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My Wiccan Girlfriend & The Black Hooded Thing


I have something that maybe someone could shed some light on for me. Over a year ago a large black hooded figure with red eyes was seen by my wiccan girlfriend a lot outside. By her accounts it would knock on the door right after I'd leave for work in the morning. Well it got into the house and has been here ever since. While she sees it I do not. But I do hear things around the house. Closet doors slamming shut, walking across the floor and even a shadow cat sometimes. It likes to pester our cat at night.

Ok now it seems there is yet another black hooded figure waiting outside out house. This one is a lot larger and has no eye colour, just pure black. She said that the one that stays in our house is scared of this one. She says that something is keeping it outside so far, but it does try to come inside and has been staying in for longer and longer periods.

The bad thing is, she tells me that if it gets inside, it won't be a good thing. That we won't survive when it finally gains full entrance into our home. She is looking for spells and other things in her Wicca beliefs to help. I on the other hand am an atheist, but I do believe in spirits and evil things out there. I do sense things sometimes when they are near me and have had experiences in the past.

I have read many stories and not are just the same as mine. But I do see more and more people confronted by black hooded things. I do wonder why more and more are appearing now.

Anyways if anyone has any thing to add that may help or even questions, please fell free to ask.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RollaMoMan, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

SplyZe0315 (4 stories) (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-03)
What's with all the arguement... Ok... I'm christian but I respect what can and what can't be changed... So please just give what help you can and respect each other's views... To non-christians, please forgive and understand the aggressiveness of my christian fellows its just a common teaching with us to spread the word this way in our interpretation... To christians... Try to reach people with the word but don't force it to them, anger will just brew...

To the story, i'm really intrigued of what that outside being is... Also, just a theory, don't you think its the being inside that its after... I mean, since it's not hurting you when you outside... Good luck guys, hope everything turns out well...

Crionna (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-15)
If you were not reading more carefully, he said he was an Atheist and his girlfriend was Wiccan. Therefore, maybe you Christians should show some respect.

Now RollaMoMan, I, being Wiccan, will give you Wiccan-based advise like everyone else should have before throwing in their closed-minded opinion.

How do you feel when around these energies? Protected? Threatened? If it is the latter, I suggest putting a bell beside your door. This is a symbol of Mother Goddesses voice to protect you from negetive energy.

My second, abit more expensive suggestion is Obsidion. This is a protection stone that you could either wear or put but the front door also. I hope my advise helped you in some way. Blessed be) O (
missdanielababy (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
Interesting story. I myself am witch and I do protection spells or a circle before I do any other spell or etc. She should do a banishing spell or have protection oil outside of the house or in any door way. You can usually get this at any new age store. Its smells kind of funky but its worth buying and its cost for the most like 5 dollars. Well good luck

[at] greenpondmike you don't know what wicca is so get out.
epic_fail (5 stories) (51 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-26)
If these things are really frigghtening you (which I'm assuming it does) theen I'm going to suggest that you shhould get. A priest to excorciise the house and blless yourselves. This bigger entity that stalks the outside of the house may be extremely dangerous, (i'm assuming this because from what you ssay, its trying really hard to gain entry).
I'm also going to suggest common sense: if someone knocks on your door, before you open it ask who is there. If yyou receive. No. Replly DO NOT OPEN IT. I'm assuming that's how the small eentity got in.
As for the smaller entity, if its taking refuge in your house, I'm. Guessing that that's what is keeping the other out for the most part.

A few notes: I'm doing this from my phone, and it won't show me the other posts here, so I apologize for not having read them. I also apologize foor my extra letters and extra periods... My phone. Needs too be fixed. I'm sorry.

Allso, I realise that you said you were athiest and your girlfriend is wiccan. I'm not sure if the wiccan religion has preists, perhaps what I should have said was hooly person. I definately. Mean someone who beleives whooleheartedly in what they are doing, and will do it well.

My friend also read this lol, after I finished writing my post and before I published it, soo. I just decided too add it before I did so.

