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Hospitals Are Haunted


As some of you know, I work as a Medical Secretary in the hospital in my town. I have been there for a year now. I'm going to share a few scary experiences with you that I have had so far into my career.

First of all I have to say that I was very skeptical taking this position because visiting this hospitals' ER as a patient in the past I have had some very eerie feelings. You know the kind of feelings when you're alone but you sense others around you, or when you feel like your being watched? Well this is how I felt every time I came in there-even as a child.

After I was offered the position, after careful consideration, I accepted it. The offer was too good to refuse. The school that I had graduated from sent out resumes for all the graduates to all the local facilities that were hiring, and the hospital was offering me an exceptional salary, and benefit package.

Anyhow, onto my stories: My first few weeks on the job, I was in orientation. All was well. I was working day shift 8am to 5pm, on the 10th floor which is the respiratory care unit. I started making friends with all the nurses, and other staff. Things were great, there were no scary feelings, or maybe I just didn't have time to feel them at that point.

Well after 4 weeks of orientation I was put on 2nd shift: 3-11pm. This is when the freaky stuff started to occur. One night I got on the elevator (by myself) as usual for my first break of the evening, (I'm a smoker so I usually take my breaks outside).

I pushed in the #1 button and the doors closed. The computerized voice system said "going down". I then heard the voice of an elderly woman in almost a whisper say "six please" I lifted my head up to sort of look around. Knowing I was the only one in there it was just a normal reaction.

All of the sudden the elevator dings, and the doors open up. In front of me sat a run down old dusty nurses station, (I was on the 6th floor.) I had not seen this floor before. The walls were torn down half way: there were tools and things lying all over. This floor at the time was closed for renovations. I was kind of shaken at that point. I pushed the #1 button 2 or 3 times hard wanting the doors to shut quickly. As they began to shut I heard the same woman's voice say "thank you".

The elevator proceeded down to the first floor and I got off. I went and sat on the benches directly across from them almost in disbelief. At that point, my mind was running wild. I'm looking down both ends of the halls. This time at night, there are very few people in this area mostly staff and they are just randomly passing through.

That little voice in my head kept saying "did that really just happen?" I sat there a minute longer and said a prayer, (That comforts me). I went on outside and that strange, eerie feeling stayed with me.

On my way back in I stopped at the security station in the ER and asked to be escorted back up to 10. It's a long scary walk through those dim-lit hallways from one end of the hospital to the other. There are a lot of different elevators but they all go to different areas of the hospital and of course the ones I use daily are the furthest away.

I made my way back upstairs. The charge nurse asked why I had security come with me. I felt a little stupid telling her my story, but it felt good to let it out. She said that I shouldn't feel crazy about experiencing that because she had been here for almost 20 years and that she has had even stranger things happen. She said that some people who work there say that they have not seen or heard anything out of the ordinary, but there are others who have insisted that they have seen and heard ghosts and spirits roaming through the halls and in the patients' rooms every time they work.

I have more tales to tell so I will be back with the other experiences. Thanks for reading my post. Feel free to comment I will check back daily and discuss any issues.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ambi, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

adullin (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-07)
everytime I go into a hospital I feel weird. Its not suprsed with the whole people have to die? And they normally die horribly in a hospital. I really hate hospotals
ranger (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-24)
Hey Lurca
The elevator stops at the 6 floor huh? Did you notice if the 6th floor button is lighted up that the elevator would stop there? The elevator is run by electrical, electronic, mechanical or maybe computerized. I find it hard to think something programmable to be influence by some unseen and not physical forces, the button should light up for the elevator to stop at that floor and I don't read any that you notice that... Or maybe someone already push that button before, probably playing or by mistake and he/she already got-off when you take the lift... But the voice? Maybe and maybe not,, it's just what I observed on your story.
Francois (220 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Greetings and salutations,

Hello Ambi, your story really creeped me out. However, I am not surprised why. Hospitals are a place where many people take their last breath. Also, workers who worked so devotedly for the sick tend to stay there even after death. At times, it is said some ghosts don't know they are dead.

