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My Sister Came Back From Death


In my life I have experienced many things on a paranormal spectrum. Most of those are stories to be told another day. This one is about my first ever encounter with something paranormal.

I was four years old at the time, so I don't really remember much. If you want a specific location, it was in Mount Annan, Sydney. Two years previous to the event, I had lost my younger sister in childbirth.

My mother was in the kitchen while I was playing in the lounge area. This is where my memory starts to get fuzzy. I remember playing with a child around two years old. My mother came in after hearing me giggling for a while and asked me what was so funny. I remember telling her I was playing with my friend, who happened to share the name of my deceased sister.

When the next encounter happened, I was seven years old, so my mother thought I was old enough to understand what they meant. She told me about that first encounter and how she believed I was talking to my sister, who she believed had become an angel.

While I may not share her views on the matter, with me being agnostic, not christian, I do agree that I had seen some kind of ghost or spirit or something like it.

I have encountered a similar ghost/presence many times in life. I never mentioned them to my parents, given how grief-stricken the loss of a child makes someone. I can remember one rather vividly. The first, I didn't exactly see anything, but I could feel something. Whether it be a presence or a sensation or whatever you want to call it, it was a feeling. It was comforting, like getting a hug from those you love.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BlueLion23, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-02)

Thank you! I'm glad it made sense. 😉 Voted for you as well 😊

Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-02)
Thanks Dee. Beautiful explanation. Voted up. Finally! Yay!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)

I apologize, I just saw your question. I agree with Tweed's explanation, along with your statement about children's innocence. I like to say that a child is 'fresh from the other side'; they come full of love with no prejudice, thought of stereotyping, etc. They have no filter and speak freely, viewing the world with unconditional love. ❤ Of course, over time, parents, family members, etc may taint that unconditional love and drill into their heads that ghosts/spirits and the like don't exist. I believe in reincarnation, but feel that it is our choice to come back or reincarnate. Although, I can definitely understand why some do not believe in it.

Just my 2 cents. 😊

Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)

Thank you so much for your insights and explanations - loved it and agree.

We often don't agree with what others say/do, but as long as they're not hurting themselves/others, I subscribe to the school of "I don't have to agree with you, but I have to accept that that's what works for you and respect it. To each his/her own."

Thanks again for your lovely comment.

I'd love to click on the green arrow for you and others, however my status does not allow it at this time. Sorry: (
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Hi BlueLion, what a lovely encounter, and beautifully told thanks for sharing.
Most people brush these things off as they enter into adulthood, or even forget them altogether. But you've retained much of what happened and that's a real treasure.

I hope you share more encounters with us. 😊

Also, it may seem a daft question, but did you get the impression your sister had aged, in the spirit world, according to how she would have in this physical world? Many report this kind of thing from apparitions, I find it fascinating and really rather beautiful.

Aporetic, about your question. Many believe, myself included, children are born innocent and pure, therefore they're more susceptible to supernatural phenomena. In my opinion their minds have yet to be corrupted by the demands of our tedious every day responsibilities, which distract us from other worldly interactions/presences.

Another theory is that children are closer to the 'veil', or spirit world, because of reincarnation. That word is like sprinkling holy water on dracula to me, but I can understand (begrudgingly) why people believe this. So if/when a child is preoccupied with something unexplainable, many think it's because of a past life experience. (erugh, the concept, it burns my flesh) To me reincarnation would be a consequence of an under developed soul, and not a hedonistic goal.

I prefer to think all children are born innocent. 😊
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Greetings BlueLion23

I was so pleased to read that your mom did not tell you it wasn't real (or some other snot comment) and that she explained about angels as children often don't have a concept of how final death is. Kudos to her for being a Super Mom.

I'm looking forward to reading more about the sisterly love that had her reaching out to you from beyond.

I don't mean to hijack your thread, but I'd like some opinions/insight into Dee's comment about children and the spirtual world.

Hello again CuriousDee and greetings to everyone reading

I often read comments like Dee's: 'Children seem to be more open to and in tune with spirit/energy.' Do you, the reader, think this is because of their innocence that allows them to be more free in their thinking, consequently more accepting/tolerant? Do spirits know/sense this?

Your insight will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Greetings Bluelion,

Even though you were quite young when you encountered your 'friend', it sounds like you were visited by your sister. Especially as she shared her name. Children seem to be more open to and in tune with spirit/energy.

I think it's a wonderful gesture of love from your sister to 'check in' on you. Thank you for sharing 😊


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