My friend's theory is that these three are ghosts that were in an abusive. Relationship when they were. Alive. They may have lived in or near your home at the time. The smaller of the two he thinks is a woman who died by the larger ones hands. He thinks they may not even be aware that you are occupying the space. At all.
He also says he doesn't know the entire story, so this is just a theory.
RavenEyes (8 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-15)
Well in my personal research which I've now drastically changed my approach from the last few times I posted on this post-I still advise caution because you never know- but in my recent personal experiences with my similar situation I don't fear him anymore. Mind you he's not something to take lightly but I know understand why hes there and hes very complex. Mine has turned out to be an actual agent of "good" however the task isn't so great that its assigned to- Mine is a Grim Reaper -but they do more than just death calls... If yours is the same sage won't keep him out he will eventually make his way in when shes ready to receive him as did mine. Has your girlfriend made or seen any massive transitions in her life or experience anything overwhelming or extraordinary? If she did I guarantee that's why he's there.
greenpondmike (1 stories) (82 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-01)
I apologise if I sounded harsh in my previous post but if you mess with fire you're in danger of getting burned. I think that practicing wicca is dangerous and I was just trying to help to the best of my knowledge of the bible, other people's experiences and my own. JESUS is LORD, and there is power in HIS name. Everyone and all spirits are subject to HIM and HE has given those who believe (trust) in HIM authority over evil spirits through HIS name. These evil spirits were defeated when JESUS died on the cross and they will someday be cast into the lake of fire because the prince of this world has already been judged. I'm only trying to help you-when all else fails, call upon the "only" one that can help, HIS name is JESUS!
Jitow (362 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-10)
I will admit that these new paragraphs that you wrote were much more collegial than the first. I did not mean to insult you. I did not attend your "intepretation" somewhere else due to the fact my branch of "Chistianity" fortold of such "interpretations" and the danger there in. I apologize if I insulted you and there is nothing that love, grace and forgiveness can't overcome.
HighPriestofDarkness (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-06)
Jitow: "I am going to wretch. Speaking of twisted scripture. You think that you are showing some sort of bent superior intelligence by writing in circles and later hoping that you can translate it to make some sort of sense out of what you, yourself wrote. Your first post was a reading comprehension nightmare that you yourself have still not interpreted. Your writng is more like sounding brass and a clanging cymbal."

H.P.o'D.: I invited anyone who wanted an interpretation to come somewhere else to talk about it. In order to interpret it for you, it will involve a deep theological discussion, one that is surely off topic on this forum.

As far as your insults, that's pretty typical of your branch of 'christianity', which is why it is dying on the vine. You revile what you do not understand. There is nothing I wrote that I cannot explain for you, because the knowledge came before the words-unlike those who parrot what they have read and have no understanding of what it means or where it is in error.

"Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather"
Jitow (362 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-02)
I am going to wretch. Speaking of twisted scripture. You think that you are showing some sort of bent superior intelligence by writing in circles and later hoping that you can translate it to make some sort of sense out of what you, yourself wrote. Your first post was a reading comprehension nightmare that you yourself have still not interpreted. Your writng is more like sounding brass and a clanging cymbal.
HighPriestofDarkness (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-29)
Angelfeathers: It DOES exist outside her -- just in a different form/essence. It wants to possess her because it craves human sentience.

H.P.o'D.: It exists both inside and outside of her. She could not perceive it otherwise.

Angelfeathers: I understand that the "light" YOU refer to is "Lucifer, the light bearer;" the "morning star." I also understand that "Satan" is, literally, "the Adversary," who stands in opposition to God. He existed before mankind; so, no, his entirety is not defined by his relationship to mankind.

H.P.o'D.: Go read up on it. The word Lucifer does not exist in the original texts. The morning star announces the coming dawn; the problem is the morning star thinks it is the dawn. I could put all the pieces together for you, but the purpose of this place is not a theological discussion on prophetic utterences.

But beyond that, again, every text you will point to speaks about a human being, not some fallen angel, as you think of an 'angel'.

Angelfeathers:Genesis isn't an "allegory." It's a midrash.

H.P.o'D.: The apostle called it an allegory. There is no midrash, unless you are pointing towards a symbolic writing, or apocalyptic writing. If you refer to the so called 'PaRDeS', then you are woefully astray, because the allegory contradicts the 'pashat', if you follow the apostle's teaching faithfully.

