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Why Is He Attatched To Me?


No matter how much I've tried looking for answers in books and in the internet; I can't seem to find anything that resembles what I'm going through. I've read that ghosts attach themselves to houses, and objects and very rarely to people. However I have a male spirit who has been following me since birth, (according to psychics).

One day before leaving for vacation I wanted to record my snoring while I slept, (because my mom teased me about my snoring) and the next morning I woke up to hear someone breathing constantly and saying, "shh" every time I would move. For about a year now I have been waking up with motion sickness, and I usually feel like I had been hit by a truck rather than gaining a good night's rest. My parakeet always starts chirping loudly whenever he's nearby and ever since then I have been communicating with him. From that night on I have been recording about two hours after I fall asleep.

Ever since I was a child my mom used to tell me I talked in my sleep. A few nights ago around two in the morning I say, "Don't go away." And I finally hear him say a whispered, "I have to." And I know this will sound strange (and fake) but in the recording I hear kissing noises, and I always feel him pat my head before going to sleep. I've noticed as my depression gets worse, the more his contact becomes stronger.

Recently I have been feeling pressure against the bottoms of my feet and against my legs back and forth, like a message. It's comforting, but the first night I felt it I was really scared and started to cry. It took him about two weeks to start doing it again since I guess he noticed how scared I was. I'm Hispanic, and I come from a family who only speaks Spanish. My mom and dad's family have no one who has died and known the English language, so this spirit isn't a part of my family. But why? I've researched and usually when a spirit attaches itself to a person it's because they're family, but why me?

I tried to find more people with experiences like mine but sometimes they seem too farfetched and I think they're fiction stories. I know this point of view is coming from a 17 year-old girl and that perhaps my story seems like a lie but I swear it's all true. I have been connecting more frequently with my spirit, and now I talk to him a lot and I feel his presence is stronger. Usually when my bird starts to chirp a lot I close my eyes and feel someone walking by or walking towards me. And I never get cold or feel cold when he's beside me, like in stories or movies it starts getting really cold. When he's around me it stays the same temperature. I don't really tell the difference. It's not until he breathes against my neck that I feel a cool sensation but that happens to anyone that breathes on your neck. Also the lights don't flicker or the television doesn't turn off or anything. Nothing dramatic happens either like things flying off shelves of anything like that so he's not that playful or scary. However, my things usually get misplaced or whenever I lose something, I seem to find it on top of my bed or on the floor in the open.

When I look for explanations about attached spirits, I only find blogs or find ways to get rid of them. But I don't want to get rid of him. In fact during my depression he's been helping me a lot. I don't feel alone anymore and whenever I get upset he's always there patting my head or comforting me. I don't feel a hand or fingers; I just feel a gentle pressure that goes back and forth on your skull, like a massage. I really like his company, especially now that I can talk to him freely and express my emotions to someone without bottling it up inside. And of course I've never had a conversation with him but when I talk out loud he always gives me a sign he's there by touching my chin or arms. I don't expect him to answer me anyway; it's just nice to know there's someone listening. (My life isn't so great anyway but that's a story I won't dwell on.)

I began recording his visits on August 1, 2010 and have been recording since. I haven't let anyone listen to the recording because I don't want them to think I'm strange.

So this spirit isn't from my family because he speaks English. He's not connected to the house because I have moved 3 times already and he has followed me to every single one. He's not attached to any objects because... Well I don't think I have anything he wants or had. Now I know it's probably impossible but I have been wondering about the idea of a spirit falling in love with someone. As I told you before I tried to look up some stories however they seemed too fictional and unrealistic. The only reason why I came up with that idea was because in every recording I hear him breathing and then I hear kissing noises and lips touching something. Usually the noises come up several times in a minute or three times over the course of an hour during a recording, but is it possible for him to be kissing me while I'm asleep?

