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Real Ghost Stories

Tour Of Jerusalem And Bethlehem


This is actually two stories in one. They happened on a port visit to Israel. (For those who don't know I am retired Navy.)

The first experience happened to my friend and Liberty Partner (we had to leave the ship and return in pairs for safety reasons) we had purchased tickets for us to go on a tour of Jerusalem and Bethlehem when our ship pulled into Haifa, Israel for a port visit.

Some background. Jerusalem is a wonderful city, many sites to see and in nearly all of them there was some sort of archeological excavation going on. In one place, right in the middle of the sidewalk there was a clear plastic covered dig site where you could look down through history, there were at least 4 separate levels. Jerusalem is a town built up on itself.

At one point during the tour there was an overlook and our tour guide directed our attention to the remains of an ancient road that was about 60-70' feet lower than us. The guide told us that it was part of the road that had existed during the time when Christ was alive, part of the ancient city. My friend, 'Tom', gasped and turned away from the view. I looked at him kind of funny, I knew he wasn't afraid of heights (he was a RM (radioman) and he would work on the mast of the ship doing maintenance on the antennas.) I found out just what had 'freaked' him out when we stopped for lunch.

We got our food and had taken a seat when he looked at me and said," Remember when we were at the overlook?" I nodded my head, "I saw you walking down there, dressed in robes, and I saw you. You were walking alone and you looked right up at me. I know it was you." I didn't know how to reply, At first I thought he was joking, I do medieval re-enactment as a hobby and at first I thought he could 'picture' me in that time frame... Then I thought about how he had said what he'd said. He wouldn't talk about it anymore but by the time lunch was over he seemed to have put it behind.

The next part of the tour took us to Bethlehem, to see the Church built on the 'exact' place where Christ had been born. The Oral Traditions handed down indicated that this location was the birth place of Christ and a Church had been built there.

The main entrance had to be lowered because 'heathens' would ride their horses into the Church and desecrate the whole place. (It's low enough you have to almost duck walk to get under it.) Once inside our guide told us that we would be going downstairs to see the birthplace, someone asked why down into the basement, they thought Christ was born in a stable. Our guide explained that 'back in the days' when you built your home or business that you excavated the rock right at the sight and built over the 'hole'. This allowed for you to keep your livestock underneath your home, their body heat helped to keep the home/business warm in the winter and saved on wood (being expensive) for a barn. So to them 'down' was their stable/barn.

We entered the small room and while in there I was overcome with emotion. I saw a baby girl's face and a name flashed across my mind. I raced out of the space and out into the open air of the courtyard. 'Tom' caught up with me and asked, "Are you alright? You spooked a lot of people back there." I said, "Tell them I was feeling closed in, I'll be alright." He did so then came back and he didn't have to ask, "So what really happened?" I just started talking, "Dru's pregnant, it's a girl, I saw her face, and I know what her name is." Tom didn't say anything, he just kind of nodded his head and we rejoined the group.

First chance I got I called my wife. (Her full name is Druene) She told me she had tested positive and was about 6 weeks pregnant. I said "Her name is Patrica Ruth." Dru didn't even argue with me, not over the name, not over the gender.

We returned from the cruise and on April 2nd my wife gave birth to Patrica Ruth, she was still born. As sad as this is I feel there was a reason, It's deep in my Churches' Teachings and I will not go into it here, but I will say it wasn't long before Dru was pregnant again and we were Blessed with Margaret Josephine who will turn 13 this year. (We have 3 children total... 16 (boy) almost 13 (Maggie) and almost 10 (boy).)

I don't know what happened either time. Did Tom see me from a past life? Did my unborn daughter reach out at tell me her name? I just don't know.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rookdygin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-09)
Respected Sir,
I am sorry I am picking up one of your submissions to write to you but I don't know how to contact you otherwise. My apologies for the same.
I have noticed that my boy, age 2 is sensitive towards paranormal. I have noticed that on few occasions. But I feel nothing. This worries me. Could you tell me anything that I can do to comfort him if he is distressed. He is a May born child.

Sorry again.

Afraidnolonger (5 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-27)
What an interesting experience! I know this post is older but I'm really looking forward to reading your other stories!
nterio (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-22)
stillborn parent, to stillborn parent, this story is amazing. I was pregnant with my first, and my grandmother bought a baby blanket, because she knew the little one I was carrying was a 'he'. As a soon-to-be mom, you see and hear all your expectations. I mever heard him cry. I expressed these feelings to my intuitive grandmother, and she consoled me. More than half was through my pregnancy, my husband and I found out he was beyond our realm, and on April 27, we gave birth to a stillborn son. Noah Michael. Perhaps our children play in the garden of Angels.

Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Granny: Thank you for letting me know. I'm glad he's got such a good reason for not posting!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-03)
Rook did get a promotion at work 😊. Good for him and his family, but not us LOL! We've been in touch and he and his family are well, but he's very busy. I'll be sure to relay the message 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-03)
Narella, all I can tell you is I haven't seen anything from him that's recent. But with the schedule change he spoke of and summer, maybe he's been really busy. He is still a member though, and that's a good sign.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-03)
I was away from the site a lot the last few months, so I apologize if I'm asking a question that has already been answered. Is Rook no longer posting here?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)

You seem a very learned man and wield scripture very well to make your point and yet you seem to be missing a basic one that comes from the very scripture you wield.

Christ appeared to many individuals in many guises before appearing to the Disciples while they were in hiding. The ladies thought he was a gardener, and once they realized with whom they spoke he asked them NOT TO TOUCH HIM... The reason, his Spirit and Perfected Body had not been made whole (had not be rejoined), the ladies were seeing Him in Spirit Form.

He appeared to two of the Disciples, and walked with them and they recognized him not, again this is due to Christ being in SPIRIT FORM ALONE.

It is not until he appears to the Disciples while they are in hiding that he appears unto them in His RESURRECTED and PERFECTED BODY that has been REUNITED with His SPIRIT... Only in this form may He be touched as now the Flesh and Spirit were made whole...

With that out of the way may I...oh heck with it I'm going to ask a question...

Who was Christ going to see when he said this?

John 10:16:

"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

I moved this here because 'Perhaps' deserves the comments on her experience be about her experience not a 'back and forth' that detracts from any aid she may receive.

Please reply here on this thread or feel free to contact me via my e-mail address on my profile.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-20)





rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-20)
To Whom it May Concern,

My work Schedule is going through some changes so my posting shall be random at best until my new one is established.

To those friends I have made here, please do not fret, I am not 'running away' simply changing 'post times'.

Please if it is noticed that I am not on as much, let everyone know I will respond to e-mails...Just give me a day or two.



rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)

I'm moving this to a comment section that won't interfere with any advice or aid the O/P of another experience may receive.

This is the response I get for asking a legitimate question of you?

I have nothing against you. It would be better if you ignored me. But the way you come to oonclusions amuses me, you appear to be at sea most of the time to me, which you try to make up by putting up pompous posts, trying to sound very right, scholastic and knowledeable and observant. This is just a put on. It seems funny when one tries to be whzt one he aint.

One thing you are right about, I should ignore you... But I can't stand BIGOTS and I've had it with you.

You try your hardest to 'slam' others advice and opinions. You Pound your ideas forward as if they are the only ones that matter and you keep trying to convince people that everything that goes 'bump' in the night is something from Indian Folklore or Hindu Traditions. Why don't you listen to yourself... Oh wait that's all you do because no one else could possibly be right.

The reason you and I go back and forth is because I call BS when I see it. Our last exchange on scary_ritwik's experience 'Zen, A Well-wisher Or An Ouija Demon? 2' just proves this point... We were basically saying the same thing but you kept posting that I couldn't possible be right because I am not Indian nor Hindu and that my 'methods' were 'simplistic'. You COMPLETELY IGNORED the fact that we were saying that scary_ritwik should stop using the Board.

It's time you got over yourself, as much as you'd like to believe your opinion is the only one that matters you are WRONG...

I have and I always will stand up to individuals such as yourself. I'm not sure why you singled me out, nor do I care, I'm just not going to put up with it.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)

I have brought this here so we can 'Talk'...

You have stated this to me on another comment section...

"Rook believe me when tell you that this religion it was revealed through out the world do too this religion All the answers are here this is the only religion which all the events that you have no idea happen is the same religion in all the world is just people change the way things are done named and how it's suppose to be but is lived as the real thing am Cuban born there my ancestors are African was born psychic median and have encounter worser things than you see on tv you probably along with everyone here die of heart attack instant this is no joke well trust me everything and all the secrets of the spiritual world is in this religion we deal and mess with the elements of earth have entities that tell me everything that's why there secrets of earth there is ghosts in the world think about wats around you or the things that you don't know and can't see everyone is not believer or they take they understand what they want but trust me Man yoU have no idea in what world your in."

Your new here so I'll start by asking this...

Have you read all the experiences I have shared here on site? I have a pretty good Idea of what world I'm in and I fully understand that Spirits are a part of that. I'm not saying I fully Understand Spirits, but I believe in them.

You also have stated this...