Angelsfeathers: Your "James" selection cuts in mid-sentence and actually begins at 1:13, which only backs up my argument. WHO does the "dragging away?" (That twisting scripture trick has been employed before. It didn't work then, either.)

H.P.o'D.: There is no twisting of scripture, there is your ignoring of scripture. You want to start on sentence earlier, fine; it is part of the same thing. The line you try to ignore makes it plain that it one's OWN desires which tempts and leads astray-not some outside entity called 'satan'.

Angelsfeathers: It's very telling that you take for yourself a symbol that people relate to, yet which (you claim) doesn't precisely fit you. Sycophantic action such as that is common among you, isn't it?

H.P.o'D.: 'Among you'? Among who? See; you judge by appearences and so are judged by your own judgement. Again, it is written, "I come as a thief in the night", and there are other similar passages that speak of the Lord wrapping himself in darkness. If you understood the nature of the darkness spoken of, you'd know the reason for the name.

Angelsfeathers: Finally, HPo'D, you and I both know that RollaMoMan's girlfriend isn't likely to be freed. (Sorry, RollaMoMan.) We both know why. The difference is: I see it as tragedy; you see it as gain.<

The High Priest of Darkness sighed, and got up from his meal. He walked over to the darkened mirror opposite of him, pointed a finger into it, and spoke. "What you see is what you get. For the measure by which one measures, it is measured out in return. A shadow boxer" he said, taking a boxing stance, "requires a shadow to contend with. So it is shown that one cannot contend in judgement with one who is greater in it than one's own self."

The High Priest returned to his meal. 'Yes', he mused to himself, 'what is darkness but light unseen?'

The tragedy is that you suppose I consider one lost to the darkness as a gain, when in fact it is a loss. You judge according the shadows of your own mind, which are in fact born of this world, and you project them onto me-and you make my point exactly as to why I wear the name I do.

Now, you wish to continue, again I suggest you click the link I gave you previously. I would suppose others might consider this exchange off topic here.
angelfeathers (106 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-29)
You know, HPo'D, you are correct about a few things: (1) RollaMoMan's girlfriend DID allow this thing in; and (2) it DOESN'T want to leave. But --

It DOES exist outside her -- just in a different form/essence. It wants to possess her because it craves human sentience.

I understand that the "light" YOU refer to is "Lucifer, the light bearer;" the "morning star." I also understand that "Satan" is, literally, "the Adversary," who stands in opposition to God. He existed before mankind; so, no, his entirety is not defined by his relationship to mankind.

Genesis isn't an "allegory." It's a midrash. Your "James" selection cuts in mid-sentence and actually begins at 1:13, which only backs up my argument. WHO does the "dragging away?" (That twisting scripture trick has been employed before. It didn't work then, either.)

It's very telling that you take for yourself a symbol that people relate to, yet which (you claim) doesn't precisely fit you. Sycophantic action such as that is common among you, isn't it?

Finally, HPo'D, you and I both know that RollaMoMan's girlfriend isn't likely to be freed. (Sorry, RollaMoMan.) We both know why. The difference is: I see it as tragedy; you see it as gain.

HighPriestofDarkness (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-28)
Angelfeathers wrote: HighPriestofDarkness, perhaps you could explain a few things:

1. Quoting: "Those who are ignorant or who fear will see him as darkness; those who are really of darkness will flee him..." Um, does that include you? You're claiming to be Darkness' high priest, so you must see him as darkness, too, correct?

H.P.o'D.: Hardly. Your comments and questions are based on flawed misconceptions. I serve the Light, not the darkness. But people see darkness, so I wear their self made image, which is merely a reflection of their own mind.

Angelfeathers: 2. Quoting: "...he is a creature of the creator, and nothing can withstand." If he is created, then he can be -- and will be -- vanquished by that same creator.

H.P.o'D.: Again, a comment based on your own misconceptions. It is written, "I come as a thief in the night".

Angelfeathers: 3. "Fear and conflict" ARE our enemies; but he BRINGS them. He doesn't diffuse them. He wields them like a sword against us.

H.P.o'D.: You do not even know who or what 'satan' really is, do you? You are coming from a christian perspective it appears; every verse you'd use to prove who 'satan' is talks about human beings, in reality.