The essence of one's energy tends to stay and live on in a hospital, where so many other prescences are located. Death is not the end, it is only the end of the beggining. I also want to say thank you for your service and work in the hospital. I believe that you are an essential part of the staff and have contributed to saving lives. I hope you have many more experiences to share. God bless and deus vobiscum. Take care.


Ambi (5 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-23)
Thanks guys. I'm glad that there are so many people intrested in the strange things that happen to me. LOL! I have more I will be sharing soon.
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-21)
That is a very cool experience. I bet there are many ghosts there. Probly because they died a sudden death or they are looking for their loved ones and maybe even they loved the hospital.

Its really intresting how spirits show themselves to certain people.

Hope you have more storys about the hospital.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-20)
I always have eerie feelings in hospitals. And I'm sure it's for the same reason. I believe that some people are more susceptible to paranormal experiences than others. I read your other story too. It could be the same lady, and she might like following you around or maybe it's something more deeper than that. But anyways, I enjoy your stories. I hope you post more as they come.

ZUKISMOM (5 stories) (58 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-19)
I have worked in the ER of local hospital in my area on midnight shift 11-7am for 7years now and have had some really creepy things happen. Some of my coworkers have had things happen to. We all usually share out experiences as we have worked together so long and feel like family. I have heard voices call my name when no one was around me. Had lights blink like crazy when I would enter certain rooms. Pt's talking to people in corners who we did not see. This hospital was built in 1913 by nuns and is still a catholic hospital. The local legend is there is a nun in the basement who roams around. The basement used to be upper staff areas back in the day. So yes hospitals have lots of spirit activity. It can be a little unnerving but you get used to it.
Good luck with your career and GOD BLESS.
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-19)
Wow love it! These are the kind of stories I like the ones to don't want to finish and when they do you want more.

I also have worked in hospitals and also have had weird things happen so I can totaly relate.

thanks for sharring!

Ambi (5 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-19)
Yes, the 6th floor in our hospital truly exits, It just happened to be shut down do to the remodeling of it. The floor is up and running now, and it looks beautiful. Its hard to believe that even looked the way it did when I was unwillingly taken there. Thanks for your comment.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-19)
Wow I liked this story. Hosptals are always full of spirits. I think I don't have to explain why 😉.I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Nordic (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-19)
I really enjoyed your story - well written! I also believe that hospitals are haunted as I have heard too many stories from people whose credibility I have no reason to doubt, to believe anything else. I look forward to the rest of your stories.
shada (1 stories) (26 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Thank you for the story. Very good reading. I figure the bigger the hospital the more hauntings it has... Hmmmm, I should check out the ones near me...
DneveRinaldo (9 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
yestersday something had happen to me in the hopsital like that<before I had to go in for my tests, I just sitting there for awhile watching television in the waiting room, to my surpraise I saw a shadow person of man popping in and popping out and just standing there in the dressing room looking at me, I never thought I would see something like that in daylight, but I did, I say to myself (No that just didn't happen!) yes I do believe that you can see spirits in the hospitals (people do passaway all the time) thank you sharing your story ❤
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Hi ambi.I'm sure there are many lost and confused souls wandering the halls of hospitals everywhere. It makes perfect sense with so many deaths having taken place in them. The little old lady had probably been a patient there.I'm looking forward to more experiences you've had at your hospital, thanks for sharing this one. I enjoyed it.
Ambi (5 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Hi every one. Thanks for all the comments, they are all appreciated. I definitely have even creepier instances, that I will be sharing shortly. I just thought Id try to start off at the beginning. Thanks again, take care and GOD BLESS!
henry16 (1 stories) (43 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
I don't actually believe that every hospital is haunted but I know a lot of them are, the only reason I don't believe every hospital is haunted is because I spent 4 weeks in a hospital and not one thing, not even christmas day or eve when I was completely alone.
But for a fact there are more haunted than not. 😊
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Yes, I also believe "hospitals are haunted" and how could they not be when they have "witnessed" so much pain, agony and death.