"...born psychic median and have encounter worser things than you see on tv..."

SO WHAT... I can easily believe you have seen worse things than on TV... SO HAVE I. So your argument is invalid.


"...well trust me everything and all the secrets of the spiritual world is in this religion we deal and mess with the elements of earth have entities that tell me everything..."

TRUST YOU1?!, Dude I (we) don't even know you and you ask for TRUST?

How about this... Answer this one simple Question...

What is the NAME of the Religion that has entities that tell you everything?

Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-16)
No tea at work!? And you don't go on strike? How can that be?:-)
Hope the coffee is ok.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-16)

Scary_ritwik is indeed from India, how observant of you. It seems however from their posts that they may be CHRISTIAN and not Hindu not to mention the OUIJA BOARD they CREATED seems to be based on the ENGLISH ALPHABET and not Hindi or Sanskrit... English Alphabet = English Numerals.




I would love to, but I'm at work and the tea is at home 😭 I have another 3 hours before I can try that... But here's to DEEP BREATHING... 😉


Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-16)
Rook, don't let yourself get worked up over some troll. Have a cup of green tea and get some 'Zen'...😉
Take care,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-16)

Well we finally agree on something...I'm not psychic...😉

I do my best to not take myself too seriously. You need not worry about that. As far as 'misconceptions' go if you are referring to the fact I responded as if you 'meant' myself... You are right, I felt you were hinting at 'me'. I am using some of our first conversations from when you joined YGS that you have 'referenced' in recent conversations as the basis for this. If I am wrong I apologize.

My responses are as long or as short as I feel necessary to explain the answers, aid or explanations I am giving an individual.

Numerology...You say this is..."over simplfied" I agree Numerology is simple... The basics are very simple and if you actually read the results you will see that your comment...

"Also if any believes that the ouija board is path to the lord,..."

Is basically the same thing I said using the information provided by the O/P and backed up with basic Numerology. I also did it without 'demeaning' the O/P...did you really say this?

"Also if any believes that the ouija board is path to the lord, needs much self analysation. Not self deception."

Everyone's Path is Different, who are you to say that the O/P is on the wrong one? If their experience with the Board has allowed them to learn a Lesson and that Lesson has brought them closer to Heavenly Father who are we to question the Method of how they got there?

Your attempts to begin arguments with me are getting old and are detracting from any advice or aid some individuals come here looking for... You may agree or disagree with me that's fine we all have our own opinions... Respect mine and I'll respect yours.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-11)

From my 'point of view' if there is a spirit (ghost) acting the way you are describing they are unaware that their physical body has died and so they are continuing to act as they did 'in life'. The fact that they will (can) interact with the living is what makes this type of haunting different from a residual haunting. This of course is my opinion based on my experiences and research.


Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
Rook/hotrod...if angelica wanted sweets/clothes wouldn't she just ASK for them? After all she speaks to Baronessies mum. Just a thought 😊
DelzLdy (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
Rook and Hotrod - In response to the comment thread for Little Girl Being Mischievous by Baronessie

From my limited understanding, don't spirits often emulate in their spirit-life what they lived when alive? In other words, if when a spirit was alive it lived and believed in the Sikh religion, isn't it possible for it to continue to do so once it has passed on? If that person believed it was due sweets, nice clothes, etc while living, isn't it possible for that person/spirit to take those beliefs with them once they die?

If so, isn't it entirely possible for Hotrod's beliefs to be true.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-08)

What a fascinating take, I've heard similar concepts before but I'm really taken with your explanation. This is something I'll definitely be looking into further. Thanks always for your much valued input!

New Hunter:

I definitely think there are "warrior" Angels that continually skirmish with the "forces of evil" (haha even if it sounds like a script for B movie). I like to think there are still lots of different tasks that Angels have that we have no idea about as well (besides the established messengers, musicians, guardians, etc.). The world of Spirits certainly is a mysterious one 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-08)

I'll refer to the link I provided earlier...

The First Intelligence (God for those who believe). This Intelligence created more Intelligence's and they had, as you said, Free Will. The First Intelligence then created 'The World' and the Intelligence's he created can choose to go this world and experience a physical body. However by doing so they forget where they come from, the only way to return is to 'remember' who (what) they are. This requires free will and 'choosing the right'.

At First things didn't go so well (think Old Testament) So the First Intelligence asked those Intelligence's that were around in the 'spirit realm' how more of those who took on physical bodies could return once the physical bodies died. One stepped forward and said, I'll go and bring them all back, none will be left behind I won't give them a choice. Another said I will go, be an example, and I'll teach them but they can choose their own paths. A big fight happened and those that sided with the Intelligence who would just 'bring them all back' lost and by doing so they lost their chance at ever having a physical body. Because of this they tempt those in physical bodies to make bad choices so they may not 'return' to be with the First. They assail us and wear us down so that they can posses our physical form for a short time.