Angelfeathers: He promises "knowledge" and "understanding," but that's an old trick. We humans fell for that once before, and it got us tossed out of Eden. If we fall for that again, then we deserve whatever he does to us.

H.P.o'D.: So you take the allegory of Genesis literally? Read James 1:14-17 and think about the incident in Genesis you are pointing to.

If you (or anyone else for that matter) wish to discuss these thing further, we can do it here:


Probably not allowable to go much further with this stuff here on this board.

I will finish with this though. Rollaman's girlfriend has in fact let the first figure she spoke of into herself, because this is what a house is. The one whose fce she cannot see is one she does not know, and she sees him as all darkness because of her ignorance of him. And none of this is what it seems. The one within her does not wish to be evicted. These things do not exist outside of a host.

See, I have spoken more plainly this time. Count yourself blessed, and do not count on it being a common occurence.
Sevenwaters (2 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-28)
I agree there is a lot of christianity thrown around on this site, but I'm not about to turn my nose up at people who believe in god and heaven, especially as these people believe that its the key to fighting some of these spirits. Do I believe in god? I don't know, I don't know what I believe, I believe there is more than the world we see around us, and I guess when I die I will find out for sure what is really out there. Perhaps RollaMoMan is like me, he believes in something, believes that there is more to this world, but he doesn't know what is out there. I don't think its fair to cast aspertions on him just because he's an athiest. Whats wrong with being an athiest? Nothing! As much as some might believe that god is the answer, if you don't truly believe then no amount of picking up a bible and waving it around infront of a spirit is going to make it disappear, and then saying if you don't believe you are doomed! What rubbish! Wheres the practical advice? I stand by my first comment, you all have your own beliefs and that's fine, but I don't see how you can all be right. Would be really good if the Ghost Busters really existed, good old science is the answer, strap a machine that looks like a hoover on your back and suck those ghosties up!:)
angelfeathers (106 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-27)
Quoting: "No disrespect to anyone's beliefs but this site is supposed to be about sharing experiences and getting help with problems of the supernatural variety. I've never seen God and Jesus thrown around so much in my life..."

Jackets, the reason God and Jesus get "thrown around" so much here is BECAUSE the Christians who respond are trying to help, and we're coming at the problem from our Christian perspective. Of course, we're going to recommend reliance on God and Jesus. God and Jesus are the mainstay of our belief system.

Recommending prayer and Christ and God are the Christians' way of dealing with spiritual problems -- just as a Wiccan may recommend a protection spell; a Native American may recommend a smudging; an Easterner may recommend incense, etc.

(Interestingly, I have yet to see a Christian post a complaint that there's too much talk about incense or smudging or spells here.)

Perhaps the better way to read posts is through the lens of compassion -- reminding ourselves that WE'RE ALL TRYING TO HELP. We just have different ideas about how to resolve the perceived problem.

KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-27)
With all due respect to your comments, my beliefs are put on this comment to throw light at the dark, and anyone on thissight is free to share whatever beleifs they have, asthey are comments as they say. Individuals are free to share their beliefs, and readers are free to take it or leave it,

Not sure what Catholich school you went to but due to Catholiscism and the religous constraints there in, we left the Catholic faith long ago.

The are comments and opinions, pire and simple.

God Bless!
Jackets (3 stories) (71 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-27)
I have been on a bit of a break from here but when did this become a forum for pushing religious beliefs? No disrespect to anyone's beliefs but this site is supposed to be about sharing experiences and getting help with problems of the supernatural variety. I've never seen God and Jesus thrown around so much in my life and I went to catholic schools my entire life. When we start peddling our beliefs at every opportunity this site losies its integrity and purpose. I hope this isn't a theme on this site now.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-27)
Just a couple of things...
If you are an atheist, how is it possible you can and do believe in spirits?

My recommendation to keeping this 'thing' out of your house is to pray, pray, pray.

Hmmm, are you quoting a horror novel?
There are those made of the creator, the true creator GOD! God will overcome now and after the esscalation (as you said) and will be there to walk with those who have true faith.
I will say some prayers for you and those who think and feel as you do.

