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aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Rook, I can't offer any personal experience to validate my own views on this subject and shape shifting reptoids? IDK, I only listen to what others have to experience and look for the truth in their eyes to draw on my own conclusions about the E.T phenomenon, we both are agreeing it's real that's not the issue and yes, there does seem to be a percentage of hoax video's out there of which I do suspect have made some people a few bucks in book sales. The citizens hearing on disclosure opened up my eyes and be warned if you do decided to look into it, it goes on for a week... You might need some bex and plenty of coffee, but what I find amazing is the fact that not one mainstream media outlet were there to cover it and the congress members make mention of this in the film... Why not? You have an Canadian member of house as a witness, six congress members and 500 witnesses under oath about 100 from the military if that's not interesting enough to cover what is? The last one was in 1968 I think? It's not like there on every week of the year, in my first year book of detective school, if one don't smell a rat there, there probably not going to graduate to year two.

Regards Daz
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)

UFO or USO: Check believe in them (some are man made and simply undisclosed aircraft or submersible of some sort while others come from 'far, far away'.

Cover Up: I'll by it for a nickel... As well as suppressed tech...ah, call me in for the whole 10 cents.

It's the Reptoids and Greys among us that I have problems with... While doing research I found the 'directions' that would allow 'us' to see past the camouflage of the 'reptoids'...They basicly stated this...

Take the digital signal and convert it to an analog signal, slow down the playback speed and look for the 'glitches' in the video.

The problem is that with each step of that process... Converting from digital to analog... That can result in 'lost data'...then slowing down the play back? Well that equals even more 'holes'...and you can 'see' anything you want in those video holes. So Retoids wearing holograms to fool us? Not high on my list... Unless there is a better way... Or some sort of proof... As far as the committee meetings and under oath testimony equals... We have been visited... The visits continue and there is some sort of cover up.

(Takes DEEP Breath) My this has been refreshing...


aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
All that the UFO community want is a proper hearing in front of a full house of reps where mainstream media would have no choice but to cover it and relay it's findings to the world instead of hiding on the subject under the orders of their corporate masters, if 6 from 6 ex congressmen found in favour of a cover up, imagine what it would mean if the majority of the house did? I think we would see some real advances in getting to the truth.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Mack, I think Rook has covered well the ingredients of a bex and is it a hoax? I think the citizens hearing on disclosure in front of 6 ex congress members in the press gallery of Washington deals mostly with the facts and it is my best recommendation to watch if anyone is interested in getting a sense of where the Ufology community are on the subject. 500 witnesses under oath, remember what that means, they can go to jail for telling a porky, most of these guys will tell you half of the information on the net is B.S...unfortunately just like those fake ghost video's the UFO community are also fed some fake information and stories. However all six congress members after listening to the evidence, all agreed that E.T are here and our governments are hiding the truth.

Regards Daz
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)

'Have a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down'...

Bex Powder was released in 1965 as a 'cure all' it proved to be highly's the ingredients:

Aspirin - Chemically known as acetylsalicylic acid, this drug acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory, helping to alleviate pain, fever, headache and other symptoms. The maximum recommended daily dose of aspirin is 1 g (1000 mg), as it can lead to stomach bleeding. A single bex powder (approximately 1 gram) contained 420 mg of aspirin.

Phenacetin - This chemical was widely used with aspirin and caffeine as a fever and pain reliever. It acts primarily on the nervous system, targeting the sensory tracts of the spinal cord, the brain and the heart. It was withdrawn from use in 1983 due to its damaging action on the kidneys and carcinogenic properties. Each Bex powder contained 420 mg of phenacetin.

Caffeine - Found in coffee, tea and soft drinks, caffeine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. In combination with aspirin, it can give greater pain relief than aspirin alone. More than 250mg of caffeine a day can lead to unpleasant side effects like sleeplessness, irritability and heart palpitations. A single bex powder contained approximately 160mg.

Hope that helps.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)

Point of order. It was Truman between 1947 and 1952 (by executive order... However the dates vary as to exactly when he did this) that formed the majestic 12.

The real problem is the 'UFO' COMMUNITY can not seem to agree if it really existed or if its an elaborate hoax...

If you think about it its a great way to run a cover up...'leak' just enough material into the 'public' record and when it's found research it and call it 'fake'...and then let the name calling and finger pointing begin... Makes you wonder.

If you need me I will be standing over to the left, outside of the 'box'. πŸ˜‰


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Aussiedaz - what on earth is Bex Powder? Is it gluten free? Can I buy it in NZ? Will it help me?

I believe that every single evolving species, just like us at some point has or will eventually ALL split the atom and discover nuclear energy when they get smart enough. We did it and yet we're still trying to actively kill each other because we disagree about what God reckons.

I suggest this nuclear energy scenario is being played out across the material Universe. We will sort it out as we evolve and become wiser as a species. It's not a biggie.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Jerry. I know what you mean mate, you bring this subject up over here and you get the same results along with those looks, people sometimes even laugh at you and make remarks like little green men and beam me up Scotty,...I'm passed worrying about what other people think any more, I'm more interested in the truth being told and giving my grandchildren some hope of a better future. Dr Stephen Greer is my hero in the ufology frontier, he met up with Bill Clinton and the chief director of the C.I.A and discussed full disclosure. Later on the C.I.A director had told him that the president had changed he's mind because he didn't want to end up like JFK and he stated this under oath,... That's how out of control these secret departments are above the president, they answer to no one. This is my overall assessment of what's going on... Back in the 40's just after we blew up Hiroshima these E.T. Races were so worried about us blowing ourselves up completely they intervened with the then president Eisenhower and made a treaty... The treaty was about us disarming our nuclear capability working towards peace in exchange for free energy and other technologies to help us along the way. Eisenhower knew that everything in relation to these E.T's had to be kept from the public and run by an organization that came under no scrutiny from government or the public thus became known as a body called majestic 12... JFK was a free minded president who considered full disclosure on the UFO phenomenon along with deregulating the reserve bank and was taken out by this body who at this point, were out of control believing that their ideology was in the best interest of all of us... The good news is, some of this group are now in favour of disclosure you can find Dan Buriushi on the net, he worked for majestic 12 and work with the J.Rod52 E.T at area 51...J.rod is basically an human being from the future of about 52000 years, so the good news is we do make it, we do eventually travel out to the stars and progress our own civilization...I'm not sure if you and I will live long enough to see full disclosure but boy, our mates like Mack are going to need some help and a few boxes of bex powder to wrap their mind around the's the greatest secret sustained from our human history, full disclosure means everything, where we came from, who we are and where we are going.

Regards Daz!
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Caz. Yes I do know of the PA experiment, a time travel, relocation event that supposedly involved a an entire US Navy vessel. Think there was a movie or two made about it. I'm not read in on what you say, exactly, I guess I need to return to some of it again.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Well bang goes that theory Jerry! I wonder when you were reading about Phil, did you ever come across the Philadelphia experiment? I know everybody's heard of that, but there was some connection to Phil's father! Either him, or a friend of his!
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
-- Caz. No, I was not alone in seeing those eyes of hers. Everyone at the table saw them when I brought attention to sane. Someone later said to me they looked like cat eyes. Guess that could also be the case but I saw them as reptilian for some reason. Normal except for the dark vertical slits.

In a previous post I see I wrote his a couple of times. That was another typo... Look closely, it was supposed to say... This.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Yes...I read it and the same thing crossed my mind! Phil reckoned they're all over the place and he should know! Aye... The shootout was the battle at Dulce! They had six attempts on his life before they got him! 😒
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
-- Caz. I already know about Phil Schneider. Underground worker for the military. Wall caved in one day and he became involved in a shootout with a tall smelly alien. The alien used a gun that melted a couple of Phil's fingers away. He is now deceased under what can best be called suspicious circumstances.

Did you see the post I made to kaykay3313 about Site-R, an underground military base near my former home in Maryland?. Believe it was posted in my story, Very Special Forces.

