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The Black Goglet


Folks, this is my first story here. I have been reading stories in this site from last few months and this gave me strength to submit my own experience for the general readers.

This happened few years ago when I was attending my close friend's funeral. He along with his twin babies had passed away from a fatal car accident. The babies were only two years old.

The most unfortunate thing was that his wife was still in coma and she even don't know that her adorable babies and her husband are no more in this mortal world.

In our religion, we only buried babies who are below three year old. After we bury the babies, we initiated the process of cremation of our friend. The atmosphere was heavy and grieved as the everyone was crying.

After the pyre was lit, we moved to some other place to sit as we were broken mentally and physically. After 2 to 3 hours, we collected the ashes of my friend, as we were leaving, at the entrance of the cremation ground someone in the middle of the road had put a black goglet.

Even after these years now, I clearly remembered that eerie black goglet.

It had a unique appearance. It had two white snakes between those a lady was showed holding head of a Buffalo and her posture was of dancing.

It all looked horrible and we didn't feel easy passing through it.

Somehow, days goes by and soon we got at least one good news in many weeks that my deceased friend's wife had regained her consciousness back.

We hurriedly reached to the hospital where we found her father and mother along with her few relatives sitting aside. Every person in that room were trying to show themselves happy to see her back again but everybody was trying to avoid making eye contact with each other. Some even trying to find opportunity or say excuse to leave that room. The atmosphere inside was heavy and grieved. I was about to cry but situation wouldn't allow me to do so.

My deceased friend's wife was constantly asking to see her babies and her husband and every body calming her down.

The condition was so grieved that I couldn't last long inside and I ran out with heavy heart and wet eyes to fetch some fresh air.

As I was walking down, from the corridoor I saw a black snake passing from far and entering in a room end of that corridoor. I first thought that I should call someone to make people aware so that they could send someone to catch that snake but after walking few steps, I thought that I should see where that snake gone.

Curiosity got me where that snake had entered that room. After reaching, I slowly opened that door. But as soon as I opened that door, I got goosebump of my life seeing the same black goglet placed middle of the floor.

As I was about to turn back to leave that place in horror, I fainted. As I regained my sense, I looked around and found that goglet place at the same place but I could see only one snake now.

I ran to my home. I suffered from fever. Next and in coming days I visited many priests. Performed encantation and worn many amulets but still that goglet haunted me for several months until I visited goddess Kamakhya temple.

I consulted many priests and with shamons but no body able to present proper conclusion of it.

So, guys do you have any ideas from what actually I was suffering from and what was haunting me.

My apologies for my bad english.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Chiku, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Gj2005ster (9 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
Hi Chiku

Extremely sorry to hear this,,, what happened with his wife after that? Is she fine now?

How you have been so sure that it was haunting experience?
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-15)
I did also want to say that I do not believe anyone here meant any disrespect to your culture or country at all. It depends on where you are - I've lived in cities and in the rural community I'm in now - security varies greatly from place to place. I think we should let that part go & get back to your experience. 😊
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-15)
What a horrific ordeal. I'm so sorry for your loss.

As for the goglet, I'm going to offer my opinion though it may not be a popular one. Could it be a hallucination? Often under stress (especially of this nature) our minds can play tricks on us, making something like another goglet-like vessel (e.g. Cleaning supplies) appear to be something horrific in your recent memory. You mentioned fainting, so the skeptic in me would attribute that to extreme tiredness due to grief, perhaps even dehydration or low blood sugar. Your mind had to have been reeling at this juncture. I'm not trying to disprove your story, rather, offer some explanation of your experience as I often do with my own experiences. Your illness may have been brought in by those events also.

On a side note, I live in rural U.S. And I would not be surprised if I could easily access the nurses' station or even the records without much trouble in my town. A supply closet or the like would be cake.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-15)
I'm still a bit puzzled over how you mean you were 'haunted' by the goglet. Perhaps if you were to give me a few examples, I could better understand. Not that seeing it twice, and then falling ill isn't bad enough.
I'm also amazed that, "The room where the snake entered was a maintainance room" and you were able to enter. Simply because here (at least in my state) the maintenance and supply rooms are kept locked. Guess they're scared someone would make off with the cleaning supplies. 🤔
chaos2 (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
To Chiku, what happened to your friend and his twins are really tragic and the person who will live to suffer it all is the wife.

About the goglet and snake thing, I've no advise to give you, since I have no idea what they could be, but good luck.

And reading on the comments here, I actually understand what your saying. Being a lurker on this site for quite some time, I'd advise that you just ignore the comment of "you know who", even the mods are on "it's" side, you'll never win. Just a friendly advise. (I know I'd get plenty of negative points for this advise, but I don't care. 😉)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
lady-glow - yes please 😊 LawitInam obviously has it in for you so don't react, just ignore the comments. We'll try and get to them as soon as possible.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
LawitInam - first of all, NO ONE has the right to deny anyone else's freedom of speech.

Secondly, if you don't like my comments/opinion, don't read them.

Thirdly, I googled it but the only thing I got were suggestions as - "Google", "goblet", "goblin"?