I can't get any answers by searching so I decided to come to this website in the hopes of finding someone who can answer me. Well like the title, I want to know why this spirit has been attached to me since I was born. What made him stay with me instead of going to the light or being around his family? Does he expect me to do him a favor? Do I have to help him? Is it healthy for me to continue talking to him? I want to know if there's a way of helping him or knowing why he is with me (a stranger) instead of someone he knows. I just feel like I should help him but I don't know who to turn to and ask what I should do. Can anyone help me understand this spirit? And why he continues to be with me?

Please believe me; I just need someone to help me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, questioningreality17, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Nephele (3 stories) (101 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
Jitow: I did look it up and read it:]
Thank you

You shouldn't assume things, because I didn't.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
I am afriad I must once again contest. He does not seem to be diverting her attention from life only pain. Secondairly there are many strange casses in the paranormal of perfectly benevolent spirits in situations much like this. Some spirits continue in this world simply to releive the pain of others. At any rate in regaurd to your questions.
1st-Yes it is quite possible for him to be attached to you from a past life of course christian spiritaulists like jitow only believe in heaven hell or judgment thus they do not believe in reincarnations or past lives. (No Jitow that is not a shot it is just the facts) he could have been a past lover or even just a freind this is the more likely of the two incarnations he may have even been a brother.
2nd (Is it possible for spirits to stay with a person that is a stranger and not a part of their family whatsoever without wanting anything in return? If so; why) yes it is possible though rare there are certin spirits whos soul perpose in afterlife is to releive the pain of the living.
3rd- Can a ghost really kiss a person in their sleep) depending on the strength of his conection to this plaine and to you if he can muster enough energy to interact then yes;
4th- (Is it ok to allow a spirit to be with you if it's not harming, intruding, or disturbing you) If he is not harming you intruding upon you or disturbing you then he is no more harmfull to have around then a cat or any of your live freinds;
5th (Why would a spirit stay for more than a decade with a complete stranger) that's a tough one the budhists or hindis would both say it is his karma perhaps he is trying to finish some kind of business to reach paradise;
6th (Should I be figuring out if it needs anything or needs help) If at all possible and if you desire to help him; Finaly (- Should I help him cross over?) If you can and also if he wishes to his work in this world may not be done;

I know that not everyone will agree with my answers to you. This is simply the answers that out of my years of personal experiance and research I can provide you with, they are yours to do with as you please. If you require any further help in these matters or if you have anymore questions you know how to contact me

Good luck and best wishes to you and your freind,
Your freind,
The Puppeteer
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
I think you want an answer that there is no answer for. A foreign spirit in your home is not a good situation. Your last post shows that you are already obssessed by saying that you will not be asking him to leave. You are young and have a whole life ahead of you. If you let it stay and then one day get interested in college or a real live boy, you are going to see just how not nice this thing will be. You will not just be able to say go away and it go away. That is the period when the heavy oppression starts. We don't yell demon at every story, we yell it when it takes the exact same course of an oppression or possession. It is just not worth keeping it around, however it is your free will to do as you please and this can interfere with how you will spend eternity. I would not bet on reincarnation or past lives. We have never seen proof of that. I would encourage you to keep these post near by, you will need them.
questioningreality17 (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
Hi guys, thank you all so much for your opinions! I'm so happy I finally have different options, opinions and ideas to work with and make me think. All of you have really opened my eyes and mind. First of all: I'm sorry I'm not here often I just don't have internet at my house and it's difficult to get on here at school. But I wanted to thank you all for your comments and answer some of your questions and go into further detail about the situation I'm in.

First: I never really thought about the spirit being a demonic or angelic presence.
I think when it's a demonic spirit, you start sensing a little scared, goose-bumps, and an unpleasant change in temperature. When I feel him being near me I don't get scared or notice any change in temperature. Even in the beginning I was only afraid because I didn't really understand why I was feeling pressure on my legs and feet when no one was there. And also, I think if an angel decides to make contact with someone, they wouldn't stay for extended periods of time. I used to think angels would come, visit, see if everything is ok and then leave. But this spirit hasn't left in a long time and he has just been staying here for years. From my searching he might be an earthbound spirit, but I have never really put into thought the idea of it having anything to do with religious purposes; good or bad.