After learning years ago of Phil Schneider and what he had to say, I never felt comfortable knowing what might have been moving under my house in Maryland. Never saw anything, but...
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
-- rookdygin -- sorry about that, too much confusion with the word 'surprise' // that's me tying to do two things at once.

The girl might have looked surprised, that's what I meant. Surprise at what I was saying, I like your eyes. I know it surprised my wife. I just couldn't restrain myself, I do not generally compliment another woman while my wife sits at my elbow. But his was highly unusual. Was it something out of his world? Don't know, no way to know. This was about 18 years ago.

The time of day was probably somewhere around 5 or 6 in the pm. Don't know of any kind of festivities in the area, other than again saying Seattle. Party town for some. I've never seen any contacts like that on anyone since, if that's the case. Made probably 4 or 5 trips back to Seattle since then. Elsewhere too. Been to a number of restaurants also, seen nothing like that. I do remember the girl was pretty, if that helps.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Jerry...Phew! (wiping brow) OK...great! 😁 OK... Stanley Myers... Inventor of the water fuelled car! Poisoned (murdered) in a restaurant! 😒 Now you go look up Phil Schneider... Not an inventor but... Before you do that, did any of your family notice the girls eyes?...or maybe only you, because you are sensitive? Perhaps she looked surprised because 'you weren't supposed to see them'?
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
-- rookdygin --
Let's see. The waitress with the strange eyes. It was one of those one time things, first time at that restaurant, a crowded place, and might I add, Seattle is Seattle, if you understand my meaning. Those eyes of hers were shocking to say the least. Normal in every way except for those real dark slits. The girl seems pleased that I would notice, I couldn't help myself but comment, but surprise may truly not be the case. I'm not sure now. She smiled, I seem to remember that. But did I notice I slight look of surprise as well? Maybe, just not 100 % sure. She didn't say anything back to me as I recall. It surprised me seeing that. But things progressed as one would expect, everything normal placing an order for dinner. She took the orders and soon our food was served by other people. The girl just wasn't around any more that I recall, and yes I did scan the room a time or two (maybe more) looking for her again. I was told by my family it was most likely some girl wearing contact lenses just to bring attention to herself. There again Seattle, kind of like Austin, Texas in many ways. Favorite saying here is keep Austin Weird.

Now all this happened years before I ever heard of David Icke and his views of reptilians among us. Sure did remind me of it though. If so it was neat as hell, a young girl who was a reptilian, working among the population unknown to us but who for whatever reason allowed herself to be seen when she shouldn't have. That's one way of considering it. The other, a normal girl in contacts. Another, a birth defect. One hell of a birth defect, if that be the case.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
-- Caz --
Very nice of you to express concern, but no there is no reason to stop. I appreciate your sensivity, but let me say no need. My comments came from I know myself and what the subject of one world government and the thug gangsters running the show does to me, but a few minutes away and all is reset and back to some degree of normality. Seriously, thanks, but no.

Now what were we talking about again? Suppression of inventions. Yes, horrible that it's happening. Ever hear of Stanley Myers? Go check it out, if not, and discover what he came up with years ago and the folks he became involved with and the outcome of that.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
This one I have to ask about...

Jerry, While I do believe in ET and find some of the theories interesting I want to ask something (s) concerning your last comment...

You mention going out to dinner with your Daughter during a VISIT in Seattle WA... You noticed the waitresses' eyes (slits vice normal pupils) and continue right along to say you do not remember seeing her ever again...

How often did you eat at the same restaurant during your stay?

What time of year and what time of day was it?

Do you know if there was a special event happening in or around the city that may have 'held cause' for her to wear special contacts?

I do not doubt you saw what you saw... But as with ANYTHING PARANORMAL we must rule out EVERYTHING natural or normal before crossing over to the Paranormal... ET realm.


Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Jerry...I came back on here to answer both the post you made before Daz's and the one after. First of all, I wanted to tell you that I agree with both those posts wholeheartedly, but then my silly PC started playing up again and I've come back to see your last two posts! The one that 'concerns' me a bit, is the short one where you say 'it might be a good idea to 'get away from it all for awhile.' Please be honest and tell me if this conversation is starting to get you down! I'd hate to think it's making you feel bad! I know it's 'heavy' and I'll totally understand if you think we ought to take a break from it!
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
I'm afraid I allowed my deep rooted beliefs of world events to take this thread in a direction I know will bounce off the brain pan without making a dent in most folks, let me say this instead:

Aliens among us:
One trip a few years back, I went to visit with one of my daughters who was living out in Seattle. We went out to a local restaurant for dinner one evening all excited and hungry. We were seated and looking at our menus when the waitress showed up and began an taking our order. I looked up and said what I thought looked appetizing, that's when I noticed the eyes of our waitress. A pretty young girl but her eyes shocked me and I found myself unable to restrain from making comment. I told her how much I liked her eyes, they had slits where the pupils should be, exactly like a reptile. She smiled and continued taking orders and then left our table. My family jumped me for saying anything. I'm not sure now if anyone else even noticed her eyes. But I know what I saw. An excuse was offered that perhaps she was wearing contact Leon's and that was the special look she was going for. If so she succeeded. Strange thing to see, something like that unexpected and certainly not representative of a waitress trying to make a serious living. And the heck of it is, I don't believe I saw her again after that. Just saying.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
That last line made no sense. Sorry. I think I meant to say that taking a hike sounds like a good idea, it might be good to get away from it all for awhile.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Caz -- Daz --
Nope, no complaint from me. If there's any hiking to take place, I sure would like to go along.

Not many people around here (home front that is) that I find I can share such concepts with, I've tried and am usually shut down with certain looks and nods and quick change of subject.

If someone should ask do I have the same beliefs about our world today that you two offer, my reaction would be first a tear and then over joy just to know there are others out there with similar concerns. I agree that we basically only know what media tell us, that, and people who have been influenced by the media and either support it whole heartedly or give their own media formed and limited understanding of media events. I find it best not to watch tv news (scripted news all telling us the same thing no matter which channel or location) or read mostly anything today other than the alternative media reports. Have this sinking concern even that is slowly being corrupted as well. I am convinced that evil is in control and no matter what that evil does it gets away with it, whatever it is. Seems that the enemy has positioned itself in all important aspects of our life, positions that start at the top layers of our government and maintains control of the masses thanks to media. I'm sure Mr. Hitler would be proud. There is proof solid that our government monitors us more and more each day. Hell cameras are nearly at all major intersections for one example; and don't get me started about the NSA, 9/11, OKC, torture, WMD, the needless wars, just a few examples of how idiotic things are and yet people (the brainwashed sheeple) will argue on the side of government's lame explanation of events ad nauseum.

It's psychological warfare.

We know they, our rogue government, the gangsters in charge, are guilty of many things but there is no way they are going to prosecute themselves.

You know maybe faking a home might not be a bad idea, just to get away for awhile.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-23)
Hey Daz...You'll hear no complaints from me! In fact the more people who contribute to, or even just read this discussion, the better I like it, because until enough people realise what's happening, nothing will be done and with the things that are happening right now in the world, I can't help feeling time is running out! It worries me greatly, but not for myself. I worry for my children and grandkids and all the young people everywhere! 😒Sorry I haven't replied to your other post yet btw...I'm still trying to digest some of it, but I have an awful feeling that in my next life, I'll probably find myself running along a street in Pamplona, being chased by a very large, very angry black bull! 😜 I can't speak for Jerry though...Lol...He might just tell the pair of us to 'take a hike'!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-22)
JerryB and Caz, I hope you guys don't mind me coming in on this one, I have been reading up on this stuff for years and yes we do have anti gravity technology that the 600 trillion dollar oil cartel are keeping from us, Nikola telsa first discovered this technology way back in the early 1900's...he was also one of the first on record to claim he received signals from out of space, just to mention that point... What a great and noble man he was quite a sad story of how he ended up. They are sick Jerry, to think they could set these devices up in Africa tomorrow and cure poverty is heartbreaking all because of greed and power. They have the 4th state (mainstream media) in their back pocket it makes it awful hard to get the upper hand with a propaganda machine like that behind them and anyone else who does brake away to expose them usually ends up with concrete shoes. Over the last 20 years 5000 patents all to do with free energy have been snapped up by these murdering thieves. How do these devices work? We know what an H bomb can do, sort of the same principle. It sucks the atoms out of the quantum field and converts it into energy. A unit the size of a generator can supply an entire city of fossil free energy. Time to talk and share these facts,that's all we can do and hope somehow, some way the truth will eventually prevail.