IF my questions are so stupid, how do you explain my 'good rating' when it comes to karma points compared to yours that is, like, 500 % negative?

And I'm not done, just too busy right now, besides, is not like you are an open minded person willing to engage in an intelligent discussion. 😉

Sorry moderators, I'll stop it here if you ask me to.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
Chiku - the only person who is showing any signs of racism is you. People give negative karma points for many reasons. Your nationality has nothing to do with it. It annoys me when people do what you are doing, making unfounded accusations of prejudice and racism. Any more comments from you like this will be deleted. I don't care if you have an abundance of great advice, I'll delete your comment. You are being immature and this is not the site for it. 😠

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Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
Peace be to all. Might I humbly suggest another observation about the goglet itself? I was curious about the description: "It had two white snakes between those a lady was showed holding head of a Buffalo and her posture was of dancing".

I remembered reading about Mahishasura, the evil buffalo demon, whose gift was that no man could kill him. He was killed by the combined powers of the Devas (divine or shining ones) as the goddess Durga in her Mahishasuramardini form. Mahishasura represents the forces of Chaos and Ignorance, defeated by Durga, who is serene, calm, full of grace and the symbol of Good.

The goglet could have been placed there to counter and contain the forces of evil. Perhaps it was meant to trap that snake or whatever it was. Mahishaura was said to be a shape-shifter. I've heard of shadow entities taking the form of animals too.

However, in times of such terrible grief, senses can be overwrought and perceptions can be skewed. Then there is all that negative energy as well. With everything in such imbalance, it is no wonder you felt ill.

You've "already consulted many priests and with shamans", all wise people, yet you are still uncertain. Perhaps the answers you truly need are within yourself. Could the snake could be a vision of the naga, which represents rebirth, death and mortality, due to its casting of its skin and being symbolically "reborn"? It is my belief that death is but a brief stop on our soul's journey. There is always hope for the future.

It is my hope too that this perspective may help free you from your fears. Be well. Be at peace.
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)

Also had to google "goglet" because I thought you meant goblet or even urnoo

It sounds like a classic case of Black Magic, whom it was directed to, is what I'm curious about.

Was it aimed at you or your friend's family? Had they complained of bad luck or weird experiences before the accident? Had you experienced anything odd prior to seeing the goglet?

I'm asking because I don't believe in coincidences and you happened to come across the goglet twice. Is there anyone who comes into mind who would've wanted to see you or your friend hurt?

Maybe you happened upon something you weren't supposed to see or you were meant to see it so something could be done about it just incase it meant to harm the wife as well. The aim could've been to wipe out the entire family and the snake was there to finish the job, but you helped prevent that. The thing is if it was dark magic and the job wasn't finished, whoever sent it in the first place will want to complete the job eventually. Be careful and make sure your friend's wife also protects herself.

Just as a side note: I live in a third world country and depending on which area you're in hospital staff are often lazy therefore security is lax. I don't think it only happens in third world countries, but everywhere.

That said, and am not taking anyone's side here, but I feel there's nothing wrong in asking questions to debunk experiences, but it's how you ask and what questions you ask.

When I read Lady Glow's comment, I also got the feeling that she was trying to insinuate that the experience was possibly fictional.

Correct me if I'm wrong Chiku, but I don't think prejudice was the right word to use there. Were you perhaps trying to say that Lady Glow is calling you a liar?It's human nature to become defensive when you feel attacked and this is a sensitive subject in itself. I know I also get defensive at times when people question my abilities. I was just shocked at the number of down votes Chiku received on his comments. I don't feel they were being childish or rude, just frustrated. This is a site full of empaths, we know surface emotions aren't usually what they appear to be at first site. Let's empath away.

That said, there is so much in this world that is still a mystery to us and and I doubt someone would post something fake involving the passing on of loved ones and children unless they're seriously twisted or in need of attention. I hope you're not an attention-seeker. Lol.

That is all.

Thank you.
sugarANDspice (19 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-10)
OH, that was very scary. I'm afraid of snakes. Youre brave but next time don't faint in a room where there's a snake! 😲

Love s&s
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-08)
I would have immediately screamed after seeing that snake tho and let everyone know that there's a snake within the vicinity (you know for everyone's safety).

I am deeply sorry for what happened to your friend. I hope she gets better. This is just so terrible and I can't even imagine how painful this is for her.

Z ❤ ❤ ❤
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-08)
To Chiku- I think you are over reacting here. You will have to see things being broad-minded here. You are an adult, so I think I do not have to give you advice that you should show some maturity.

Chiku (1 stories) (21 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-08)
I think you are right. May be things are done with great deifference in Mexico. So yes why to make a mountain out of a molehill 😜 😆 😜
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-08)
Chiku - feelings are not facts.

I have never been to India, perhaps things are done differently there than to what I'm familiar with?

Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill, shall we? 😆

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lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-08)
Chiku - let me reword my comment, perhaps instead of saying:

"I'm surprised at how easy it was for you to gain entrance to the room where the snake went, perhaps security at that hospital is too lax..."

