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Big Brother Is Watching


It was January 2, 2018 and it was really cold out, like 6 degrees, but I really had to go to the store. My roommate was sick so, I bundled up good, and began the 3 block trek to the nearest Mom and Pop, hoping they'd have what we desperately needed.

About a block into my walk, a car started creeping alongside me. I glanced over, but didn't recognize it or the driver, who was clearly staring at me. I told myself I was being paranoid as every red flag in my brain began waving. I'm aware because of my stature, and being so bundled up, he might have mistaken me for a young girl. Most 12 year olds are taller than me. On the other hand, he might be just looking for an address, or debating if I was someone he knew, or just thinking of being nice and offering a lift.

He pulled to a stop at the intersection and poked his head out. If my flags were waving, they were now screaming 'danger' at me. Something was way, way off, especially when he opened the door and stepped out.

Now it gets really weird. I stopped dead in my tracks, debating which way to run, if the need arises, as I'm between houses. No way was I getting within an arm's length of this guy; I could smell the booze from where I was. He was saying something about it being too cold to walk, and he'd be glad to give me a ride. I shook my head saying, "No thanks."

He got insistent taking a step towards me; I feel my weight shift as my hands curl into loose fists. "I SAID, no thanks," as I took a step back while, my mind feverishly plotted a flight path, and my muscles readied to fight. He staggers closer, "C'mon. I just being nice. Get in the car."

I side stepped, and growled, "Leave me alone," my eyes looking for traffic or signs of life nearby, while staring him down. Silently I prayed, "God, if I can't outrun him, please let me be able to kick his ass." Suddenly out of nowhere I hear someone call my name. Both our heads jerked in that direction.

A young man was approaching; wearing a black leather jacket, and the kind of jeans we use to call chinos. His hair was slicked back... Looking at someone who looks like they stepped out of a tough guy 50s film is one thing; but looking at one who knows your name, and looks like your brother once did is another - especially when the brother would be near 70 years old, a double amputee, living states away, and died 3 years ago.

In that moment I didn't care how illogical it was. "Richard!" There was that same smile that somehow didn't show his teeth but flashed a dimple. He's still maybe 2 feet away, but he says, "Problem, Val?" I ran to him even as my mind said this couldn't be. That other guy is wasting no time leaving. I force myself to look at his license plate, and in that instant my brother disappeared.

I finished going to the store, and from there I called the cops and reported that driver. Maybe he was just a drunk trying to be nice, but if it summoned help like that, I think the intent was much worse.

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Alma1980 (1 stories) (6 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-07)
Val- I'm certain that man in the car was as dangerous as you suspect he was. The gut feeling tells a lot if one listens. At least you know for sure that death can't separate you from your brother. He will always be there with you and for you. That was such an amazing story!
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-09)
Yes, I agree! 😲 If your brother appeared like that then I believe too that you were definitely being protected. I saw my brother who has since passed in a dream. ❤ Thank you for your encouraging story that loved ones DO see and watch over us. And thanks for making me think of my own brother.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-30)
Another great read, and for a spirit to fully manifest like that is really impressive. Alls I can say is thank goodness your brother was there to protect you. If only other victims could have been so lucky! Thanks for sharing
Sweetly_Sour_Roses (1 stories) (5 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
That's actually pretty interesting to read! Even in death, your brother is still keeping an eye on you! That, or it was an Angel who had taken the form of your brother to help you. Either way, I'm glad that you're safe! 😊
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-04)

Yeh, those 'Red Flags'! Do you think it's like 'street smarts' making their presence felt?

For 'big brother' to appear in such a corporeal form and look 'dangerous', leads me to believe that the driver was a very bad dude, albeit a coward. I'm so glad that 'big brother' was there to help.