Regards Daz
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-22)
Caz. G'Morning. Yeah those crop circles did confuse me somewhat but I did get the understanding how the mention of same did fit the rest of the story. The intricate and detailed lines depicting a truth otherwise hidden in all universal things. A truth that the Illumminati understand but insist keeping from the world population.

As to those amazing inventions that seem to exploit this universal truth, inventions that could benefit mankind and change this entire world into a far better, healthier planet, they are always quickly scarfed up and kept hidden for reasons that track back to simple greed and control. If it is ever widely accepted that we are being led around by the nose by an elite group of greedy bastards, I think the first thing that needs be done is round them all up and not only expose them for what they are but put a stop to their greed for once and all. They are absolutely horrible people (I'm not convinced they should be called people) and I wouldn't be surprise that good people like David Icke nailed it when he claims that the illuminate insiders world over are truly cold-blooded reptilians and their actions speak to why they willingly treat the human race with such lack of compassion and disregard. That's why millions of us, our death, mean nothing to them. Why would it? They are not us, they are not like us, even if they do have he ability to blend in among us -- they could care less about us -- other than doing their twisted bidding. And then, even then, we're 100 % expendable. Human beings are bad, we can do horrible things, but nothing on the scale of these reptilians hiding among us in plain sight. My two cents worth.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-22)
Jerry...I meant to say earlier. The crop circles and the free clean energy weren't unrelated! There were symbols left by the aliens in the crops to 'point the way'! I hope you don't mind me pointing that out! Eisenhower met with the aliens on several occasions and also, the USA had plenty of time to grill the surviving aliens from the Roswell crash and perhaps other crashes too and as well as that, there were occasions when the aliens stayed with the military for prolonged periods, presumably to help out, so there's every possibility that they were aware of the free energy way back then. However information this was never passed to the ordinary people it was meant to help, so the aliens had to devise another way of getting it through to us... Hence the crop circles!
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
OK Mack...I've only got time to answer one question at the moment, so try this for size! In 1966, a disc shaped UFO was spotted flying over a school in Melbourne Australia! It landed in a field next door! The students who saw it put the call out and the whole school, including teachers came out and witnessed it before seeing it take off! 200 witnesses in all! In 1989, a UFO landed in a public park in Russia in the middle of the day! The park was very busy at the time, so lots of witnesses to that one as well! Several beings got out of the craft and had a walk around, before getting back in their vehicle and taking off. The witnesses all testified that the beings were humanoid and roughly 9ft tall! Good night... Sweet dreams!
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Aaah. Nothing like a good robust debate about the infinite mysteries of our Universe! I appreciate the time people have spent in helping me to understand and to hopefully help JerryB in what he experienced.
And JerryB don't feel you are under attack or that I am questioning your honesty. Your account was a fascinating read but so much didn't compute for me. Maybe I'm a bit slow or naive
When it comes to understanding the motives of intergalactic travellers seriously freaking us out with their Surprise visits that so far haven't seemed to have assisted mankind in any way other than apparently (in many cases) caused terror, psychologically crippling (and physically harming) many witnesses
My questions were rhetorical - how could we know these answers? But why not explore these ideas with critical thinking and balanced reasoning? What else to we have?
Oh well, time to beam me up Scotty...
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Lol Jerry... Giving the plot away is 'absolutely' the right thing to do and to as many people as possible! It's the silencing of those good men that made me cry, because knowing how this beautiful planet of ours could be and should be! Nobody should 'ever' have to go cold or hungry, but for the greed of the few! It makes me hope there is a hell, so they can rot in it! 😠
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Yes Caz. It was interesting. Actually I found it tried merging a couple of unrelated concepts, i.e., amazing alien crop circle designs and what is at the heart of universal free energy with the illuminat Bankers operating in he background who are trying their best to turn this world into one government that they fully control. Any world saviors or inventions to include major life threatening medical breakthroughs that would serve mankind is shelved for their incredible greed in wanting to keep us all enslaved. Hope I didn't just give he plot away. Go watch it, it's good.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Oh and one more thing about possibly calling my honesty into question:
About that telepathy thing: the creatures had the ability of easily knowing my (our) thoughts, looking into my mind. It wasn't reciprocated. Only when they allowed me the very least exchange in what was a form of conversation, very limited. Seeing it as one way there were still times this became quite evident, it left me feeling they truly did know everything about me, could just feel it, feel them aware of my inner thoughts, somehow knowing they could see into my mind, that they were there seeing it all. And a feeling of them having not only physical superiority, but intelligence superiority, as well as when refering to their ship, amazing technological superiority.

There was no question in my mind that they were the ones in control, approaching me like they did, with absolute anger, only served to put me in a place of inferiority. I knew, or I was hoping like hell he knew, I had no intentions of shooting him, that he was only using this as a lever, a ploy, to increase his dominant position and presence in the situation. The other one proved this with their knowing comments and actions.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Pp-- wow Valkricry --
What a thorough approach you took there. Actually I can see where you absorbed one heck of a lot more of what I had to say than friend Macknorton did. Appreciate that, also the manner in which you addressed each * as was listed. Brilliant.

But when the question seemed to indicate an argumentative concept as to why did they land in an otherwise busy location, asking weren't they afraid of being seen and photographed or filmed? That just showed me that they failed to gather my explanation of the place of encounter to be an undisturbed, isolated, mostly devoid of life, no man's land. And whatever it was was off he beaten trail. The person questioning only saw what they saw. Best advice I probably should have given was go back and reread my story. Then we might discuss things. Enough of this however, I'm on a search now to try and match what it was I saw, if it's possible to do that.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
-- manafon1 --
-- rookdygin --
Thanks for the Dr. Who references, but although I know the series (I won't say this part too loud) I know very little about any of it and had to turn to my grandson for help. And help he did, he understood your language completely and pulled up photographs of all the characters you mention. Sadly nothing came to my mind with an exact match. I wanted to say yes on a couple but said no when for example I found the eyes too big, or the color green instead of what I seem to remember was closer to the color of their uniforms.

Now that I've done this quick look-see, I plan on doing a little more elsewhere. I'll let you know if anything should bite, metaphorically speaking of course.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
I too have a few answers to Macknorton's questions and I'll try tomorrow, but it may have to wait until Monday!
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Jerry...Glad you found Thrive interesting! I listened to it for the second time myself today while I was working in the kitchen and it made me cry, but it also gave me hope! The things discussed are happening 'now', but things can only get better for everyone if we 'all pull together'! If there is one single informative documentary that everyone on the planet should watch, then this is it! Anyone interested, should go to '' and click on documentaries. 'THRIVE' is the third one down! The discussions change dramatically, so please watch it all!
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Please excuse my interruption, but like Tweed, I think I might be able to offer some answers to Macknorton's questions, even though I was not there. Just to simplify things I'll paste the questions here, with what to ME seems like a reasonable response:
* Why would these aliens allow their craft and themselves to be so easily seen in an apparent undercover mission? If they weren't too bothered about being seen, why not land in a city, a zoo, or school and just get on with what they needed to do, freezing everyone around and wiping all their memories?*
From Jerry's account,: "It was explained they possess technology allowing them to shrink their ship -- the smaller size giving an advantage in avoidance. It was by sheer chance that we had stumbled upon it." To me that says they were not trying to be 'easily seen'.