Second: Although it's a possibility, I don't really think it's an incubus.
While researching these past few days, (in books and libraries because I have no internet) I have read that these demons come and terrorize women in their sleep; however once they've had their fill they leave and search for another victim. In the few cases reported about these demons, they rarely overstay their visits and after a while they leave. Honestly, an incubus wouldn't spend its entire afterlife lurking around me. If an incubus is always hungry for sex, then it wouldn't latch on to me for all these years without doing something. And no, I have never (ever) felt violated in any way, shape or form. I have never felt it touch me inappropriately or selfishly or anything that represents anything sexual or harassing. Honestly when I say "massage," it's not in any form sexual. It's like a pressure going back and forth on a specific area. When I say my legs, I don't mean 'until my thighs.' He usually puts pressure from below my knee to my ankles. Then he would sometimes place pressure on the bottom of my feet. When I cry he starts petting my head back and forth, and sometimes touches my shoulders. Of course in the beginning it was uncomfortable but now it's a soothing feeling and a small sense of security.

Third: Could it really be attached to me from my past life?
When a ghost wants something, I think it will try it's best to set its point across no matter what the situation will be. Some ghosts turn lights on and off and others knock things over, however the spirit I have with me doesn't do anything. Imagine, I only came to realize it was really there by coincidence! Of course I had the feeling someone is watching me all my life, but I never imagined it was actually THERE. After hearing the recording of him breathing heavily (and hearing strange noises) I wondered why he hasn't done anything to grab my attention in the first place. He would visit me every single night, and I began realizing that being home or even sleeping over friend's houses he would always be there. If he really wanted something he would have tried and get my attention, right? And if they never get what they wanted then they usually leave. If he never got what he wanted, then why hasn't he left? But then the idea starts to sink in... Maybe he's just staying by my side JUST to be by my side. He hasn't done anything bad or fearful so perhaps he's just around me because he has a bond with me from a past life? That was one of my theories.

Fourth: The "Kissing Noises."
I found myself listening to these specific parts of the recordings I have multiple times. At first I was skeptical, maybe it was just me opening my dry mouth and causing that soft suction-cup noise or maybe I was just gulping. But the more I heard it, the more I was convinced that they were kissing noises. (Whenever I'll figure out how to convert the QuickTime videos into YouTube I'll place a few of my recordings on here for you all to listen and give me your opinions.) Also, whenever the "kissing noise" would occur there would be a faint breath from his part and in my sleep I would breathe out as well. And of course my skepticism grew larger because honestly; can a ghost really kiss someone? I've never felt it and for me the idea sounds like dwelling into a fiction novel or like the movie "GHOST." One thing is for sure, something IS kissing. I don't know who, or what but the noises are kissing noises. I have never felt him kiss me at all, but I guess the recording may say otherwise.

Fifth: The Psychics.
I went to four different psychics at different times in my life. They all say the exact same thing about the way my life is going to be and how everything will play out in the end, (or at least what they think will happen.) however they all say the same thing about him. All of them say I have the spirit of a deceased man who has been in my life from birth and has been with me ever since. They never go in depth but they all say he holds a bond with me. I haven't recently gone to a psychic, that's why I haven't really asked about him or why he is with me. And since they never go in depth about him, I usually think there's nothing bad about him since they never warned me about his presence or the potential danger I am in for having him around me. Two of the psychics say he communicates to me by dreams and that whenever I am sad he fills my mind with good thoughts to calm me down when I'm asleep. I want to be an author when I get older because of all the novels I have but one of the psychics told me that HE is the one giving me the novel ideas to write. That's all the information I have received these few years by the psychics however if anything starts escalating or if things start changing I will go once again and see what they have to say.

Sixth: The help I am looking for.
If I may need help because it is a demonic spirit or a spirit with ill intentions I will gratefully take in note your email addresses and concerns but until something happens that makes me question the spirit's motives, I will not be asking to get rid of him. I enjoy his company and if he decides to stay I will accept it. The help I am looking for, or the questions I want to ask are in the following:

- Is it possible for spirits to stay with a person that is a stranger and not a part of their family whatsoever without wanting anything in return? If so; why?
- Can a ghost really kiss a person in their sleep?
- Is it ok to allow a spirit to be with you if it's not harming, intruding, or disturbing you?
- Why would a spirit stay for more than a decade with a complete stranger?
- Should I be figuring out if it needs anything or needs help?
- Should I help him cross over?

