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A Childish Presence


One evening last year, I was sitting at my desk in my room working on a drawing for one of my classes when I felt someone tugging my hair. It wasn't like someone was pulling my hair to hurt me, but just a light playful tug. I chuckled and for whatever reason felt a happy/bubbly feeling in my stomach. Whoever this person was, I knew they weren't bad.

A few minutes later, the same presence (from what I could tell) started tugging on the bottom corners of my t-shirt. And soon after that, it started bumping my pencil. It seemed as if it was pushing it to make me mess up a bit. Like a little brother or sister would. For some unexplainable reason I started laughing. I don't have any little siblings, because I'm technically the youngest, I have a twin sister who is 32 minutes older, and an older brother. I know I haven't had any brother or sisters to be, so I have no clue what kind of spirit would want to try to play with me.

I've babysat a few times before, and it seems like the presence that was in my room had the same kind of personality that any little kid would have. Just wanting to get my attention to play with them.

I don't know what happened to the spirit, but it never came back. It just made me feel happy and wanted, which is pretty cool.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DollyDagger, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)

I would also like to encourage you to submit your stories. I would be interested to hear about your experiences.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-25)
We've allowed this conversation to continue for several reasons, the first being that it is just that: a conversation between posters attempting to understand anothers views and beliefs. That, and this is an older thread and the poster hasn't been active for 7 years or so.

However, I feel I need to caution members about the Comments Guidelines, and this in particular:

"This site offers discussions on the topic of ghost experiences, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or preaching, unless the author of a story specifically asks to receive feedback from that religious perspective. This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind so we can actually learn more about the paranormal, with the same empirical mind set that made science so successful in other fields. Religions have a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of personal spirituality, but they can also limit our knowledge of the world with old superstitions and unproven dogmas. It's fine to share what your religion has to offer as a possible explanation, but everyone has their own, they certainly don't come here to be converted, so please, don't push it on others as irrefutable fact"

So you see Calmness, your original comment complied with the guidelines, as well as the ones in the conversation. Just keep it toned down if you choose to comment on other stories/threads.

At this point, although I understand that you're merely answering questions from other posters I'd like to request that this conversation be taken elsewhere, like social media or email. Thank you!
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)
Calmness, I recommend you to share your stories.
Look, I don't judge a person by one's believe or push people too much on that. I guess you already had some ideas on how people will feel when their religions are judged.
Anyhow, now that you have explained what is really happening, please share your stories; I am sure we all will be interested! I did not meant to be offensive neither.

Love from São Paulo

Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)
OK I apologize for my belligerent behavior, I must admit that I am overly excited by the proof of the hereafter and until I had my own experience, I have always been extremely skeptical of ghosts etc, and I wasn't that much into religion either, but it is perhaps more the fact that, I am unable to share my experience with anyone outside the digital world, for fear of being ridiculed and taken away to the funny farm.
I also have to accept the fact that as my experience was personal to me, it is fairly difficult for others to grasp the significance of what happened to me, without the benefit of proof or video evidence.
When taken out of context, it could easily be the ramblings of a nutcase carrying a sandwich board with the statement "The End is Nigh"
I have not spoken of this, either on or offline for approximately 15 years, and I wrongly assumed that everyone would be interested to read about regular visitations from an Angel, along with the information that was given to me about the afterlife and life and death and rebirth etc...
I have taken note of all the negative comments and thumbs down, and will try to avoid giving my opinion, especially where it is not wanted.
If I offended anyone, then I apologize profusely!
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)
Calmness, well, your comment for me made me thought that "Are you trying to make me a believer too?" I have to put one vote for Varuni.
The last comment showed that you agreed too, now we are talking.

I apologize for my interruption.

Yours sincerely

Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)
I don't have a problem with that!

In these circumstances it is better to agree to disagree.
One's form or religion is a personal choice.