*Why show themselves when you were armed?*
Perhaps, the gun held no real threat to them and the remark if Jerry planned to shoot them was actually sarcastic or more of wanting to know WHY he had a weapon with him.

* If they had the power to erase a singular memory in both your brains (by merely wishing it I assume), and communicate telepathically, why didn't they also have the psychic ability to know you had no intention of shooting them?*
Perhaps this was a test of Jerry's honesty. Also, being able to speak telepathically is not necessarily the same as being a mind-reader. Because Jerry was hearing in English, perhaps some sort of translating technique was used completely unrelated to real telepathy.

*If they have the incredible ability to make you forget a particular memory (which is beyond my comprehension due to the still unknown intricacies of where memories are stored - in spirit or matter or both), why would these memories inexplicably return years later?*
Well, let's take a look at what we like to call 'repressed memories', which is sometimes referred to as " dissociative amnesia".
In general dissociative amnesia is the inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. I think meeting with Reptilian creatures would fit that bill. It's possible that the trauma along with the suggestion to forget about it (perhaps some hypnosis was involved) could sufficiently block the memory. However, it is also believed that repressed memories can resurface years or decades after the event, most often spontaneously, triggered by a particular smell, taste, or other identifier related to the lost memory. The sudden loss and shock of Jerry's step-dad certainly fills that.

*If they can shrink their ship to avoid being detected, why not make it (or themselves also) invisible or so small it couldn't be seen at all?*
Well that's easy - they wanted to be sure THEY could find it again.

*Why would they land in a woodland area where people are kicking around in, where they could be filmed, or photographed?*
Never been in the woods much? I'm talking real woods not campgrounds, which is the feeling I got from Jerry's story. Not too many folks go tramping about, and certainly not looking for aliens. It could be when they selected this area, no one was about, ergo 'safe', but they shrunk the ship just to be 'safe' (maybe protocol?).

*Did you and your Stepfather ever discuss the synchronized memory lapse that you both would have had upon returning home, or when your memories both kicked back in?*
According to Jerry's account (again) his memory of the encounter did not return until after his step-dad passed away. I would think any discussion of it (on the return home) of the time lapse would not have gone much beyond "had no idea it was getting so late" or "Well, that took longer than I thought", because there was nothing to alert them to the fact that anything odd had happened. The time erasure may have been only from deciding 'not worth lugging home' up to leaving it.
Anyway, that's my take on things, even though there's no way anyone can know for certain what these particular creatures intent or reasoning was.
Manafon1 (6 stories) (712 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Rook--I had to chime in about your Silurian comment. I am also an old school Doctor Who fan and both the Silurians and the Ice Warriors came to my minds eye when reading Jerry's account. Not the new versions but specifically the Jon Pertwee stuff, all CSO backgrounds with Bessie nearby!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)

Reading your description of these 'ET's' I can not help but think of Dr. Who... (Search Dr. Who Silurian).

Did they look like that?



JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
-- rookdygin --
Look at you. Of course, I see. And now better understand what we have here at varying categories and subsets here at YGS. I heard that earlier but it just didn't register until you commented accordingly. Appreciate you doing that. Can't argue that with any leg to stand on, YGS rules.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)

Pardon the interruption...

The Category YOUR EXPERIENCE has been published in is called...

Non Human Entities

Extraterrestrials, I would think, fall into this category, but heh...that's only me.


JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Tweed -- you made me chuckle, what you said. It's okay, all is under control., no argument happening here. Takes two to do that. What was it the Outer Limits tv show used to say? "Do not attempt to adjust your television, we have control,... " something like that anyway.

I will admit I was becoming a tad testy, those questions just didn't make any real sense to me and I was short in response. I gave up control. The person announced to me in an earlier exchange they thought it best to keep only ghost stories at this site, I believe that to be behind their inquiry, not actually serious questions. Not really. Probably should have just smiled and nodded and went back to reading other stories here, but frightened you away instead, didn't I. Sorry.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Caz. Stayed up last night and watched Thrive. As you said, great video, very interesting, long but good. And for those out there who might be listening, I recommend it. Also check out The Disclosure Project (it's on YouTube) and as aussiedaz has said (having made a couple of references) it too is excellent viewing, especially if truly interested in the subject and seeking to learn something about our alien neighbors.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Thank you kaykay3313. Nicely said, I appreciate that. The only 3rd degree seems to be coming from one person, and that's okay, no biggie. What do they know, really? They might ask questions but their mind is already set. Probably others out there as well, always is, they are welcome to chime in also if they so wish. Some actually do have good questions, some not so much. I've encountered people like that person when dealing with 9/11 discussions, it doesn't matter what the truth, they will believe whatever their programming indicates. Some even believe the official narrative and no matter what is said, there's no changing their mind. They live to argue it seems.
kaykay3313 (guest)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
I'm not sure why Jerry is getting the third degree, because he saw two unidentified beings he's supposed to know what makes them tick? No one really has the answers to these kind of question's. And even though it isn't a "ghost story" it's still something strange and unexplainable. I enjoyed reading it. 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
I'm not trying to run off on a conspiracy theory, but when you watch this link, please explain to me, why something so well presented and so well validated with so much evidence under oath in front of six congress members was totally ignored by mainstream media in the national press gallery of Washington I believe?... It's why I commend people like Jerry for coming forward and encourage others to do the same, we need to get down to the truth of our existence and grow up with respect to all other beliefs systems.

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-21)
Macknorton, I don't see you as a tormentor, you have some healthy scepticism and some reasonable questions directed at Jerry and other's of which are reasonable to ask... I would like to start my reply by inviting you to take a look at this link on the citizen hearings for disclosure... Https:// the video and let me know what you think... 500 witnesses under oath of which 30 percent of them are from the military, six congress members of which all found overwhelming evidence we are not alone and visited by these extraterrestrials... Macknorton if you watch it with an open mind, I think you'll come to the same conclusion as the six congress members... We are not alone, our governments are covering up the whole phenomenon and keeping the public shut down from the truth... Interestingly this disclosure presentation was held at the national press gallery and not one main stream media outlet was there to cover it why?. E.T want us to know they are with us thus why they are showing themselves in small doses our governments and corporations don't!

Regards Daz
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Oh dear, post overlapage. Errm, it appears I may have walked into a quarrel. I haven't followed this thread for a few days. Err yeah, whoops. πŸ˜•
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Hi Macknorton and Jerry,

Firstly 'lol' at these questions, I have so often asked the same of Mum. I'll try to shed some light from the perspective of someone who rolls their eyes around 'alien huggers', as it were. Nannu nannu.

1) I guess, no matter how advanced a species is, there's always room for stuff ups. It seems to me these lizard guys had a whoopsie and mangled their craft thus throwing a spanner in any plans they may have had. This may have drained any resources they relied on to remain incognito.

2) The armed aspect is intriguing to me also. I'd like to think they were somehow able to gauge the situation to the point of manipulating it for a nonviolent outcome. I'm not into guns myself, but imagining I was an experienced marksman for a second, thrust in the face of excessively tall non human beings which were apparently communicating with me via thought, the option of shoot to kill becomes more a threat to my survival than a means to an end. I'd imagine I'd brick it about what ghastly apparatus they might be packing.

3) Perhaps they were able to maintain a level of emotion/atmosphere to incite a nonviolent meet and greet. (An amusing thought)

4) The question about why memories of the event would surface later I think best addressed by Jerry.

5) The weird size aspect of their craft and them made me think of depleted resources from a mission gone awry.

6) Woodland areas, or otherwise remote areas, seem to be a theme in alien encounters, no idea why.

7) Another one for Jerry.