I really want to thank you all for your opinions and comments. It means a lot to me that in a few days I can go from not knowing a single thing to full of options and ideas; and that's all thanks to you guys! And for those of you who worry about my depression; thank you. My life isn't as easy as I would want it to be, but I do want to say this:
Having this spirit with me, since it has been here, has made my life a little less painful. No matter what it's true intentions are, no matter why it is doing it, or what it is. It has honestly made me feel better and has given me the strength to go day to day. I am not or have never been suicidal. I don't want to end my life, I value it fully. However my life has never been easy and right now (age 17) you all know (and have been through this age) that this isn't the greatest moment in our lives. It's full of tough decisions (college, schoolwork, the decision of my career.) and I'm almost at the point in my life where I become an adult. The crucial decisions I make today can affect me very easily tomorrow and to me (on top of all the melancholic things in my life) it makes me anxious and nervous for what's to come. I sometimes cry not knowing what to do and like I said before I really don't have anyone to turn to in my house or in my environment. But I know when I'm at those moments where I just cry and cry, he's going to be there. I know I'm na
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
Hi Puppeteer;

Actually, I was a Captain; not that it matters. Thank you, and yes, I do care. We'll just agree to disagree, ok? Many, if not almost all, of these so - called consoling spirits are feeding off depression & isolation, and creating motu propori their own attendant fear and chaos. Just on a natural level, increasing both isolation and depression are terrible and negative. No positive spirit, whom I call a Holy Angel, would or could do so.

I would love to hear from the original poster, as it would help to get an update. I often get private emails saying that the harmless "ghosts' respond quite viserally to the names of Jesus amd Mary, and to the Catholic Holy water. The writer often comments that "I never wanted to believe you Jim D., however, now I see what it really was." But, that's what I'm here for, and it's AOK.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
I will however agree with both of them you should be equaly cautious of the living. As the enlightened ex officer says "vunerable children are just that" I can at least tell from This message that the demonoligist is a good person and genuinely concerend about you. Be well

Your freind
The Puppeteer
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
To seregirl I take no offence in an innocent oppinion however I have handled many cases of entities from the super natural and have been doing so for well over a decade. To Jim D though I respect your concern for the young lady I also caution you that there is not allways just one truth as many people believe and not all apparitions can be linked to god and or the devil the world of spirits is much more complicated then a niave veiw of good and evil and the great war there of. Demonic entities love sending us on wild goosechases however there is a large difference between a peacefull spirit counseling and consoling, versus the son of perdition. I caution you as well Miss 17 I do not believe that this spirit is harmfull however I will say be prepaired if you provoke it. My counsel remains availble at the on my profile and my offer to help you understand this entity in thruth not superstition.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)

I wasn't going to get back on, but as a retired cop, I say AMEN to being cautious. Vulnerable kids are just that, and I concur. There may even be dangerous people hiding behind spiritual advice. Just a note of caution.

As a demonologist, I offer assistance by email or phone. BEWARE meeting anyone - ever! Concur.
seregirl (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
Okay, this time only ONE MORE thing.

Be careful of people on here too. I'm not accusing anybody and for all I know everyone here is legitimately concerned.

But be smart- you just advertised your 17. Be careful of contacting ppl, we hear so many stories about strangers contacting kids on the internet.

If anything, talk to your parents if feel comfortable with it, or close friends. Stick to people you know.

Just be cautious

That's all I have to say!
seregirl (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
One more thing, spirits like this are very capable of lying to you, so be wary and cautious.

I'm going to take a jab in the dark, and mean no offense to others, but I know offense will taken- people on here who tell you that this sort of thing is your "guardian angel" or a "past lover" are INEXPERIENCED and dabbling in something that they know nothing about.