Your experience has got T-Rex thumping around in frustration (he really wants to stomp on his car and chomp on him). 😉

Seriously, big brothers also look after little brothers as well but that's a story for another day.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-04)
Thanks for reading and commenting. Richard is one of them whom I've never had a visit or sign from, so I guess that's why seeing him kind of shocked me. But, of the ones who've moved on, he was the one trained in badassery. Take a street hardened kid and give them military training - you get a dangerous combination of don't mess with me.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-04)
Hi Kest:) It's been awhile since I've seen your nic. Hope all is well.
I wonder if perhaps your Grandma was a teacher too? Hence the strong impression of her presence in your classroom. Not that it matters why she's there, only that she is to give you love and support.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-04)
Val, another beautiful and profound experience. Absolutely loved it. This only goes to show that some big brothers never stop looking out for their little sisters. You've very much loved. ❤
Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
Val - I love your experiences and read many of them over even after I have already read them a few times. So glad your brother was watching over you. I think many times those who have passed on like to guard us from time to time. I know I feel my grandma in my classroom a lot when I am preparing for a hard day of work.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-02)
Miracles, when living any of my brothers would have been there for me in a heart beat, that isn't quite what I meant by, "So, he would be the last one I'd think of to come back and save me." I just think I'd be down towards the bottom of his list of priorities. Of course, I don't really know how it works, but I'd think the strength of our connection in life would influence visitations. Like the closer you were, the better the odds?
Or maybe it's more like the one closest (in the vicinity) answers the need, or perhaps it's based on their skill set? I dunno. But I was really surprised that he showed up.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-02)
Melda, I think you're referring to A Parting Gift http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=24605
To help avoid confusion, I come from a big family (by today's standards); 2 older sisters (twins), 3 older brothers, a younger sister, and a younger brother.
I'd place that jerk at around 40/45. Who knows what was going on in his head. Like you, I'm assuming once he got a look at my face he knew I was no child. Nobody could be THAT drunk lol.
Oh, that is too funny about your mom! Embarrassing for her, but funny.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-02)
Val - What a beautiful, albeit scary, encounter. The scary part obviously being the "drunky" driver.

How old was this guy? What would he want with an older woman? Once he had a good look at you he knew you weren't 12! Perhaps he had no murderous thoughts going through his mind but thought hey, I could be having me some fun over here - she can buy the drinks. No knowing what he thought and like you, I wouldn't have wanted to find out.

I remember you published a story about you and both your older brothers finding a house in the woods and you left with something in your pocket. I don't remember the title or all the details but am going to look for it once I've finished my comment. Lucky you having big brother keeping an eye out for you!

I hope you don't mind but I would like to tell you something funny which happened to my mother. We lived in a small seaside town (not so small anymore) called Mossel Bay, in South Africa. While we were growing up most of the people knew each other and so on.

Anyway, one rainy morning my mother was walking to work and a car stopped next to her. Without giving it a second thought she promptly opened the passenger door and hopped in, thinking how lucky she was that an "acquaintance" was going to drop her off at work and she didn't have to trudge along in the rain. She didn't even realise that the guy had come to a halt at a stop street.

The Afrikaans people in South Africa address older ladies as "tannie", which translated is "aunty". So he said "Aunty where can I drop you off?" She was so embarrassed and tried to get out of the car but he insisted on dropping her off at her destination. The two of them shared a good laugh with him telling her "Aunty please don't get into strangers' cars". Let me tell you this was drummed into us since infancy - don't take lifts from strangers! It just goes to show how naive she was 😆

Not to detract from your experience Val - obviously your brother thought you were worth looking after 😊

Regards, Melda
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-02)
val - my oldest younger brother and I have had our years of not getting along. At all. But no matter what, even if we were at each other's throats, I knew he would be there for me if I needed him. And he knew I would drop whatever I was doing if he called and needed me. That's what this reminds me of ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-02)
I think there is some comfort to be taken when a group (religion) says, "It's ok, you are NOT crazy. This stuff can happen." I just find it sad, that so many choose to flaunt the negative aspects instead of pointing out the supportive verses too, when it comes to things like the paranormal. Maybe, those with abilities would be less likely to develop neurosises over them.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-02)
BGP and Miracles,
Thank you for reading and commenting.😊
I think it was rather amazing too, Miracles. We weren't 'close' growing up (12 years difference), especially when he was enlisted when I was about 5 or 6 and I didn't see him again until I was nearly 9. We weren't really 'friends' until I was in my 20s. So, he would be the last one I'd think of to come back and save me. Goes to show, you just never know.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
val - I think this is an amazing experience and am so glad your brother was watching out for you ❤
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Going to favs val. 😊 This is a great reminder to everyone, to go with your gut and always be aware of your surroundings! Your red flags went off as soon as the encounter began. You knew it was flight or fight and just as hope started fading, in walks your brother. He is just AWESOME!

