knew ghosts can cross over. At that time was the right time to help the woman cross over but I really didn't know humans could help these lost souls. I wish I knew then maybe, just maybe I could have done something to let her go to the light because I was not scared of her. To try now is a lost case because that ward is offices now. They built a new maternity ward just after I left there. And that was about 9 or 10 years ago. Have a great day. Trix 😉
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
Thanks Watersprite. We don't have "Sixth Sense" in South Africa. It sounds interesting I would like to see it. I also feel sad for this ghost I also hope she finds peace and move on. Have a nice day. Take care. 😉
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Hi Trix I love the description of the layout of the hospital especially the long dim corridors sounds quite spooky. I wonder why the woman continually still wonders the maternity ward? Perhaps she passed away whilst giving birth and is still looking for her child, it would be good if someone did have some answers. Hopefully she moves on and finds peace. Good story.

Thanks for sharing.

Watersprite (3 stories) (85 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Wow, Trix, I really like all your stories.:) Thanks for sharing them. This particular one sounds like a scene from "Sixth Sense." It really is very sad and I hope that dead mom was able to move on to a happier place.

Best wishes,

Watersprite ❤

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