~Be Safe
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)

Sorry friend, and I am NOT saying that in sarcasm - I really mean it, but, with charity, you are very mistaken, not only in your underlying pedagogy, but in its pratical application and praxis thereof. These spirits are masters of deceipt, and love to send us off in wild, pointless, and exhausting goose chases. All the while, the embedding simply increases, and removal becomes proportionally more difficult.

Simply on a natural level, this is psychologically most unhealthy for this young woman. Recording this thing's overtures, in addition to the attendant fear and chaos; that is not positive. Even on a natural level, this is quite unhealthy. On a supernatural level; it's demonic and gaining ground.

To the poster: my counsel remains unaltered. Get the Catholic Holy water. Time may be important. But, it's your call, if and when you're ready. You're in my prayers.
seregirl (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
First off questionreality17, I don't know if you're still checking this, but if you are, I agree with many of the previous comments made by others here, and it's my opinion that you should seriously take them into consideration.

I admit, I have not had the same experience as you. But I have had a lot of experiences, some which I've posted here before, and others I have not. From my own experiences, I've learned that something which may appear innocent at first is usually just the first step for it turning into something else, or inviting other things in. Take the advice of others on this page, (if you haven't already) check out the stories of others about situations just like yours. Like I said, these situations start out innocently and grab your attention, but slowly it starts to transform and take over your life.

You stated that as your depression gets worse, the attention gets stronger? I do know that the spirits which attach themselves to people THRIVE off of negative energy! Someone else stated on here that spirits take energy sometimes from electronics and sometimes from the energies created by humans. You're exerting a strong, negative emotion for this thing to feed off of.

So if you're exerting a strong negative emotion, why would it continue to show "affection" towards you? Because the safer you feel with it, the more and more you're going to allow it into your life. And if you allow it into your life, it's going to have the chance to stay in your life and feed off of your energy. The more energy it has, the more powerful it can get.

Examine your life from a practical point of view, with reason. You said that you've experienced bad things before. I'm no expert, but I have had my own very personal experiences with spirits, and I've learned that sometimes "spirits" can influence things in your life and other people in your life. How do you think it could be affecting your family? Is anyone else in your close circle of family/friends depressed? Is anyone you know interested in the paranormal?

Spirits like this want to make you feel alone, so that you rely on the spirit for comfort. As I already said, it makes you feel comfortable so it can gain more control over you and your life. Don't question reality, keep a firm mind and keep your thoughts sharp. Depression is a feeding-tube for some spirits. I wouldn't trust this thing if I were you, and you're so young so you must be a prime target for it, because of all the fluctuating emotions you might naturally have in your life.

There are various ways to get rid of things like this. I hope you find the one that works for you, if that is what you decide you want.

Good luck, Be Careful
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
I am confused as to why everyone seems to be convinced its a demon honestly a few kisses for all you people know it could be a lover from a previous life also Joshua and Itow and jim its not a matter of getting rid of it that shes here for she is asking for help of a different sort so please help her find out what this is by a little good old fashioned research before we start lableing demons and begining witchhunts and yes I am saying this in total sincerity and meen no disrespect but even I'm not slinging sutras and salt she wants to know not to banish

Your freind
the Puppeteer
Joshua8888 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
Dear 17

You know what this is. You have read enough on here to know. Jitow is right. This is a demon. You are being seduced and set up for sexual encounters.

You said you are becoming depressed. Do not be deceived. The demon is the source of that even as it pretends to be comforting you. It is planting the seeds of destruction into your mind. It wants to use you then kill you.

Call out to Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins. Resist this thing. It is evil, even though it can put on the facade of goodness and the appearance of angel of light.

Pray to Jesus Christ to rid you of this thing. Become a believer in Jesus Christ to get rid of it totally. Otherwise, it will keep coming back.

Do you want to lose your soul?
snowhite (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
I like JimD and Jitow's comments. I don't think it is an angel or a spirit guide. If it is, there should not be so many kisses going on. The best thing to do is to get rid of it and live in a happy and real world.