I should have said - I wonder what area in a hospital is open to random people and to potentially dangerous creatures like snakes.

Borrowing Miracles words "we have many cultures represented on this site". I have been to many hospitals and, so far, the only areas open to the public at any given time are the chapel and the washrooms. Other than that, there's always a locked door, or a registration desk, or a receptionist or some other person or physical obstacle preventing the access to outsiders.

No, there's not an evil meaning to my question, I'm just curious about the reason why that room hadn't restricted access.

...which makes me wonder something else:

" I saw a black snake passing from far and entering in a room end of that corridoor... I slowly opened that door."

Do you mean the snake gained entrance to the room by opening the door or did it slithered under it?

Are you suggesting that the BLACK snake from the corridor was one of the snakes in the goglet?
I'm asking because, according to your narrative, the goglet "had two WHITE snakes between those a lady..."

I'm sorry to disagree but, "not doubt or say anything", I like to ask questions because I like to keep on learning.

Like you, English is not my first language and, quite often, my ideas get lost during translation though, one thing's for sure, a lady is always a woman.

Best regards.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-07)

Firstly, my heart goes out to your deceased friend's widow. I hope that eventually she can find some peace.

Life remains interesting if one continues to learn something new and the goglet is certainly new to me.

Unfortunately, what is not new to me is your physical state after the incident at the hospital. I've attached an account from an online friend of mine 'ajonverge' who had a similar reaction.


I do agree with Val and Miracles in the fact that the written word can sometimes be misinterpreted and I think that 'lady-glow' was responding to your call for help by first seeking clarification on a few points.

Hope that you have now recovered and you don't see that damned goglet again!

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-07)
Chiku - valkricry and I are two different mods. Since I believe your comment should have been addressed to me, not val, I'll answer.

As you are aware, we have many cultures represented on this site, not just yours or lady-glow's. Sometimes this can be a great thing because we can learn so much from each other if we listen. Other times, the language barrier creates problems because it is very easy to misunderstand a comment by someone who isn't of the same nationality.

A lot of times people immediately think prejudice or racism is behind a comment. I've been accused of it and that couldn't be further from the truth. So, instead of automatically assuming lady-glow is prejudiced because you are from India, try asking what she meant by her comment.
Chiku (1 stories) (21 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-07)
To Valkikry- With all due respect, I just wanted to know why she wrote that "I have never been to india"and afterwards she doubted on the security of that hospital. Since english is not my first language but I am getting this feeling that he/she should "not doubt or say anything" when you have not visited my country.
I am also never been to Mexico but I also have my doubts. But here we are discussing on a different chapter.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-07)
Chiku - I read lady-glow's comment and I don't understand what you think she is trying to portray. She made a statement that, in my opinion, was an observation and had nothing to do with prejudice.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-07)
Honestly, if that had been me instead of you - everyone would know I'd seen a flippin' snake because I probably be screaming my head off, or wetting myself. 😲 Seriously, they scare the daylights out of me.
I'm also not quite sure on why you thought you were 'haunted' by the goglet afterwards. Could you elaborate on that? There's haunted in the paranormal ghostly sense, and then there's haunted meaning mental anguish or torment. Neither one sounds very comforting to go through.

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RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-06)
Hi, Chiku.

I also offer my prayers for the loss of your friend, and the two very young children.

Like Lady-Glow, I first wondered if goglet was a misspelling. Now that I know what it is, it seems like a very useful thing. Wish I had one right now, just not this particular one...

I am curious how big these goglets were.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-06)
Goglets or in local language "Surahi" is mostly used in rural or say samiurban areas for storing drinking water. As said by Val, it is an earthenware and It keeps the water cool in Summer seasons.
No, these are not used in ceremonial processes rather than clay urn is used in ceremonial process where it is used in two occasions, first when dead body leaves the house, clay urn filed with water is broken and second, before lightingup the pyre. In both the occasions, clay urns are broken by the family.
Goglets are not something you expect to see at hospitals.
The description of the artwork on the artifact was very quite strange though.
I have heart and seen people to place goglets (but not like this) where it is said by many peoples that it inhabit spirits or they do black magic on it so if any person came across such objects it haunt them.
Yes, it was devastated loss for that young women not only as a wife but also as a mother. It was truly heartbroken incident

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-05)
A goglet is a long-necked water vessel usually of porous earthenware.
I had to google it, because I too thought it might be a typo.😉
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-05)

First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your friend and his children's death.

Secondly, by a 'goglet' do you mean a 'goblet' (a drinking vessel with a foot and a stem)?

Are those goglets used for ceremonial purposes during funeral rituals in India? Are they common and would it be possible to find one in a hospital?

I have never been to India and I'm surprised at how easy it was for you to gain entrance to the room where the snake went, perhaps security at that hospital is too lax but, are you sure you had enough time to observe the goglet before fainting? Would it be possible that it was a very similar artefact but not the same one from the cremation ground?
What makes you think you were 'haunted' after seen the goglet/s and a snake? - Puzzling, yes... Haunted, not so sure.

I hope the widow is doing fine after her terrible losses, she's the one I'm really worried about.

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