These are the sort of conclusions I've drawn to reconcile some bizarre things I've heard over the years. While Aliens don't really interest me personally, and I've found a lot of the topic hard to swallow, I'm still open to 'whatever' may be out there. I enjoy the belief we humans aren't as advanced as we think we are.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Macknorton --
See, that's your first mistake, thinking. Thinking that I somehow? Know why anything going on inside their head would make sense to you. Why'd they do this;, why'd they do that? You're really quite funny. You have no idea how much I wish you'd have been along that day. Boy would that have been great! As to you having trouble getting your head around any of this, my question to you is why try?

And no my step father and I never discussed any of this. I'll tell you again that the reason was we were allowed to forget, and forget we did. Me until recently. And now you need to ask me: Whyd they do that? Why didn't they do this or that instead?

Hell if I know.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Hi again Jerry. It's me, your chief tormentor.
Sorry my friend, but I disagree when you assume "I'm a champion of the ghost story and nothing else will do". I consider myself open-minded and tolerant. However, I am a skeptic at heart and I am (obviously) very skeptical when it comes to alien visitations. Sorry but that's just way I'm wired, so please indulge me.
I have some (I think) logical and reasonable questions that I'm hoping you (or others) can help me with that I can't get quite seem to get my head around:
* Why would these aliens allow their craft and themselves to be so easily seen in an apparent undercover mission? If they weren't too bothered about being seen, why not land in a city, a zoo, or school and just get on with what they needed to do, freezing everyone around and wiping all their memories?
*Why show themselves when you were armed?
* If they had the power to erase a singular memory in both your brains (by merely wishing it I assume), and communicate telepathically, why didn't they also have the psychic ability to know you had no intention of shooting them?
*If they have the incredible ability to make you forget a particular memory (which is beyond my comprehension due to the still unknown intricacies of where memories are stored - in spirit or matter or both), why would these memories inexplicably return years later?
*If they can shrink their ship to avoid being detected, why not make it (or themselves also) invisible or so small it couldn't be seen at all?
*Why would they land in a woodland area where people are kicking around in, where they could be filmed, or photographed?
*Did you and your Stepfather ever discuss the synchronized memory lapse that you both would have had upon returning home, or when your memories both kicked back in?

On the face of the recount of your encounter - these two beings to me, seemed to be possessing in equal measures both unbelievably advanced powers, technology and jaw dropping stupidity and carelessness. Not the expected combination one would assume from advanced space / time travellers, but more like what we can expect from the human race?

(I also come in Peace),
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
I don't know if anyone here is familiar with Whitley Strieber's nonfiction book _Communion_ in which he describes his encounters with apparently non-human entities. (Big best seller in the late 80s and the cause of *years* of uneasy sleep for scairdy-cat younger me, haha.)

In his book, he hesitates to call the beings 'aliens' even though there are aspects of traditional UFO phenomena associated with them. He calls them 'visitors' instead, and speculates they may not even be from outer space per se, but possibly inter-dimensional beings of some kind, interpreted in ancient days as the faery folk and as 'aliens' through the more technological lens of the 20th century and beyond. Anyway, I thought some of you following this conversation might be interested. 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
And this is how these alien races travel the universe and conquer the barrier of space and motion of which we think is time. They have mastered the consciousness system where there is no time, past present and future all coexist, there spacecrafts are apparently hooked up to their minds... We discovered that from the Roswell crash.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
babygoatpuller, I believe our lives are predetermined to a degree, our future is idling so to speak waiting to either unfold as expected pre birth or take another path, what gives us free will to change it, are the microtubules and their relation to the quantum nature of the brain nuclei otherwise we would just be getting around like zombies out of the walking dead. This is how the physical mind basically brakes away from the higher self who is taking the back seat to our experiences. There is no such thing as time only motion exist and mate we are probably getting off the topic here a little your welcomed to continue on one of my threads unless Jerry is ok with it continuing on this one.

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Caz, Why do people run down the streets of Pamplona Spain with those crazy 1 tonne bulls wanting to rip them apart, I'm not sure what the're learning there however I do think you make a valid point. A part of our evolution is about the learning or advancing the greater consciousness system. Not to go too far off topic here and I hope Jerry don't mind me sharing my thoughts... An extraterrestrial from an advanced civilization was basically asked the same question just to keep my reply in theme with Jerry's thread and this was their reply. We have a physical mind, a subconscious mind, a higher self (eternal self) and then their is source. Their are 11 dimensions of which our human race exist in 3D... Most of the extraterrestrial are in the fourth and then there's some in the 5th and so on. Some 14 billions years ago, the greater consciousness system or the Higgs field as own scientist refer to it started dreaming (big bang). Our higher self is basically a fragmented unit of the greater consciousness system or a tiny little piece of the hologram (higgs field). These sophisticated civilizations understand we are all connected to source and on the path to their own enlightenment, you don't race away and leave other primitive civilizations behind because all of us are connect to source regardless of where you are in the system and if the pillars start collapsing due to an aggressive primitive civilization nuking the consciousness system (planet earth) the ripples will be felt afar. Some of these civilizations reincarnate here and a majority of us, are probably having our first incarnation, (fragmenting away from source) I think those folk may need many lives to evolve enough into an advanced civilization, (learning) but I think the ones that come back for a recharge are either here to help the environment or run down the streets of Pamplona, I would also surmise the more psychic you are, the more likely it to be you're from a fourth dimension race, just a hunch!

Regards Daz
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
I saw a fascinating show on The Science Channel a few months back. I believe it was titled "Free Will or Predetermination", narrated by Morgan Freeman. He went into a lot of what your contributing here Daz and it really put me on the fence about the whole concept of free will. He didn't really discuss much about any god like beings but did go into the alien beings factor and time traveling. So which side of the fence are you falling on here Daz? You make a very good case for predetermination! 😊
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Manafon1 you're a poet. And might I say a nice carry over, cross over you propose from one spiritual entity doing that last minute world to world travel scenario. Maybe, but gave me a chuckle nevertheless.

I have seen some extremely interesting alledgd photographs of Mars, even our very own moon, with claims that this heretofore unbelievable alien entity, that some skeptics label right alongside ghost nonsense, might actually be real. If photos don't lie that is. But if THAT can be proven real then WHAT ABOUT that ghost thing? Best to move it along, folks, nothing of importance to see here...
Manafon1 (6 stories) (712 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Hi Jerry--Some of the discussion you have been having about aliens got me to thinking about a photo that was making its way around the internet a few months ago. The photo was taken by one of the Mars rovers and, some have claimed, shows the image of a woman with a flowing dress taking a stroll amongst the Martian rocks and sand. Google "Martian woman on Mars" and you should be able to find it.

What I find particularly inspiring is the thought that a woman who died on Earth might have had a desire to walk the windswept landscape of Mars and was able to do just that AFTER death! Of course whatever this anomaly is, it is only several inches high.

That said, why would the ghost of a person who died on Earth necessarily remain earthbound? Why not head out to Mars (or wherever) and check out the local scene? The thought of an apparition on Mars with its roots from Earth turns the old 1950s " Martian invasion" scenario on its head! Maybe many, many years ago, while still a flesh and blood person, this woman looked at the tiny glow of Mars in the night sky and thought to herself, "one day I'm going to make it there." Cue Mary Tyler Moore show opening (except moved to the Martian surface) and our ghost lady flinging her hat in the air. Or something like that.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Macknorton. Yes, I remember you, champion of the ghost story and nothing else will do -- especially if it bends in the direction of X Files adventures.

Believe that's your platform as I heard you say elsewhere.

Well thanks for dropping by and commenting, for you do present an understandable argument. I admit I am surprised but glad you poked your head in the door and said what you had to say. But here's something to consider if you will please:

Since you do seem to agree that life is abundant throughout the universe, But what you say, I must say, being a bit harsh on yourself are you not, and on all of us as well, to suggest that our measley little planet and its struggling inhabitants are of no consequence, or interest, to those possessing superiority in comparison? Isn't that a tad bit narrow-minded? You seem to present yourself on equal footing as one to judge what those of superior knowledge and capability might choose to do when it comes to our beautiful planet earth, our limitations, and all. It must be nice, however. But you should know I truly don't believe that. You're just disappointed that this story doesn't fit your understanding of a model ghost story. Now that I believe.