Yes, if you say in the name of Jesus, I want you to leave. See how it responds.

I feel in a way you are depressed and isolated from others simply because this thing tries to control your mind. Sometimes you don't even know why you are so depressed.

That is just my opinion.
Pinkzilla (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
Okay, here's my take on your situation. I want to emphasize that this my opinion, what I believe to be happening. My beliefs may be different than yours and I don't want to offend you.

Like a few other posters I think that this spirit is your spirit guide. While reading your story, the first thing that popped into my head was spirit guide. I think this not only because of the fact that this spirit has been with you since birth, but that it has tried to comfort you during your bout with depression. Let me explain...

Before we begin our lives we sit down with our spirit guide and chart our life out. We decide everything that is going to happen. We decide who our parents are, where we live, our career paths, our illnesses, our hardships, our successes, EVERYTHING. Our goal is to perfect our souls and this takes lifetimes to accomplish. Our spirit gude stands by us as we go through life, encouraging us, supporting us, but never interfering with what we are destined to go through.

Your spirit guide is coming through strongly and frequently because of your difficulty with your depression. He/she is comforting you because you are going through a very rough time, he/she is supporting you without interfering. There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to your spirit guide. In fact it is a good thing. If it is helping you, don't stop. But even though you are begining to feel better, I would talk to a counselor or doctor to make sure you stay mentally healthy.

I hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how things are going.

butthead (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
first thought... Someone from a previous life who you perhaps held a close bond with.

2nd thought, possibly a gaurdian angel (the kissing does not make sense, though)

3rd thought, I do not any longer know what to think, as where people have commented suggesting this could be an incubus... I would not rule that idea out either.

Dont forget either, that anything with ill intent will trick/lie or do whatever it takes to win its target over. Whatever you do choose to do, I strongly suggest you DO NOT let yourself be isolated from everything else in your life, I mean, do not let your life evolve around communcation with this... Whatever it is. If it has ill intent, that is exactly what it will want.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
In regaurd to Jitow I will disregaurd that last comment because Though I hope it was not directed at me I cannot be sure. As to the advice of the learned JimD, I give one word of caution, Spirits are also known to hate being mistaken for something they are not. To offend this spirit could turn its attentions malevolent. Again it is up to but this spirit seems to be doing nothing but helping you I do not sence evil intent behind its actions my offer still stands to help you unravel the mistery of your freind
My best wishes what ever you choose.

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)

Just a few thoughts. You seem like a beautiful, sensitive young woman. I do feel that this spirit is slowly embedding itself in your life, quite adroitly and with a plan in mind. Because it follows you, it has established a connection with you at a certain level. I do feel that there's danger here.

Test my theory; the next time you "friendly ghost" visits, use the names of "Jesus and Mary help me". I do feel this may engender a reaction. BINGO. Satan hates being recognized. Then, you'll need Catholic Holy water, especially on your bed and especially at night, and you'll need a lot of it. Satan is a legalist, and will argue that it was given acceptance by you, at a certain level.

I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. If you need more, please email me at As I previously wrote, as a demonologist, I'm getting busy. Is Halloween approaching?

PS Thanks to the poster (you knowm who you are) who referred that other young woman to me. I helped her, and it fled. Thanks for sending her my way. God bless you all!
Autumnredowens (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
oh sorry and show him and tell him like how to turn it on by giving an example
Autumnredowens (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
You know like in the twilight saga that jacob is enprinted to renesme? Well maybe that's what is going on with you... Do you know like how old he is? Why is he there? Where is he from? When is he from? Take a flashlight with a button at the bottom and unscrew it enough where if you touch the end it turns on. Put it like in the middle of the room. Wait until you know hes there... Record the sestion with a video camera or even a camera with a video option so if you forget you can always review... So like on night when you have free time put the flashlight on the floor and say like "this won't hurt you... Turn it on when I get to your present age" then like start counting... And stuff like that... Hopefully it works good luck... And if you need to talk to me I'm on yahoo autumnredowens [at] ❤
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
No bother, I looked at your profile. I see that your comment came from years of experience. This stuff is real life not pokemon.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
Nephie, it is a true case from a book written by Fr. Malavhi Martin called hostage of the Devil. Did you google it and read it or just making a useless comment?
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
It sounds like a gaurdian ghost honestly there are many like him in this world. If you want someone to help you unravel the mystery of your incoporial freind I invite you to contact me through the email on my profile. I see absolutely no reason to fear or try to break contact with this particular spirit but should you choose we can discuss this at a later time. My greetings and best wishes to you and this spirit