For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.
Varuni (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)
Calmness, I do believe what E.Lynx, is aksing is just that you have an open mind to all things. There are all faiths and beliefs here. No one wants to feel like there being forced to see things one way or the other. What if I was to have beliefs in Pastafarianism. Would you not think that it was somewhat out of line if I was to Say that it was the only way things could have happened? No one is saying to change your way or beliefs just to please leave room on the forums for all not just one
Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)
Dearest E.Lynx,
I apologize if being religious is offensive to you or any other members.
I would have thought on a forum specifically setup to discuss the topic of Ghosts, Spirits and Demons, that belief in God would have been a prerequisite for those who believe in Ghosts etc.
Particularly when God is who everyone turns to for help, when in a difficult or often frightening experience.
However, in order to conform with the political correctness of the forum, I will endeavor to tone down my reference to your and my ultimate creator, if you or other members feel uncomfortable when I mention his name.
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Calmness, sorry I need to interrupt but can you not be too religious?
"There is only one God, everything else is mythology..."
"People are free to believe in what they want..."
There are consistencies according to what you are talking about from the above.

I think DandK was just asking to be more specific.

Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)

There is only one God, everything else is mythology, and minformation to keep people from following the one true God, and that is not something I say lightly, it is as I have been told.
People are free to believe in what they want, it is all about personal choice, and of course indoctrination, based on place of birth, parents, family and friends etc...
But it is every souls duty to find the true path, and that means questioning everything until you find the truth.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)

Are you using the name 'God' to imply the ultimate creator (or perhaps even creating group) that could fall under many religious points of view?
Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Well, apparently, God created all creatures, and even the mosquitoes have a reason to be here, so he knows, each and everything that happens, to each and every one of his creations.
Animals are provided for us, for food, for transport, for comfort and to test our kindness and patience towards them.
So you can be assured that they are taken care of, it is only human behavior that has a detrimental effect on any particular animal or a creatures well being.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Calmness, I hadn't made that connection before. It makes sense. Though I like to hope that the animals are being watched over as well.
Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
As you said yourself, your Grandmother waa a religious person, and the extreme situation of seeing the animal in distress, may well have caused the dog to be saved through her request for God's help in that instant.
I wasn't there but, it is very likely the two things are related.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Calmness, I asked you this about animals for a specific reason. I think I saw an angel or angel baby when I was a small child, but it helped a dog. We were on the highway, my grandmother was driving, and my mom was passenger, and I was a small toddler standing on the seat between them. I looked up in the sky through the front window and saw what I remember thinking was an angel. But it was small and the best way I can describe it now was that it looked like a puff of cloud and light in the sky. I instinctively knew it was an angel, and as soon as I saw it, I pointed to it with excitement and told my mom and grandmother "Look, there's an angel!" Then it was gone.

My mom and grandmother didn't look up and thus missed it, which disappointed me, and I turned and watched a dog run off the road into the median.

My mom and grandmother had a much different experience than me though. They tell me (because I didn't see what they saw since I was looking at the angel) that they saw a small dog run onto the highway and then watched as the dog went totally under the tire and get flipped around in the wheelwell of a truck in front of them. As that was happening, I was pointing in the sky and yelling about seeing an angel. The dog was ejected from the wheel and got up and ran into the median and kept running like nothing happened. My grandmother was so upset that she had to pull over and couldn't drive. My grandmother was a religious person and the fact that her 3 year old granddaughter saw an angel and that dog ran away from that had a profound impact on her, and my mom.

I do believe in these angels because of this experience.

And if anyone is wondering about remembering things at that age, I'm one of those people with a good memory of my entire life. I remember being an infant and having feelings instead of words, and crying in extreme frustration when I couldn't make myself understood. I vividly remember my first Christmas, birthday, third birthday party and who came and what presents they brought, etc.
Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Tweed, I was not inferring that all animals have human souls, merely that it can happen.
An animals character, is its own, and sometimes, more pleasing than a lot of humans.

