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Real Ghost Stories

The Ambassador East Hotel


In honor of my friend's 25th birthday, I thought I'd share a quick story.

My friend Sean and I are originally from Chicago. However I currently live in the suburbs and he in New York. About every 2 months he comes home for a long weekend. Normally he'll rent a hotel room in the city for a Saturday night. My fiance and I will come out and spend the night. Usually we'll get food and visit a few bars.

About 3 months ago he came out and made reservations at the Ambassador East Hotel which is located in Chicago's Gold Coast neighborhood. Frank Sinatra and John F. Kennedy were known to stay there. I believe "North by Northwest" was filmed there. It is also home to the famous "Pump Room". Sean checked in around 3pm and my fiance and I met him around 7:30. We ordered some take out and pre-gamed a little. We headed to the bars around 10ish. We filed back into the room around 3am.

There was only one bed (king sized) and some how we all shared it. I was on the side of the bed closest to the bathroom. The room was very small, so the bathroom was a few feet away. Sometime around 9am I woke up and saw a man in a long coat standing at the end of the bed corner. At first I thought I was asleep still. I blinked and he was still there. Both my fiance and Sean were in bed. I nudged my fiance next to me and said "look...Kyle look." Of course it took a few nudges. By the time Kyle sat up a little, the figure was gone. It had walked into the bathroom (door was open). I got up and checked the bathroom...empty. The hotel door was locked. Just the three of us in there. I eventually went back to sleep. We checked out around 11am and went out to breakfast.

Sitting at the table we talked about the previous night. Who we saw at the bars, how much money we spent and how much money we hopefully had left. Kyle made a comment along the lines of "what kind of dream did you have this morning?" I explained what I saw. After I finished Sean goes "thats weird. When I took a shower yesterday after check-in, I saw what looked to be a man standing in the bathroom." Neither Kyle nor I knew this happened until Sean told us.

Now, I could have been dreaming still/foggy that morning. I wasn't hung over by any means. The fact that Sean saw something too, earlier the previous day is odd (he wasn't hung over/drunk either... It was 3 in the afternoon). Kyle didn't see anything. I'm pretty sure of what I saw... And Sean is pretty sure of what he saw too.

Thank you for comments and questions. Have a great day.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hobbyholly, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ryanofchicago (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-22)
The scariest and most unexplainable thing I've ever seen was in the stairwell of the Ambassador. I completely believe your story.
ryanfskater (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-02)
do you remember what room that was? I am staying in that hotel right now, I have been here for 2 nights now, I can definatly seeing this place being haunted. Its a very "character" building. My room is also a one bed king sized... Its 16th floor
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-02)
haha Kecoughtan:

We...sorta are not welcomed there. Sean cracked open a bottle of Pepto-Bismol (sp?) after returning from the bars. His balance was not the best and he spilled it all over the white linen (which we had to strip off).

However, I could go back there another time... Just not using his last name. Chicago has all sorts of "Ghost Tours" during halloween season. Yet there are so many times I can stomach that "Resurrection Mary" story.

Glad to hear the move went well.
Kecoughtan (1 stories) (211 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-01)
Thanks for taking time to share this with us, hobbyholly. I've been off the site for at least two weeks due to the move. I am just about situated and settled in my new place so imagine my great excitement when I found one of your experiences posted and awaiting my return! Thanks. Unfortunately, I have never been to the Ambassador East Hotel, but I vividly recall the hotel scenes from "North by Northwest." Great movie; great hotel. It looks like the type of hotel with the type of bar where I am sure to enjoy quite a few proper cocktails. Having the dual line of evidence with Sean's related experience really validates this for me. Have you considered returning and requesting the same room?
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
triscint; I'm not sure what kind of history the room has. The hotel has been around since the 20s' I believe. As stated many celebrities have stayed there and "regular" patrons. Its a free for all I suppose.

Don't quote me on this: but I believe the Bloody Mary was invented by a waitress who worked at the "Pump Room".

I've also heard stories where a person looking similar to Frank Sinatra has been spotted in his favorite booth.
triscint (1 stories) (31 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
hobbyholly... Its a great story I wonder what historu that romm has. Also you commented on my story awhile back. I just want to insure you that I will not use a ojia board or whatever it's called.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
Correction: the lobby scene for "North by Northwest" was filmed there... Not the whole movie

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