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Inviting Trouble


When I was a young man of about 12 I fell out of my mother's faith. I tried talking to her about it, and was promptly silenced with the "I will disown you" threat. (She has since accepted a "don't ask don't tell" policy) So I turned to the only person I knew would listen to me. My friend's mother's partner. An older gentleman whom was always asking me what was wrong, that my Aura was all bent out of shape. I spent several hours talking with "Wallie" in which he told me many things that would change the way I molded my life. As well as spur my interest in the paranormal, as well as certain aspects of the occult.

A few years passed and I researched as many different religion/belief avenues as I could, when I came across a group of people calling themselves witches. They invited me to a ritual they were holding in the woods near the town we lived in, of course my interest peaked and I found myself in the woods at midnight on of all days Halloween, with a group of high school kids hanging around a camp fire.

The leader a "priest" of the "circle" called everyone to stand around the fire (except me, I wasn't "part of the circle") and began chanting, most of which I can no longer remember, but even at the time it -felt- like complete nonsense. After his big finish, every one stood in the circle staring up at the sky, I distinctly heard two voices, one on either side of me. A female voice said "what?" and "why there?" and a male voice saying "I" and then "interesting" the spacing of the statements was as if I was only catching parts of a conversation. I was extremely unnerved but had a sensation of calmness..."press" into me, like being held by an older sibling when you've had a nightmare. Then I felt a breeze pulling at me, it was an incessant tugging at my shirt sleeves and pant legs. It had not been very breezy a few moments prior.

I Left the group in the woods still staring at the sky, while heading home I felt the light pressure, or breeze pushing me forward. Within two months the "priest" had passed away from massive drug over dose, I personally don't believe the two to be connected.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kardagen, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rozemaiden (12 posts)
12 years ago (2013-08-31)
Warlock is a term that has fallen out of favor a LONG time ago to reference a male practitioner of spell-craft. The term of choice is just witch, regardless of gender.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-20)
Nick good to see you back on the site mate, hope things are progressing well for you and the future is kind ol buddy! Keep us in the loop, speak soon! 😁

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-20)
I'm happy or you, you worked hard for that. Very cool!

Jav 😁
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-20)
Just need a break, finished school, got some things stright laid others to rest you know how it goes. Not to worry. I'll be around as much as ever.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-20)
Got it, and will do. Nice to see your name come up after all this time,

Jav 😁
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-20)
hey jav, yes its me,. Am I back? We'll see. Just,. Been dormant. Email's in the profile, anyone is welcome to use it in order to contact me or it wouldn't be there. May find an easier way via that.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-19)
Is that really you? Are you back? I'd like to speak with you if you have a few minutes old friend.

whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-15)
Thank you both, reneespring and BadJuuJuu.
See? That is exactly why I said I would not even begin to pretend to know the answer to that one. Appreciate you both coming forward and setting me straight!
Plus, it cuts my research time WAY dawn!

**English phonic translation of the Cherokee word for Thank you.**
BadJuuJuu (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-15)
I think all witches, male or female, are called witches. At least, in my neck of the woods we are all called the same 😊.
reneespring (148 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-15)
Whitebuffalo: You said: And, actually, a warlock IS a male witch. I could not begin to pretend to tell you the name or phrase given a witch "who has broken the covenant".
To be honest, I was unaware that there might be a different tag to them. Hmmm. Food for research.
I have a few comments... What I have heard for many years from witches is that *warlock* is NOT the proper name for a male witch... Warlock is a name that DOES have to do (in this culture) with oathbreaking and deceiving... But different cultures and times use the word warlock differently.

I have been wanting to ask you for a long time, Whitebuffalo: what does *WA-DO* at the end of your posts mean?
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-15)
That is wild. Thank you for that. In all of my time with experiences on this side of the Spiritual scale, I never encountered a teen aged priest. Kid must have really been dedicated there.
That would almost point to a connection with the drug overdose, if the mind would bend that way. There are those that believe the best way of communication is with numb-ers, designed to override our natural thought patterns.
And, actually, a warlock IS a male witch. I could not begin to pretend to tell you the name or phrase given a witch "who has broken the covenant".
To be honest, I was unaware that there might be a different tag to them. Hmmm. Food for research.
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-15)
Whitebuffalo: Thanks for the comment, Yes, a teenage priest, who also belived a (and anyone correct me if I'm wrong) Warlock, was a Male Witch,...where as if I'm not mistaken a Warlock is a "witch" who has broken the covenat...yea...thats not spelled right... But I think you maybe on to somthing with the subconscious, its a marvolous thing isn't it?. 😁
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-14)
The priest was a teenager?
Huh. Interesting.
You know, our seeking paths is rather similar. I tried on a few different things before coming back to My Spirituality. Sometimes it TAKES that spooky Halloween night in a darkened wood to make one realise there is something just not right with that direction.
It DOES rather sound as if someone was urging you to head on home. Makes me wonder if while they were forming their circle, if subconsciously you were "following along" and created one for yourself. Perhaps as they were calling in the deities, you also did so subconsciously.
Well, whatever happened, SOMEONE had your back. Nice to know good things come out of the Unknown, is it not?
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-13)
Jitow, beliefs flip flopped for a little while. I had far to many questions not many answers, (still to many questions, but I've learned to relax and the answers will come as needed) but to your question. I stumbled into, and currently follow a traditional form of Celtic. By no way do I feel I know all of it. Nor have I even scratched the surface but when I look in the mirror and ask my self what I believe that is the answer that rings truest.
Jitow (362 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-12)
Hi kardagen, sounds like something was trying to get you out of there and knew what the future held for that group. Just curious. Where did your spiritual beliefs end up after that experience? Glad it had no long term ill effects.
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-12)
Hi granny, the rest of the group fell apart after the leader passed. Last I knew only one actually made anything of them selves. I myself went my own way. And I think it was the far better choice.
Chopis, I wonder some times wheather or not I could have made a diffrence if I stayed, but more likly then not nothing would have changed.
chopis (78 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-12)
Your title seems very appropiate, glad you left the woods when you did:)

All the best,
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-05-12)
kardagen: Yea, I think the only connection is that he, in a drug induced stupor, thought he was able to deal with something way bigger than he had imagined... What about the rest of the group?...Still in touch, or have you let them leave your life?...

The pressure pushing you, I think was someone telling you get the heck outta there!...

Good story, thanks 😊

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