You would call it a Cherub, although that's just another man made term.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Calmness isn't what you're referring to a Cherub?
Find it hard to believe an angelic being would explain animal intelligence by way of human soul intervention. Could not an animal be intelligent and possess learned communicative traits with other species (like humans) of their own accord? Humans are animals as well.
Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Dear DandK,
Sorry to say that I haven't actually seen that, but I do know that they only follow God's command and that they cannot interfere with bad souls.
Apparently it is up to the individual to make life's choices and it is all down to free will.
For the Good souls, they can both influence in the form of conscience, and also in extreme situations, they can enter the body of a good soul to save someone or help someone or something.
It could be the case that a passer-by would intervene to save an animal, but having been influenced by an Angel.
There is also the case of souls remaining here on earth after they have passed, and that in order not to leave, enter into the body of an animal, perhaps this is why many people think their dogs and cats have a human character.
I am sorry if my rantings sound a little off the wall, but I can only tell it, as it was explained to me. And believe me when I say, it took me years to accept it.
I asked so many questions, and didn't always like the answers I got.
But one thing which is important to note, and that is that an Angel can never tell you the future, they are simply not allowed to do so, because only God can decide on your future.
As far as remembering the first time I saw her, it was 2002, and she is responsible for me and others.
She insists on me telling you that she is not a bird, and doesn't have wings, as depicted in all the artwork and pictures, created by humans.
I think that will do for now, all the best, God Bless!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-24)
Calmness, do you remember the first time you saw an angel baby? Have you ever seen one save an animal from being accidentally killed or grossly injured?
Calmness (10 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-23)
I liked your story, and wanted to tell you about a possible explanation, you may have seen the old paintings of little Angel babies with wings, hovering around humans.
Well I have some Small understanding of these things, and have had regular contact with what I believe to be an Angel (Baby Girl), she is both extremely cute and fun, but also extremely serious when talking about God and other matters.
She spent a lot of time educating me in matters of faith and explanations of the afterlife and spirits and Angels.
I do not talk about this to anybody, for fear of being labeled a wackjob, but I thought a snippet of her explanation might give you a better understanding of your experience.
Baby Angels usually work in groups and they visit the poor, the sick, the needy, and those that have been marked as good souls, but may have started down a wrong path.
I have no idea of your personal situation, as regards children or intentions in that direction, but I was told that Angel babies that are assigned to parents on earth are assigned their parents up to 2 years before they are due to be born, this supposedly is allow them to study them and get to know them better, before they are born.
I know from my own experience, that they play with your hair. Sit on your head, pull your ears, and sometimes when you misbehave, they can nip quite effectively.
But the overriding factor is the feeling of well being and happiness when they are near.
I strongly believe that this was what happened in your case.
Anyway, all the best and God Bless!
😊 😊
seven25 (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
i was wondering if anyone else sees ghosts regularly cause I do
Purplefox (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-26)
Awww! Such a cute ghost! I sure wish I had one like that! 😁 😁

Purplefox ❤
Neechee (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
This story is cool, like a litte kid who thinks or feels you're a older sibling and likes to play, is this the only Experiance that you've had with this Child like presence?
Pattydole70 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
Ghost were people once. There are good ones and there are the scared, angry and confused. This one seems sweet.
rstahley (3 stories) (102 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-19)
I think it kind of funny that this presence didn't scare you at all. Even a "sweet presence" would scare me, just for the fact that my hair is being tugged and no one is in the room with me. However, if you were filled a happy feeling, I guess I can see how you would find it cute or amusing. I am a big chicken, however.
DollyDagger (4 stories) (31 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
Morikahjo: Yeah, I'm sure that's not someone I knew. There's only been a few people close to me that've died which was my great grandma and a friend from junior high, and my dad's best friend, and the presence in my room seemed like it was from a child.

Thespook: I'll be sure to keep that in mind, I know how some of these things can be deceiving, and I won't even be there in a few years anyways, but thanks for the warning
Morikahjo (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
I like that story! Its really sweet! Fust wanting to be noticed... Wanting to be loved. Are you sure that it isn't someone you knew?
thespook (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
dont fall for the sweetness. I once had a similar experience... First they just play with you... But then years later they come back and start to hurt you
DollyDagger (4 stories) (31 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
I don't know, maybe. That could definitely be a possibility. Maybe they just didn't leave because they didn't want to. But if the 'ghost' wanted to stay because it just simply didn't want to leave, then why haven't I felt or seen it around since? Hmmm, makes me curious too...
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
You know, I find myself wondering if some 'ghosts' stay around just because they want to--maybe this little one isn't unhappy, and just decided to stay and make his or her presence known in a gentle, playful manner?

Any ideas or opinions? I'm a little curious. 😐 ❤

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