They still fight in the 'spirit realm' hence the 'hierarchy' for either side. Religion calls these Intelligence's Angels or Demons depending on the side they choose at the time of the aforementioned fight.

I hope that was not 'to religious'...


newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-08)
My take on that Rook is as follows, and I do believe in God. God granted us free will and in doing so I believe that He decided to take himself out of the factor in what actions we will take in life. He may know them but does not intervene, now I know some people will say that God let someone survive a situation they should have died, I believe that is to give us a second chance but does not MAKE us believe a certain way. Now back to the topic, God being omnipotent could very well prevent there from having to be an army of Angels, but think about this IF there were no Angels and God just said poof all evil is gone, there are no demons or any other evil entity then free will would be in vain. Assume that satan and demons didn't exist, then there would be no evil to persuade us to do wrong acts and in doing so free will would be gone as we would all follow what's right, and in doing so it would be a way of forcing us to follow his beliefs.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-08)

Point taken. While I share some of your views I find it hard to put anything down that doesn't sound 'preachy'.

There of course will be those that say if 'God' exists and He is Omnipotent why does there have to be Generals...ect...ect...Do you have an answer for them?


newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-08)
I personally believe that there is a Hiearchy for angels. I believe that the forces of "good" and "evil" do battle, always have and always will. I am working under the belief that they do battle and in my personal opinion, not every battle is just hey look this person needs help. I do believe there are "random" battles but I believe, there are also strategic battles so to speak. I feel that there are armies of "good" and "evil" and I do not believe that it would be possible to stand a chance in battles if there is not some sort of "command" involved, such as the military. The only way to stragteically handle a battle would be to have one Angel in charge of the army who passes down orders and/or leads the army. This would therefore create a Hiearchy system to control your side of the battle.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-08)

I actually am quite fine with the level of discussion up to and including Angels. However for many individuals They can't be called 'Angels' without a Biblical/Religious association. That being said if 'RELIGION' is not pushed on anyone... Lets talk about it.


newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)
I personally would agree with Joy to an extent, seeing how stories regarding angels are posted to this site, and do bring up Biblical backing at times, I do feel that if the conversation is kept within the lines of not Bible pushing we should be ok. I do understand if you are not comfortable with to much talk of religion and how it may offend people.
Just my thoughts.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)

Sorry I didn't mean to divert the discussion but I do consider angels apart of the spirit world so I thought it made sense to bring them up. And maybe "hiearchy" was the wrong word to use, what I meant was that I believe there are many different kinds of angels each with different appearances and all with their own set of "duties" they conduct (I think these kind of beings are real even outside of religious beliefs). I just think it's interesting because there seems to be so much about them we don't know.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-07)

You can't have the 'bad' without the 'good'.

However when it comes to a 'hierarchy' among Angels... I have to ask, how much of that is 'mankind's construct'?

Have Certain Angels preformed certain tasks over the course of there really a 'hierarchy'...I'm not so sure there is...

This is very interesting but we are wandering into 'MORE RELIGIOUS' realms here and this is not 'quite' the site for that. Those who want to continue on the Topic of Angels please E-mail me via the e-mail on my profile...

For those of you with inputs concerning our Original Topic...

Are all Spirits Demons, and Why...

Please feel free to 'chime in' right here in this comments section.


JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
Yes, demons tend to do physical harm which in my opinion is the difference between a malicious, ghostly haunting and demonic torment. Like Rook said, demons seek to possess a body whereas ghosts tend to either want to make their presence known or to communicate something (for whatever purpose that may be). A common strategy for demonic possession involves the demon "luring" its' prey (a human) away from other people - ostracizing them, weakening their defenses, feeding off their negative emotions, harming their body physically; all carried out this way in order to create an opening for the possession to take place. I found this to be true through personal experience, though thankfully I was spared from possession. In my case, I suffered from awful claw marks up down my back and legs that would often still are oozing blood upon noticing them (just a tidbit from among the others nasty things I experienced during that time).
What about angels though, YGS? I personally believe in the hierarchy of angels (many different kinds, all with different "tasks" and so on). What kind of thoughts do the good people of this community have on this subject?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)

Its actually more complicated than that... What is posted there is a 'scaled down' non-religious version of my personal beliefs. Thanks for reading though.

I know it doesn't 'reflect' every ones thoughts on the topic, but its a good starting point for conversation.



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