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Real Ghost Stories

The Voice From The Stairs


This experience took place back in 2014 I believe, when I lived in Portugal with my ex-boyfriend.

It was night-time and me and my ex were watching a thriller/paranormal movie. The volume was pretty high, to make ourselves more scared.

I think we were past half way through the the movie when we suddenly hear something through the loud sounds from the TV. What we heard was "ahhhhhhhhhh". It was not a scream, it was more like when you got to the doctor and he wants to check your throat and you have to go "ahhhh". And it was coming from a woman.

We knew right there and then it was not coming from the movie, because the scene it was showing didn't have any females in it, and it was coming from outside the bedroom.

My ex turned down the volume, so did the voice. The voice was actually lowering at the same speed as the sound of the movie. (Once again, the voice is not coming from the movie)

We get off the bed and open the bedroom door. That's when we hear the family dog...she's growling. She only growls when she feels threatened or if something is very wrong. We even went outside, but nothing, it was completely quiet. That's when my ex suddenly says that the voice came from the second floor. We looked at the dark staircase leading up to the second floor.

We knew nobody was up there, cause we were all alone in the house.

The family dog didn't stop growling for maybe ten minutes.

When we went to bed later on, I could have sworn that I had heard a scratching noise from outside... On our window.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nelly93, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)

I am not sure that a spirit would attach itself to something that likely did not belong to it in its life (like this flower which most likely was placed on the grave afterward). Its possible, but I don't have much experience with that.

However, I do think it is significant that you (and your ex) believed that it may have something to do with the spirit. And by tossing it back into the graveyard, you in essence did some sort of ritual to tell the spirit to move on (or stop bothering you). It seems you did not do a formal ritual, for example with burning sage or holy water. But perhaps the fact that you assigned some power to the flower (assigning it as the cause of the disturbances) and then made your intentions clear about the spirit not bothering you (by throwing it back) were enough to stop the occurrences.

When I read other people's postings of rituals to rid themselves of unwanted spirits, I read many different varieties. But the core of each of these is expressing your intention to the ghost that you don't want it around anymore. Maybe your simple act of assigning power to the flower and returning it was enough of a "ritual" to bring this to conclusion.

In any case, it is very good that you are not bothered by it anymore.

James Bond
Nelly93 (4 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
Jabond99 - We threw the flower back because we thought that was the reason of the sudden activity. The flower didn't have any importance to us. We just returned it to stop what was going on.
And I thought the flower looked pretty, that was why I picked it up in the first place.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)

So glad that you responded and that life is starting to return to normal.

Your comment to lady-glow struck a chord "Different spirit passing through".

The YGS site has many accounts of members going through difficult times and seemingly to attract entities. Some appear to want to feed off negative energy, while others are more familiar and want to comfort or help (eg: Guardian Angels).

I think that depositing the plastic flower back over the fence was a wise move.


jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)

That is an interesting added fact about the plastic purple flower from the graveyard. If I could ask you to expand on that. It seems at some point you drew an association between having the flower and the occurrences, because at some point you threw it back into the graveyard. Was that a conscious attempt on your part to make the occurrences stop? Or were you just returning the flower because you thought it should be returned? I ask because I want to know if you and your ex put any specific importance on the flower.

Thanks for a good story.

James Bond
Nelly93 (4 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
Oh! I just remembered something.
When me and my ex walked pass the graveyard one day, we found this plastic purple flower on the ground. It must have blown over the wall from one of the graves, cause we brought back to the house and that's when some of the experiences started. And when we brought it back and threw it over the wall of the graveyard, the activity calmed down.
Nelly93 (4 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
Awoken - I don't live in that house anymore. I have moved back to Sweden, so I can't try it, lol.

Lady-glow - I know what you mean. But I can tell you that that house is less than 1 minute away from a graveyard, so... That can be a reason. Different spirit passing through.
I believe you on the negative thing. There was a lot of stress and anger in my relationship, so, yeah.
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
I'm glad you made mention of the dog's growling. A lot of these stories exclude the reactions of family pets and I can't help but feel those reactions tend to inspire credibility to an experience like the one you described.

Freaky situation. I often wondered if there is some sort of "fear stimulus" response from the spooky stuff out there.
Does fear attract some "things?"

I don't know, but I get the feeling that sometimes we open up our senses up in different and unusual ways when we are afraid.

Maybe the voice is still there but you can't hear it because you don't have the right frame of mind?

Maybe scare the crap out of yourself and try listening again?


Food for thought.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
Hello Nelly.

Thanks for replying though, in my opinion, your comment only adds more mystery to the question "whose voice was that?"

Perhaps researching the history of the place could shed some light about your experience or, if your " life was not good back then", it's possible that your situation attracted some negativity like a magnet.

It's hard to say what happened that night, but I'm glad to know it has stopped.
Nelly93 (4 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
I don't really know what more to tell you. That was actually the end of the story. Nothing more happened after that. We just heard that weird woman, the dog growling and what I believe to be scratching noses outside. I'm sorry I can't give you any more information.

Well, some more weird experiences happened after that, but my life was not good back then, and I just forgot about this site. Now, when I'm finally getting my life together again, I just remember these things and decided to publish it 😊

But I think that I have not been having any experience since 2015-2016.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)
Hello Pernilla,

Unlike your previous experiences, this time you do not appear to be asking for help, rather more like wanting to just let people know of this experience.

What I don't understand is why you decided to tell your story now?

It has been over 6 years since you published your previous stories in 2003, yet this experience happened in Portugal (rather than Sweden) only one year later.

Has something happened recently, that may have triggered your need to publish this account?

If it is personal and you don't want to discuss, then I understand. Otherwise, as lady-glow and siltherthane have highlighted, it is difficult to draw too many conclusions from your account.

Taking all three stories into consideration, one thing seems to be clear - you have had three incidents in three different locations, which leads me to believe that you have inherited your mother's abilities.

The question, that is most pertinent now, is are you still experiencing these strange events, or did they cease in 2004?

silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-19)
I feel as if I am left waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is there a continuation to this encounter, is there an epilogue? I wonder if any closure occurred to this story to give any indication as to what was really going on. In any case, I am left wanting more.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-19)
More information needed in order to have an opinion about your experience... It would be helpful if you could participate in the discussion.

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