To that I say, it seems apparent that many here can discuss beyond the pure ghost story concept without taking anything away from all the excellent ghost stories that are published herein, yes to include your own. By my story I mean no disrespect or negativity to any of those.

And have you considered where this might lead? I mean as regards alien life, life being the key word that you yourself chose to elaborate. Since you accept life to be abundant throughout, what do you think happens when that life is no more, as happens routinely here on planet earth? Think there might also be alien ghost? Seems possible to me.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Lol Jerry... Of course nobody minds you listening in! This is 'your thread' and we're the interlopers here, so you have every right to tell us to shove off if you want to! 😊 I'm afraid I inadvertently started it when I invited Hollyhock to read your story, so I'm relieved and delighted that you chose to join in the conversation, rather than tell us to get lost... Even if you do think we're not quite the full shillin' as my Irish friend often says! I appreciate your input!😁
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Daz...You are so much better than I at putting things! I think 'eloquent' is the word! While I agree absolutely with most of your comment, there are a few minor things where my viewpoint differs! Yes, we are spirit and these bodies are vehicles we use and as regards coming back here, I also believe we have a certain choice! However, I believe we come back for a purpose and that purpose is to 'learn'! Why else would people 'choose' to come back in a 'less than perfect' body, perhaps with only pain and misery to look forward to? I could never imagine myself hungering, or willingly pushing the button for that without a very good reason! I think we become more enlightened with each life and maybe this is necessary so we can progress to I higher level! (realm maybe?) Lol...I'm definitely with you on the 'no thanks for mine'! I believe I've known people close to me in this life, who are way higher up the ladder than me! Old souls! One is my mother and the other, my youngest sister! Mind you, I've met a fair who're obviously a fair few rungs down from me too! πŸ˜‰
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-20)
Macknorton, I know your comment is directed at Jerry but I can't help take the opportunity to reply to your reasoning about why a sophisticated race of being would not bother to visit us because of our primitive violent nature and yes I agree, humanity has a lot of growing up to do before we start mixing it with these other civilizations. I look at it this way, if we had the technology to travel back to observe our primate ancestors and take a chance on being dinosaur droppings would we do it? If we thought they were going to wipe themselves out for what ever reason would we intervene to help them survive? You know it's funny you make a point about nuking them, the U.F.O phenomenon after Hiroshima intensified a great deal and it makes you wonder if they were worried about us blowing this planet up along with everything in it... I think it's a common trait of any intelligent civilization to take care of those not so bright or disadvantage... We have greenpeace out there endangering their lives to save the whales, I wouldn't do it and maybe not you, but there's always someone who cares enough to act... Your entitled to your opinion and no offence taken here.

Regards Daz
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Thanks Jerry for another fascinating experience. I have, as no doubt have countless other people, considered life on other planets. In my opinion it's a no-brainer; why would this lump of cooling rock sitting in the so-called 'Goldilocks" zone be no different than any billion others in an infinite Universe? Of course there's other life; that seems to be the whole point to life; life.
However, I really struggle with the (very common) idea that other civilizations / life forms who are so advanced that they can travel vast distances though space, would actually approach this sick, violent and polluted planet, let alone land on it.
For one, contamination; they may release unknown germs, bacteria that could wipe us out. Or vice-versa. Secondly, all they would need to do was access our t.v / radio signals to see what an extremely primitive, violent people we are. It would be foolish to approach this planet as there's a very real possibility of being nuked.
I just can't see far evolved, mentally (and therefore logically spiritually) beings just blundering around on another planet, freaking out the hairless apes and potentially unleashing (or catching) a plague. Doesn't make sense.
But that's just me and I appreciate there's a LOT of UFO fans out there, who I have probably just annoyed! No offence intended fellow earthlings!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
JerryB, lol, You hit it on the head old mate upside down or not, it is old news to these time travellers, they know our universe is a Hologram and the brain is just the receiver some of the most intelligent people on the planet right now will also concur. Einstein back in the 30's referred to it as spooky action, there are scientific facts out there that basically confirm our macroscopic world on the microscopic level is nothing more than an energy field of vibration that needs consciousness to exist how old is our universe, 14 billion years?... Unfortunately it's going to take another generation of our kind to grasp what it means to our evolution and take those necessary steps to used more brain power and evolve anywhere near to a point of these time travellers... Hang on Jerry, I'm just about to take some more meds and stand back on my head and roll another one at your feet. We are those Aliens, I speculate there whole fascination with us, is to help us keep this ride alive and not blow it up so all beings of the universe can travel here one way or the other. Reincarnation, Spacecrat or time travel?

Regards Daz
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
-- aussiedaz -- hope you don't mind but I've been listening in, and I must say I've come to the conclusion that you have a very deep mind going on there. It's either that or all that standing on your head, the blood has rushed to your feet. As in near round earth-globe, you're at the opposite side of it? That makes one of us upside down doesn't it? Smile please, just allowing some words to escape on their own there. Especially interesting are your thoughts on sleep paralysis and how we experience only a fraction of full brain capability has me wanting to say more:

The brain's there, in its mass, and scientifically we know that only a portion is being used by any one of us, leaving the bulk, the most of it, the purpose and capability of it, to be one Big question mark. Tapping into that unknown portion, unknown by us, could already be old news for a space/time traveler. That has got to be the purest truth any which way it is turned. We know it is possible to cause temporary paralysis as in sleep type, so knowing that's possible, how much of a leap is it to say that same paralysis might just as easily be manipulated from without by those that with this knowledge are capable of accessing more of the brain, ours and theirs.

The slightest can ideal or physical tilt in our small portion of brain causes low intelligence and in the opposite direction high intelligence. Even that's fascinating because saying that there are varying degrees, whereas some considered with low intelligence might also possess super skills, where absolute and total memory seems to be a contradictory but common variable.

I just know I'd make a good doorstop. Ha
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Caz, I look at it like a physical dream, we are not human beings having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual beings having human ones and yes Bill Hicks is the bomb, he's right, we are here for the ride or in the words of Alan Watts, Imagine if you had done it all, dreamed many lives of which 70 years is just like 1 day to your eternal being and then you have an opportunity to push a button and end up in physical dream of which you surrender your consciousness and memory to the fortune of that reality... Always knowing when that dream was over you'd return to the place you were before you pushed it? And when you think about it, how boring would it be to live on earth for ever "no thank you for mine" and as eternal beings, I think it's the same deal, we hunger to lose ourselves in these physical realms... Some people wake up in the dream and realize as Bill Hicks points out,it's just a ride and there's nothing to really worry about and others don't.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Thanks Jerry! I've found Bill Hicks on YouTube and there are loads of his 'It's A Ride' videos! I haven't watched any yet, but fully intend to... Looking forward to it! 😊
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Rookdygin, you've got to see the YouTube video Great Staircase Illusion. Google it okay.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Wow babygoatpuller, what a fascinating tale that is. You have the coolest (my generation) name for yourself, and then you speak about goats, feeding them at night. I could see your flashlight beam reaching into the dark, very nicely explained.