God Bless!
angelfeathers (106 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-27)
HighPriestofDarkness, perhaps you could explain a few things:

1. Quoting: "Those who are ignorant or who fear will see him as darkness; those who are really of darkness will flee him..." Um, does that include you? You're claiming to be Darkness' high priest, so you must see him as darkness, too, correct?

2. Quoting: "...he is a creature of the creator, and nothing can withstand." If he is created, then he can be -- and will be -- vanquished by that same creator.

3. "Fear and conflict" ARE our enemies; but he BRINGS them. He doesn't diffuse them. He wields them like a sword against us.

Some things you are correct about: He is here, and has been since the dawn of mankind.

He promises "knowledge" and "understanding," but that's an old trick. We humans fell for that once before, and it got us tossed out of Eden. If we fall for that again, then we deserve whatever he does to us.

And finally, yes, things are escalating. But we who understand the past do not fear the future. We know what is ahead, and we have faith in the outcome. Light illuminates the Darkness. Darkness cannot extinguish the Light.

Sevenwaters (2 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-27)
HighPriestofDarkness - The question is does anybody understand what you are saying? I think not.

RollaMoMan - I hope things start to settle down for you, I can't claim to understand the paranormal, I've read so much conflicting advice, on here and on other sites, that I don't think I could actually tell you what to do. Some believe in the bible and god, others like your girlfriend believe in wicca, who is to say what is right?! I'm sure everyone thinks their advice is correct, but not everyone can be right. I used to dabble in tarot reading and paganism, apparently I was opening myself up to bad things and a spirit was following me. Whether there was or wasn't I don't know, perhaps this spirit is still tailing me but because I've stopped messing in the unknown I'm no longer open to it. Its a fair point to say if you believe in spirits, if you believe in evil then where is your belief in good? Personally if I'm going to believe in anything I'm going to believe that there is something good waiting for me on the other side, perhaps god perhaps something else. Perhaps believing in heaven and the presence of good wouldn't be a bad thing. Good fights evil.:)
Jitow (362 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-25)
And then that one who came in the front went out the back but he did not know it was the back until he came out the front then the futre told him to come in through the window but due to the fear of windows from the future he went back to where he had hence come from. What?
HighPriestofDarkness (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-25)
Spells and prayers will be of no avail. He is coming; indeed he is already here. Those who are ignorant or who fear will see him as darkness; those who are really of darkness will flee him; he is a creature of the creator, and nothing can withstand. The world lies in darkness, so he comes in darkness. Fear and conflict are your enemy, not he.

Indeed...he is in your very state, from your very state, and not far from you. You do not believe? You will. The question remaining is this; will you understand?

You girlfriend is sensitive; she calls him to herself; she sees what is far away, but is near at hand, and everywhere. She sees the future, and fears it; the one who has entered your home knows the future, and fears it; for the one without is within and is the end of the darkness of those without.
RavenEyes (8 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-24)
well I've experienced something similar if she needs someone to talk to you have my email. *hugs*
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-23)
May I suggest a Witch Bottle?

It's a material spell casting that has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years.

RollaMoMan (1 stories) (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-19)
I saw a earlier comment and thought I'd respond. I think she is more into the belief of the wicca way, at least right now. She has not down any spells that I know, except some protection spells a while back. I don't claim to understand it all. I know she has some books that I got her, a spell book that she is trying to work on. A lot of the things needed for the spells aren't cheap and so she doesn't buy them. Fell free to ask and I will try my best to answer.

And to the fact that I have to make her stop or leave is just stupid. It is not satanic at all. I would never tell her what she can and can not do, not the type of person I am. I've had other things like this happen to me when I was younger, and something I probably shouldn't have but that's a different topic. As for now nothing has been going on. There seems to be dry spots of activity. We did hear an animal sound, like a growl come from inside the house tonight, and even though I thought it came from inside (and it wasn't our cat) I can not 100% rule out that it was from outside. Most of these experiances didn't happen to me so I only say what I was told. I have only 'felt' the presence of something. Have seen a few things but overall I don't see them. I can tell if its good or bad, most of the time. Before I found this site I was looking for anything that may help. If anything else give her some peace of mind. And black hooded figures do seem to be appearing a lot more, or at least from what I read online.
RollaMoMan (1 stories) (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-17)
Hello, want to thank everyone that had positive things to say. It seems I used an older email account when I signed up and had no idea I had so many comments. So I sorry if anyone was upset over my absence.