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
Nephele (3 stories) (101 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
okay what does jamsie and uncle ponto have anything to do with this?
That was the most pointless thing I've ever read Jitow.
I honestly have no advice for this, I'm just interested and would like to find answers myself.

But overall I agree with BadJuuJuu, 666devilchicks, and CrunchyBB
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-25)
None of your reasoning is good enough reasoning to continue this "relationship". These things can speek any language that they choose. They do not rush, that are very very slow at their approach so as not to scare you. It will start at your feet and soon it will be touching you in inappropriate places. This is not a human spirit, does not sound like any of the traits. It sounds like a familiar, not a familiar spirit, a familier is a lower level entity that does not have as much power that other stronger entities but it still has to find a host or face its master with failure, which is not good for them. Its goal is to extremely slowly work its way in to a relationship with you, then it will begin to isolate you from your family and friends slowly until it is just you and the entity, then it opresses and even worse. Google:Jamsie and Uncle Ponto" and you will see a true story of how they work. Your situation is not that uncommon. If you are a loner of sorts and have any disfunction in your family, any kind of dipression or abuse and you don't go to church, makes one a prime candidate for this kind of spirit. You are not possessed but already showing signs of oppression by saying that you don't want to get rid of it. Sit back and take a rational look at this. You are 17 years old and you have something in your home interacting with you and you have absolutely no way of knowing what it is until it may be too late. Get a team in there, a priest, a deliverance team, something to remove this thing before it is too late. Even if it not something bad, it should not be there and a 17 year old girl should be spending her time doing and thinking of other things than this. Don't wait, do it now.
mementomori (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-24)
It sounds like maybe you two shared a past life together. I think he may be attached to you. I don't know what exactly you believe in and what you think may be far fetched. I have a friend who was in a similar situation. Your souls are probably connected. It's absolutely nothing to fear or be skeptical about. The universe is a wonderful thing.
666devilchicks (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-24)
though it sometimes it can be a bit dangerouse
I think that if you get or make an ouija board and try and comunicate with him you may get some answers ❤
Also if you tell him something like 'rub my arm for yes and rub my chin for no' you may be able to ask yes or no questions

Hope I helped 😁 ❤
shadowphil13 (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
BadJuuJuu has a point, a spiritual entity can only manifest itself by drawing energy to itself, you were unleashing strong energy allowing your "ghostly friend" to become stronger as it feed on your emotional energy. You're lucky that this spirit isn't dangerous. On top of that, who knows, 17, he might be your guardian spirit. However, if he is not what I think he is and if he starts to exhibit strange behavior and he causes poltergeist-like hauntings later in your life, get in contact with a nearby ghost hunter team and have them put the ghost to rest or if we ever meet and it stil follows you around, I can send him to paradise. My girlfriend is a psychic (although still learning her full potential) can help you out, too. In my opinion any kind of ghost that walks on the living world, good or bad, must rest in peace no matter the consequences.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
You mentioned you are dealing with depression. Are you getting any help for that? A doctor can prescribe some antidepressant medication. A school counsellor could give you someone to talk to. If you aren't getting help, go get help. Trust me, you don't want to let the depression take over.
Depression is an emotional energy, an extreme emotional energy. Entities have no energy of their own, and use energy from other sources, sometimes drawing power from electronics, sometimes drawing emotional energy from humans. Right now, you are in a situation where you are putting out some very strong emotion, which is in turn powering this entity that is sharing your space.
You have mentioned psychics telling you this being is following you. I would recommend getting in touch with one of those psychics and asking for more answers.

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