I've never experienced either of your experiences but must say they sound interesting. The flashlight thing I have and it is an oddity seeing it solid like that and visible in the dark where nothing else is. Now the goat thing for me maybe not so much but I'm sure if I had them I'd also treat them like family, I do with the dogs, the cat, the chickens, the deer that show up around here to eat, and the amazing variety of wild birds around here everyday. People too. But I've never seen what I'd say was an unknown flying object, per se (I did see the object I write about but saw it flying. It was an I identified 'sitting' object, ha BUT --

Back in the state of Maryland one day while I was standing out on the asphalt driveway near the house, I heard this odd motorized sound, growing rapidly louder. Suddenly over the top of the house and directly overhead was this guy flying past on what looked like a bicycle with a motor and wings. He waved down at me and just as suddenly as he came was gone, sound and all. I don't know what the hell that was, some kind of homemade airplane I suspect. But a hell of a surprise being not something you see everyday. A true UFO like you describe, that's amazing. And I have another just as boring but related thing I might say, but I won't.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Caz-- what you said about things in this world being an illusion. Please do Google / YouTube searches for BILL HICKS. One of his quotes says "Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves." That line isn't funny, but Bill Hicks is known for his intelligent humor; one if my favorites is Life Is A Ride (Video).
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Daz...I've long believed that this world of ours along with everything in it and on it, including ourselves, is one huge fantastical illusion where things just 'appear' solid and that's why ETs can transport us through brick walls! I've only ever discussed this with one person in my life and it was he who broached the subject to me, so though I've never understood the scientifics of it, I think that's in effect, what you're saying! Is that about right?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
babygoatpuller, It's a difficult experience for people to confront your friend is just blocking it out by the sound of her situation and yes, they may have played with your mind to keep you calm. There is a huge disclosure push right on at the present moment and I think in the next 20 years, we are all going to think we're in a science fiction movie, your friend will be calling you then if that be the case.

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-19)
Caz, When I think about how far we have advanced from the 1920's when we first discovered the quantum realm and pondered on where that would lead us, we know now that most technology, TV, computers etc have all derived from quantum physics and there's talk now days of trying to upload consciousness into a computer can you believe that?...In the last two decades, we have basically discovered that our universe is made up of pixels... And matter is nothing but a frequency field without consciousness to conform it into reality... So imagine an Alien race that were discovering these facts about 5 million years ago, where would there technology be today and what capability would a race with that knowledge have? I think that's what we are dealing with, a sophisticated race of beings so advanced, they have completely mastered the science of consciousness, it's relationship to matter and mind... And if an hypnotise can make a bunch of adults bark like dogs on a stage with a mild sub conscious suggestion, I'm sure these guys can play with our minds 10 fold to that...I'm not sure what percentage of S/P accounts are abductions, but I would surmise if there's any humming noise heard shortly before I'd be putting that person on my short list and yes, they would know how to download information seeming our universe on the plank scale is exactly that...INFORMATION!

Regards Daz
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Daz-- I've been thinking along those same lines for a while now. Too many similarities between the two, sleep paralysis and abduction scenarios, to not rule out the possibility. I had a pregnant friend that was describing what she thought was a bad dream. It included the paralysis, the little grey aliens and being transported through a wall. When I tried to tell her she was describing a classic abduction case, she shut me down and wouldn't even entertain the thought of it. It scared her silly and she stopped speaking to me for a long time.

Do you think there's the possibility that they removed the fear from my mind when I saw my disappearing craft? Fear didn't even occur to me until a week later when I was still thinking about it and was wondering why I wasn't scared out of my wits.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Daz...I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks that 'some' cases of sleep paralysis could be caused by aliens! I also believe that ET can do just about anything to our brains! I've heard of cases where they appear to have 'downloaded' information into the brains of abductees just like a computer and no doubt extracted it too! I have to believe that the ones who downloaded the info, were the good guys!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
As we don't have too many of these accounts here, I just wonder if the paralysis technique used on Jerry and many others for that matter, relates in some way to sleep paralysis? It's debatable just how much of the brain humans can access, some say it's only 10 percent and others claim it's more. I have no doubt that extra terrestrials are accessing all of it, especially in the psychic domain thus how they can talk through the mind via telepathy, it's possible they may know how to stimulate brain muscles of humans to hear them speak and control at will like in JerryB account... If that be the case, can these extra terrestrials also stimulate the mind to bring on sleep paralysis in any environment day or night? I'm not suggesting all accounts of sleep paralysis are alien abductions, but what ever triggers the account in the mind of humans they must have mastered via the mechanism of mind... Maybe these accounts can file under sleep paralysis as a thought for the Mods? And it's good to see, whether people agree with the phenomenon or not... That an open minded discussion about the subject can transpire without the ridicule.

Regards Daz!
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Jerry- I'm fascinated by this account. I read it several days ago and it's been on my mind since then. Thanks Miracles for getting this one through.

I can't remember if the inter-dimensional aspect has come up in the comments but would like your input.

I was walking out one night to give my goats an alfalfa treat. A small crowd of them came to the gate and knew that I'd cave in and toss out a few flakes. I took a flashlight and as was my habit, shined it straight up into the sky. It's not the first odd thing that's happened on my little farm here and I like to see how far the beam goes out.

What I saw still has me stumped. It was the wing "tip" of what I can only assume was a HUGE craft, maybe 150 feet up. As I had my flashlight shining on it, I could see that it was slowly disappearing. The only way I can describe it is that pixel by pixel it was fading out or better yet, if you remember the Star Trek episode where the Enterprise had first learned of the Romulan's cloaking device. It faded out that way.

I stood there for probably 2 or 3 minutes looking at this thing disappearing before my eyes and just went "huh". I turned around and took about 4 steps and thought, "What the hell was that!" I swung my flashlight back around and it was gone. There was no fear or panic and no fight or flight instinct.

I do think their mind control is out of this world. (pun intended) What I'm wondering is if this, or some of these phenomena aren't from another dimension or parallel universe if you will. One thought on it is that they travel through worm holes.

Anyway, I love all your accounts Jerry and look forward to the next one.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Rook...You're probably right and 'time warp' fits very well! I wonder if they can 'stretch time' or transport someone to another dimension where time is different, or maybe not exist at all, before bringing them back! I know how wacky that sounds, but some of the things we know they 'can' do, sound impossible too! They can transport people through solid matter... Brick walls... Closed windows... Roofs of houses ect. So who knows what they can't do! Wow... Really interesting about your Church! I believe churches are all built on ley lines, which seem to have their own kind of magic, so I wouldn't be at all surprised! πŸ˜‰
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Hollyhock...Maybe a dream, but Rook is right about the insectoids and I hate to tell you this, but 'Mantis' is definitely one of them!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)

Ummm...there are those who 'report' that there are 'insectiod' type aliens... As well as the greys and reptilians... So it's hard to say...

I am not trying to scare you, and this is really not an area I have a great deal of knowledge in... Can anyone provide more information?


Hollyhock (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Spooky story. I gotta say, I much prefer ghosts. I'm not a big fan of ETs. I've had several nightmares about them. The one that stands out the most is where I'm running through a spaceship trying to get away. Then I get caught... And taken to this mantis ET.

For a while after this dream, I would freeze up at the sight of anything resembling a mantis.

But luckily, it was all just a dream, right?...Right?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Jerry and Caz,

The time is not so much missing in this situation... Rather the O/P covered a long distance in a shorter amount of time than it normally takes... Not to mention where they ended up was in the opposite direction they had been walking (even though the landmarks 'read' this is the direction home. So no 'lost time' more of a time warp? (Not sure if that is the word I am looking for...)

What's odd is my wife and I (as well as a few other members of our Church) swear the building turns after you enter it. We will park and enter by the Library and even if we walk past the Library on the way out the doors we exit are on the other side of the building... This happens mostly when we cut through the cultural hall. You know where you entered, you know you have gone through the same doors but somehow when you exit its just the opposite of where you thought you were. Almost like the hallways in 'Grave Encounters'...You KNOW which doors you entered through but when you try to exit they lead someplace else.


Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Hahaha...Aye it sure could've been a lot worse Jerry!😁 Oh yes... Definitely missing time and ETs have got it down to a fine art! You can be driving your car watching out for your turnoff and suddenly see a sign which places 50 miles further on that 'you know you should be', or somewhere else entirely, so walking in the woods would be a cakewalk for them! I reckon that 'deer' was seeing Hollyhock home safely!πŸ˜‰
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Caz. My turn. I said shirt (guess it could have been far worse) // typo... How story became shirt, Auto word correction, I think.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Hi Caz -- thanks, especially for the correction. Had me worried there for a moment. Ha. I saw where you told HOLLYHOCK they should check out my shirt about the aliens and possible missing time. Thanks for that. I can see why you did that. Their account does seem to strongly suggest missing time doesn't it. I'll bet this turns out to be the case.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
Jerry...That should've read and 'no' offense taken! I should have previewed... DOH!
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)
No problem Jerry... And offense taken! Interesting to hear the story about the two guys in Florida and yes, it does sound similar to yours! It also bears similarities to lots of those 'sleep paralysis' cases we hear about! Makes you wonder eh? πŸ˜‰
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-18)

no worries dude. I am greatfull for everyones spot on analysis of where I was coming from, so thank you one and all.

Well, we come from different cultures, me a born and bread aussie and proud of it. Bex was a big thing in Australia way back but I think it was discontinued because it was abit too much like valium or diazepam and people were zoning out on it. I vaguely hearing people saying to others that where abit neurotic to " take a bex love and have a lie down " or maybe it was an advertisement. Actually I think I will do some research on it and find out more. There used to be plenty of metal advertising signs for it plastered on buildings and I think they are worth a mint to collectors these days.

I have really enjoyed reading your experiences, you express your self very well. Look forward to reading more from you. I have one or two myself but I am just not sure if they fit the criteria for this forum.

Cheers, dreamer01 😊
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
MystieGypsy -- a very interesting account you provided. You know that hypnosis thing had crossed my mind in this regard, I would like to discover more of what they (the reptilians) told us. Clear up some things in my mind. Thanks for your excellent comment.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
Bushkin87 --
Whodat --
What do I say to those accolades? Wonderful comments. Made my entire day, and thank you so very much even if it's not deserved. I do appreciate such nice comments.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
Caz -- let me start by saying you can call me anything you wish, sweetie was nice. I shouldn't have said one word regarding it when I did, but that's my twisted humor that sometimes gets in the way. Hope I didn't offend you saying what I did. I'll try my best to make it easy for you to say it again, ok friend Caz. Got to tell you this, this morning I checked my email and since I subscribed to that website you passed my way, they sent me a story that I found true interest with. There is this person that claimed that about 20 years ago in Florida he and a friend were both paralyzed by a UFO beam where neither of them could move, nothing except their eyes. They said they were also unable to speak. Hey now, that's very similar to my own experience that I wrote about isn't it. Basically the same physical limitations, even the eye part. Wow...

And if I may say something to Valkricry at this time, what you said about how movies portrayed reptile looking creatures such as in Lost In Space and Star Trek (I do recall seeing their portrayals of reptiles -- almost cartoon like) but the ones I saw, the real ones, looked very little like those. Just amazing how the subject would be used isn't it. I believe movies mimic a lot of real things, and in this case humanoid reptiles. Great observation on your part.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
-- dreamer01 --
So nice hearing from you and explaining what you did, others jumped in after reading my inquiry and all basically said the same. I had never heard of the pain killer you mentioned, but now I know. As to that typo, sorry I even mentioned it because I personally have so many typos that if I didn't catch most of them (never seem to get them all) my comments would make no sense at all. In all honesty I was lumping bex and lye together thinking they were just words, things, concepts I'd never heard of. That happens often with me.

Bottom line -- thanks for explaining.
MystieGypsy (15 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
JerryB- Forgive me if someone has already said this, but I've read that the Reptilians are, perhaps, very tricky. An abductee had sought out help from a hypnotist, who in turn, hypnotized the abductee. During the session the abductee had described the stereotypical Grey aliens as being his/her abductors. Then the hypnotist instructed the abductee to "look harder" at the Grey aliens. The abductee was shocked to see that the Greys were in fact all Reptilian. For some unknown reason they were shielding themselves from the abductee's memory twofold- first by making him/her forget the incident, secondly by giving the illusion that is was a completely different creature who was responsible.

My point is that the Reptilians may be much more common than once thought.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
Good morning Valkricry -
Saw your post yesterday and attempted to respond then but when I hit the send button something (something akin to what Caz had reported happened to them earlier) went amok in the process and all was lost. I was sitting and writing outside at a local establishment waiting for them to complete some minor maintenance on my F150 and when his happened, the lost reply that is, my reaction of disappointment was surely heard by others in the nearby and I know I attracted some unwanted attention. Well, here it is another day and I'm trying again.

I believe you to be 100% correct. The angrier of the two who stood watch over my step dad probably did so because of that alpha male thing you say. Must have been horrifying for my dad beyond belief remembering his initial reaction and the tears. I do recall that the kinder of the two had to redirect his companion a time or two.

And I do believe as someone said earlier that these beings had a military background considering they wore uniforms and seemed to respect rank, that's where I got the idea that the one was in charge, the leader.

And here's something else I find it strange, that any memory I have of this encounter only came about when my step dad ended his life. It's as if whatever link existed for us to forget was broken when my step dad did what he eventually did.

And one more thing, that telepathy thing, it was difficult at the time to distinguish which one was doing the talking because they sounded identical in my mind's ear, if there truly is such a thing. The main difference being the one that was angry, that seems to be his constant disposition, that came across loud and clear. Although their voice was the same, it was a voice with a rough sound to it, even for the kinder of the two.
Bushkin87 (2 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
What an amazing story.
I'm well into my reptilian / reptanoids, lizard people theories.
Im sure David Ike would like this story.
Whodat (42 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
Jerry I love your stories man. Have you ever considered writing a book, especially about your military encounters? You have some writing skills my friend. I would buy a copy. 😁
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-17)
Jerry...I just thought you sending me a chuckle to cheer me up was very 'sweet' and also that you stopped eating chicken when you got some of your own, but don't worry... I won't be making a habit of it! 😜 Seriously, I posted a comment on this thread 4 days ago, but I think you must've missed it! I asked if there was any possibility that you may have 'missed some time' and not realised it and I also made an observation regarding the telepathy. Not to worry though, as I think you've answered the first question in your comments since then! I was going to ask if you'd ever, or would ever consider hypnosis, but I think you've kind of answered that too in your comments, so all I have left to ask is... Do you have any more stories to share? 😁
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-16)
hi jerry, " bex " was a popular pain relief and as I understand had a calming effect so maybe it had some opioid in it. My brain went into neutral after weeks of unwanted stress and a lack of quality sleep. I liked your story and it really brought everyone out to comment. After reading all the comments I realised that I really was that drained and just needed some rest. Yes, it should have read " have a lie down ".

Regards, dreamer01

valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
8 years ago (2015-11-16)
I've had some odd spurts of thought concerning your experience.
Perhaps the 'tougher' one placed himself in front of your Dad, because being the adult and the 'alpha male', he posed the larger threat. It seems to me, if you heard them 'inside your head', perhaps they also could hear you, and were simply evaluating if there was indeed any real immediate threat. Obviously they already knew they could make you 'forget' at least for a time.
I do know you aren't alone in seeing these creatures. Google 1960 reptilian aliens and a good many folks reported seeing them in that time frame. Interestingly enough, on the popular 'space' related TV shows like Star Trek, and Lost in Space used the reptilian look in several episodes. Makes you wonder.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-16)
Tweed -- and thank you for getting back with me on that appearance thing also. I truly do wish I could recall more, it must be that mental block still working to some degree, and it could very well be the amount of time that has elapsed. Although I'm kind of glad, happy, whichever the reason is that I can't remember exactly -- I do remember the horrifying feeling I got from seeing them, and unable to run away as I wanted to do soooobadly. So, remembering that, not seeing them clearly is okay, I'm sure not recalling exactly helps me with somewhat peaceful sleep each night. Just saying 😊
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
8 years ago (2015-11-16)
Wow, talk about getting things all screwed up, I think I did. Hope my questioning won't itself be misconstrued. I believe WWII started that way. Sorry, but thanks for explaining.

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