No, my girlfriend has cast any spells in the house. She has not done anything like that in a long time for lack of things used to make the spells. I got some Sage incents and burn one at night and so far it seems to have helped. I read all of the comments but please feel free to ask anything and I will get back. I will check it now daily. I have never hated anyone for what they believe. I think everyone has the right to believe or not believe as they see fit. Just as I hope I am treated with the same respect.
Crone3 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-15)
Wiccans tend to be more sensitive to events in the other realm we call Summerland and Christains call Heaven. Actually, they are the same place and are not above us in the clouds, etc... But parallel to us and we always have spirits around no matter where we are. Some can see them, some do not have this ability.
After my maternal grandma died, (26 years ago now,) I would hear every night 3 knocks on the door... RUN and fling it open and no one was there. In time I learned she was there and just wanting me to know she's OK! Nothing to fear. Now when a family member is ready to pass to Summerland, I dream of it from 3-5 days ahead no matter where I am. My maternal grandmother comes in a dream and tells me and we have a "dream party" to say good-bye, oddly. And then I call the family and they know it will happen and it does. It gives them time to spend with the person at the end, so it must be a good thing.
I do not know the significance of this cat... It is a sign. But you cannot stop anything not living from coming in. It already has been, I would bet, and no harm has come. Just think and listen to what you are being told. It is only a message.
Are you doing positive things? How is your job? (Do you need to find your true life's path that would be more positive?) Is your family well or is there and ill member?
Remember, without black/dark, we would never know and appreciate the light/positive! You and your girlfrined are simply being told something is not positive. Fix that, if you are able to. Do not worry when you can think and then be rational and act. Worry does no good.
By the way... I think it is GREAT you are open-minded and as an atheist can honour the fact your girl believes differently and live in peace. I am a wytch (ancient path/Welsh) and my hubby is Baptist and we have been married 26 years! Good for you both! There is room for both in peace!
Blessings to you both!-Crone
Lone_Wolf (36 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-13)
My order has noticed a conciderable increase in planar crossovers possibly related to a major energy shift coming soon, that may explain that more of these things are showing up. As to their Identity, I really couldn't tell you. I haven't seen anything like them before myself.
RavenEyes (8 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-11)
I have the same type of spirit hooded being with pure black eyes. I can't get rid of him, I'm also a witch as well as a medium. Tell her he can come threw in dream format so don't except entrance even in dreams and to make sure any child around you is mentally protected and says no to its invitation or asking for entrance, in dreams and in waking. I've meet a few people experiencing something similar proceed with caution.

I can say from experience I haven't found a way to keep him out and I'm now 25 (its been with me since 3). Mine is a ancient spirit but likes to be called Samael. Be very careful you NEED to kept light surrounding that home and yourself in faith and spiritual strength, it is highly needed. I hope it turns out better for you then for me in this area, you have all my prayers.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-05-11)
Uh, as for MYSELF, raingirl (I can not respond on anyone elses behalf, as I have no idea what was going through their head when they posted what they did)...
I personally asked if she were practicing or dabbling as she MAY have INCOMPLETED a spell work. That DOES cause issues at times. THAT is a fact, and not merely an opinion.
I further asked if she was "practicing" as there ARE certain protection rites, that MOST practicing Wiccans are aware of, that form a protective barrier. I was GOING to suggest that she call on her powers of protection. IF she was familiar with them, if not, I was GOING to give some suggestions.
But, as you can see by lack of response by the author, the entire issue is now in question.
Thank you.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-11)
raingrl01, you are correct. I am not religouse. And the spirits has been coming through more. My workers and I already reserched this incident. We believe its a combination of 3 things. 1: like you sorta said, our and spirit worlds are coliding. 2: I met a few spirits that mention they were runing from somthing. 3: more spirit portals been opening. I believe some one is opening them more each day. One ghost keep spelling out this words. "kur nisno ligua deqir mushia"

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