In our old public hospital in my city, one of the floors hadn't been used for years before the whole hospital was later closed down (not because of hauntings 😊).It's currently used as a school for nurses.

That particular hospital was built by the Italians during ww2 and the particular floor was used as an ER where wounded soldiers were treated-most of whom died.

I had spent endless hours in that hospital because I was paying visits to family members working there.

I have heard and seen things I cannot explain but I will not elaborate yet as I'm planning to write about them soon.

Thanks for sharing.
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
I work the 11 p to 7 a, shift in a hospital ER. I have mentioned some of my experiences, Once a cold round ball of mist past between me and my computer, like it was leaving the area. Another time a clergy pin went flying out of my office into the waiting room and landed at a patients feet, he brought it into me and asked if I threw it at him. I don't have a clue where the pin came from but it happened when I was reading stories on this site. Another time I felt as opposed to seeing a man sitting up on a gurney by one of the elevators every time I walked by. I finally walked over to it and told the person that it was ok to go home. So far nothing scary has happened. Keep up with your stories.
Mystgunz (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Thanks for shareing story very creepy I knew hospitals were bad lol
good story tho
IBelieve (3 stories) (31 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
Hi Ambi
Good story. I enjoyed reading it. On the part about some people seeing things and some not. I think that's all in the person, if you believe in the paranormal I think it's easier to pick up on things. If you don't you are so fast to put anything paranormal out of you head that you don't see or hear what others do. Just my opinion. I also think some people are meant to see and hear things, some are just by chance.
lyssa2007 (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
I liked your story a lot. When ever I walk though the hostipal in my town I have those feelings like there is something following me. Since you know that people do die there.
pinkroses (1 stories) (33 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
Definately a great story. Please tell more. I am adding this to one of my favorites. Thanks and take care. ❤
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
Ambi, Great story. Very well written and totally believable. Please come back and tell us more.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
I enjoyed hearing of your experience and await more of them.

I have worked in clinics and hospitals for a very long time. I can concur that there are definately strange occurances.

God Bless!
GhostGal (6 stories) (104 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
Well, that's a little scary. But you're lucky. If you think THATS scary, then go to the hospital at like 3am (also knows as the dead hour) and walk the halls. I went to the hospital once because I had poor health, and I got up around 3am and started to walk the halls. I took 1 turn in the hall and diecided to go into the elevator and up to the floor 5 (I think) and check up on a friend and for some reason when I hit 5 it kept going to like floor 9 or 10 (or alteast a lot pass 5) I don't want to speak of what happened there, but it was scary. Ill never forget that night. I now never go itno that elevator again.
But I don't think what happened to you was so bad. You were only a little shookin up. I was about ready to crap my pants. Haha. But I'd stay away from that floor for a little while. God bless!

~Gejro ❤
Velvet (2 stories) (72 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
I hate hospitals and clinics period. You are brave for working in one. Congrats on your new job as well. I'm a little confused though, does the 6th floor that's all run down really exist?
It's just that I saw a movie about a story like that were the elevator took the person to a run down floor like that.

Thanks for sharing.
Karyn (1 stories) (63 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
At least you had a somewhat positive experience. Nothing bad happened other than you getting shaken up a bit. Hey, who wouldn't? I don't see why every hospital isn't haunted. Obviously a lot of people die in hospitals every day. Maybe some aren't ready to go,IE: people in horrible accidents.
This would perfectly explain the phenomena of the very common fear of hospitals so many of us have. Maybe even those of us that aren't, "sensitive" so to speak can still subconcenisly (sp?) pick up on these residual entitys.
BooYouu (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
I Know I Was Going Uo To A Ward And I Could Hear People Walking Past Good Story;] 😁

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