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I'm an avid reader and this will be the first out of many stories I plan on sharing with you guys. I come from Mindanao, the second biggest island in the Philippines. Growing up in a rural area, stories like mine is not uncommon. This particular story happened to me last January this year.

My great grandfather just died and everyone was grieving. Here in the Philippines, the wake usually lasts 9 days wherein the dead is prayed and mourned upon by relatives, friends, and even casual bystanders. It was just the 4th day when my mom said she can't go due to my brother being sick. So it was up to me to visit the wake. I started heading to the wake using my motorcycle, usually a 3 minute drive if you choose to pass on the road that passes the cemetery. And I did use that road since I was getting late for the prayer service.

It was still 8pm. As I was approaching the cemetery, I noticed a woman-like figure standing on the side of the road just a few steps from the cemetery gate. As I got closer, I noticed that she had something on her back, like a backpack or something. I got a little creeped out since it was a barely lit area and a woman was just standing there. Suddenly, as I was about 5 meters from her, the woman got to her knees and elbows, like imitating a dog, and spread her bat wings. That's right, bat wings. I was horrified and zoomed past her with speeds that would've given my mom a heart attack.

I arrived at the wake and didn't tell anyone what I saw. In the Philippines, we have these entities called "Aswang" or "Wakwak" as we call them in Mindanao. They are vampiric creatures with a thirst for human insides, especially the liver and heart. Their most common victims are babies and toddlers. As I told you, stories like mine is not uncommon in the Philippines. I shall post more of my encounters with these entities. Hope you like my story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, wysteria1, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-31)

Thank you for sharing your experience, I always find this kind of encounter very interesting. I come from Portugal, and my dad once told us something about "corredores" literal translation means "runners" but they are similar to the shapeshifters. Unlike Aswangs, they were harmless though, as they were humans that would turn into an animal, whether it was dog, cat or even a pigeon.
But it's always interesting to read about these encounters and find some similiraties between different cultures! 😊

Take care.
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-31)
Thank you for sharing! I am excited to read more of your experiences.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-17)
I am a Filipino-American and grew up listening to my Mom and her friends talk about the Aswang and the Wak-Wak. The material that you shared concerning these creatures is the same as the material my Filipino relatives have shared with me. Some of her friends have even had encounters of these creatures at night and say that they have heard the distinct "wak-wak" sound of their approach. Whether this was a vocal sound or the sound of the beating of their wings, they could not be sure, because they did not stick around in the area to find out. I, for one, believe in the veracity of your story. Good tale!
wysteria1 (4 stories) (5 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-10)

Yes. Aswangs can be many things. Others can detach their upper bodies from the rest and grow bat wings. These are called "manananggals" (the "remover" if translated loosely). Others can also shape-shift, usually into a very large dog or a very large pig.

All of them have one in common though. According to local legend, every aswang applies a special oil on their bodies and that enables them to have supernatural powers.

As for the victims, though. They usually prey on pregnant women and young or unborn children. They also prey on local livestock such as goat and chicken.

As for the woman in my story, I didn't have a clear view of her face since it was a dimly lit area and she was standing away from the curve so it was impossible for me to shine my motorcycle light on her.

As for them being immortal, they basically are (according to legend anyway) but this isn't always the case. One alleged aswang can die if they have someone to pass the their powers to, be it a relative or friend. Secondly, aswangs are hurt by salt and garlic and most pregnant women in our area used to put garlic on their windows and salt on their roofs.

Lastly, they can be killed by having certain weapons enchanted by a witch doctor or blessed by a priest. The most common is the tail of the stingray, a long bamboo spear. But, to kill a manananggal, you'd have to find it's lower body half and put salt or ash on it so it won't be able to reattach itself and will eventually fade when sunrise comes.

Luckily, there has never been news about a child or a pregnant woman dying due to aswang attacks here in our area, though you'd be very unlucky to be living next a pregnant lady and hear the "wak-wak-wak-wak" sound, hence the name.

Thanks for reading my story ❤
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-09)

Yup that's a great way to escape haha. I don't know why but when this story was told to us by my parents when we were still young, there were no questions asked. Like I said, it's a great way to scare children from going outside the house.

I think you're refering to a "manananggal". Creatures that detach their lower body. I think, when people found out or suspected someone of being an "aswang", the most common thing they do is lynch that person (sad). It's barbaric I know.

About the autopsy, I'm not so sure.

Hahaha I'm not the one who should answer your questions but since I'm also living in the Philippines, so why not hahaha 😁

Z ❤ ❤ ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-09)
Zaruje - you can call me not only skeptical but cynical.

" There's even a story back in my home town where they captured a large black dog rumored to be an aswang (these entities can shape shift into animals) and tied it to a pole. The authorities were shocked the following morning when they discovered that the dog was gone and was replaced by a naked man tied to the pole."

I wonder why the aswang/dog/man didn't morph himself into a small animal like a cat or a rat that could have easily escaped the rope or whatever they used to tide him to the pole, thus avoiding to disclose his identity.

Wisteria1 - welcome to YGS.

I'm sorry for your loss.

This is not the first time I read about this creatures, please correct me if I'm wrong but, - aren't aswangs/wakwaks supposed to detach their lower body and spread some sort of magical oil to preserve it from drying out, and then hide it somewhere safe during the time they go looking for food? And not only that, but during the day they look like normal persons with nothing that gives away their darker side.

At this time and age, I wouldn't discard the possibility of someone trying to play a practical joke on you while some one else was taking a video of your reaction.

Do you know if it is customary to perform an autopsy to the bodies of children suspected to have died because of an aswang?
Are these entities equally common in the big cities as in rural areas?
Was the woman a local? Did you see/hear her flying?
Do you know how many kids in the area have died under those circumstances?
What happens to someone suspected and discovered to be an aswang? Do they have to face criminal charges?
Do they die or are they eternal?
Do newspapers report any deaths by aswang?
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-05-08)

I like how parents 'kept the kids off the streets in the wee hours.'

Sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Best wishes,

😘 ❤ 😘
wysteria1 (4 stories) (5 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-08)
Hey there. I've heard that news once. It even got posted on Facebook, if I'm not mistaken.
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-08)
Hi! I live in Luzon and we also call them "aswang or wakwak". There's even a story back in my home town where they captured a large black dog rumored to be an aswang (these entities can shape shift into animals) and tied it to a pole. The authorities were shocked the following morning when they discovered that the dog was gone and was replaced by a naked man tied to the pole. I never really asked if this was true but it's still a great way to scare children from roaming the streets at the wee hours of night.

Thanks for sharing!

Z ❤ ❤ ❤

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