I'm a sap for happy endings and this was a great one. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)

When you described your brother, that is how he 'felt' to me. It felt like you projected his personality in your words if that makes sense? Anywho, that's how I envisioned him. 😊 I hope Richard did scare him into sobriety! It would serve that jerk right!

By the way, kudos on how you handled the encounter. Listening to your intuition, being aware of your surroundings and trying to stay calm can be difficult in a 'red flag' situation. I've been in a few similar situations where my senses felt like they were in overdrive.

❤ Dee ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Val, I like that idea, they know it's not going to freak you out. A ghostie set of rules makes sense too, like a code of conduct. The Catholic faith have more or less the same idea too, that under special circumstances a higher power grants permission for a ghost to make contact. Bit off topic I know, but I like when religious beliefs coincide with experience, I find it somehow comforting lol!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Maybe they somehow know it's not going to freak me out? 🤔 I've always seen spirits as far back as I can remember. But, on the other hand, I don't always see them. I just sense them. Perhaps it's a combination of things, their ability to materialize and my ability to see? I dunno.
On another hand (wait - that's three hands! Oh, well) I do wonder how many have seen spirits and not even known it. Honestly, if this one had called me "Miss" instead of my name (and not looked like my brother had) I would have thought he was one of the highschool boys. He seemed THAT corporeal. I mean even that jerk saw him. And that leads me to wonder if maybe there's a set of rules ghosties have to follow on when it's ok to intervene in our lives.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Hey!😁 Thanks for reading. You know, I wonder if that guy even knew he was seeing a ghost? Or if it was just fear of a witness. Either way, he sure was history right quick. Lol

Ap! Thanks for reading and commenting. Bragging rights? That made me smile.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
I believe one day you will be reunited with your brother, and he may well be leaving you signs that he is watching over you, only you don't realize it. But, if you FEEL that he is there, then he is. Sometimes, our loved ones presence is not detected by any of our 5 senses, but within our hearts; a 'knowing'. I'm not sure I can aptly explain it.
There is an old Rom (gypsy) saying that roughly translated goes something like, "To have the dead dance across your mind, for reason not, is to know you are in their thoughts." It means they are visiting you for that brief moment. I find solace in it.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
You nailed my brother's personality to a T. He was quiet, both verbally and physically, wicked smart and stealthy. You NEVER heard him coming.
How sweet of you to say, I never disappoint. Thank you. 😳
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Val, when I read your experiences I always think how there's something about you which makes ghosts feel okay to materialize. I don't know why I assume they'd be shy about doing this with others. But it seems to me some people are beacons for these kickass encounters! I think there's something about you that helps them to help you. Hope that makes sense.
The little prayer you said was clearly answered. That can't have been coincidence.

Also, Lady Glow I can't vote you up at the moment, but I really dug this:
"Like always, the living one was the dangerous one"
So so true.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
I agree, the living are much scarier than the dead. Even if I seriously doubt I could either out run or out fight a ghost. 😉
Evil me would like to believe Richard materialize inside that car. Muhahaha (Wicked laugh).
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Greetings valkricry (my editor - bragging rights LOL)

This is such a touching story that warmed my heart, knowing we're being watched over by our departed loved ones and that they still care as much for us now as they did when they were alive (possibly even more).

A beautiful experience. Thank you for sharing.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)
Hi Val,

Waw! I mean, you have double validation on this encounter, it's yours and that creepy guy! Something tells me that your brother scared the heebee jeebies (maybe I misspelled this, sorry) out of the guy! Lololol

Such a beautiful and conforting experience!
Maybe your brother is your guardian angel... ❤
lookingforamiracle (3 stories) (16 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-01)

Beautiful experience.

Having lost my elder brother and hoping to meet him someday and having a feel that he is watching over me and his loved ones, your story just made my believe stronger.

Thanks for sharing.

Nazz 😊
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)

I got excited when I saw your name... You never disappoint! How amazing to have your brother still looking out for you when you truly need it? I can almost imagine him too; looking cool and calm, yet ready to scare the bejeezis out of that creepy guy. 😉

I'm glad everything worked out and you stayed safe. Thank you for sharing a beautiful experience ❤

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Like always, the living one was the dangerous one.

Val - what a lovely experience. It is wonderful to know that our loved ones are watching over us.

I hope the drunk driver saw Richard vanishing in thin air... I imagine the shock would have helped him to sober up at that very moment.

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